

本文为南非开普敦大学(作者:Marc Brooker)的博士论文,共186页。






This thesis presents the design and implementation of a signal level simulator supporting a wide variety of radar systems, and focusing on multistatic and netted radars. The simulator places few limits on the simulated system, and supports systems with arbitrary numbers of receivers, transmitters, and scatterers. Similarly, the simulator places no restrictions on the radar waveform to be simulated, and supports pulsed, continuous wave (CW) and carrier-free radar systems. A flexible model is used to describe the radar system to be simulated, with the parameters of the radar hardware, the properties of scatterers and the layout of objects in the simulated environment specified in XML format. The development of the simulation model focused on balancing the requirements of flexibility and usability, ensuring that the model can be efficiently used to represent any type of radar system. Oscillator phase noise is a limiting factor on the performance of some types of radar systems. The development of a model for the deterministic and static components of phase noise is presented. Based on this model, an algorithm for the efficient generation of synthetic phase noise sequences was developed, based on a multirate signal processing approach. This thesis presents this algorithm, and results of simulations of the effects of phase noise on synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and pulse-Doppler radar systems. The FERS simulator, an implementation of the simulation model presented in this thesis, was developed in the C++ and Python programming languages. This simulator is able to perform real-time simulation of some common radar configurations on commodity PC hardware, taking advantage of multicore and multiprocessor machines. FERS has been released as open source software under the GNU general public licence (GPL). Validation of the simulator output was performed by comparison of simulation results with both theory and measurements. The simulator output was found to be accurate for a wide variety of radar systems, including netted pulse-Doppler, moving target indication (MTI) and synthetic aperture (SAR) radar systems.

1 引言

1.1 研究目标

1.2 研究的重要性

1.3 本文组织结构

1.4 原创性声明

2 离散时间的雷达仿真模型

2.1 引言

2.2 环境模型

2.3 硬件模型

2.4 结论

3 时频仿真

3.1 引言

3.2 频率源随机模型

3.3 合成相位噪声序列的产生

3.4 多速率滤波器与噪声产生

3.5 基于多速率滤波器的相位噪声生成

3.6 脉冲雷达的有效噪声合成

3.7 振荡器特性对雷达信号的影响

3.8 结论

4 模拟器开发

4.1 引言

4.2 软件结构与实现

4.3 分数阶延迟滤波器设计

4.4 结论

5 模拟器精度验证

5.1 引言

5.2 模拟器与理论预测的比较

5.3 模拟器与测量值的比较

5.4 相位噪声效应仿真

5.5 结论

6 结论

6.1 总结与本文贡献

6.2 未来工作研究展望

附录A 随机仿真

附录A.1 引言

附录A.2 双基地脉冲多普勒雷达

附录A.3 合成孔径雷达SAR

附录A.4 结论

附录B 仿真模型的局限性

附录B.1 引言

附录B.2 线性特性

附录B.3 多散射体



