

Purely integer-location based indexing for selection by position.
 |  ``.iloc[]`` is primarily integer position based (from ``0`` to
 |  ``length-1`` of the axis), but may also be used with a boolean
 |  array.
 |  Allowed inputs are:
	- An integer, e.g. ``5``.
 |  - A list or array of integers, e.g. ``[4, 3, 0]``. # 列表
 |  - A slice object with ints, e.g. ``1:7``. # 切片
 |  - A boolean array. # 判断型boolean
 |  - A ``callable`` function with one argument  # 仅有一个参数的函数


>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.read_excel(r'D:\myExcel\1.xlsx', 'Sheet1')
>>> df
     name  math  science
0     bob    23       12
1  millor    32       32
2   jiken    61       89
3     tom    34       94
4    json    83       12
5    dela    96       67
6   rison    90       34
# 查询单行。列表第一个参数表示行,第二个表示列
>>> df.iloc[0]
name       bob
math        23
science     12
Name: 0, dtype: object
# 查询单列,行用切片表示,:前后无值表示所有行
>>> df.iloc[:,0]
0       bob
1    millor
2     jiken
3       tom
4      json
5      dela
6     rison
Name: name, dtype: object
# 使用列表查询指定的某些完整行,
>>> df.iloc[[1,3,5]]
     name  math  science
1  millor    32       32
3     tom    34       94
5    dela    96       67
# 使用切片查询第1,2行第0列的数据
>>> df.iloc[1:3, [0]]
1  millor
2   jiken

