【M实事摘要Newsletter】2018-01-01 #1

欢迎关注【M实事摘要】,这是一则立足中国放眼全球的AI和无人驾驶汽车(SDC)的实事简报(Newsletter)。每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】

1 JMU student works toward building self-driving car
The Breeze
The next big project of X-Labs is autonomous vehicle project, otherwise known as a “self-driving car.”

2 Driverless vehicle technology will go mainstream in 2018, experts claim
Sky News
Sky News was given access to some of the final testing of the Milton Keynes autonomous pods at the purpose-built research arena in Coventry run by manufacturer Aurrigo.

3 UK lacks infrastructure for self-driving electric cars, says Axa
The Guardian
Amanda Blanc said a lack of rapid charging bays and pressure on the National Grid have overtaken questions about accident liability as the biggest barriers to autonomous vehicles entering the transport mainstream.

4 妻子已回国,但贾跃亭仍不见踪影;特朗普炮轰亚马逊:低运费拖累美国邮局;京东X无人超市昨日开业 ...
雷锋网12月30日消息,首家京东无人超市社会化门店在山东烟台大悦城七层正式营业。 据京东方面透露,目前无人超市只有一名店员,提供引导服务,更多的进店识别、购物、结算等,均是由技术支撑。包括大数据分析、辅助运营手段、刷脸进店、智能进店、优惠更新、自动结算等,共同搭建京东无人超市全场景“无 ...

5 Who is responsible for self-driving car accidents?
The Japan News
The Yomiuri ShimbunTechnology for self-driving vehicles (see below) is developing rapidly. The government aims to put unmanned self-driving vehicles into practical use under limited conditions by 2020.

6 Google's New Text-to-Speech AI Is so Good We Bet You Can't Tell It From a Real Human
Google's New Text-to-Speech AI Is so Good We Bet You Can't Tell It From a Real Human. See if you hear a difference between Tacotron 2 and human speech.

7 You can help teach a snake-spotting AI to spot snakes better
The Verge
A team of reptile and amphibian enthusiasts is asking for the public's help training artificial intelligence to spot snakes, frogs, and more from photos.

8 Meet The Woman Behind Woebot, The AI Therapist
Meet The Woman Behind Woebot, The AI Therapist. Elizabeth Harris , Contributor I focus on the psychology of money and ... I spoke with Darcy about thinking of an AI as a personality and the applications of chatbots for addressing financial anxiety.

北京时间18/01/01 每日更新 | 点击关注: 【M实事摘要】

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