CC = gcc
#Using -Ofast instead of -O3 might result in faster code, but is supported only by newer GCC versions
CFLAGS = -lm -pthread -O3 -march=native -Wall -funroll-loops -Wno-unused-result
all: word2vec word2phrase distance word-analogy compute-accuracy
word2vec : word2vec.c
$(CC) word2vec.c -o word2vec $(CFLAGS)
word2phrase : word2phrase.c
$(CC) word2phrase.c -o word2phrase $(CFLAGS)
distance : distance.c
$(CC) distance.c -o distance $(CFLAGS)
word-analogy : word-analogy.c
$(CC) word-analogy.c -o word-analogy $(CFLAGS)
compute-accuracy : compute-accuracy.c
$(CC) compute-accuracy.c -o compute-accuracy $(CFLAGS)
chmod +x *.sh
rm -rf word2vec word2phrase distance word-analogy compute-accuracy
// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#define MAX_STRING 100
#define EXP_TABLE_SIZE 1000
#define MAX_EXP 6
#define MAX_CODE_LENGTH 40
const int vocab_hash_size = 30000000; // Maximum 30 * 0.7 = 21M words in the vocabulary
typedef float real; // Precision of float numbers
struct vocab_word {
long long cn;
int *point;
char *word, *code, codelen;
char train_file[MAX_STRING], output_file[MAX_STRING];
char save_vocab_file[MAX_STRING], read_vocab_file[MAX_STRING];
struct vocab_word *vocab;
int binary = 0, cbow = 1, debug_mode = 2, window = 5, min_count = 5, num_threads = 12, min_reduce = 1;
int *vocab_hash;
long long vocab_max_size = 1000, vocab_size = 0, layer1_size = 100;
long long train_words = 0, word_count_actual = 0, iter = 5, file_size = 0, classes = 0;
real alpha = 0.025, starting_alpha, sample = 1e-3;
real *syn0, *syn1, *syn1neg, *expTable;
clock_t start;
int hs = 0, negative = 5;
const int table_size = 1e8;
int *table;
void InitUnigramTable() {
int a, i;
double train_words_pow = 0;
double d1, power = 0.75;
table = (int *)malloc(table_size * sizeof(int));
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) train_words_pow += pow(vocab[a].cn, power);
i = 0;
d1 = pow(vocab[i].cn, power) / train_words_pow;
for (a = 0; a < table_size; a++) {
table[a] = i;
if (a / (double)table_size > d1) {
d1 += pow(vocab[i].cn, power) / train_words_pow;
if (i >= vocab_size) i = vocab_size - 1;
// Reads a single word from a file, assuming space + tab + EOL to be word boundaries
void ReadWord(char *word, FILE *fin, char *eof) {
int a = 0, ch;
while (1) {
ch = fgetc_unlocked(fin);
if (ch == EOF) {
*eof = 1;
if (ch == 13) continue;
if ((ch == ' ') || (ch == '\t') || (ch == '\n')) {
if (a > 0) {
if (ch == '\n') ungetc(ch, fin);
if (ch == '\n') {
strcpy(word, (char *)"");
} else continue;
word[a] = ch;
if (a >= MAX_STRING - 1) a--; // Truncate too long words
word[a] = 0;
// Returns hash value of a word
int GetWordHash(char *word) {
unsigned long long a, hash = 0;
for (a = 0; a < strlen(word); a++) hash = hash * 257 + word[a];
hash = hash % vocab_hash_size;
return hash;
// Returns position of a word in the vocabulary; if the word is not found, returns -1
int SearchVocab(char *word) {
unsigned int hash = GetWordHash(word);
while (1) {
if (vocab_hash[hash] == -1) return -1;
if (!strcmp(word, vocab[vocab_hash[hash]].word)) return vocab_hash[hash];
hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;
return -1;
// Reads a word and returns its index in the vocabulary
int ReadWordIndex(FILE *fin, char *eof) {
char word[MAX_STRING], eof_l = 0;
ReadWord(word, fin, &eof_l);
if (eof_l) {
*eof = 1;
return -1;
return SearchVocab(word);
// Adds a word to the vocabulary
int AddWordToVocab(char *word) {
unsigned int hash, length = strlen(word) + 1;
if (length > MAX_STRING) length = MAX_STRING;
vocab[vocab_size].word = (char *)calloc(length, sizeof(char));
strcpy(vocab[vocab_size].word, word);
vocab[vocab_size].cn = 0;
// Reallocate memory if needed
if (vocab_size + 2 >= vocab_max_size) {
vocab_max_size += 1000;
vocab = (struct vocab_word *)realloc(vocab, vocab_max_size * sizeof(struct vocab_word));
hash = GetWordHash(word);
while (vocab_hash[hash] != -1) hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;
vocab_hash[hash] = vocab_size - 1;
return vocab_size - 1;
// Used later for sorting by word counts
int VocabCompare(const void *a, const void *b) {
long long l = ((struct vocab_word *)b)->cn - ((struct vocab_word *)a)->cn;
if (l > 0) return 1;
if (l < 0) return -1;
return 0;
// Sorts the vocabulary by frequency using word counts
void SortVocab() {
int a, size;
unsigned int hash;
// Sort the vocabulary and keep at the first position
qsort(&vocab[1], vocab_size - 1, sizeof(struct vocab_word), VocabCompare);
for (a = 0; a < vocab_hash_size; a++) vocab_hash[a] = -1;
size = vocab_size;
train_words = 0;
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) {
// Words occuring less than min_count times will be discarded from the vocab
if ((vocab[a].cn < min_count) && (a != 0)) {
} else {
// Hash will be re-computed, as after the sorting it is not actual
while (vocab_hash[hash] != -1) hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;
vocab_hash[hash] = a;
train_words += vocab[a].cn;
vocab = (struct vocab_word *)realloc(vocab, (vocab_size + 1) * sizeof(struct vocab_word));
// Allocate memory for the binary tree construction
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) {
vocab[a].code = (char *)calloc(MAX_CODE_LENGTH, sizeof(char));
vocab[a].point = (int *)calloc(MAX_CODE_LENGTH, sizeof(int));
// Reduces the vocabulary by removing infrequent tokens
void ReduceVocab() {
int a, b = 0;
unsigned int hash;
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) if (vocab[a].cn > min_reduce) {
vocab[b].cn = vocab[a].cn;
vocab[b].word = vocab[a].word;
} else free(vocab[a].word);
vocab_size = b;
for (a = 0; a < vocab_hash_size; a++) vocab_hash[a] = -1;
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) {
// Hash will be re-computed, as it is not actual
hash = GetWordHash(vocab[a].word);
while (vocab_hash[hash] != -1) hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;
vocab_hash[hash] = a;
// Create binary Huffman tree using the word counts
// Frequent words will have short uniqe binary codes
void CreateBinaryTree() {
long long a, b, i, min1i, min2i, pos1, pos2, point[MAX_CODE_LENGTH];
char code[MAX_CODE_LENGTH];
long long *count = (long long *)calloc(vocab_size * 2 + 1, sizeof(long long));
long long *binary = (long long *)calloc(vocab_size * 2 + 1, sizeof(long long));
long long *parent_node = (long long *)calloc(vocab_size * 2 + 1, sizeof(long long));
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) count[a] = vocab[a].cn;
for (a = vocab_size; a < vocab_size * 2; a++) count[a] = 1e15;
pos1 = vocab_size - 1;
pos2 = vocab_size;
// Following algorithm constructs the Huffman tree by adding one node at a time
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size - 1; a++) {
// First, find two smallest nodes 'min1, min2'
if (pos1 >= 0) {
if (count[pos1] < count[pos2]) {
min1i = pos1;
} else {
min1i = pos2;
} else {
min1i = pos2;
if (pos1 >= 0) {
if (count[pos1] < count[pos2]) {
min2i = pos1;
} else {
min2i = pos2;
} else {
min2i = pos2;
count[vocab_size + a] = count[min1i] + count[min2i];
parent_node[min1i] = vocab_size + a;
parent_node[min2i] = vocab_size + a;
binary[min2i] = 1;
// Now assign binary code to each vocabulary word
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) {
b = a;
i = 0;
while (1) {
code[i] = binary[b];
point[i] = b;
b = parent_node[b];
if (b == vocab_size * 2 - 2) break;
vocab[a].codelen = i;
vocab[a].point[0] = vocab_size - 2;
for (b = 0; b < i; b++) {
vocab[a].code[i - b - 1] = code[b];
vocab[a].point[i - b] = point[b] - vocab_size;
void LearnVocabFromTrainFile() {
char word[MAX_STRING], eof = 0;
FILE *fin;
long long a, i, wc = 0;
for (a = 0; a < vocab_hash_size; a++) vocab_hash[a] = -1;
fin = fopen(train_file, "rb");
if (fin == NULL) {
printf("ERROR: training data file not found!\n");
vocab_size = 0;
AddWordToVocab((char *)"");
while (1) {
ReadWord(word, fin, &eof);
if (eof) break;
if ((debug_mode > 1) && (wc >= 1000000)) {
printf("%lldM%c", train_words / 1000000, 13);
wc = 0;
i = SearchVocab(word);
if (i == -1) {
a = AddWordToVocab(word);
vocab[a].cn = 1;
} else vocab[i].cn++;
if (vocab_size > vocab_hash_size * 0.7) ReduceVocab();
if (debug_mode > 0) {
printf("Vocab size: %lld\n", vocab_size);
printf("Words in train file: %lld\n", train_words);
file_size = ftell(fin);
void SaveVocab() {
long long i;
FILE *fo = fopen(save_vocab_file, "wb");
for (i = 0; i < vocab_size; i++) fprintf(fo, "%s %lld\n", vocab[i].word, vocab[i].cn);
void ReadVocab() {
long long a, i = 0;
char c, eof = 0;
char word[MAX_STRING];
FILE *fin = fopen(read_vocab_file, "rb");
if (fin == NULL) {
printf("Vocabulary file not found\n");
for (a = 0; a < vocab_hash_size; a++) vocab_hash[a] = -1;
vocab_size = 0;
while (1) {
ReadWord(word, fin, &eof);
if (eof) break;
a = AddWordToVocab(word);
fscanf(fin, "%lld%c", &vocab[a].cn, &c);
if (debug_mode > 0) {
printf("Vocab size: %lld\n", vocab_size);
printf("Words in train file: %lld\n", train_words);
fin = fopen(train_file, "rb");
if (fin == NULL) {
printf("ERROR: training data file not found!\n");
fseek(fin, 0, SEEK_END);
file_size = ftell(fin);
void InitNet() {
long long a, b;
unsigned long long next_random = 1;
a = posix_memalign((void **)&syn0, 128, (long long)vocab_size * layer1_size * sizeof(real));
if (syn0 == NULL) {printf("Memory allocation failed\n"); exit(1);}
if (hs) {
a = posix_memalign((void **)&syn1, 128, (long long)vocab_size * layer1_size * sizeof(real));
if (syn1 == NULL) {printf("Memory allocation failed\n"); exit(1);}
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) for (b = 0; b < layer1_size; b++)
syn1[a * layer1_size + b] = 0;
if (negative>0) {
a = posix_memalign((void **)&syn1neg, 128, (long long)vocab_size * layer1_size * sizeof(real));
if (syn1neg == NULL) {printf("Memory allocation failed\n"); exit(1);}
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) for (b = 0; b < layer1_size; b++)
syn1neg[a * layer1_size + b] = 0;
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) for (b = 0; b < layer1_size; b++) {
next_random = next_random * (unsigned long long)25214903917 + 11;
syn0[a * layer1_size + b] = (((next_random & 0xFFFF) / (real)65536) - 0.5) / layer1_size;
void *TrainModelThread(void *id) {
long long a, b, d, cw, word, last_word, sentence_length = 0, sentence_position = 0;
long long word_count = 0, last_word_count = 0, sen[MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH + 1];
long long l1, l2, c, target, label, local_iter = iter;
unsigned long long next_random = (long long)id;
char eof = 0;
real f, g;
clock_t now;
real *neu1 = (real *)calloc(layer1_size, sizeof(real));
real *neu1e = (real *)calloc(layer1_size, sizeof(real));
FILE *fi = fopen(train_file, "rb");
fseek(fi, file_size / (long long)num_threads * (long long)id, SEEK_SET);
while (1) {
if (word_count - last_word_count > 10000) {
word_count_actual += word_count - last_word_count;
last_word_count = word_count;
if ((debug_mode > 1)) {
printf("%cAlpha: %f Progress: %.2f%% Words/thread/sec: %.2fk ", 13, alpha,
word_count_actual / (real)(iter * train_words + 1) * 100,
word_count_actual / ((real)(now - start + 1) / (real)CLOCKS_PER_SEC * 1000));
alpha = starting_alpha * (1 - word_count_actual / (real)(iter * train_words + 1));
if (alpha < starting_alpha * 0.0001) alpha = starting_alpha * 0.0001;
if (sentence_length == 0) {
while (1) {
word = ReadWordIndex(fi, &eof);
if (eof) break;
if (word == -1) continue;
if (word == 0) break;
// The subsampling randomly discards frequent words while keeping the ranking same
if (sample > 0) {
real ran = (sqrt(vocab[word].cn / (sample * train_words)) + 1) * (sample * train_words) / vocab[word].cn;
next_random = next_random * (unsigned long long)25214903917 + 11;
if (ran < (next_random & 0xFFFF) / (real)65536) continue;
sen[sentence_length] = word;
if (sentence_length >= MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH) break;
sentence_position = 0;
if (eof || (word_count > train_words / num_threads)) {
word_count_actual += word_count - last_word_count;
if (local_iter == 0) break;
word_count = 0;
last_word_count = 0;
sentence_length = 0;
fseek(fi, file_size / (long long)num_threads * (long long)id, SEEK_SET);
word = sen[sentence_position];
if (word == -1) continue;
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) neu1[c] = 0;
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) neu1e[c] = 0;
next_random = next_random * (unsigned long long)25214903917 + 11;
b = next_random % window;
if (cbow) { //train the cbow architecture
// in -> hidden
cw = 0;
for (a = b; a < window * 2 + 1 - b; a++) if (a != window) {
c = sentence_position - window + a;
if (c < 0) continue;
if (c >= sentence_length) continue;
last_word = sen[c];
if (last_word == -1) continue;
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) neu1[c] += syn0[c + last_word * layer1_size];
if (cw) {
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) neu1[c] /= cw;
if (hs) for (d = 0; d < vocab[word].codelen; d++) {
f = 0;
l2 = vocab[word].point[d] * layer1_size;
// Propagate hidden -> output
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) f += neu1[c] * syn1[c + l2];
if (f <= -MAX_EXP) continue;
else if (f >= MAX_EXP) continue;
else f = expTable[(int)((f + MAX_EXP) * (EXP_TABLE_SIZE / MAX_EXP / 2))];
// 'g' is the gradient multiplied by the learning rate
g = (1 - vocab[word].code[d] - f) * alpha;
// Propagate errors output -> hidden
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) neu1e[c] += g * syn1[c + l2];
// Learn weights hidden -> output
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) syn1[c + l2] += g * neu1[c];
if (negative > 0) for (d = 0; d < negative + 1; d++) {
if (d == 0) {
target = word;
label = 1;
} else {
next_random = next_random * (unsigned long long)25214903917 + 11;
target = table[(next_random >> 16) % table_size];
if (target == 0) target = next_random % (vocab_size - 1) + 1;
if (target == word) continue;
label = 0;
l2 = target * layer1_size;
f = 0;
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) f += neu1[c] * syn1neg[c + l2];
if (f > MAX_EXP) g = (label - 1) * alpha;
else if (f < -MAX_EXP) g = (label - 0) * alpha;
else g = (label - expTable[(int)((f + MAX_EXP) * (EXP_TABLE_SIZE / MAX_EXP / 2))]) * alpha;
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) neu1e[c] += g * syn1neg[c + l2];
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) syn1neg[c + l2] += g * neu1[c];
// hidden -> in
for (a = b; a < window * 2 + 1 - b; a++) if (a != window) {
c = sentence_position - window + a;
if (c < 0) continue;
if (c >= sentence_length) continue;
last_word = sen[c];
if (last_word == -1) continue;
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) syn0[c + last_word * layer1_size] += neu1e[c];
} else { //train skip-gram
for (a = b; a < window * 2 + 1 - b; a++) if (a != window) {
c = sentence_position - window + a;
if (c < 0) continue;
if (c >= sentence_length) continue;
last_word = sen[c];
if (last_word == -1) continue;
l1 = last_word * layer1_size;
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) neu1e[c] = 0;
if (hs) for (d = 0; d < vocab[word].codelen; d++) {
f = 0;
l2 = vocab[word].point[d] * layer1_size;
// Propagate hidden -> output
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) f += syn0[c + l1] * syn1[c + l2];
if (f <= -MAX_EXP) continue;
else if (f >= MAX_EXP) continue;
else f = expTable[(int)((f + MAX_EXP) * (EXP_TABLE_SIZE / MAX_EXP / 2))];
// 'g' is the gradient multiplied by the learning rate
g = (1 - vocab[word].code[d] - f) * alpha;
// Propagate errors output -> hidden
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) neu1e[c] += g * syn1[c + l2];
// Learn weights hidden -> output
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) syn1[c + l2] += g * syn0[c + l1];
if (negative > 0) for (d = 0; d < negative + 1; d++) {
if (d == 0) {
target = word;
label = 1;
} else {
next_random = next_random * (unsigned long long)25214903917 + 11;
target = table[(next_random >> 16) % table_size];
if (target == 0) target = next_random % (vocab_size - 1) + 1;
if (target == word) continue;
label = 0;
l2 = target * layer1_size;
f = 0;
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) f += syn0[c + l1] * syn1neg[c + l2];
if (f > MAX_EXP) g = (label - 1) * alpha;
else if (f < -MAX_EXP) g = (label - 0) * alpha;
else g = (label - expTable[(int)((f + MAX_EXP) * (EXP_TABLE_SIZE / MAX_EXP / 2))]) * alpha;
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) neu1e[c] += g * syn1neg[c + l2];
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) syn1neg[c + l2] += g * syn0[c + l1];
// Learn weights input -> hidden
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) syn0[c + l1] += neu1e[c];
if (sentence_position >= sentence_length) {
sentence_length = 0;
void TrainModel() {
long a, b, c, d;
FILE *fo;
pthread_t *pt = (pthread_t *)malloc(num_threads * sizeof(pthread_t));
printf("Starting training using file %s\n", train_file);
starting_alpha = alpha;
if (read_vocab_file[0] != 0) ReadVocab(); else LearnVocabFromTrainFile();
if (save_vocab_file[0] != 0) SaveVocab();
if (output_file[0] == 0) return;
if (negative > 0) InitUnigramTable();
start = clock();
for (a = 0; a < num_threads; a++) pthread_create(&pt[a], NULL, TrainModelThread, (void *)a);
for (a = 0; a < num_threads; a++) pthread_join(pt[a], NULL);
fo = fopen(output_file, "wb");
if (classes == 0) {
// Save the word vectors
fprintf(fo, "%lld %lld\n", vocab_size, layer1_size);
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) {
fprintf(fo, "%s ", vocab[a].word);
if (binary) for (b = 0; b < layer1_size; b++) fwrite(&syn0[a * layer1_size + b], sizeof(real), 1, fo);
else for (b = 0; b < layer1_size; b++) fprintf(fo, "%lf ", syn0[a * layer1_size + b]);
fprintf(fo, "\n");
} else {
// Run K-means on the word vectors
int clcn = classes, iter = 10, closeid;
int *centcn = (int *)malloc(classes * sizeof(int));
int *cl = (int *)calloc(vocab_size, sizeof(int));
real closev, x;
real *cent = (real *)calloc(classes * layer1_size, sizeof(real));
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) cl[a] = a % clcn;
for (a = 0; a < iter; a++) {
for (b = 0; b < clcn * layer1_size; b++) cent[b] = 0;
for (b = 0; b < clcn; b++) centcn[b] = 1;
for (c = 0; c < vocab_size; c++) {
for (d = 0; d < layer1_size; d++) cent[layer1_size * cl[c] + d] += syn0[c * layer1_size + d];
for (b = 0; b < clcn; b++) {
closev = 0;
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) {
cent[layer1_size * b + c] /= centcn[b];
closev += cent[layer1_size * b + c] * cent[layer1_size * b + c];
closev = sqrt(closev);
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) cent[layer1_size * b + c] /= closev;
for (c = 0; c < vocab_size; c++) {
closev = -10;
closeid = 0;
for (d = 0; d < clcn; d++) {
x = 0;
for (b = 0; b < layer1_size; b++) x += cent[layer1_size * d + b] * syn0[c * layer1_size + b];
if (x > closev) {
closev = x;
closeid = d;
cl[c] = closeid;
// Save the K-means classes
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) fprintf(fo, "%s %d\n", vocab[a].word, cl[a]);
int ArgPos(char *str, int argc, char **argv) {
int a;
for (a = 1; a < argc; a++) if (!strcmp(str, argv[a])) {
if (a == argc - 1) {
printf("Argument missing for %s\n", str);
return a;
return -1;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int i;
if (argc == 1) {
printf("WORD VECTOR estimation toolkit v 0.1c\n\n");
printf("Parameters for training:\n");
printf("\t-train \n" );
printf("\t\tUse text data from to train the model\n" );
printf("\t-output \n" );
printf("\t\tUse to save the resulting word vectors / word clusters\n" );
printf("\t-size \n" );
printf("\t\tSet size of word vectors; default is 100\n");
printf("\t-window \n" );
printf("\t\tSet max skip length between words; default is 5\n");
printf("\t-sample \n" );
printf("\t\tSet threshold for occurrence of words. Those that appear with higher frequency in the training data\n");
printf("\t\twill be randomly down-sampled; default is 1e-3, useful range is (0, 1e-5)\n");
printf("\t-hs \n" );
printf("\t\tUse Hierarchical Softmax; default is 0 (not used)\n");
printf("\t-negative \n" );
printf("\t\tNumber of negative examples; default is 5, common values are 3 - 10 (0 = not used)\n");
printf("\t-threads \n" );
printf("\t\tUse threads (default 12)\n" );
printf("\t-iter \n" );
printf("\t\tRun more training iterations (default 5)\n");
printf("\t-min-count \n" );
printf("\t\tThis will discard words that appear less than times; default is 5\n" );
printf("\t-alpha \n" );
printf("\t\tSet the starting learning rate; default is 0.025 for skip-gram and 0.05 for CBOW\n");
printf("\t-classes \n" );
printf("\t\tOutput word classes rather than word vectors; default number of classes is 0 (vectors are written)\n");
printf("\t-debug \n" );
printf("\t\tSet the debug mode (default = 2 = more info during training)\n");
printf("\t-binary \n" );
printf("\t\tSave the resulting vectors in binary moded; default is 0 (off)\n");
printf("\t-save-vocab \n" );
printf("\t\tThe vocabulary will be saved to \n" );
printf("\t-read-vocab \n" );
printf("\t\tThe vocabulary will be read from , not constructed from the training data\n" );
printf("\t-cbow \n" );
printf("\t\tUse the continuous bag of words model; default is 1 (use 0 for skip-gram model)\n");
printf("./word2vec -train data.txt -output vec.txt -size 200 -window 5 -sample 1e-4 -negative 5 -hs 0 -binary 0 -cbow 1 -iter 3\n\n");
return 0;
output_file[0] = 0;
save_vocab_file[0] = 0;
read_vocab_file[0] = 0;
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-size", argc, argv)) > 0) layer1_size = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-train", argc, argv)) > 0) strcpy(train_file, argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-save-vocab", argc, argv)) > 0) strcpy(save_vocab_file, argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-read-vocab", argc, argv)) > 0) strcpy(read_vocab_file, argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-debug", argc, argv)) > 0) debug_mode = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-binary", argc, argv)) > 0) binary = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-cbow", argc, argv)) > 0) cbow = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if (cbow) alpha = 0.05;
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-alpha", argc, argv)) > 0) alpha = atof(argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-output", argc, argv)) > 0) strcpy(output_file, argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-window", argc, argv)) > 0) window = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-sample", argc, argv)) > 0) sample = atof(argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-hs", argc, argv)) > 0) hs = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-negative", argc, argv)) > 0) negative = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-threads", argc, argv)) > 0) num_threads = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-iter", argc, argv)) > 0) iter = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-min-count", argc, argv)) > 0) min_count = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-classes", argc, argv)) > 0) classes = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
vocab = (struct vocab_word *)calloc(vocab_max_size, sizeof(struct vocab_word));
vocab_hash = (int *)calloc(vocab_hash_size, sizeof(int));
expTable = (real *)malloc((EXP_TABLE_SIZE + 1) * sizeof(real));
for (i = 0; i < EXP_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
expTable[i] = exp((i / (real)EXP_TABLE_SIZE * 2 - 1) * MAX_EXP); // Precompute the exp() table
expTable[i] = expTable[i] / (expTable[i] + 1); // Precompute f(x) = x / (x + 1)
return 0;
// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#define MAX_STRING 60
const int vocab_hash_size = 500000000; // Maximum 500M entries in the vocabulary
typedef float real; // Precision of float numbers
struct vocab_word {
long long cn;
char *word;
char train_file[MAX_STRING], output_file[MAX_STRING];
struct vocab_word *vocab;
int debug_mode = 2, min_count = 5, *vocab_hash, min_reduce = 1;
long long vocab_max_size = 10000, vocab_size = 0;
long long train_words = 0;
real threshold = 100;
unsigned long long next_random = 1;
// Reads a single word from a file, assuming space + tab + EOL to be word boundaries
void ReadWord(char *word, FILE *fin, char *eof) {
int a = 0, ch;
while (1) {
ch = fgetc_unlocked(fin);
if (ch == EOF) {
*eof = 1;
if (ch == 13) continue;
if ((ch == ' ') || (ch == '\t') || (ch == '\n')) {
if (a > 0) {
if (ch == '\n') ungetc(ch, fin);
if (ch == '\n') {
//strcpy(word, (char *)"");
word[0] = '\n';
word[1] = 0;
} else continue;
word[a] = ch;
if (a >= MAX_STRING - 1) a--; // Truncate too long words
word[a] = 0;
// Returns hash value of a word
int GetWordHash(char *word) {
unsigned long long a, hash = 1;
for (a = 0; a < strlen(word); a++) hash = hash * 257 + word[a];
hash = hash % vocab_hash_size;
return hash;
// Returns position of a word in the vocabulary; if the word is not found, returns -1
int SearchVocab(char *word) {
unsigned int hash = GetWordHash(word);
while (1) {
if (vocab_hash[hash] == -1) return -1;
if (!strcmp(word, vocab[vocab_hash[hash]].word)) return vocab_hash[hash];
hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;
return -1;
// Reads a word and returns its index in the vocabulary
int ReadWordIndex(FILE *fin, char *eof) {
char word[MAX_STRING], eof_l = 0;
ReadWord(word, fin, &eof_l);
if (eof_l) {
*eof = 1;
return -1;
return SearchVocab(word);
// Adds a word to the vocabulary
int AddWordToVocab(char *word) {
unsigned int hash, length = strlen(word) + 1;
if (length > MAX_STRING) length = MAX_STRING;
vocab[vocab_size].word = (char *)calloc(length, sizeof(char));
strcpy(vocab[vocab_size].word, word);
vocab[vocab_size].cn = 0;
// Reallocate memory if needed
if (vocab_size + 2 >= vocab_max_size) {
vocab_max_size += 10000;
vocab=(struct vocab_word *)realloc(vocab, vocab_max_size * sizeof(struct vocab_word));
hash = GetWordHash(word);
while (vocab_hash[hash] != -1) hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;
vocab_hash[hash]=vocab_size - 1;
return vocab_size - 1;
// Used later for sorting by word counts
int VocabCompare(const void *a, const void *b) {
return ((struct vocab_word *)b)->cn - ((struct vocab_word *)a)->cn;
// Sorts the vocabulary by frequency using word counts
void SortVocab() {
int a;
unsigned int hash;
// Sort the vocabulary and keep at the first position
qsort(&vocab[1], vocab_size - 1, sizeof(struct vocab_word), VocabCompare);
for (a = 0; a < vocab_hash_size; a++) vocab_hash[a] = -1;
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) {
// Words occuring less than min_count times will be discarded from the vocab
if (vocab[a].cn < min_count) {
} else {
// Hash will be re-computed, as after the sorting it is not actual
hash = GetWordHash(vocab[a].word);
while (vocab_hash[hash] != -1) hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;
vocab_hash[hash] = a;
vocab = (struct vocab_word *)realloc(vocab, vocab_size * sizeof(struct vocab_word));
// Reduces the vocabulary by removing infrequent tokens
void ReduceVocab() {
int a, b = 0;
unsigned int hash;
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) if (vocab[a].cn > min_reduce) {
vocab[b].cn = vocab[a].cn;
vocab[b].word = vocab[a].word;
} else free(vocab[a].word);
vocab_size = b;
for (a = 0; a < vocab_hash_size; a++) vocab_hash[a] = -1;
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) {
// Hash will be re-computed, as it is not actual
hash = GetWordHash(vocab[a].word);
while (vocab_hash[hash] != -1) hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;
vocab_hash[hash] = a;
void LearnVocabFromTrainFile() {
char word[MAX_STRING], last_word[MAX_STRING], bigram_word[MAX_STRING * 2], eof = 0;
FILE *fin;
long long a, b, i, start = 1;
for (a = 0; a < vocab_hash_size; a++) vocab_hash[a] = -1;
fin = fopen(train_file, "rb");
if (fin == NULL) {
printf("ERROR: training data file not found!\n");
vocab_size = 0;
AddWordToVocab((char *)"");
while (1) {
ReadWord(word, fin, &eof);
if (eof) break;
if (word[0] == '\n') {
start = 1;
} else start = 0;
if ((debug_mode > 1) && (train_words % 1000000 == 0)) {
printf("Words processed: %lldM Vocab size: %lldK %c", train_words / 1000000, vocab_size / 1000, 13);
i = SearchVocab(word);
if (i == -1) {
a = AddWordToVocab(word);
vocab[a].cn = 1;
} else vocab[i].cn++;
if (start) continue;
//sprintf(bigram_word, "%s_%s", last_word, word);
a = 0;
b = 0;
while (last_word[a]) {
bigram_word[b] = last_word[a];
bigram_word[b] = '_';
a = 0;
while (word[a]) {
bigram_word[b] = word[a];
bigram_word[b] = 0;
bigram_word[MAX_STRING - 1] = 0;
strcpy(last_word, word);
i = SearchVocab(bigram_word);
if (i == -1) {
a = AddWordToVocab(bigram_word);
vocab[a].cn = 1;
} else vocab[i].cn++;
if (vocab_size > vocab_hash_size * 0.7) ReduceVocab();
if (debug_mode > 0) {
printf("\nVocab size (unigrams + bigrams): %lld\n", vocab_size);
printf("Words in train file: %lld\n", train_words);
void TrainModel() {
long long a, b, pa = 0, pb = 0, pab = 0, oov, i, li = -1, cn = 0;
char word[MAX_STRING], last_word[MAX_STRING], bigram_word[MAX_STRING * 2], eof = 0;
real score;
unsigned long long next_random = 1;
FILE *fo, *fin;
printf("Starting training using file %s\n", train_file);
fin = fopen(train_file, "rb");
fo = fopen(output_file, "wb");
word[0] = 0;
while (1) {
strcpy(last_word, word);
ReadWord(word, fin, &eof);
if (eof) break;
if (word[0] == '\n') {
//fprintf(fo, "\n");
fputc_unlocked('\n', fo);
if ((debug_mode > 1) && (cn % 1000000 == 0)) {
printf("Words written: %lldM%c", cn / 1000000, 13);
oov = 0;
i = SearchVocab(word);
if (i == -1) oov = 1; else pb = vocab[i].cn;
if (li == -1) oov = 1;
li = i;
//sprintf(bigram_word, "%s_%s", last_word, word);
a = 0;
b = 0;
while (last_word[a]) {
bigram_word[b] = last_word[a];
bigram_word[b] = '_';
a = 0;
while (word[a]) {
bigram_word[b] = word[a];
bigram_word[b] = 0;
bigram_word[MAX_STRING - 1] = 0;
i = SearchVocab(bigram_word);
if (i == -1) oov = 1; else pab = vocab[i].cn;
if (pa < min_count) oov = 1;
if (pb < min_count) oov = 1;
if (oov) score = 0; else score = (pab - min_count) / (real)pa / (real)pb * (real)train_words;
next_random = next_random * (unsigned long long)25214903917 + 11;
//if (next_random & 0x10000) score = 0;
if (score > threshold) {
fputc_unlocked('_', fo);
pb = 0;
} else fputc_unlocked(' ', fo);
a = 0;
while (word[a]) {
fputc_unlocked(word[a], fo);
pa = pb;
int ArgPos(char *str, int argc, char **argv) {
int a;
for (a = 1; a < argc; a++) if (!strcmp(str, argv[a])) {
if (a == argc - 1) {
printf("Argument missing for %s\n", str);
return a;
return -1;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int i;
if (argc == 1) {
printf("WORD2PHRASE tool v0.1a\n\n");
printf("Parameters for training:\n");
printf("\t-train \n" );
printf("\t\tUse text data from to train the model\n" );
printf("\t-output \n" );
printf("\t\tUse to save the resulting word vectors / word clusters / phrases\n" );
printf("\t-min-count \n" );
printf("\t\tThis will discard words that appear less than times; default is 5\n" );
printf("\t-threshold \n" );
printf("\t\t The value represents threshold for forming the phrases (higher means less phrases); default 100\n" );
printf("\t-debug \n" );
printf("\t\tSet the debug mode (default = 2 = more info during training)\n");
printf("./word2phrase -train text.txt -output phrases.txt -threshold 100 -debug 2\n\n");
return 0;
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-train", argc, argv)) > 0) strcpy(train_file, argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-debug", argc, argv)) > 0) debug_mode = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-output", argc, argv)) > 0) strcpy(output_file, argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-min-count", argc, argv)) > 0) min_count = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-threshold", argc, argv)) > 0) threshold = atof(argv[i + 1]);
vocab = (struct vocab_word *)calloc(vocab_max_size, sizeof(struct vocab_word));
vocab_hash = (int *)calloc(vocab_hash_size, sizeof(int));
return 0;
// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
const long long max_size = 2000; // max length of strings
const long long N = 40; // number of closest words that will be shown
const long long max_w = 50; // max length of vocabulary entries
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
FILE *f;
char st1[max_size];
char *bestw[N];
char file_name[max_size], st[100][max_size];
float dist, len, bestd[N], vec[max_size];
long long words, size, a, b, c, d, cn, bi[100];
float *M;
char *vocab;
if (argc < 2) {
printf("Usage: ./distance \nwhere FILE contains word projections in the BINARY FORMAT\n" );
return 0;
strcpy(file_name, argv[1]);
f = fopen(file_name, "rb");
if (f == NULL) {
printf("Input file not found\n");
return -1;
fscanf(f, "%lld", &words);
fscanf(f, "%lld", &size);
vocab = (char *)malloc((long long)words * max_w * sizeof(char));
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) bestw[a] = (char *)malloc(max_size * sizeof(char));
M = (float *)malloc((long long)words * (long long)size * sizeof(float));
if (M == NULL) {
printf("Cannot allocate memory: %lld MB %lld %lld\n", (long long)words * size * sizeof(float) / 1048576, words, size);
return -1;
for (b = 0; b < words; b++) {
a = 0;
while (1) {
vocab[b * max_w + a] = fgetc(f);
if (feof(f) || (vocab[b * max_w + a] == ' ')) break;
if ((a < max_w) && (vocab[b * max_w + a] != '\n')) a++;
vocab[b * max_w + a] = 0;
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) fread(&M[a + b * size], sizeof(float), 1, f);
len = 0;
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) len += M[a + b * size] * M[a + b * size];
len = sqrt(len);
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) M[a + b * size] /= len;
while (1) {
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) bestd[a] = 0;
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) bestw[a][0] = 0;
printf("Enter word or sentence (EXIT to break): ");
a = 0;
while (1) {
st1[a] = fgetc(stdin);
if ((st1[a] == '\n') || (a >= max_size - 1)) {
st1[a] = 0;
if (!strcmp(st1, "EXIT")) break;
cn = 0;
b = 0;
c = 0;
while (1) {
st[cn][b] = st1[c];
st[cn][b] = 0;
if (st1[c] == 0) break;
if (st1[c] == ' ') {
b = 0;
for (a = 0; a < cn; a++) {
for (b = 0; b < words; b++) if (!strcmp(&vocab[b * max_w], st[a])) break;
if (b == words) b = -1;
bi[a] = b;
printf("\nWord: %s Position in vocabulary: %lld\n", st[a], bi[a]);
if (b == -1) {
printf("Out of dictionary word!\n");
if (b == -1) continue;
printf("\n Word Cosine distance\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) vec[a] = 0;
for (b = 0; b < cn; b++) {
if (bi[b] == -1) continue;
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) vec[a] += M[a + bi[b] * size];
len = 0;
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) len += vec[a] * vec[a];
len = sqrt(len);
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) vec[a] /= len;
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) bestd[a] = -1;
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) bestw[a][0] = 0;
for (c = 0; c < words; c++) {
a = 0;
for (b = 0; b < cn; b++) if (bi[b] == c) a = 1;
if (a == 1) continue;
dist = 0;
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) dist += vec[a] * M[a + c * size];
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) {
if (dist > bestd[a]) {
for (d = N - 1; d > a; d--) {
bestd[d] = bestd[d - 1];
strcpy(bestw[d], bestw[d - 1]);
bestd[a] = dist;
strcpy(bestw[a], &vocab[c * max_w]);
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) printf("%50s\t\t%f\n", bestw[a], bestd[a]);
return 0;
// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
const long long max_size = 2000; // max length of strings
const long long N = 40; // number of closest words that will be shown
const long long max_w = 50; // max length of vocabulary entries
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
FILE *f;
char st1[max_size];
char bestw[N][max_size];
char file_name[max_size], st[100][max_size];
float dist, len, bestd[N], vec[max_size];
long long words, size, a, b, c, d, cn, bi[100];
float *M;
char *vocab;
if (argc < 2) {
printf("Usage: ./word-analogy \nwhere FILE contains word projections in the BINARY FORMAT\n" );
return 0;
strcpy(file_name, argv[1]);
f = fopen(file_name, "rb");
if (f == NULL) {
printf("Input file not found\n");
return -1;
fscanf(f, "%lld", &words);
fscanf(f, "%lld", &size);
vocab = (char *)malloc((long long)words * max_w * sizeof(char));
M = (float *)malloc((long long)words * (long long)size * sizeof(float));
if (M == NULL) {
printf("Cannot allocate memory: %lld MB %lld %lld\n", (long long)words * size * sizeof(float) / 1048576, words, size);
return -1;
for (b = 0; b < words; b++) {
a = 0;
while (1) {
vocab[b * max_w + a] = fgetc(f);
if (feof(f) || (vocab[b * max_w + a] == ' ')) break;
if ((a < max_w) && (vocab[b * max_w + a] != '\n')) a++;
vocab[b * max_w + a] = 0;
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) fread(&M[a + b * size], sizeof(float), 1, f);
len = 0;
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) len += M[a + b * size] * M[a + b * size];
len = sqrt(len);
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) M[a + b * size] /= len;
while (1) {
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) bestd[a] = 0;
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) bestw[a][0] = 0;
printf("Enter three words (EXIT to break): ");
a = 0;
while (1) {
st1[a] = fgetc(stdin);
if ((st1[a] == '\n') || (a >= max_size - 1)) {
st1[a] = 0;
if (!strcmp(st1, "EXIT")) break;
cn = 0;
b = 0;
c = 0;
while (1) {
st[cn][b] = st1[c];
st[cn][b] = 0;
if (st1[c] == 0) break;
if (st1[c] == ' ') {
b = 0;
if (cn < 3) {
printf("Only %lld words were entered.. three words are needed at the input to perform the calculation\n", cn);
for (a = 0; a < cn; a++) {
for (b = 0; b < words; b++) if (!strcmp(&vocab[b * max_w], st[a])) break;
if (b == words) b = 0;
bi[a] = b;
printf("\nWord: %s Position in vocabulary: %lld\n", st[a], bi[a]);
if (b == 0) {
printf("Out of dictionary word!\n");
if (b == 0) continue;
printf("\n Word Distance\n------------------------------------------------------------------------\n");
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) vec[a] = M[a + bi[1] * size] - M[a + bi[0] * size] + M[a + bi[2] * size];
len = 0;
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) len += vec[a] * vec[a];
len = sqrt(len);
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) vec[a] /= len;
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) bestd[a] = 0;
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) bestw[a][0] = 0;
for (c = 0; c < words; c++) {
if (c == bi[0]) continue;
if (c == bi[1]) continue;
if (c == bi[2]) continue;
a = 0;
for (b = 0; b < cn; b++) if (bi[b] == c) a = 1;
if (a == 1) continue;
dist = 0;
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) dist += vec[a] * M[a + c * size];
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) {
if (dist > bestd[a]) {
for (d = N - 1; d > a; d--) {
bestd[d] = bestd[d - 1];
strcpy(bestw[d], bestw[d - 1]);
bestd[a] = dist;
strcpy(bestw[a], &vocab[c * max_w]);
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) printf("%50s\t\t%f\n", bestw[a], bestd[a]);
return 0;
// Copyright 2013 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
const long long max_size = 2000; // max length of strings
const long long N = 1; // number of closest words
const long long max_w = 50; // max length of vocabulary entries
int main(int argc, char **argv)
FILE *f;
char st1[max_size], st2[max_size], st3[max_size], st4[max_size], bestw[N][max_size], file_name[max_size];
float dist, len, bestd[N], vec[max_size];
long long words, size, a, b, c, d, b1, b2, b3, threshold = 0;
float *M;
char *vocab;
int TCN, CCN = 0, TACN = 0, CACN = 0, SECN = 0, SYCN = 0, SEAC = 0, SYAC = 0, QID = 0, TQ = 0, TQS = 0;
if (argc < 2) {
printf("Usage: ./compute-accuracy \nwhere FILE contains word projections, and threshold is used to reduce vocabulary of the model for fast approximate evaluation (0 = off, otherwise typical value is 30000)\n" );
return 0;
strcpy(file_name, argv[1]);
if (argc > 2) threshold = atoi(argv[2]);
f = fopen(file_name, "rb");
if (f == NULL) {
printf("Input file not found\n");
return -1;
fscanf(f, "%lld", &words);
if (threshold) if (words > threshold) words = threshold;
fscanf(f, "%lld", &size);
vocab = (char *)malloc(words * max_w * sizeof(char));
M = (float *)malloc(words * size * sizeof(float));
if (M == NULL) {
printf("Cannot allocate memory: %lld MB\n", words * size * sizeof(float) / 1048576);
return -1;
for (b = 0; b < words; b++) {
a = 0;
while (1) {
vocab[b * max_w + a] = fgetc(f);
if (feof(f) || (vocab[b * max_w + a] == ' ')) break;
if ((a < max_w) && (vocab[b * max_w + a] != '\n')) a++;
vocab[b * max_w + a] = 0;
for (a = 0; a < max_w; a++) vocab[b * max_w + a] = toupper(vocab[b * max_w + a]);
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) fread(&M[a + b * size], sizeof(float), 1, f);
len = 0;
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) len += M[a + b * size] * M[a + b * size];
len = sqrt(len);
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) M[a + b * size] /= len;
TCN = 0;
while (1) {
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) bestd[a] = 0;
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) bestw[a][0] = 0;
scanf("%s", st1);
for (a = 0; a < strlen(st1); a++) st1[a] = toupper(st1[a]);
if ((!strcmp(st1, ":")) || (!strcmp(st1, "EXIT")) || feof(stdin)) {
if (TCN == 0) TCN = 1;
if (QID != 0) {
printf("ACCURACY TOP1: %.2f %% (%d / %d)\n", CCN / (float)TCN * 100, CCN, TCN);
printf("Total accuracy: %.2f %% Semantic accuracy: %.2f %% Syntactic accuracy: %.2f %% \n", CACN / (float)TACN * 100, SEAC / (float)SECN * 100, SYAC / (float)SYCN * 100);
scanf("%s", st1);
if (feof(stdin)) break;
printf("%s:\n", st1);
TCN = 0;
CCN = 0;
if (!strcmp(st1, "EXIT")) break;
scanf("%s", st2);
for (a = 0; a < strlen(st2); a++) st2[a] = toupper(st2[a]);
scanf("%s", st3);
for (a = 0; a<strlen(st3); a++) st3[a] = toupper(st3[a]);
scanf("%s", st4);
for (a = 0; a < strlen(st4); a++) st4[a] = toupper(st4[a]);
for (b = 0; b < words; b++) if (!strcmp(&vocab[b * max_w], st1)) break;
b1 = b;
for (b = 0; b < words; b++) if (!strcmp(&vocab[b * max_w], st2)) break;
b2 = b;
for (b = 0; b < words; b++) if (!strcmp(&vocab[b * max_w], st3)) break;
b3 = b;
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) bestd[a] = 0;
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) bestw[a][0] = 0;
if (b1 == words) continue;
if (b2 == words) continue;
if (b3 == words) continue;
for (b = 0; b < words; b++) if (!strcmp(&vocab[b * max_w], st4)) break;
if (b == words) continue;
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) vec[a] = (M[a + b2 * size] - M[a + b1 * size]) + M[a + b3 * size];
for (c = 0; c < words; c++) {
if (c == b1) continue;
if (c == b2) continue;
if (c == b3) continue;
dist = 0;
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) dist += vec[a] * M[a + c * size];
for (a = 0; a < N; a++) {
if (dist > bestd[a]) {
for (d = N - 1; d > a; d--) {
bestd[d] = bestd[d - 1];
strcpy(bestw[d], bestw[d - 1]);
bestd[a] = dist;
strcpy(bestw[a], &vocab[c * max_w]);
if (!strcmp(st4, bestw[0])) {
if (QID <= 5) SEAC++; else SYAC++;
if (QID <= 5) SECN++; else SYCN++;
printf("Questions seen / total: %d %d %.2f %% \n", TQS, TQ, TQS/(float)TQ*100);
return 0;
if [ ! -e text8 ]; then
wget -O text8.gz
gzip -d text8.gz -f
echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
echo Note that for the word analogy to perform well, the model should be trained on much larger data set
echo Example input: paris france berlin
echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
time ./word2vec -train text8 -output vectors.bin -cbow 1 -size 200 -window 8 -negative 25 -hs 0 -sample 1e-4 -threads 20 -binary 1 -iter 15
./word-analogy vectors.bin
if [ ! -e text8 ]; then
wget -O text8.gz
gzip -d text8.gz -f
time ./word2vec -train text8 -output classes.txt -cbow 1 -size 200 -window 8 -negative 25 -hs 0 -sample 1e-4 -threads 20 -iter 15 -classes 500
sort classes.txt -k 2 -n > classes.sorted.txt
echo The word classes were saved to file classes.sorted.txt
if [ ! -e news.2012.en.shuffled ]; then
gzip -d news.2012.en.shuffled.gz -f
sed -e "s/’/'/g" -e "s/′/'/g" -e "s/''/ /g" < news.2012.en.shuffled | tr -c "A-Za-z'_ \n" " " > news.2012.en.shuffled-norm0
time ./word2phrase -train news.2012.en.shuffled-norm0 -output news.2012.en.shuffled-norm0-phrase0 -threshold 200 -debug 2
time ./word2phrase -train news.2012.en.shuffled-norm0-phrase0 -output news.2012.en.shuffled-norm0-phrase1 -threshold 100 -debug 2
tr A-Z a-z < news.2012.en.shuffled-norm0-phrase1 > news.2012.en.shuffled-norm1-phrase1
time ./word2vec -train news.2012.en.shuffled-norm1-phrase1 -output vectors-phrase.bin -cbow 1 -size 200 -window 10 -negative 25 -hs 0 -sample 1e-5 -threads 20 -binary 1 -iter 15
./compute-accuracy vectors-phrase.bin < questions-phrases.txt
if [ ! -e news.2012.en.shuffled ]; then
gzip -d news.2012.en.shuffled.gz -f
sed -e "s/’/'/g" -e "s/′/'/g" -e "s/''/ /g" < news.2012.en.shuffled | tr -c "A-Za-z'_ \n" " " > news.2012.en.shuffled-norm0
time ./word2phrase -train news.2012.en.shuffled-norm0 -output news.2012.en.shuffled-norm0-phrase0 -threshold 200 -debug 2
time ./word2phrase -train news.2012.en.shuffled-norm0-phrase0 -output news.2012.en.shuffled-norm0-phrase1 -threshold 100 -debug 2
tr A-Z a-z < news.2012.en.shuffled-norm0-phrase1 > news.2012.en.shuffled-norm1-phrase1
time ./word2vec -train news.2012.en.shuffled-norm1-phrase1 -output vectors-phrase.bin -cbow 1 -size 200 -window 10 -negative 25 -hs 0 -sample 1e-5 -threads 20 -binary 1 -iter 15
./distance vectors-phrase.bin
# Script for training good word and phrase vector model using public corpora, version 1.0.
# The training time will be from several hours to about a day.
# Downloads about 8 billion words, makes phrases using two runs of word2phrase, trains
# a 500-dimensional vector model and evaluates it on word and phrase analogy tasks.
# This function will convert text to lowercase and remove special characters
normalize_text() {
awk '{print tolower($0);}' | sed -e "s/’/'/g" -e "s/′/'/g" -e "s/''/ /g" -e "s/'/ ' /g" -e "s/“/\"/g" -e "s/”/\"/g" \
-e 's/"/ " /g' -e 's/\./ \. /g' -e 's/
/ /g' -e 's/, / , /g' -e 's/(/ ( /g' -e 's/)/ ) /g' -e 's/\!/ \! /g' \
-e 's/\?/ \? /g' -e 's/\;/ /g' -e 's/\:/ /g' -e 's/-/ - /g' -e 's/=/ /g' -e 's/=/ /g' -e 's/*/ /g' -e 's/|/ /g' \
-e 's/«/ /g' | tr 0-9 " "
mkdir word2vec
cd word2vec
gzip -d news.2012.en.shuffled.gz
gzip -d news.2013.en.shuffled.gz
normalize_text < news.2012.en.shuffled > data.txt
normalize_text < news.2013.en.shuffled >> data.txt
tar -xvf 1-billion-word-language-modeling-benchmark-r13output.tar.gz
for i in `ls 1-billion-word-language-modeling-benchmark-r13output/training-monolingual.tokenized.shuffled`; do
normalize_text < 1-billion-word-language-modeling-benchmark-r13output/training-monolingual.tokenized.shuffled/$i >> data.txt
tar -zxvf umbc_webbase_corpus.tar.gz webbase_all/*.txt
for i in `ls webbase_all`; do
normalize_text < webbase_all/$i >> data.txt
bzip2 -c -d enwiki-latest-pages-articles.xml.bz2 | awk '{print tolower($0);}' | perl -e '
# Program to filter Wikipedia XML dumps to "clean" text consisting only of lowercase
# letters (a-z, converted from A-Z), and spaces (never consecutive)...
# All other characters are converted to spaces. Only text which normally appears.
# in the web browser is displayed. Tables are removed. Image captions are.
# preserved. Links are converted to normal text. Digits are spelled out.
# *** Modified to not spell digits or throw away non-ASCII characters ***
# Written by Matt Mahoney, June 10, 2006. This program is released to the public domain.
$/=">"; # input record separator
while (<>) {
if (/ ...
if (/#redirect/i) {$text=0;} # remove #REDIRECT
if ($text) {
# Remove any text not normally visible
if (/<\/text>/) {$text=0;}
s/<.*>//; # remove xml tags
s/&/&/g; # decode URL encoded chars
s///g; # remove references ...
s/<[^>]*>//g; # remove xhtml tags
s/\[http:[^] ]*/[/g; # remove normal url, preserve visible text
s/\|thumb//ig; # remove images links, preserve caption
s/\[\[category:([^|\]]*)[^]]*\]\]/[[$1]]/ig; # show categories without markup
s/\[\[[a-z\-]*:[^\]]*\]\]//g; # remove links to other languages
s/\[\[[^\|\]]*\|/[[/g; # remove wiki url, preserve visible text
s/{{[^}]*}}//g; # remove {{icons}} and {tables}
s/\[//g; # remove [ and ]
s/&[^;]*;/ /g; # remove URL encoded chars
$_=" $_ ";
print $_;
' | normalize_text | awk '{if (NF>1) print;}' >> data.txt
gcc word2vec.c -o word2vec -lm -pthread -O3 -march=native -funroll-loops
gcc word2phrase.c -o word2phrase -lm -pthread -O3 -march=native -funroll-loops
gcc compute-accuracy.c -o compute-accuracy -lm -pthread -O3 -march=native -funroll-loops
./word2phrase -train data.txt -output data-phrase.txt -threshold 200 -debug 2
./word2phrase -train data-phrase.txt -output data-phrase2.txt -threshold 100 -debug 2
./word2vec -train data-phrase2.txt -output vectors.bin -cbow 1 -size 500 -window 10 -negative 10 -hs 0 -sample 1e-5 -threads 40 -binary 1 -iter 3 -min-count 10
./compute-accuracy vectors.bin 400000 < questions-words.txt # should get to almost 78% accuracy on 99.7% of questions
./compute-accuracy vectors.bin 1000000 < questions-phrases.txt # about 78% accuracy with 77% coverage
if [ ! -e text8 ]; then
wget -O text8.gz
gzip -d text8.gz -f
time ./word2vec -train text8 -output vectors.bin -cbow 1 -size 200 -window 8 -negative 25 -hs 0 -sample 1e-4 -threads 20 -binary 1 -iter 15
./distance vectors.bin
if [ ! -e text8 ]; then
wget -O text8.gz
gzip -d text8.gz -f
time ./word2vec -train text8 -output vectors.bin -cbow 1 -size 200 -window 8 -negative 25 -hs 0 -sample 1e-4 -threads 20 -binary 1 -iter 15
./compute-accuracy vectors.bin 30000 < questions-words.txt
# to compute accuracy with the full vocabulary, use: ./compute-accuracy vectors.bin < questions-words.txt
在windows(C++ DEV)上运行不报错的一个版本。
#define MAX_STRING 10
#define EXP_TABLE_SIZE 1000
#define MAX_EXP 6
#define MAX_CODE_LENGTH 40
#define posix_memalign(p, a, s) (((*(p)) = _aligned_malloc((s), (a))), *(p) ?0 :errno)
const int vocab_hash_size = 15; // Maximum 30 * 0.7 = 21M words in the vocabulary
typedef float real; // Precision of float numbers
struct vocab_word {
long long cn;
int *point;
char *word, *code, codelen;
char train_file[MAX_STRING], output_file[MAX_STRING];
char save_vocab_file[MAX_STRING], read_vocab_file[MAX_STRING];
struct vocab_word *vocab;
int binary = 0, cbow = 1, debug_mode = 2, window = 5, min_count = 1, num_threads = 12, min_reduce = 1;
int *vocab_hash;
long long vocab_max_size = 1000, vocab_size = 0, layer1_size = 20;
long long train_words = 0, word_count_actual = 0, iter = 5, file_size = 0, classes = 0;
real alpha = 0.025, starting_alpha, sample = 1e-3;
real *syn0, *syn1, *syn1neg, *expTable;
clock_t start; //计数器
int hs = 0, negative = 5;
const int table_size = 20;
int *table;
// Create binary Huffman tree using the word counts
// Frequent words will have short uniqe binary codes
void CreateBinaryTree() {
long long a, b, i, min1i, min2i, pos1, pos2, point[MAX_CODE_LENGTH];
char code[MAX_CODE_LENGTH];
long long *count = (long long *)calloc(vocab_size * 2 + 1, sizeof(long long));
long long *binary = (long long *)calloc(vocab_size * 2 + 1, sizeof(long long));
long long *parent_node = (long long *)calloc(vocab_size * 2 + 1, sizeof(long long));
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) count[a] = vocab[a].cn;
for (a = vocab_size; a < vocab_size * 2; a++) count[a] = 1e15;
pos1 = vocab_size - 1;
pos2 = vocab_size;
// Following algorithm constructs the Huffman tree by adding one node at a time
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size - 1; a++) {
// First, find two smallest nodes 'min1, min2'
if (pos1 >= 0) {
if (count[pos1] < count[pos2]) {
min1i = pos1;
} else {
min1i = pos2;
} else {
min1i = pos2;
if (pos1 >= 0) {
if (count[pos1] < count[pos2]) {
min2i = pos1;
} else {
min2i = pos2;
} else {
min2i = pos2;
count[vocab_size + a] = count[min1i] + count[min2i];
parent_node[min1i] = vocab_size + a;
parent_node[min2i] = vocab_size + a;
binary[min2i] = 1;
// Now assign binary code to each vocabulary word
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) {
b = a;
i = 0;
while (1) {
code[i] = binary[b];
point[i] = b;
b = parent_node[b];
if (b == vocab_size * 2 - 2) break;
vocab[a].codelen = i;
//vocab[a].point[0] = 1 ;
//vocab[a].point[0] = vocab_size - 2;
for (b = 0; b < i; b++) {
vocab[a].code[i - b - 1] = code[b];
vocab[a].point[i - b] = point[b] - vocab_size;
printf( "%d:\n",vocab[b].point[0] ) ;
printf( "%d:\n",vocab[b].point[1] ) ;
//print( vocab[0].point[1] ) ;
void testHafManTree(){ //并测试预计算 sigmoid
vocab_size = 4;
vocab = (struct vocab_word *)calloc(vocab_size, sizeof(struct vocab_word));
vocab[0].cn = 4;
vocab[1].cn = 3;
vocab[2].cn = 2;
vocab[3].cn = 1;
int a;
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size - 1; a++) {
vocab[a].code = (char *)calloc(vocab_size, sizeof(char));
vocab[a].point = (int *)calloc(vocab_size, sizeof(int));
expTable = (real *)malloc((EXP_TABLE_SIZE + 1) * sizeof(real));// 申请EXP_TABLE_SIZE+1个空间
// 计算sigmoid值
int i;
for ( i = 0; i < EXP_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
printf( "%f\n", (i / (real)EXP_TABLE_SIZE * 2 - 1) * MAX_EXP ); // Precompute the exp() table
//expTable[i] = expTable[i] / (expTable[i] + 1); // Precompute f(x) = x / (x + 1)
void ReadWord(char *word, FILE *fin, char *eof) {
int a = 0, ch, count=0;
while (1) {
//printf("%d\t", count++);
ch = fgetc(fin);
//printf("%d\t", ch);
if (ch == EOF) {
*eof = 1;
if (ch == 13) continue;
if ((ch == ' ') || (ch == '\t') || (ch == '\n')) {
if (a > 0) {
if (ch == '\n') ungetc(ch, fin);
if (ch == '\n') {
strcpy(word, (char *)"");
} else continue;
word[a] = ch;
if (a >= MAX_STRING - 1) a--; // Truncate too long words
word[a] = 0;
int i=0;
// Returns hash value of a word
int GetWordHash(char *word) {
unsigned long long a, hash = 0;
for (a = 0; a < strlen(word); a++) hash = hash * 257 + word[a];
printf("%d-%d",hash, vocab_hash_size);
hash = hash % vocab_hash_size;
printf("hash:%d\t", hash);
return hash;
// Adds a word to the vocabulary
int AddWordToVocab(char *word) {
printf("%s\t", word);
unsigned int hash, length = strlen(word) + 1;
if (length > MAX_STRING) length = MAX_STRING;
vocab[vocab_size].word = (char *)calloc(length, sizeof(char));
strcpy(vocab[vocab_size].word, word);
vocab[vocab_size].cn = 0;
// Reallocate memory if needed
if (vocab_size + 2 >= vocab_max_size) {
vocab_max_size += 1000;
vocab = (struct vocab_word *)realloc(vocab, vocab_max_size * sizeof(struct vocab_word));
hash = GetWordHash(word);
while (vocab_hash[hash] != -1) hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;
vocab_hash[hash] = vocab_size - 1;
return vocab_size - 1;
// Used later for sorting by word counts
int VocabCompare(const void *a, const void *b) {
long long l = ((struct vocab_word *)b)->cn - ((struct vocab_word *)a)->cn;
if (l > 0) return 1;
if (l < 0) return -1;
return 0;
// Sorts the vocabulary by frequency using word counts
void SortVocab() {
int a, size;
unsigned int hash;
// Sort the vocabulary and keep at the first position
qsort(&vocab[1], vocab_size - 1, sizeof(struct vocab_word), VocabCompare);
for (a = 0; a < vocab_hash_size; a++) vocab_hash[a] = -1;
size = vocab_size;
train_words = 0;
for (a = 0; a < size; a++) {
// Words occuring less than min_count times will be discarded from the vocab
if ((vocab[a].cn < min_count) && (a != 0)) {
} else {
// Hash will be re-computed, as after the sorting it is not actual
while (vocab_hash[hash] != -1) hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;
vocab_hash[hash] = a;
train_words += vocab[a].cn;
vocab = (struct vocab_word *)realloc(vocab, (vocab_size + 1) * sizeof(struct vocab_word));
// Allocate memory for the binary tree construction
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) {
vocab[a].code = (char *)calloc(MAX_CODE_LENGTH, sizeof(char));
vocab[a].point = (int *)calloc(MAX_CODE_LENGTH, sizeof(int));
void ReadVocab() {
long long i = 0;
int a;
char c, eof = 0;
char word[MAX_STRING];
FILE *fin = fopen("aaa.txt", "rb");
if (fin == NULL) {
printf("Vocabulary file not found\n");
//printf("%d", vocab_hash_size);
for (a = 0; a < vocab_hash_size; a++) vocab_hash[a] = -1;
vocab_size = 0;
while (1) {
ReadWord(word, fin, &eof);
if (eof) break;
a = AddWordToVocab(word);
fscanf(fin, "%lld%c", &vocab[a].cn, &c);
printf("cn:%d\t", vocab[a].cn);
printf("c:%c\t", c);
if (debug_mode > 0) {
printf("Vocab size: %lld\n", vocab_size);
printf("Words in train file: %lld\n", train_words);
fin = fopen(train_file, "rb");
if (fin == NULL) {
printf("ERROR: training data file not found!\n");
fseek(fin, 0, SEEK_END);
file_size = ftell(fin);
void prepare(){
int i;
vocab = (struct vocab_word *)calloc(vocab_max_size, sizeof(struct vocab_word));
vocab_hash = (int *)calloc(vocab_hash_size, sizeof(int));
expTable = (real *)malloc((EXP_TABLE_SIZE + 1) * sizeof(real));
for (i = 0; i < EXP_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
expTable[i] = exp((i / (real)EXP_TABLE_SIZE * 2 - 1) * MAX_EXP); // Precompute the exp() table
expTable[i] = expTable[i] / (expTable[i] + 1); // Precompute f(x) = x / (x + 1)
// Returns position of a word in the vocabulary; if the word is not found, returns -1
int SearchVocab(char *word) {
unsigned int hash = GetWordHash(word);
while (1) {
if (vocab_hash[hash] == -1) return -1;
if (!strcmp(word, vocab[vocab_hash[hash]].word)) {
printf("被占用:%s", vocab[vocab_hash[hash]].word) ;
return vocab_hash[hash];
hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;
return -1;
void ReduceVocab() {
int a, b = 0;
unsigned int hash;
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) if (vocab[a].cn > min_reduce) {
vocab[b].cn = vocab[a].cn;
vocab[b].word = vocab[a].word;
} else free(vocab[a].word);
vocab_size = b;
for (a = 0; a < vocab_hash_size; a++) vocab_hash[a] = -1;
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) {
// Hash will be re-computed, as it is not actual
hash = GetWordHash(vocab[a].word);
while (vocab_hash[hash] != -1) hash = (hash + 1) % vocab_hash_size;
vocab_hash[hash] = a;
void LearnVocabFromTrainFile() {
char word[MAX_STRING], eof = 0;
FILE *fin;
long long a, i, wc = 0;
for (a = 0; a < vocab_hash_size; a++) vocab_hash[a] = -1;
fin = fopen(train_file, "rb");
if (fin == NULL) {
printf("ERROR: training data file not found!\n");
vocab_size = 0;
AddWordToVocab((char *)"");
while (1) {
ReadWord(word, fin, &eof);
if (eof) break;
printf("\n==================train_words:%d, wc:%d======================\n", train_words, wc);
if ((debug_mode > 1) && (wc >= 1000000)) {
printf("%lldM%c", train_words / 1000000, 13);
wc = 0;
i = SearchVocab(word);
if (i == -1) {
a = AddWordToVocab(word);
vocab[a].cn = 1;
} else vocab[i].cn++;
if (vocab_size > vocab_hash_size * 0.7) ReduceVocab();
if (debug_mode > 0) {
printf("Vocab size: %lld\n", vocab_size);
printf("Words in train file: %lld\n", train_words);
file_size = ftell(fin);
void SaveVocab() {
long long i;
FILE *fo = fopen(save_vocab_file, "wb");
for (i = 0; i < vocab_size; i++) fprintf(fo, "%s %lld\n", vocab[i].word, vocab[i].cn);
void InitUnigramTable() {
int a, i;
double train_words_pow = 0;
double d1, power = 0.75;
table = (int *)malloc(table_size * sizeof(int));
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) {
train_words_pow += pow(vocab[a].cn, power);
printf("train_words_pow:%f", train_words_pow);
i = 0;
d1 = pow(vocab[i].cn, power) / train_words_pow;
printf("\nd1:%f\n", d1);
for (a = 0; a < table_size; a++) {
table[a] = i;
if (a / (double)table_size > d1) {
d1 += pow(vocab[i].cn, power) / train_words_pow;
printf("\nd1:%f\n", d1);
if (i >= vocab_size) i = vocab_size - 1;
int j;
for(j=0; j<table_size; j++){
printf("%d", table[j]);
void InitNet() {
long long a, b;
unsigned long long next_random = 1;
a = posix_memalign((void **)&syn0, 128, (long long)vocab_size * layer1_size * sizeof(real));
if (syn0 == NULL) {printf("Memory allocation failed\n"); exit(1);}
if (hs) {
a = posix_memalign((void **)&syn1, 128, (long long)vocab_size * layer1_size * sizeof(real));
if (syn1 == NULL) {printf("Memory allocation failed\n"); exit(1);}
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) for (b = 0; b < layer1_size; b++)
syn1[a * layer1_size + b] = 0;
if (negative>0) {
a = posix_memalign((void **)&syn1neg, 128, (long long)vocab_size * layer1_size * sizeof(real));
if (syn1neg == NULL) {printf("Memory allocation failed\n"); exit(1);}
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) for (b = 0; b < layer1_size; b++)
syn1neg[a * layer1_size + b] = 0;
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) {
for (b = 0; b < layer1_size; b++) {
next_random = next_random * (unsigned long long)25214903917 + 11;
syn0[a * layer1_size + b] = (((next_random & 0xFFFF) / (real)65536) - 0.5) / layer1_size;
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) {
for (b = 0; b < layer1_size; b++) {
printf("%f\t", syn0[a*layer1_size+b]);
// Reads a word and returns its index in the vocabulary
int ReadWordIndex(FILE *fin, char *eof) {
char word[MAX_STRING], eof_l = 0;
ReadWord(word, fin, &eof_l);
if (eof_l) {
*eof = 1;
return -1;
return SearchVocab(word);
void *TrainModelThread(void *id) {
long long a, b, d, cw, word, last_word, sentence_length = 0, sentence_position = 0;
long long word_count = 0, last_word_count = 0, sen[MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH + 1];
long long l1, l2, c, target, label, local_iter = iter;
unsigned long long next_random = (long long)id;
char eof = 0;
real f, g;
clock_t now;
real *neu1 = (real *)calloc(layer1_size, sizeof(real));
real *neu1e = (real *)calloc(layer1_size, sizeof(real));
FILE *fi = fopen(train_file, "rb");
fseek(fi, file_size / (long long)num_threads * (long long)id, SEEK_SET);
while (1) {
if (word_count - last_word_count > 10000) {
word_count_actual += word_count - last_word_count;
last_word_count = word_count;
if ((debug_mode > 1)) {
printf("%cAlpha: %f Progress: %.2f%% Words/thread/sec: %.2fk ", 13, alpha,
word_count_actual / (real)(iter * train_words + 1) * 100,
word_count_actual / ((real)(now - start + 1) / (real)CLOCKS_PER_SEC * 1000));
alpha = starting_alpha * (1 - word_count_actual / (real)(iter * train_words + 1));
if (alpha < starting_alpha * 0.0001) alpha = starting_alpha * 0.0001;
if (sentence_length == 0) {
while (1) {
word = ReadWordIndex(fi, &eof);
if (eof) break;
if (word == -1) continue;
if (word == 0) break;
// The subsampling randomly discards frequent words while keeping the ranking same
if (sample > 0) {
real ran = (sqrt(vocab[word].cn / (sample * train_words)) + 1) * (sample * train_words) / vocab[word].cn;
next_random = next_random * (unsigned long long)25214903917 + 11;
if (ran < (next_random & 0xFFFF) / (real)65536) continue;
sen[sentence_length] = word;
if (sentence_length >= MAX_SENTENCE_LENGTH) break;
sentence_position = 0;
if (eof || (word_count > train_words / num_threads)) {
word_count_actual += word_count - last_word_count;
if (local_iter == 0) break;
word_count = 0;
last_word_count = 0;
sentence_length = 0;
fseek(fi, file_size / (long long)num_threads * (long long)id, SEEK_SET);
word = sen[sentence_position];
if (word == -1) continue;
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) neu1[c] = 0;
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) neu1e[c] = 0;
next_random = next_random * (unsigned long long)25214903917 + 11;
b = next_random % window;
if (cbow) { //train the cbow architecture
// in -> hidden
cw = 0;
for (a = b; a < window * 2 + 1 - b; a++) if (a != window) {
c = sentence_position - window + a;
if (c < 0) continue;
if (c >= sentence_length) continue;
last_word = sen[c];
if (last_word == -1) continue;
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) neu1[c] += syn0[c + last_word * layer1_size];
if (cw) {
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) neu1[c] /= cw;
if (hs) for (d = 0; d < vocab[word].codelen; d++) {
f = 0;
l2 = vocab[word].point[d] * layer1_size;
// Propagate hidden -> output
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) f += neu1[c] * syn1[c + l2];
if (f <= -MAX_EXP) continue;
else if (f >= MAX_EXP) continue;
else f = expTable[(int)((f + MAX_EXP) * (EXP_TABLE_SIZE / MAX_EXP / 2))];
// 'g' is the gradient multiplied by the learning rate
g = (1 - vocab[word].code[d] - f) * alpha;
// Propagate errors output -> hidden
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) neu1e[c] += g * syn1[c + l2];
// Learn weights hidden -> output
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) syn1[c + l2] += g * neu1[c];
if (negative > 0) for (d = 0; d < negative + 1; d++) {
if (d == 0) {
target = word;
label = 1;
} else {
next_random = next_random * (unsigned long long)25214903917 + 11;
target = table[(next_random >> 16) % table_size];
if (target == 0) target = next_random % (vocab_size - 1) + 1;
if (target == word) continue;
label = 0;
l2 = target * layer1_size;
f = 0;
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) f += neu1[c] * syn1neg[c + l2];
if (f > MAX_EXP) g = (label - 1) * alpha;
else if (f < -MAX_EXP) g = (label - 0) * alpha;
else g = (label - expTable[(int)((f + MAX_EXP) * (EXP_TABLE_SIZE / MAX_EXP / 2))]) * alpha;
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) neu1e[c] += g * syn1neg[c + l2];
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) syn1neg[c + l2] += g * neu1[c];
// hidden -> in
for (a = b; a < window * 2 + 1 - b; a++) if (a != window) {
c = sentence_position - window + a;
if (c < 0) continue;
if (c >= sentence_length) continue;
last_word = sen[c];
if (last_word == -1) continue;
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) syn0[c + last_word * layer1_size] += neu1e[c];
} else { //train skip-gram
for (a = b; a < window * 2 + 1 - b; a++) if (a != window) {
c = sentence_position - window + a;
if (c < 0) continue;
if (c >= sentence_length) continue;
last_word = sen[c];
if (last_word == -1) continue;
l1 = last_word * layer1_size;
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) neu1e[c] = 0;
if (hs) for (d = 0; d < vocab[word].codelen; d++) {
f = 0;
l2 = vocab[word].point[d] * layer1_size;
// Propagate hidden -> output
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) f += syn0[c + l1] * syn1[c + l2];
if (f <= -MAX_EXP) continue;
else if (f >= MAX_EXP) continue;
else f = expTable[(int)((f + MAX_EXP) * (EXP_TABLE_SIZE / MAX_EXP / 2))];
// 'g' is the gradient multiplied by the learning rate
g = (1 - vocab[word].code[d] - f) * alpha;
// Propagate errors output -> hidden
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) neu1e[c] += g * syn1[c + l2];
// Learn weights hidden -> output
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) syn1[c + l2] += g * syn0[c + l1];
if (negative > 0) for (d = 0; d < negative + 1; d++) {
if (d == 0) {
target = word;
label = 1;
} else {
next_random = next_random * (unsigned long long)25214903917 + 11;
target = table[(next_random >> 16) % table_size];
if (target == 0) target = next_random % (vocab_size - 1) + 1;
if (target == word) continue;
label = 0;
l2 = target * layer1_size;
f = 0;
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) f += syn0[c + l1] * syn1neg[c + l2];
if (f > MAX_EXP) g = (label - 1) * alpha;
else if (f < -MAX_EXP) g = (label - 0) * alpha;
else g = (label - expTable[(int)((f + MAX_EXP) * (EXP_TABLE_SIZE / MAX_EXP / 2))]) * alpha;
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) neu1e[c] += g * syn1neg[c + l2];
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) syn1neg[c + l2] += g * syn0[c + l1];
// Learn weights input -> hidden
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) syn0[c + l1] += neu1e[c];
if (sentence_position >= sentence_length) {
sentence_length = 0;
void TrainModel() {
long a, b, c, d;
FILE *fo;
pthread_t *pt = (pthread_t *)malloc(num_threads * sizeof(pthread_t));
printf("Starting training using file %s\n", train_file);
starting_alpha = alpha;
if (read_vocab_file[0] != 0) ReadVocab(); else LearnVocabFromTrainFile();
if (save_vocab_file[0] != 0) SaveVocab();
if (output_file[0] == 0) return;
if (negative > 0) InitUnigramTable();
start = clock();
for (a = 0; a < num_threads; a++) pthread_create(&pt[a], NULL, TrainModelThread, (void *)(intptr_t) a);//intptr_t
//WINPTHREAD_API pthread_create(pthread_t *th, const pthread_attr_t *attr, void *(* func)(void *), void *arg);
for (a = 0; a < num_threads; a++) pthread_join(pt[a], NULL);
fo = fopen(output_file, "wb");
if (classes == 0) {
// Save the word vectors
fprintf(fo, "%lld %lld\n", vocab_size, layer1_size);
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) {
fprintf(fo, "%s ", vocab[a].word);
if (binary) for (b = 0; b < layer1_size; b++) fwrite(&syn0[a * layer1_size + b], sizeof(real), 1, fo);
else for (b = 0; b < layer1_size; b++) fprintf(fo, "%lf ", syn0[a * layer1_size + b]);
fprintf(fo, "\n");
} else {
// Run K-means on the word vectors
int clcn = classes, iter = 10, closeid;
int *centcn = (int *)malloc(classes * sizeof(int));
int *cl = (int *)calloc(vocab_size, sizeof(int));
real closev, x;
real *cent = (real *)calloc(classes * layer1_size, sizeof(real));
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) cl[a] = a % clcn;
for (a = 0; a < iter; a++) {
for (b = 0; b < clcn * layer1_size; b++) cent[b] = 0;
for (b = 0; b < clcn; b++) centcn[b] = 1;
for (c = 0; c < vocab_size; c++) {
for (d = 0; d < layer1_size; d++) cent[layer1_size * cl[c] + d] += syn0[c * layer1_size + d];
for (b = 0; b < clcn; b++) {
closev = 0;
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) {
cent[layer1_size * b + c] /= centcn[b];
closev += cent[layer1_size * b + c] * cent[layer1_size * b + c];
closev = sqrt(closev);
for (c = 0; c < layer1_size; c++) cent[layer1_size * b + c] /= closev;
for (c = 0; c < vocab_size; c++) {
closev = -10;
closeid = 0;
for (d = 0; d < clcn; d++) {
x = 0;
for (b = 0; b < layer1_size; b++) x += cent[layer1_size * d + b] * syn0[c * layer1_size + b];
if (x > closev) {
closev = x;
closeid = d;
cl[c] = closeid;
// Save the K-means classes
for (a = 0; a < vocab_size; a++) fprintf(fo, "%s %d\n", vocab[a].word, cl[a]);
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
strcpy(train_file, "aa.txt");
strcpy(save_vocab_file, "aaa.txt");
strcpy(output_file, "output.txt");
int ArgPos(char *str, int argc, char **argv) {
int a;
for (a = 1; a < argc; a++) if (!strcmp(str, argv[a])) {
if (a == argc - 1) {
printf("Argument missing for %s\n", str);
return a;
return -1;
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int i;
strcpy(train_file, "aa.txt");
strcpy(save_vocab_file, "aaa.txt");
strcpy(output_file, "output.txt");
argc = 2;
if (argc == 1) {
printf("WORD VECTOR estimation toolkit v 0.1c\n\n");
printf("Parameters for training:\n");
printf("\t-train \n");
printf("\t\tUse text data from to train the model\n");
printf("\t-output \n");
printf("\t\tUse to save the resulting word vectors / word clusters\n");
printf("\t-size \n");
printf("\t\tSet size of word vectors; default is 100\n");
printf("\t-window \n");
printf("\t\tSet max skip length between words; default is 5\n");
printf("\t-sample \n");
printf("\t\tSet threshold for occurrence of words. Those that appear with higher frequency in the training data\n");
printf("\t\twill be randomly down-sampled; default is 1e-3, useful range is (0, 1e-5)\n");
printf("\t-hs \n");
printf("\t\tUse Hierarchical Softmax; default is 0 (not used)\n");
printf("\t-negative \n");
printf("\t\tNumber of negative examples; default is 5, common values are 3 - 10 (0 = not used)\n");
printf("\t-threads \n");
printf("\t\tUse threads (default 12)\n");
printf("\t-iter \n");
printf("\t\tRun more training iterations (default 5)\n");
printf("\t-min-count \n");
printf("\t\tThis will discard words that appear less than times; default is 5\n");
printf("\t-alpha \n");
printf("\t\tSet the starting learning rate; default is 0.025 for skip-gram and 0.05 for CBOW\n");
printf("\t-classes \n");
printf("\t\tOutput word classes rather than word vectors; default number of classes is 0 (vectors are written)\n");
printf("\t-debug \n");
printf("\t\tSet the debug mode (default = 2 = more info during training)\n");
printf("\t-binary \n");
printf("\t\tSave the resulting vectors in binary moded; default is 0 (off)\n");
printf("\t-save-vocab \n");
printf("\t\tThe vocabulary will be saved to \n");
printf("\t-read-vocab \n");
printf("\t\tThe vocabulary will be read from , not constructed from the training data\n");
printf("\t-cbow \n");
printf("\t\tUse the continuous bag of words model; default is 1 (use 0 for skip-gram model)\n");
printf("./word2vec -train data.txt -output vec.txt -size 200 -window 5 -sample 1e-4 -negative 5 -hs 0 -binary 0 -cbow 1 -iter 3\n\n");
return 0;
output_file[0] = 0;
save_vocab_file[0] = 0;
read_vocab_file[0] = 0;
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-size", argc, argv)) > 0) layer1_size = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-train", argc, argv)) > 0) strcpy(train_file, argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-save-vocab", argc, argv)) > 0) strcpy(save_vocab_file, argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-read-vocab", argc, argv)) > 0) strcpy(read_vocab_file, argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-debug", argc, argv)) > 0) debug_mode = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-binary", argc, argv)) > 0) binary = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-cbow", argc, argv)) > 0) cbow = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if (cbow) alpha = 0.05;
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-alpha", argc, argv)) > 0) alpha = atof(argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-output", argc, argv)) > 0) strcpy(output_file, argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-window", argc, argv)) > 0) window = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-sample", argc, argv)) > 0) sample = atof(argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-hs", argc, argv)) > 0) hs = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-negative", argc, argv)) > 0) negative = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-threads", argc, argv)) > 0) num_threads = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-iter", argc, argv)) > 0) iter = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-min-count", argc, argv)) > 0) min_count = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
if ((i = ArgPos((char *)"-classes", argc, argv)) > 0) classes = atoi(argv[i + 1]);
vocab = (struct vocab_word *)calloc(vocab_max_size, sizeof(struct vocab_word));
vocab_hash = (int *)calloc(vocab_hash_size, sizeof(int));
expTable = (real *)malloc((EXP_TABLE_SIZE + 1) * sizeof(real));
for (i = 0; i < EXP_TABLE_SIZE; i++) {
expTable[i] = exp((i / (real)EXP_TABLE_SIZE * 2 - 1) * MAX_EXP); // Precompute the exp() table
expTable[i] = expTable[i] / (expTable[i] + 1); // Precompute f(x) = x / (x + 1)
return 0;