
23.2.5. MySQL: Import of TINYINT(1) from MySQL behaves strangely

Problem: Sqoop is treating TINYINT(1) columns as booleans, which is for example causing issues with HIVE import. This is because by default the MySQL JDBC connector maps the TINYINT(1) to java.sql.Types.BIT, which Sqoop by default maps to Boolean.

Solution: A more clean solution is to force MySQL JDBC Connector to stop converting TINYINT(1) to java.sql.Types.BIT by adding tinyInt1isBit=false into your JDBC path (to create something like jdbc:mysql://localhost/test?tinyInt1isBit=false). Another solution would be to explicitly override the column mapping for the datatype TINYINT(1) column. For example, if the column name is foo, then pass the following option to Sqoop during import: --map-column-hive foo=tinyint. In the case of non-Hive imports to HDFS, use --map-column-java foo=integer.

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