五、Motion Detection and Estimation(运动检测于估计)

Motion Detection: Whether image points are moving or not?

Motion Estimation: How image points move?

Goals of motion detection

Identify moving objects

Detection of unusual activity patterns

Computing trajectories of moving objects




Applications of motion detection

Indoor/outdoor security

Real time crime detection

Traffic monitoring




Many intelligent video analysis systems are based on motion detection.

一、Motion Detection Methods

(1)Hypothesis Testing with a Fixed threshold(固定阀值假设检验)

五、Motion Detection and Estimation(运动检测于估计)_第1张图片

How to handle noise:

五、Motion Detection and Estimation(运动检测于估计)_第2张图片

where W is a spatial windows.

Compare intensity gradients to handle illumination change:

五、Motion Detection and Estimation(运动检测于估计)_第3张图片


(2)Hypothesis Testing with Adaptive Threshold

Let Ek be a MRF of all labels assigned at time tk, and let ek be its realization. Based on Bayes criterion, we can write:

五、Motion Detection and Estimation(运动检测于估计)_第4张图片

To increase the detection robustness to noise, the temporal differences should be pooled together, for example with in a spatial window Wl centered at l. The hypothesis becomes:

五、Motion Detection and Estimation(运动检测于估计)_第5张图片

Where N is the number of pixels in Wl.

(3)MAP Detection


    where q is zero-mean uncorrelated Gaussian noise and

五、Motion Detection and Estimation(运动检测于估计)_第6张图片

The overall energy function can be written as:

五、Motion Detection and Estimation(运动检测于估计)_第7张图片

二、Motion Models

•(1)Spatial Motion Models

The velocity at position x in the image plane is described by:

When combined with 3-D affine motion of a planar surface, it leads to:

•(2)Temporal Motion Models

When the trajectories are linear and the velocity vt(x) is constant between t=tk-1 and τ (τ>t), a linear trajectory can be expressed as:

A natural extension of the linear model is a quadratic trajectory model:

•(3)Region of Support

The set of points x to which a spatial and temporal motion model applies is called a region of support, denoted R.

•(4)Observation Models

Image intensity remains constant along a motion trajectory:


Take noise into account:

Let s be a variable along a motion trajectory. Then:

Again, when illumination changes, we use the gradients: 

三(plus)、Estimation Criteria

The models discussed have to be incorporated into an estimation criterion that will be subsequently optimized.

Pixel-Domain Criteria

Frequency-Domain Criteria


Bayesian Criteria

