/* * mqueue.c * * Test posix message queue. */ #include <unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <sys/time.h> #include <sys/resource.h> #include <time.h> #include <sched.h> #include <sys/mman.h> #include <sys/fcntl.h> #include <signal.h> #include <mqueue.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <pthread.h>
#define PMODE 0666 extern int errno;
void *mqueue_send(void *arg); void *mqueue_recv(void *arg);
int main() { pthread_t t1, t2;
if (0 != pthread_create(&t1, NULL, mqueue_send, NULL)) { printf("Cannot create thread.\n"); return -1; } if (0 != pthread_create(&t2, NULL, mqueue_recv, NULL)) { printf("Cannot create thread t2.\n"); return -1; }
pthread_join(t1, NULL); pthread_join(t2, NULL);
return 0; }
void *mqueue_send(void *arg) { int i; int status = 0; mqd_t mqfd; char msg_buffer[1024]; struct mq_attr attr; int open_flags = 0; int num_bytes_to_send; int priority_of_msg;
printf("START OF TEST_SEND \n");
/* Fill in attributes for message queue */ attr.mq_maxmsg = 20; attr.mq_msgsize = 1024; attr.mq_flags = 0;
/* Set the flags for the open of the queue. * Make it a blocking open on the queue, meaning it will block if * this process tries to send to the queue and the queue is full. * (Absence of O_NONBLOCK flag implies that the open is blocking) * * Specify O_CREAT so that the file will get created if it does not * already exist. * * Specify O_WRONLY since we are only planning to write to the queue, * although we could specify O_RDWR also. */ open_flags = O_WRONLY|O_CREAT;
/* Open the queue, and create it if the receiving process hasn't * already created it. */ mqfd = mq_open("/myipc",open_flags,PMODE,&attr); if (mqfd == -1) { perror("mq_open failure from main"); exit(0); };
/* Fill in a test message buffer to send */ msg_buffer[0] = 'P'; msg_buffer[1] = 'R'; msg_buffer[2] = 'I'; msg_buffer[3] = 'O'; msg_buffer[4] = 'R'; msg_buffer[5] = 'I'; msg_buffer[6] = 'T'; msg_buffer[7] = 'Y'; msg_buffer[8] = '1'; msg_buffer[9] = 'a';
num_bytes_to_send = 10; priority_of_msg = 1;
/* Perform the send 10 times */ for (i=0; i<10; i++) { status = mq_send(mqfd,msg_buffer,num_bytes_to_send,priority_of_msg); if (status == -1) perror("mq_send failure on mqfd"); else printf("successful call to mq_send, i = %d\n",i); sleep(1); }
/* Done with queue, so close it */ if (mq_close(mqfd) == -1) perror("mq_close failure on mqfd");
printf("About to exit the sending process after closing the queue \n"); }
void *mqueue_recv(void *arg) { int i; mqd_t mqfd; /* Buffer to receive msg into */ char msg_buffer[1024]; struct mq_attr attr; int open_flags = 0; ssize_t num_bytes_received = 0; msg_buffer[10] = 0; /* For printing a null terminated string for testing */
/* Fill in attributes for message queue */ attr.mq_maxmsg = 20; attr.mq_msgsize = 1024; attr.mq_flags = 0;
/* Set the flags for the open of the queue. * Make it a blocking open on the queue, * meaning it will block if this process tries to * send to the queue and the queue is full. * (Absence of O_NONBLOCK flag implies that * the open is blocking) * * Specify O_CREAT so that the file will get * created if it does not already exist. * * Specify O_RDONLY since we are only * planning to write to the queue, * although we could specify O_RDWR also. */ open_flags = O_RDONLY|O_CREAT;
/* Open the queue, and create it if the sending process hasn't * already created it. */ mqfd = mq_open("/myipc",open_flags,PMODE,&attr); if (mqfd == -1) { perror("mq_open failure from main"); exit(0); };
/* Perform the receive 10 times */ for (i=0;i<10;i++) { num_bytes_received = mq_receive(mqfd,msg_buffer,1024,0); if (num_bytes_received == -1) { perror("mq_receive failure on mqfd"); } else printf("data read for iteration %d = %s \n",i,msg_buffer); }
/* Done with queue, so close it */ if (mq_close(mqfd) == -1) perror("mq_close failure on mqfd");
/* Done with test, so unlink the queue, * which destroys it. * You only need one call to unlink. */ if (mq_unlink("/myipc") == -1) perror("mq_unlink failure in test_ipc");
printf("Exiting receiving process after closing and unlinking queue \n"); }
/* Local Variables: */ /* compile-command: "gcc -o mqueue mqueue.c -lrt" */ /* End: */ |
successful call to mq_send, i = 0
data read for iteration 0 = PRIORITY1a
successful call to mq_send, i = 1
data read for iteration 1 = PRIORITY1a
successful call to mq_send, i = 2
data read for iteration 2 = PRIORITY1a
successful call to mq_send, i = 3
data read for iteration 3 = PRIORITY1a
successful call to mq_send, i = 4
data read for iteration 4 = PRIORITY1a
successful call to mq_send, i = 5
data read for iteration 5 = PRIORITY1a
successful call to mq_send, i = 6
data read for iteration 6 = PRIORITY1a
successful call to mq_send, i = 7
data read for iteration 7 = PRIORITY1a
successful call to mq_send, i = 8
data read for iteration 8 = PRIORITY1a
successful call to mq_send, i = 9
data read for iteration 9 = PRIORITY1a
Exiting receiving process after closing and unlinking queue
About to exit the sending process after closing the queue