excel 查找一个表的数据在另一个表中是否存在

Sub test()

Rem    MsgBox ("AAAAA")

Dim pos, pos1, tmp, total1, total2, tmpStr, tmpStr1, col, sheetR

sheetR = 2

Rem 获取Sheet1的行数
total1 = Sheet1.UsedRange.Rows.Count
Rem 获取Sheet1的列数,后面把不满足的条目复制到Sheet3中
col = Sheet1.UsedRange.Columns.Count
Rem 获取Sheet2的行数
total2 = Sheet2.UsedRange.Rows.Count

MsgBox "sheet1 行: " & total1 & "  sheet2 行:" & total2 & "    " & col

Rem 开始循环,第一个循环是遍历Sheet1中第六列的所有行数据,从2到total1
  For pos = 2 To Sheet1.UsedRange.Rows.Count

    tmpStr = Sheet1.Cells(pos, 6)
    Sheet1.Cells(pos, 6).Interior.ColorIndex = 2
    Rem MsgBox "***********sheet1*********** Row :" & pos & " data :" & tmpStr

    Rem 在Sheet2的指定列(这里第4列)的所有行数据中查找
    For pos1 = 2 To Sheet2.UsedRange.Rows.Count
      tmpStr1 = Sheet2.Cells(pos1, 4)
      tmp = Sheet2.Cells(pos1, 5)
      Rem 找到指定数据,sheet2中的第5列是辅助查找结果的,sheet1中是第7列。
      If tmpStr = tmpStr1 Then
        Rem 在Sheet2中找到了,首先查看Sheet2中的辅助列是不是填了值,填了值说明以前sheet1中的数据在Sheet2中匹配过,这个就不能用,要继续查找
        If Sheet2.Cells(pos1, 5) = "" Then
          Rem MsgBox "########sheet2######## NULL :" & Sheet2.Cells(pos1, 5) & " Row : " & pos1
          Rem Sheet2中的辅助列保存Sheet1 数据的行号
          Sheet2.Cells(pos1, 5) = "Row" & pos
          Rem Sheet1中的辅助列保存Sheet2 数据的行号
          Sheet1.Cells(pos, 7) = "Row" & pos1
          Rem MsgBox "########sheet2########" & tmpStr1 & " sheet1 : " & pos & " sheet2 : " & pos1
          Exit For
          Rem MsgBox "########sheet2######## not NULL :" & Sheet2.Cells(pos1, 5) & " Row : " & pos1
        End If
      End If
    If pos1 >= total2 Then
      Rem MsgBox "can't find " & tmpStr & " in sheet2 " & " Row : " & pos1
      Rem 将Sheet1中没找到的数据设置成红色
      Sheet1.Cells(pos, 6).Interior.ColorIndex = 3
      Dim i
      For i = 1 To col
        Rem 将Sheet1中没找到的数据行复制到Sheet3
        Sheet3.Cells(sheetR, i) = Sheet1.Cells(pos, i)
      sheetR = sheetR + 1
    End If

  MsgBox ("Done!!!")
End Sub


