Warning 534: Ignoring return value of function 'printf

534 Ignoring return value of function ' Symbol ' (compare with
Location ) -- A function that returns a value is called just for side effects as, for
example, in a statement by itself or the left-hand side of a comma operator. Try:
(void) function(); to call a function and ignore its return value. See also the fvr ,

fvo and fdr flags in Section 5.5 Flag Options.

fvr Varying Return mode flag (default OFF).
+fvr -fvr ++fvr --fvr
The return mode has to do with whether particular functions do, or do not, return a value.
If this flag is ON when a function is defined or declared, then the function does not have to
be consistent in this respect. Error messages arising out of an incompatibility between
calls to the function and the function declaration or between two calls or between return
statements and either of the above are inhibited. For example, since
strcpy() returns a
string (in most standard libraries) and since the string is seldom used, it would be wise to
set this flag ON for at least one of the declarations of
strcpy() .
This flag, once widely used, is now being replaced by the more concise:
-esym( 534, Symbol1 , nSymbol2 , ... )

在 *.lnt文件加入

-esym( 534, printf)
