
2017/7/29 14:03:16


The QThreadPool class manages a collection of QThreads. QThreadPool manages and recycles QThread to help reduce thread creation and deconstruction costs in programs, especially in sever. As the following formula:

 #Mathjax not supported! So sad...
 cost = (create + destroy) / (create + destroy + run)

If we create the thread in a high concurrency server, the cost is unacceptable.

  • QThreadPool
  • QRunnable
  • References


To use one of the QThreadPool threads, subclass QRunnable and implement the run() virtual function. Then create an object of that class and pass it to QThreadPool::start().
QThreadPool deletes the QRunnable automatically by default. Use QRunnable::setAutoDelete() to change the auto-deletion flag.
Threads that are unused for a certain amount of time will expire. The default expiry timeout is 30000 milliseconds (30 seconds). This can be changed using setExpiryTimeout(). Setting a negative expiry timeout disables the expiry mechanism.

Key functions:

  • QThreadPool *QThreadPool::globalInstance(): Each Qt application has a global thread pool.
  • void QThreadPool::start(QRunnable *runnable, int priority = 0): Reserves a thread and uses it to run runnable, unless this thread will make the current thread count exceed maxThreadCount().



class Task : public QRunnable {
    virtual void run() {
        for ( int i = 0; i < 5; ++i ) {
            qDebug() << QThread::currentThreadId();
            QThread::msleep( 1000 );

int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
    QCoreApplication app( argc, argv );

    QThreadPool pool;
    pool.setMaxThreadCount( 3 );

    for ( int i = 0; i < 100; ++i ) {
        Task *task = new Task;
        pool.start( task );

    return 0;


The QRunnable class is the base class for all runnable objects. The QRunnable class is an interface for representing a task or piece of code that needs to be executed, represented by your reimplementation of the run() function.

Key functions:

  • void QRunnable::run(): Implement this pure virtual function in your subclass.


  • QThreadPool class
  • QRunnable class
  • QRunnable and QThreadPool
