以太坊:事件日志 (Event Logs)

事件日志相关 API,接口的参数说明请参考Etherscan API 约定, 文档中不单独说明。

[Beta] The Event Log API was designed to provide an alternative to the native eth_getLogs. Below are the list of supported filter parameters:

* fromBlock, toBlock, address
* topic0, topic1, topic2, topic3 (32 Bytes per topic)
* topic0_1_opr (and|or between topic0 & topic1), topic1_2_opr (and|or between topic1 & topic2), topic2_3_opr (and|or between topic2 & topic3), topic0_2_opr (and|or between topic0 & topic2), topic0_3_opr (and|or between topic0 & topic3), topic1_3_opr (and|or between topic1 & topic3)
  • fromBlock and toBlock accepts the blocknumber (integer, NOT hex) or ‘latest’ (earliest & pending is NOT supported yet)

  • Topic Operator (opr) choices are either ‘and’ or ‘or’ and are restricted to the above choices only

  • fromBlock and toBlock parameters are required

  • Either the address and/or topic(X) parameters are required, when multiple topic(X) parameters are used the topicX_X_opr (and|or operator) is also required

  • For performance & security considerations, only the first 1000 results are return. So please narrow down the filter parameters

Here are some examples of how this filter maybe used:


如获取地址为 0x33990122638b9132ca29c723bdf037f1a891a70c 区块从 379224 到最新区块 主题 topic[0] = 0xf63780e752c6a54a94fc52715dbc5518a3b4c3c2833d301a204226548a2a8545 的事件日志的方法为:



Get Event Logs from block number 379224 to block 400000 , where log address = 0x33990122638b9132ca29c723bdf037f1a891a70c, topic[0] = 0xf63780e752c6a54a94fc52715dbc5518a3b4c3c2833d301a204226548a2a8545 ‘AND’ topic[1] = 0x72657075746174696f6e00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

