<template> <div class="comCon"> <headback class="header" @back='back'> <span>地图span> headback> <div class="bodyCont"> <div class="const-me"> <div class="person-content"> 获取用户的当前位置信息<br/> <button @click="getUserLocation()">获取位置button> <button @click="getCurrentCenter()">获取中心位置button> <div id="map">地图加载中...div> div> <div> <button @click="scanFile()">浏览文件button> div> div> div> div> template> <script> import {mixins} from 'assets/js/mixins' import picker from 'base/picker/picker' import headback from 'base/head/head-back' import i18n from "assets/js/vi18n/i18n.js" export default { mixins:[mixins], i18n, components: { picker, headback }, data(){ return { } }, mounted(){ // H5 plus事件处理 if(window.plus){ console.log(1); this.plusReady(); console.log(1.1); }else{ console.log(2); document.addEventListener("plusready",this.plusReady(),false); console.log(2.1); } }, methods: { scanFile(){ var vm=this; var fileURL='http://report.zkteco.com/file/globalservice/pdf/%E9%9B%86%E8%AE%AD%E8%90%A51_%E7%9C%8B%E5%9B%BE%E7%8E%8B_1526894807867.pdf'; console.log(1001); if(fileURL !=''){ plus.nativeUI.actionSheet({ cancel: 'Cancel', buttons: [{ title: 'Download the file' }, { title: 'OK' }] }, function(e) { var i = e.index; if(i == 1) { }else if(i == 2) { console.log(1002); plus.nativeUI.showWaiting(''); var localURL = vm.getLocalImg(fileURL); vm.openfiles(localURL);/*打开文件*/ }else{ } }); return false; } console.log(1003); }, /*检测文件是否存在并打开*/ openfiles (localURL) { let vm=this; console.log(1004); plus.io.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(plus.io.convertAbsoluteFileSystem(localURL), function(entry) { plus.nativeUI.closeWaiting(); // localURL = plus.io.convertLocalFileSystemURL(localURL); plus.runtime.openFile( plus.io.convertAbsoluteFileSystem(localURL), null, function () { plus.nativeUI.alert( 'The file could not be opened', function(){}, official, 'OK'); }); }, function(e) { setTimeout(function() { console.log(1005); vm.openfiles(localURL);/*等待图片下载完成*/ },300); }); }, //获取缓存图片 getLocalImg(source){ let vm=this; if(source == null || source == '' || source == 'undefined'){ return ''; }else if(source.indexOf('../public')==0){ return source; } source = source.indexOf('http')<0? (webRoot + source) : source; var lastName = source.split('/').pop(); var localName = "_downloads/" + lastName; plus.io.resolveLocalFileSystemURL(localName, function(entry) { }, function(e) { vm.downloadSource(source,localName); }); return plus.io.convertLocalFileSystemURL(localName); }, /*下载图片到缓存*/ downloadSource (source,localName) { var regChinese = /[\u4E00-\u9FA5]/g; var tmpLoadUrl = source.replace(regChinese, 'chineseRemoveAfter'); if (tmpLoadUrl.indexOf('chineseRemoveAfter') != -1) { source = encodeURI(source); } var dtask = plus.downloader.createDownload(source,{filename:localName}, function ( d, status ) { if ( status == 200 ) { console.log(d.filename); }else{ console.log('error'); } }); dtask.start(); }, plusReady(){ console.log(2.12); var point = new plus.maps.Point(116.347496,39.970191); plus.maps.Map.reverseGeocode(point,{},function(event){ var address = event.address; // 转换后的地理位置 var point = event.coord; // 转换后的坐标信息 var coordType = event.coordType; // 转换后的坐标系类型 alert("Address:"+address); },function(e){ alert("Failed:"+JSON.stringify(e)); }); console.log(1.12); }, // 获取当前地图显示的地图中心点位置 getCurrentCenter(){ map.getCurrentCenter( function ( state, point ){ if( 0 == state ){ alert( JSON.stringify(point) ); }else{ alert( "Failed!" ); } } ); }, getUserLocation(){ // 获取用户的当前位置信息 map.getUserLocation( function ( state, point ){ if( 0 == state ){ alert( JSON.stringify(point) ); }else{ alert( "Failed!" ); } } ); }, back(){ this.$router.go(-1); }, }, watch: { } } script> <style scoped lang="stylus" rel="stylesheet/stylus"> @import '~assets/stylus/veriable.styl' .comCon position fixed top 0 left 0 right 0 bottom 0 z-index 16 background $color-background-all .const-me .person-content background #ffffff div min-height 18.75rem style>
<template> <div class="comCon"> <headback class="header" @back='back'> <span>相机span> headback> <div class="bodyCont"> <div class="const-me"> <div class="person-content"> <div @click="captureImage">Camera : 拍照div> <div @click="videoCapture">Camera : 摄像头div> div> div> div> div> template> <script> import {mixins} from 'assets/js/mixins' import picker from 'base/picker/picker' import headback from 'base/head/head-back' import i18n from "assets/js/vi18n/i18n.js" export default { mixins:[mixins], i18n, components: { picker, headback }, data(){ return { probeType:3, totalHeight:[], pos:0, currentIndex:1, showFooter:false, data:[], scrollEndx:true, person:[ { text:"edit_password", icon:'iconfont icon-edit', path:'editPassword' }, { text:"personal_message", icon:'iconfont icon-wxbzhanghu', path:'personInfo' }, { text:"pay_attention_to_people", icon:'iconfont icon-group', path:'attention' } ] } }, created () { this.keydata=[]; }, methods: { onPlusReady(){ var cmr = plus.camera.getCamera(); }, captureImage(){ var cmr = plus.camera.getCamera(); var res = cmr.supportedImageResolutions[0]; var fmt = cmr.supportedImageFormats[0]; console.log("Resolution: "+res+", Format: "+fmt); var path='storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/'; ///private/var/root/Media/DCIM var ua = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); if (/iphone|ipad|ipod/.test(ua)) { path='private/var/root/Media/DCIM/'; } else if (/android/.test(ua)) { path='storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/'; } cmr.captureImage(function(path){ plus.gallery.save(path); }) // cmr.captureImage( function( path ){ // alert( "Capture image success: " + path ); // }, // function( error ) { // alert( "Capture image failed: " + error.message ); // }, // {resolution:res,format:fmt} // ); }, captureImage1(){ // interface CameraOption { // attribute String 'storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/'; // }, var cmr = plus.camera.getCamera(); var res = cmr.supportedImageResolutions[0]; var fmt = cmr.supportedImageFormats[0]; console.log("Resolution: "+res+", Format: "+fmt); cmr.captureImage( function( path ){ alert( "Capture image success: " + path ); }, function( error ) { alert( "Capture image failed: " + error.message ); }, {resolution:res,format:fmt} ); }, videoCapture(){ // interface CameraOption { // attribute String '/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/'; // }, var cmr = plus.camera.getCamera(); var res = cmr.supportedVideoResolutions[0]; var fmt = cmr.supportedVideoFormats[0]; console.log("Resolution: "+res+", Format: "+fmt); var path='/storage/emulated/0/DCIM/Camera/'; cmr.captureImage(function(path){ plus.gallery.save(path); }), cmr.startVideoCapture( function( path ){ alert( "Capture video success: " + path ); }, function( error ) { alert( "Capture video failed: " + error.message ); }, {resolution:res,format:fmt} ); }, back(){ this.$router.go(-1); }, }, mounted(){ document.addEventListener( "plusready", onPlusReady, false ); var r = null; }, watch: { } } script> <style scoped lang="stylus" rel="stylesheet/stylus"> @import '~assets/stylus/veriable.styl' .comCon position fixed top 0 left 0 right 0 bottom 0 z-index 16 background $color-background-all .const-me .person-content background #ffffff div padding 8px style>
<template> <div class="comCon"> <headback class="header" @back='back'> <span>地图thisspan> headback> <div class="bodyCont"> <div class="const-me"> <div class="person-content"> 获取用户的当前位置信息<br/> <button @click="getUserLocation()">获取位置button> <button @click="getCurrentCenter()">获取中心位置button> <div id="map">地图加载中...div> div> div> div> div> template> <script> import {mixins} from 'assets/js/mixins' import picker from 'base/picker/picker' import headback from 'base/head/head-back' import i18n from "assets/js/vi18n/i18n.js" export default { mixins:[mixins], i18n, components: { picker, headback }, data(){ return { em:null, map:null, } }, mounted(){ this.getKey(); }, methods: { // 获取当前地图显示的地图中心点位置 getCurrentCenter(){ map.getCurrentCenter( function ( state, point ){ if( 0 == state ){ alert( JSON.stringify(point) ); }else{ alert( "Failed!" ); } } ); }, getKey(){ let vm=this; // H5 plus事件处理 if(window.plus){ vm.plusReady(); }else{ document.addEventListener("plusready",vm.plusReady(),false); } // DOMContentloaded事件处理 document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",function(){ em=document.getElementById("map"); vm.plusReady(); },false); }, plusReady(){ // 确保DOM解析完成 if(!em||!window.plus||map){return}; map = new plus.maps.Map("map"); map.centerAndZoom( new plus.maps.Point(116.3977,39.906016), 12 ); }, getUserLocation(){ // 获取用户的当前位置信息 map.getUserLocation( function ( state, point ){ if( 0 == state ){ alert( JSON.stringify(point) ); }else{ alert( "Failed!" ); } } ); }, back(){ this.$router.go(-1); }, }, watch: { } } script> <style scoped lang="stylus" rel="stylesheet/stylus"> @import '~assets/stylus/veriable.styl' .comCon position fixed top 0 left 0 right 0 bottom 0 z-index 16 background $color-background-all .const-me .person-content background #ffffff div min-height 18.75rem style>