我所有可靠的加密货币交易智慧都在这了(All My Trusty Crypto Trading Wisdom in One Spot)

我所有可靠的加密货币交易智慧都在这了(All My Trusty Crypto Trading Wisdom in One Spot)

作者: Daniel Jeffries
译者:区块链中文字幕组 荆凯

我所有可靠的加密货币交易智慧都在这了(All My Trusty Crypto Trading Wisdom in One Spot)_第1张图片

It seems more and more of you are tuning into my channel because of my crypto trading articles. That’s humbling and wonderful at the same time.

It’s also completely unexpected.

似乎越来越多的人因为我的 加密货币交易的文章而进入我的频道的。这令人谦卑,同时也很美妙。

While I’ve worked hard to level up my trading skills, I really only started sharing what I’d learned because that’s what I love to do, share knowledge. I love open sourcing my ideas. I grew up in the open source software world and now I’m doing my best to make knowledge open source.


That’s why I share everything I’ve learned right here on Medium, Hacker Noonand Strategic Coin.

这是我为何要在Medium这里, Hacker NoonStrategic Coin分享我所学到的一切了。

To make it easier on you I decided to sit down and round up my greatest crypto resources in one place to help you in your quest to get stronger and stronger at trading.


Let’s do this! 来吧,我们开始吧!

The Best of the Best 最好的一篇

我所有可靠的加密货币交易智慧都在这了(All My Trusty Crypto Trading Wisdom in One Spot)_第2张图片

By far the mostly widely read trading article of mine is Mastering Shitcoins, The Poor Man’s Guide to Getting Crypto Rich.

目前为止,我的所有文章之中,被阅读最多的是这一篇: Mastering Shitcoins, 穷人的加密货币致富指南.

The title is one of my personal favorites. It’s a parody of the fantastic book, Mastering Bitcoin, by the unparalleled Bitcoin guru, Andreas Antonopoulos.

标题是我的个人偏好. 它是对这本神奇书籍的标题的拙劣模仿, Mastering Bitcoin, 这本书是由无与伦比的Bitcoin 大师 Andreas Antonopoulos所写的。

I think it’s the most popular because everyone wants a chance to cash in on the crypto boom but not everyone has the time to sit in front of a monitor all day. If you’ve got a family, a full time job, pets and kids, you just don’t have the time to stay glued to that flat screen. If that’s you then Mastering Shitcoins is the one you want. It’s a breakdown of my long term buy and hold strategy and it’s the best choice for a busy lifestyle.

这篇文字之所以成为我最受欢迎的文章,是因为每个人都希望有机会在加密货币爆发式发展中赚到钱,但不是每个人都有时间整天坐在显示器前。如果你有家庭,有一份全职工作,有宠物和孩子,你确实就是没有时间盯着显示器。如果这说的就是你,那么,Mastering Shitcoins, 穷人的加密货币致富指南这篇文章就是你所需要的。这是对我的长期购买和持有策略(long term buy and hold strategy)的分解阐释,对于处于忙碌生活方式之中的你,这是最好的选择。

My latest article, How to Crush the Crypto Market, Quit Your Job, Move to Paradise and Do Whatever You Want for the Rest of Your Life, exploded out of the gate and it’s quickly creeping up on Mastering Shitcoins. It’s probably the exact opposite of that article and focuses exclusively on crushing the parabolic swing trade, the ultimate trade in any market. If you love trading, pouring over charts and white papers, all while prowling Discord and Slack channels then this one is filled with some hard earned wisdom.

我最近的一篇文章, 如何碾压加密货币市场, 辞掉工作,搬往天堂,做任何你想做的事情破门而出,正在迅速赶超Mastering Shitcoins那篇文章。它可能与上一篇文章正好相反,只专注于碾压抛物线型的波段交易,在任何市场上的最终交易**。如果你喜欢交易,一心扑在表格和白纸上,每时每刻都徘徊在Discord(一款实时通话软件,译者注)和Slack的频道中, 这篇文章充满了一些辛苦得来的智慧。

Going back a bit, we come to the first article I ever wrote on trading, The Cryptocurrency Trading Bible. It’s still a strong read but if I’m being honest I still had a lot to learn. I had the mentality right and the psychology but I was still over trading and taking too many dumb risks, even if I didn’t really know it.

往回去一点, 我们来看看我所写的关于交易的第一篇文章,(加密货币交易圣经)(https://hackernoon.com/the-cryptocurrency-trading-bible-43d0c57e3fe6)。这仍然是一篇很好的读物,但是如果足够诚实,我得说那时候的我确实还有很多要学的。我的想法是对的,心态也正确,但我仍然过度交易,承担了太多愚蠢的风险,即使我并不真正知道这些。

In fact, it’s safe to say that no matter how good you get at anything in life, there’s always another lesson waiting for you around the corner.


There’s an old Zen proverb that fits this perfectly:

“What does the student do? Chops wood and carries buckets of water. What does the master do? Chops wood and carries buckets of water.”

开悟之前,砍柴挑水. 开悟之后,砍柴挑水。

In other words, just because you learn something doesn’t mean you get to stop doing the work. You have to keep grinding, keep pushing to get smarter and faster and stronger. You have to strive to see yourself clearly, to see your mistakes without judgement and get them fixed fast.

换句话说,你学到了一些东西, 并不意味着因此你就要停止工作。你必须不断地磨砺自己,不断努力,使自己变得更聪明、更快、更强大。你必须努力看清你自己,不作判断地看到自己的错误,并且快速修正。

The second article in the series, Cryptocurrency Trading Bible Two: The Seven Deadly Sins of Technical Analysis, was a power boost up for me. It marked the beginning of my personal breakout. I stopped looking at patterns I’d learned in various TA books and started looking for my own patterns. I realized that a lot of patterns are bullshit and that almost everything is a channel that goes up, down or sideways.

这一系列的第二篇文章, 加密货币交易圣经第二篇: 技术分析的七宗罪, 对我来说是一次力量的提升。这标志着我个人突破的开始。我不再去关注我从各类技术分析书籍里所学到的模式,而是开始寻找自己的模式。我意识到很多模式都是扯淡,几乎所有的东西,都是一个向上、向下或横向的通道。

Once you can start to see your own patterns, instead of relying on the ones handed down to you, the whole market changes.


Books, Books, Books

A lot of books have helped me along the way. I’m betting they’ll help you too. Developing a life long love of learning is the way to get better at anything you try your hand at in this life.


我所有可靠的加密货币交易智慧都在这了(All My Trusty Crypto Trading Wisdom in One Spot)_第3张图片

Hands down my absolute favorite book on trading is Insider Buy Superstocks: The Super Laws of How I Turned $46K into $6.8 Million (14,972%) in 28 Months by Jesse C. Stine. This guy made millions in the regular markets, delivering the kind of returns rarely seen outside of the modern crypto markets. It’s my current bible and it forms the foundation of any good trading education. Don’t even think about it, just grab it right now. It will blow your mind.

我最喜欢的一本关于交易的书是《内幕交易: 我如何在28个月里把46K美元变成680万美元(14972%)的超级法则》,杰西·c·斯丁(Jesse C. Stine)著。这哥们在常规市场上赚了几百万,在现代加密货币市场之外很少见到这种回报。这是我现在的圣经,它是任何良好的交易教育的基础。想都不用去想,现在就抓住它。它会让你感到震撼。

Way of the Turtle, the Secret Methods that Turned Ordinary People into Legendary Traders by Curtis M. Faith, one of the original turtles, is a masterpiece of understanding market psychology. It’s not enough to conquer the fundamentals of entries and exits. Far more important is mastering your emotions and your ability to look deep into the future with great patience.

《海龟交易法则: 把普通人变成传奇商人的秘密方法》,作者是Curtis M. Faith -- 最早的海龟交易员之一。这本书是理解市场心理的杰作。仅仅掌握进场和退出的基础是不够的。更重要的是要学会控制自己的情绪,以及用极大的耐心去展望未来的能力。

To master trading you have to master yourself.


There’s also the companion to that book, The Complete Turtle Trader, by an author who studied the Turtles and their story extensively, Michael W. Covel. While Way of the Turtle is more about the emotional journey, Covel focuses on their mechanical trading system, which is a basically a heuristic rule set designed to take the emotions out of trading and put statistics to work in your favor over the long run.

另外还有一本相关的书, 海龟交易员大全,作者是迈克尔·w·科维尔(Michael W. Covel),他广泛研究了海龟交易员和他们的故事。《海龟交易法则》一书关注更多的是情绪的历程,而Covel则专注于他们的机械交易系统,这基本上是一种启发式规则集,旨在将情绪从交易中剔除,并利用统计数据,以便能获得长期的收益。

我所有可靠的加密货币交易智慧都在这了(All My Trusty Crypto Trading Wisdom in One Spot)_第4张图片

Covel is the only author with two books on this list. His other book, Trend Following: How to Make a Fortune in Bull, Bear and Black Swan Markets, goes well beyond the Turtles and looks at other fantastic trend followers. Trend following is a very specific style of trading that doesn’t try to predict reversals in the market. It just looks to confirm them and run with them. Let others figure out if Bitcoin is going to $11,000, $8,000 or $4,000. A trend follower just hops back on the rocket after it turns around for good.

我的这个书单中,只有Covel才同时有两本书都被收入了. 他的另外一本书,趋势交易: 如何在熊市牛市和黑天鹅市场中赚钱,不只关注海龟交易,还讲述了其他一些出色的趋势交易者。趋势跟踪是一种非常具体的交易风格,它不会试图预测市场的反转。它只是想确认它们并与它们一起运行。比特币的价格会是11000美元、8000美元或4000美元?还是让其他人来算吧。一个趋势跟随者只是在形势转好后,才会回到火箭上。

We’re Going Back to the Future 我们正回到未来

But I don’t just look at the markets. As a futurist, I spend a lot of my time gazing into the misty depths of time, trying to figure out where all this crypto stuff is going.


What does it mean for the world? Is it good? Is it evil? Is it both? Does it really matter and why?

这对世界而言意味着什么?是好还是坏? 还是两者都是? 这真的重要吗? 为什么?

If you don’t do that, how will you have any idea what projects have a good chance to succeed and which ones will crash harder than a lead zeppelin?


That’s why I poured all my thoughts into a series of articles that focus on what Bitcoin and crypto will become as they morph and change over the coming years. Those articles rippled out and touched many people on a totally different level. Because of these little musings of mine I’ve had the privilege to meet some of the most amazing people on the planet and I’ve had a chance to consult on some incredible projects.


That brings us to the two most widely read articles I’ve ever written. These are really sister articles. They go together and form the foundation of my theories about the future.


The first is Why Everyone Missed the Most Important Invention of the Last Five Hundred Years. While it may seem strange, the most groundbreaking inventions in history aren’t the Internet or the steam engine or the car or the smart phone.

第一篇是 为什么每个人都忽略了过去五百年间最重要的发明. 虽然这看起来很奇怪,但历史上最具突破性的发明并不是互联网、蒸汽机、汽车或智能手机。

Believe it or not, it was an accounting breakthrough that sent merchant ships surging around the world in the 1500's, brings goods from near and far.


Accounting innovations are super rare. In fact, there’s really only been two in the entire history of the planet.


Until now. 直到现在。

Bitcoin marks the beginning of a new era in accounting: triple entry accounting.

比特币标志着会计学新时代的开始: 三式记账法。

And every time there’s a breakthrough in accounting, it’s accompanied by a parabolic surge in innovation, creativity and economic complexity.


Math moves civilizations. 数学推动了文明的发展。

我所有可靠的加密货币交易智慧都在这了(All My Trusty Crypto Trading Wisdom in One Spot)_第5张图片

The follow up to that article, Why Everyone Missed the Most Mind-Blowing Feature of Cryptocurrency, is my most far reaching piece by a huge margin and for good reason. In it I outline how we can not only print money without a central authority but distribute it in a totally new way. It seems simple on the surface, but it’s an idea that can change everything that’s wrong with the world, if we get it right.

文章的续篇, 为何每个人都忽略了加密货币中最震撼人心的特性,成为了我影响最深远的作品,这是有充分理由的。在这篇文章中,我概述了在没有中央权威的情况下,我们不只可以印刷金钱,还可以用一种全新的方式发行金钱。表面看起来简单,但这是一个可以改变世界上所有错误的主意,如果我们做对了的话。

Following on the heels of that article, I laid out practical steps for exactly how a company or project could go about distributing money far and wide across the economic playing field with Gamifying the Delivery of Money. This article has inspired dozens of projects and it’s the foundation of how we can build a parallel economic operating system for the world, one that brings an avalanche of new players into the great game of economics and life and bootstraps our civilization to an incredible new level.

那篇文章后, 我写了另外一篇文章(货币分发的游戏化)(https://hackernoon.com/gamifying-the-delivery-of-money-c55c25cecaee),写到了一些实用步骤,一个公司或者一个项目可以使用这些步骤在经济领域广泛分发货币。这篇文章激励了几十个项目,它是我们建立世界的平行经济操作系统的基础,这个系统将把大量的新玩家带入到经济和生活的伟大游戏中,并引导我们的文明达到一个令人难以置信的新水平。

After ripping through that mind-bending monster you may need a little break to catch your breath. When you’re ready to come back you can check out Reflections on the Best Blockchain Tweets Ever Written.

在读完了这篇令人费解的怪物一般的文章后,你可能需要停下来歇一会,喘口气。当你准备回来你可以查看这篇文章: [对史上最好的Blockchain Tweets的思考)(https://hackernoon.com/reflections-on-the-best-blockchain-tweets-ever-written-d488af960d4f)。

我所有可靠的加密货币交易智慧都在这了(All My Trusty Crypto Trading Wisdom in One Spot)_第6张图片

I’ve followed Naval Ravikant’s tweets and talks for years. He’s one of the thinkers I most admire in this space and others. No question, he’s a genius, even if he’s too humble to admit it. After an epic tweet storm that took my breath away, I just knew I had to write an article reflecting on all the wisdom he’d dished out in under 140 characters like a Haiku master.

我关注了 Naval Ravikant的twitter 和演讲多年. 他是我最敬佩的思想家之一。毫无疑问,他是个天才,他很谦虚,自己并不承认。在一场令我惊叹不已的史诗般的推特风暴之后,我知道我必须写一篇文章,来反思他在140个字符(如俳句大师一般)中所拥有的智慧。

Lastly, What Will Bitcoin Look Like in Twenty Years is my most comprehensive look at the future and it’s filled with everything I’ve ever imagined for crypto and technology. It’s the type of article that will look profoundly prophetic or tremendously foolish in twenty years but I took a chance, put myself out there and wrote it anyway.

最后,What Will Bitcoin Look Like in Twenty Years,是我对未来最全面的观察, 里面充满了一切我所想像过的加密货币和技术。它属于这种类型的文章:在二十年后看来,要么很有先见之明,要么就显得极其愚蠢。但我还是抓住机会,不管怎样都先写了。

The Most Important Article I Ever Wrote is the One Nobody Reads


If I’m being honest, I’ve made a lot of mistakes in this life.


One of my fans jokingly called me Master Yoda the other day but when I look back at my life I see anything but a master. I see a long, strange trip with a lot of screw ups.

有一天,我的一个粉丝开玩笑地叫我尤达大师( Master Yoda),但当我回头看我的生活时,却根本没有什么大师。我看到了一段很长很怪异的旅程,其中很多次搞砸了。

我所有可靠的加密货币交易智慧都在这了(All My Trusty Crypto Trading Wisdom in One Spot)_第7张图片

I spent a huge chunk of my life angry and bitter at the world, I chased phantom riches, threw myself into work I hated instead of focusing on what I love, wasted time, money and relationships, threw away countless opportunities and so much more.


I know I’m not alone. That’s the journey of life.


But I no longer look back in regret. All these mistakes made me who I am and I wouldn’t change it for anything.


Yet there is something different about me these days. I’m enjoying life and the people around me and focused on the things I love, as well as giving back to the Universe for all it’s given me.


And when I think back to where things really started to change for me, one moment comes to mind:
It’s where I finally realized that giving is the best way to receive.

It’s an old cliche, the kind you step over and ignore on the way to looking for something more complex. But this simple truth made me an “overnight success” after a decade of false starts and tears and sweat.


我所有可靠的加密货币交易智慧都在这了(All My Trusty Crypto Trading Wisdom in One Spot)_第8张图片

Once I understood that the great economic pie of life is *not fixed in size at all *and that we don’t all have to fight over every scrap, and that the pie grows constantly, that’s when I started to really turn my life around and when people finally listened to what I had to say.

生活中的经济蛋糕并不是大小固定的, 我们不需要去争夺每一块蛋糕, 并且蛋糕也在持续增长, 一旦我明白了这一些,我真正开始转变了我的生活,人们也才最终听到了我所要说的。

In the past I only imagined I had something to share but really I was trapped in my own spiral of self-delusion and negative belief systems just like so many poor suffering folks on every corner of the Earth. It’s only when I let these useless thoughts go, when I focused on giving away everything I’d learned without reservations or strings attached, when I forgave myself and others, when I saw other people as people and not objects or obstacles to step over that all of life really started to open up to me.

在过去,我只是想象过我有一些东西可以分享,但实际上我陷入了自我欺骗和消极信念的漩涡中,就像那些可怜的受苦受难的人们一样,他们在地球上的每一个角落。只有当我放开这些无用的想法, 专注于毫无保留、没有附加条件的给予我学到的东西, 当我原谅自己和他人, 当我把别人当作是人类, 而不是要踏着他们向上爬的对象或障碍的时候, 生活的全部,才真正开始对我开放。

It can happen for you too, if only you change how you see the world.

That’s what this article is all about, changing your mind to change your life.

这是 这篇文章的全部意思,改变自己的生活,先要改变自己的想法。

Medium liked it so much they recorded it for me for free. The link is right at the top so you can listen to it if you like.

Medium很喜欢它,他们免费为我录制了音频. 链接在那篇文章的正上方,如果喜欢的话,你们可以听一下。

If you only read one article, read that one. It’s not about trading but it’s a heck of a lot more important if you want to succeed at whatever you want to do in this crazy fun house called life.


Thanks for listening.







荆凯(shuke0327) 区块链技术爱好者,程序员,坚信区块链将会改变潮水的方向,欢迎关注我的公众号: 增长之道



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