DM8的dexp 和 dimp 逻辑到处导入


SQL> create user test identified by testtesttest;
executed successfully
used time: 5.441(ms). Execute id is 66.
SQL> grant dba to test;
executed successfully
used time: 2.699(ms). Execute id is 67.
SQL> conn test/testtesttest

Server[LOCALHOST:5236]:mode is normal, state is open
login used time: 3.029(ms)

SQL> begin
2   for i in 1 .. 100000
3   loop
4   insert into test values (i,  'test');
5   commit;
6   end loop;
7   end;
8   /
DMSQL executed successfully
used time: 00:04:28.125. Execute id is 69.
SQL> SQL> select count(*) from test;

LINEID     COUNT(*)            
---------- --------------------
1          100000

used time: 3.061(ms). Execute id is 70.
  1. dexp使用


dexp sysdba/sysdba file=full_%u.dmp log=full_%u.log directory=/dm/dmbak/ full=y parallel=4;


dexp sysdba/sysdba OWNER=test file=full_test.dmp log=full_test.log directory=/dm/dmbak/  parallel=4;


dexp sysdba/sysdba SCHEMAS=test file=SCHEMAS_test.dmp log=SCHEMAS_test.log directory=/dm/dmbak/  parallel=4 ;


dexp sysdba/sysdba TABLES=test.test file=tables_test.dmp log=tables_test.log directory=/dm/dmbak/  parallel=4;





[dmdba@dm1 dmbak]$ more full_01.log 
export NO. 1 SYSPACKAGE_DEF : SYS_VIEWexport NO. 2 SYSPACKAGE_DEF : SYSREP----- export total 2 SYSPACKAGE_DEF  ----- 
----- export total 0 SYSPACKAGE_DATA  ----- 
----- export total 0 SYNONYM  ----- 
----- export total 0 DBLINK  ----- 
export NO. 1 USER : TEST----- export total 1 USER  ----- 
----- export total 0 ROLE  ----- 
----- export total 0 CONTEXT  ----- 
----- export total 0 DIRECTORY  ----- 
----- export total 0 SYSTEM_PRIVILEGE  ----- 
----- export total 0 USER_ROLE_PRIVILEGE  ----- 
the privilege of the object at the export mode...
start export schema[TEST].....----- export total 0 SEQUENCE  ----- 
----- export total 0 VIEW  ----- 
----- export total 0 TRIGGER  ----- 
----- export total 0 COMMENT VIEW  ----- 
----- export total 0 COMMENT COL  ----- 
----- export total 0 PROCEDURE  ----- 
----- export total 0 SYNONYM  ----- 
----- export total 0 DBLINK  ----- 
----- export total 0 TRIGGER  ----- 
----- export total 0 PACKAGE  ----- 
----- export total 0 PKG_BODY  ----- 
----- export total 0 OBJECT of NO REFER OTHER CLASS  ----- 
----- export total 0 OBJECT of REFER OTHER CLASS  ----- 
----- export total 0 JCLASS  ----- 
----- export total 0 CLASS_BODY  ----- 
----- export total 0 DOMAIN  ----- 
the privilege of the object at the export mode...
---- [2020-03-02 20:05:13]export table:TEST -----
the privilege of the object at the export mode...
table :TEST export terminate, total export 100000 rows
schema[TEST] export terminate.....successfully exported NO.1 SCHEMA : TEST

start export schema[SYSDBA].....----- export total 0 SEQUENCE  ----- 
----- export total 0 VIEW  ----- 
----- export total 0 TRIGGER  ----- 
----- export total 0 COMMENT VIEW  ----- 
----- export total 0 COMMENT COL  ----- 
----- export total 0 PROCEDURE  ----- 
----- export total 0 SYNONYM  ----- 
----- export total 0 DBLINK  ----- 
----- export total 0 TRIGGER  ----- 
----- export total 0 PACKAGE  ----- 
----- export total 0 PKG_BODY  ----- 
----- export total 0 OBJECT of NO REFER OTHER CLASS  ----- 
----- export total 0 OBJECT of REFER OTHER CLASS  ----- 
----- export total 0 JCLASS  ----- 
----- export total 0 CLASS_BODY  ----- 
----- export total 0 DOMAIN  ----- 
the privilege of the object at the export mode...
schema[SYSDBA] export terminate.....successfully exported NO.2 SCHEMA : SYSDBA

export total 2 SCHEMA

all the export process spent total    0.492 s

terminate export success without warning
  1. dimp使用


  dimp USERID=sysdba/sysdba FILE=full_01.dmp LOG=full_imp.log directory=/dm/dmbak owner=test table_exists_action=replace

用户级 remap_schema导入

dimp USERID=sysdba/sysdba FILE=full_01.dmp LOG=SCHEMAS_testimp.log directory=/dm/dmbak  remap_schema=TEST:TEST3 


dimp USERID=sysdba/sysdba FILE=full_01.dmp log=tables.log directory=/dm/dmbak tables=TEST.test table_exists_action=replace


[dmdba@dm1 ~]$ dexp help
dexp V8
Format:  ./dexp  KEYWORD=value or KEYWORD=(value1,value2,...,valueN)


USERID              Imperative argument and be as the first argument

Keyword             Explanation(default value)
USERID              username/password Format:USER/PWD*MPP_TYPE@SERVER:PORT#SSLPATH@SSLPWD
FILE                export file (dexp.dmp)
DIRECTORY           the path of the export file
FULL                export all database (N)
OWNER               export with the user method, Format (user1,user2,...)
SCHEMAS             export with the schema method, Format (schema1,schema2,...)
TABLES              export with the table method, Format (table1,table2,...)
FUZZY_MATCH         whether to support fuzzy matching when export with the table method (N)
QUERY               export with the table sub-set method, the select statement
PARALLEL            the thread number be used to export
TABLE_PARALLEL      the thread number be used to export one table, convert into single thread when MPP
TABLE_POOL          the buffer number of one table
EXCLUDE             ignore appointed objects 
                        Format EXCLUDE=(ROWS,INDEXES,CONSTRAINTS) or
                               EXCLUDE=TABLES:table1,table2 or
INCLUDE             include appointed objects 
                        Format INCLUDE=(ROWS,INDEXES,CONSTRAINTS) or 
CONSTRAINTS         export constraints (Y)
TABLESPACE          export objects with tablespace (N)
GRANTS              export grants (Y)
INDEXES             export indexes (Y)
TRIGGERS            export triggers (Y)
ROWS                export rows (Y)
LOG                 the log file of the display show
NOLOGFILE           not use log file (N)
NOLOG               log message not display on console (N)
LOG_WRITE           information write into file directly: YES(Y),NO(N)
DUMMY               user message input: print(P), all input YES(Y),all input NO(N) 
PARFILE             argument file name
FEEDBACK            show the process every x rows(0)
COMPRESS            whether to compress export data or not (N)
ENCRYPT             whether to encrypt export data or not (N)
ENCRYPT_PASSWORD    the password of encrypt
ENCRYPT_NAME        the name of encrypt
FILESIZE            the max size of single file
FILENUM             numbers of files of one template
DROP                delete origin table after exported, but no cascade (N)
DESCRIBE            describe of data file, recorded in data file
LOCAL               login with MPP_LOCAL when MPP(N)
HELP                output help information


[dmdba@dm1 ~]$ dimp help
dimp V8
Format:  ./dimp KEYWORD=value or KEYWORD=(value1,value2,...,vlaueN)


USERID              Imperative Argument and be as the first argument

Keyword             Explanation(default value)
USERID              username/password Format:USER/PWD*MPP_TYPE@SERVER:PORT#SSLPATH@SSLPWD
FILE                import file (dexp.dmp)
DIRECTORY           the path of the import file
FULL                import all database (N)
OWNER               import by owner method, Format (user1,user2,...)
SCHEMAS             import by schema method, Format (schema1,schema2,...)
TABLES              import by table method, Format(table1,table2,...)
PARALLEL            the thread number be used to import
TABLE_PARALLEL      the thread number be used to import one table, valid when FAST_LOAD=Y 
IGNORE              ignore create fail (N)
TABLE_EXISTS_ACTION action when table already exists [SKIP | APPEND | TRUNCATE | REPLACE]
FAST_LOAD           use dmfldr to import data(N)
FLDR_ORDER          need ordered when use dmfldr to import data (Y)
COMMIT_ROWS         the batch committed rows(5000)
EXCLUDE             ignore appointed objects 
GRANTS              import grants (Y)
CONSTRAINTS         import constraints (Y)
INDEXES             import indexes (Y)
TRIGGERS            import triggers (Y)
ROWS                import rows (Y)
LOG                 the log file of the display show
NOLOGFILE           not use log file(N)
NOLOG               log message not display on console(N)
LOG_WRITE           information write into file directly(N): YES(Y),NO(N)
DUMMY               user message input(P): print(P), all input Y(Y),all input NO(N) 
PARFILE             argument file name
FEEDBACK            show the process every x rows(0)
COMPILE             compile procedure, package and function ... (Y)
INDEXFILE           write constraints/indexes information into the file
INDEXFIRST          fisrt import indexes,then import data(N)
                    make form SOURCE_SCHEMA's data to TARGET_SCHEMA 
ENCRYPT_PASSWORD    the password of encrypt
ENCRYPT_NAME        the name of ENCRYPT
SHOW/DESCRIBE       output the info of the appointed file(N)
LOCAL               login with MPP_LOCAL when MPP(N)
TASK_THREAD_NUMBER  set the number of task thread for dmfldr
BUFFER_NODE_SIZE    set the size of buffer node for dmfldr
TASK_SEND_NODE_NUMBER set the number of send node for dmfldr[16,65535]
LOB_NOT_FAST_LOAD   not use dmfldr when lob in table, dmfldr commits lob data every row
PRIMARY_CONFLICT    way of resolving primary key conflict[IGNORE|OVERWRITE], report error if not setting
TABLE_FIRST         import table first (N)
HELP                output help information


