Android IOT 代码-立哥开发

Copy right by Jacky Zong ,Vison 1.31

Connect Anduino is a platform with Android apps to control
Arduino or any other microcontroller using various features
like Bluetooth, USB OTG, WiFi and even IoT.
There are lots of features available like
– RGB Slider
– Sensor
– Notification
– Graph and lot more
So that you can build what you want.

This is the example of fetching the data from the Connect Anduino server and
changing the connected device state accordingly, Using this code you can connect
and controll any device connected to your IoT hub.
IoT Functions
– CA_HOST() -> Gets host website address
– CA_APIROOT() -> Gets the api address for communication
– String getJSON(String payload, String deviceAccessId) -> Returns the value of the deviceId you want from the payload you set
Connections NodeMCU
Connect LED/Device on pin D1 and D2
Similarly use other pins to connect and control more devices
Code Tested on: NodeMCU, ESP8266
Note: Install the board from the ESP8266 community in the arduino software

Note: Required library are ESP8266WiFi.h and ESP8266HTTPClient.h
Please make sure to select the right board in the Tools -> Board:

Connect_Anduino_IoT iot_ca;
HTTPClient http;

String fingerprint = “YOUR_FINGERPRINT”; //You will find the fingerprint on the Connect Anduino android app IoT section
String roomAccessId = “YOUR_ROOM_ACCESSID”; //You will find the access id for room on the Connect Anduino android app IoT section
String deviceAccessId_1 = “YOUR_DEVICE_ACCESSID 1”; //You will find the access id for device on the Connect Anduino android app IoT section
String deviceAccessId_2 = “YOUR_DEVICE_ACCESSID 2”; //You will find the access id for device on the Connect Anduino android app IoT section
String url;
String payload;

void ConnectNetwork(void);

void setup() {
url = String(iot_ca.CA_HOST()) + iot_ca.CA_APIROOT(); //Gets the url for connections

//Setting the device connected on the pins
pinMode(D1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(D2, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(D1, LOW);
digitalWrite(D2, LOW);


void loop() {
fetchRequest(roomAccessId); //Fetch all device status present in the room with the specified id
Serial.print(F("Device 1: ")); //Comment if no display is required
if(iot_ca.getJSON(payload, deviceAccessId_1) == “1”) { //Gets the state of the device with the specified id
digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); //Turns device 1 ON
Serial.println(F(“ON”)); //Comment if no display is required
else {
digitalWrite(D1, LOW); //Turns device 1 OFF
Serial.println(F(“OFF”)); //Comment if no display is required
Serial.print(F("Device 2: "));
if(iot_ca.getJSON(payload, deviceAccessId_2) == “1”) { //Gets the state of the device with the specified id
digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); //Turns device 2 ON
Serial.println(F(“ON”)); //Comment if no display is required
else {
digitalWrite(D2, LOW); //Turns device 2 OFF
Serial.println(F(“OFF”)); //Comment if no display is required
delay(2000); //Adding a delay is fine so that you don’t bother the server too frequently…

void fetchRequest(String id){
String postData = “fingerprint=”+fingerprint+"&accessid="+id; //Prepares the post data for fetching the data from the server
http.addHeader(“Content-Type”, “application/x-www-form-urlencoded”); //This is something you dont want to miss
int httpCode = http.POST(postData); //Get the response which is a HTTP code (200 is the OK)
payload = http.getString(); //Gets the response from the server
//Serial.println(httpCode); //Displays the HTTP code
//Serial.println(payload); //Displays the string (Response you get from the server is in JSON format)
http.end(); //You might want to end the connection after you get the response

// Network connect
void ConnectNetwork() {
Serial.print(F("\n\nConnecting to Network: "));
Serial.print(F("Password of Network: "));
for (int i = 0; WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED; i++) {
if (i < 40) {
} else {
Serial.print(F("Failed to "));
