

高斋笔记 高斋外刊双语精读



一、星巴克外送 Starbucks coffee delivery


1. Starbucks to launch China coffee deliveries in Alibaba tie-up

Tie-up: a business connection that has been arranged between two organizations 商业关系; 贸易往来


阿里巴巴计划利用饿了么的配送体系完成外送服务the delivery service will be run throughEle.me, Alibaba’s food delivery platform初期将从北京和上海重点商圈的约150家门店试运行外送业务,随后逐步扩展至全国。同时,外送服务将配备专属星巴克的团队。

这一合作势必会对近来崛起的咖啡独角兽瑞幸Luckin Coffee造成冲击,瑞幸2017年成立,迄今在中国有500多家店,而星巴克有3300家门店。(补充:目前瑞幸的门店(525家)已经超过Costa(420家)了)

2. trail

Luckin claims to have more than 500 stores in China after being founded in 2017, buttrails Starbucks’s 3300 shops.

Trail:lag or linger behind a person or thing. 落后于

另一篇报道用的是lag behind.

Luckin lags behind Starbucks’s 3,300outlets in China.


3. Unicorn 和 Upstart

提到瑞幸时,金融时报用的修饰词是咖啡独角兽coffee shop unicorn,还有一个是localupstart coffee shop暴发户。

Upstart: a person, group, etc, that has risen suddenly to a position of power or wealth,but you think that they are too new in a place or job to be treated as important.虽然是新贵,但是别人还是觉得太嫩了,这个词还是有点贬义。

早在7月瑞幸爆火后,金融时报当时也专门有篇文章讲的就是瑞幸-星巴克之“战”,Starbucks/Luckin Coffee: trouble brewing


瑞幸的主要优势在于价格(it serves lattes at prices about 30 percent lower than Starbucks)和便捷(provides subsidised deliveries to office workers),Luckin Coffee has undercut its US rival on price and convenience.

当时文章还提及星巴克应该也学瑞幸,提供外送服务Starbucks needs to wake up and smell the Luckin coffee (have coffee for delivery)。现在马上就要实现了。

二、气候变化之战 War against climate change



1. 摆事实和现状

热浪来袭,高温持续造成从西雅图到西伯利亚的北半球山火不断(flames have consumed swathes of the northern hemisphere),日本东京温度高达40度以上时造成近125人死亡,其他地方人们也是快要淹没在热浪中(suffocating in the heat)。悲哀的是,曾经很少发生的灾难,现在稀松平常。(Such calamities, once considered freakish, are now commonplace.)


开篇文章用了一句EARTH is smouldering.地球在闷烧。Smoulder:burn slowly without flame, usually emitting smoke.强调慢慢燃烧。想想气候变化进程,其造成的恶劣影响并不是一下子就显现,也是一步步愈演愈烈。Smoulder还可以表示have strong repressed or half repressed feelings, esp anger 愤怒郁积,怒火中烧。

在提到山火肆虐时,用的词是sweep through, rage through

One of 18 wildfires sweeping through California, among the worst in the state’s history, is generating such heat that it created its own weather.

Sweep through 席卷

Fires that raged through a coastal area near Athens last week killed 91.

Rage through 肆虐,rage:(esp of storms, fires, etc)to move or surge with great violence

2. 对抗气变,成果如何

人类活动导致的全球变暖(human-induced global warming)气候变化的影响越明显,人类面临的挑战就越大。Yet as the impact of climate change becomes more evident, so too does the scale of the challenge ahead.


Ø 温室气体排放又上去了,油气投资也在增加。(Greenhouse-gas emissions are up again. So are investments in oil and gas.)

Ø 2017年,四年来首次,煤炭的需求增加了。(In 2017, for the first time in four years, demand for coal rose. )

Ø 很多地方对可再生能源如风能和太阳能的补贴缩减了,投资也暂停了。(Subsidies for renewables, such as wind and solar power, are dwindling in many places and investment has stalled)

Dwindle: grow less in size, intensity, or number; diminish or shrink gradually 缩小,减少

Stall: stop and may continue at a later time 暂停,搁浅

Ø 对气候友好的核能价格贵,不受欢迎。( climate-friendly nuclear power is expensive and unpopular. )


当然进展小并不意味着没有进展(Insufficient progress is not to say no progress at all)现在,太阳能电池板、风机涡轮和其他低碳科技已经更便宜高效,使用量也激增。电动车的销量也上升。乐观派认为去碳化目标可以实现,但面临巨大困难。

一是能源需求激增(soaring energy demand),尤其是发展中的亚洲。

二是经济乏力和政治上的惰性(economic and political inertia).

三是煤炭退出发电领域存在技术挑战(technical challenge of stripping carbon out of industries beyond power generation)


直面应对,之前报告里用的是face squarely,这里用的是tackle it head on 以后多个表达

Ø 西方国家必须履行巴黎协定的承诺帮助贫穷地区适应全球变暖同时减少未来排放。

They (western countries)must honour their commitment in the Paris agreement to help poorer places both adapt to a warmer Earth and also abate future emissions without sacrificing the growth needed to leave poverty behind.

Ø 政治家们也要尽力推动改革,集思广益(fire up collective will)Politicians have an essential role to play in making the case for reform and in ensuring that the most vulnerable do not bear the brunt of the change.



谈到移民,我总会想起以前看过的一部根据谭恩美小说改编的电影《喜福会》The Joy Luck Club里面就有表现四对旅美华裔母女的融入,感兴趣的小伙伴可以去看,电影版里俞飞鸿也有出演哦。不论是通过何种途径进入,移民如何被接受,怎样融入当地社会(assimilation between migrants and natives),都是接收国和移民共同面临的问题。这两天看经济学人有篇文章讲的就是这个,一些知识点一起看下:




“they(people who move illegally into the US)are also not people that would easilyassimilate into the United States, into our modern society...They don't integrate well; they don't have skills.”

这一段里就有两个表达, “assimilate into”和 “integrate”。Assimilate:be accepted as part of a community

Integrate:become apart of a social group or be accepted into it.


这篇文章里提到了很多差距,比如题目中的wage gap,工资/收入差距。文中还有一句:

Second, education and experience cannot account for much of the earnings gapbetween migrants and natives.

本文中还提到了现在美国移民收入赶上美国平均收入的速度有所减缓。原因之一就是技能上的差异。A skill gap may be one reason for this. skill gap技能差异,贫富差距wealth gap

文章最后有提及,技能和受教育差距是移民难融入的一个原因,但更重要的是本国人一直以来对移民的歧视(a history and present of discrimination amongst natives)


1. Tie-up

2. 落后

3. 独角兽与暴发户

4. 席卷、肆虐

5. 减少

6. 暂停

7. 移民融入

8. 工资差距



A poor family living on the fringes of society, relying on shoplifting to make ends meet, take in a young, homeless girl, despite their already strained lives. Directed by Hirokazu Koreeda and winner of this year’s Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival
