Growth Hacking精要-跟Airbnb、Pinterest和Uber学习增长秘笈

原作者: Charu Angid [原文链接]

Earlier tonight, I attended a growth tech talk held at Airbnb. I know quite a few people who were on the waitlist for this event and some who were not able to attend in person, so here’s my summary of key learnings from the talks. I’m going to focus on things that I found unique to each company. You can also find a full recording of the talks on Airbnb’s website here.


If I had to sum up the key growth strategy themes for these 3 companies in a few words (based on the non-statistically significant # of data points I collected on each of these companies from the talks) it would be the following ->
Airbnb: Carefully crafted quality user experience
Pinterest: Discovery of pinnable and pinned content
Uber: Rapid scalable deployment across the world

Airbnb: 精心雕琢高质量用户体验
Pinterest: 发现值得钉上和已经钉上的图片内容
Uber: 全球市场的快速规模化复制

While I’m 100% certain all 3 of these companies care about all 3 of these things and more (hypothesize, test, iterate) when it comes to growth, the reason I picked these as top level themes were based on the way the speakers at these companies communicated the problems that they thought about the most, and how they approached solving them.


For Airbnb, growth is focused on 3 main goals: building a quality experience, having no negative effect on the ecosystem, and driving 40% lift in new users. Chris, Vivek and Nick from the Airbnb growth team shared concrete examples of tests they ran and how they made decisions to ramp/not ramp these changes. For instance, Airbnb tested reducing the frequency with which they showed a sign up prompt asking users to create an Airbnb account or log in - while reducing the frequency of showing this modal reduced signups by 4%, the quality of user experience improved, which led the team to commit to the change. In another example, the team removed testimonials from the sign up modal, which led to a 9% increase in sign ups, without any observable negative user cost. Finally, the team discussed a test they ran where they increased the size of the sign up / log in modal and made copy changes that indicated continuity. These changes, which might be considered minor design tweaks, led to a significant increase in sign ups. The key takeaway from the Airbnb talk was that user experience and design play a big role in determining what types of tradeoffs to make and also drive growth features.

对于Airbnb, 增长主要集中在三个主要目标打造高质量体验,生态系统中无任何负面影响,并驱动40%的新客增长率。 来自Airbnb增长团队的Chris、Vivek和Nick分享了他们测试的具体实例以及他们如何决策是否大肆推广这些变化。比如,Airbnb测试过减少弹出用户注册或登录账户的注册窗口提示的频率,结果显示,尽管新用户注册率下降了4%,用户体验的质量却上升了,这坚定了团队减少以上提示的决心。在另外一个例子里,团队将自我证言从注册流程中去掉,这提升了9%的注册率却没观察到任何对客户的负面影响。最后,团队分享了另一个例子,他们扩大了注册/登录窗口的尺寸并复制变化来提示连贯性。这些变化虽然可被认为设计上的微调,却大大地提高了注册用户数。Airbnb的分享中,我体会最深的就是:用户体验和设计在团队决定做出哪些类型的折衷且能驱动增长特征时居功至伟。

For Pinterest, SEO is a key driver of traffic to content. Vadim from Pinterest discussed a key tradeoff that SEO growth strategists often have to make - should you be optimizing for search engine crawlers to find your content or should you optimize for the user experience of real people who are actually consuming the content? For Pinterest, the focus is the latter. An example of a test Pinterest ran recently, was changing how pinned boards are ordered from chronological order to ordering by popularity. The hypothesis was that the new order would perform better as it had more popular pins. However, results showed a 20% drop in traffic. After investigations, the team found that the reason behind this was that popular pins have been repinned so many times, that each pin takes up more space in the user’s screen - resulting in fewer pins being surfaced to users which led to the traffic drop. Vadim also discussed how Pinterest optimizes for traffic from image search by using the original image searched for as an anchor and showing related pins for discovery of Pinterest content. The key takeaway from the Pinterest talk was that enabling discovery of pins and pinnable content in the best way is a core growth focus that leads to engagement and value for Pinterest users.

对于Pinterest,SEO是内容流量增长的关键抓手。 来自P家的Vadim分享了SEO增长专家常常要做的一个关键的折衷选择--是优化搜索引擎爬虫来找到你的内容还是该优化那帮真正消化内容的用户的体验?对于Pinterest,重点在于后者。Pinterest最近的一个例子就是,将被钉住的图片面板的显示顺序从按时间排序变成按流行度排序。其背后的假设就是新的顺序会更给力,因为按照流行度的图片面板上有更多的受欢迎的图片。然而,结果显示有20%的流量下降。经调查发现,那些受欢迎的图片因为已经被反复钉过很多次,每个钉都会占用屏幕上更多的空间,结果就导致更少的钉被显示到用户屏幕,从而产生了流量下滑。

For Uber, growing fast in markets across the world, especially in large emerging economies like China and India is key. John and Anant from Uber shared strategies the engineering team deploys to facilitate rapid scalable growth. Uber has built an ‘onboarding state machine’ - a backend system for onboarding the driver experience with APIs, which is used in combination with country specific logic and UI modules, to deploy quickly in new markets that Uber enters. The system has gotten to a point where it can be used in a plug and play format with minimal refactoring. Uber has also developed sophisticated data science models which enable them to learn from the first few interactions users in new markets take on the site/app and predict if they will convert, which helps inform what pieces of the onboarding experience are working. The key takeaway from the Uber talk was that engineering for rapid deployment can be a massive advantage in entering new markets and quickly getting to product-market fit.

对于Uber,在全球市场快速增长,特别是在大型新兴经济实体(如中国、印度)的布局是关键。 来自U家的John和Anant分享了他们开发团队用来推动快速规模化的策略。Uber打造了一个“适职状态机”--一个通过API来管理司机体验的后端系统,它通过和不同国家特有的逻辑和用户交互模块协同工作,从而快速地在Uber新进入市场上得以应用。该系统已经达到了仅需最小程度的重构便能即插即用的地步。U家同事也开发了复杂的数据模型来让他们从新市场的第一批种子用户身上学习并预测他们是否会变成Uber用户,这有助于Uber了解适职状态机中哪些模块在起作用。U家分享给我的最大启发就是:技术驱动和快速开发应用是进入新市场后打开局面和迅速找到市场契合点时的巨大优势。

Overall, I found the content of the talks to be highly relevant to the work we do every day at fast growing tech companies. +1 to the Airbnb team for throwing another great event.


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