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语言与工具(Languages & Utilities):共39篇
OS X 免费提供了软件开发工具以及编程和脚本语言用于创建绝妙的软件。使用这些工具和语言可以构建、调试和优化软件应用。
Create stunning software with the software development tools and programming-and-scripting language support that are supplied free with OS X. Use these tools and languages to build, debug, and optimize software applications.
Objective-C语言相关全部文档列于下表,有 5 篇必看,按阅读先后顺序排列如下:
- 学习Objective-C:入门
- Objective-C 编程语言
- Objective-C 面向对象编程
- Objective-C 编程
- 过渡到 ARC 发布说明
Title Resource Type Topic Framework Date Objective-C 编程语言The Objective-C Programming LanguageIntroduces object-oriented programming and describes the main programming language used for Cocoa development.Last change: Minor updates and corrections regarding current use of declared properties.Guides Languages & Utilities Objective-C 2011-10-12Minor Change Objective-C 编程Programming with Objective-CDescribes elements of best practice when writing code with Objective-C using ARC.Last change: New document.Guides Languages & Utilities Objective-C 2012-07-20First Version Objective-C 运行时编程指南Objective-C Runtime Programming GuideDescribes the Objective-C 2.0 runtime support library.Last change: Made minor editorial changes.Guides Languages & Utilities Objective-C 2009-10-19Minor Change Objective-C 面向对象编程Object-Oriented Programming with Objective-CDescribes object-oriented programming from the perspective of an Objective-C developer.Last change: Edited for content and clarity.Guides Languages & Utilities Objective-C 2010-11-15Minor Change 学习Objective-C:入门Learning Objective-C: A PrimerProvides an introduction to the Objective-C language.Last change: Corrected a minor error in a code example.Guides Languages & Utilities Objective-C 2010-09-01Minor Change 块编程主题Blocks Programming TopicsDescribes the Blocks feature for the C programming language.Last change: Corrected typographical errors.Guides Languages & Utilities Objective-C 2011-03-08Minor Change Objective-C 运行时参考手册Objective-C Runtime ReferenceDescribes the data structures and functions of the Objective-C runtime support library.Last change: Removed obsolete functions marg-related API (such as marg_setValue).Reference Languages & Utilities Objective-CFoundation 2010-06-17Minor Change 过渡到 ARC 发布说明Transitioning to ARC Release NotesDescribes how to transition code from manual retain/release to use ARC.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.8.Release Notes Languages & Utilities Objective-C 2012-07-17Content Update Objective-C 实用特性索引Objective-C Feature Availability IndexDescribes availability of Objective-C features by tools release.Last change: Updated availability of features for iOS 6 SDK.Release Notes Languages & Utilities Objective-C 2012-09-19Minor Change Objective-C 中改进的调试日志Improved logging in Objective-CQA1669: describes use of preprocessor macros and Objective-C language features to provide better context in log statements.Last change: Expanded logging examples.Technical Q&As Languages & Utilities Objective-C 2011-10-04Minor Change 2012 苹果全球开发者大会:现代化的 Objective-CWWDC 2012: Modern Objective-CWrite more concise and less error-prone code with ARC.Last change: New document.Video Languages & Utilities Objective-C 2012-09-19First Version 2012 苹果全球开发者大会: 迁移到现代化的 Objective-CWWDC 2012: Migrating to Modern Objective-CDramatically reduce the amount of code you write, to create cleaner, safer, and better code.Last change: New document.Video Languages & Utilities Objective-C 2012-09-19First Version 2012 苹果全球开发者大会: 采用自动引用计数WWDC 2012: Adopting Automatic Reference CountingMove your project to LLVM and ARC to give your application great performance.Last change: New document.Video Languages & Utilities Objective-C 2012-09-19First Version
使用基础框架作为 Objective-C 编程的基本要素。该框架提供了基本的 Objective-C 类,最重要的根类 NSObject 定义了对象的基本行为。它包含了用对象来表示基本数据类型、集合以及操作系统服务的类。基础框架也引入了许多设计模式和一些有助于 Objective-C 稳健、高效地编程的机制。基础框架(Foundation)和用户界面开发包(UIKit)一起,提供了实现图形化、事件驱动的 iOS 应用所需的基本工具和基础设施。
Use the Foundation framework for the "nuts and bolts" classes for Objective-C programming. This framework provides essential Objective-C classes, most importantly the root class, NSObject, which defines basic object behavior. It includes classes for objects representing basic data types, collections, and operating-system services. Foundation also introduces several design patterns and mechanisms that contribute to the robustness and efficiency of Objective-C programs. Along with UIKit, the Foundation framework provides the basic tools and infrastructure you need to implement graphical, event-driven iOS applications.
Title Resource Type Topic Framework Date 高级内存管理编程指南Advanced Memory Management Programming GuideExplains how to allocate and deallocate objects in Cocoa.Last change: Updated to describe autorelease in terms of @autoreleasepool blocks.Guides Performance Foundation 2012-07-17Minor Change 流编程指南Stream Programming GuideExplains how to use the Cocoa stream classes to read data from and write data to streams.Last change: Clarified behavior of CFStreamCreatePairWithSocketToHost.Guides Networking & Internet Protocol StreamsFoundation 2012-09-19Minor Change URL 加载系统编程指南URL Loading System Programming GuideExplains how to manipulate URLs and transfer URL contents.Last change: Fixed typos and removed deprecated symbols from code examples.Guides Networking & Internet Protocol StreamsFoundation 2010-09-01Minor Change 事件驱动的 XML 编程指南Event-Driven XML Programming GuideExplains how to process XML documents using the Cocoa streaming parser.Last change: Update example code to new initializer pattern.Guides Data Management Foundation 2010-03-24Minor Change 谓词编程指南Predicate Programming GuideDescribes how to specify queries in Cocoa.Last change: Revised introductory article for clarity; corrected minor error in Predicate Format String From a Spotlight Search in Finder.Guides Data Management Foundation 2010-06-14Minor Change 还原架构Undo ArchitectureExplains how to record information in Cocoa so a user can reverse an operation's effect.Last change: Added "Undo and the Document Architecture," "Undo and the Model Layer," and "Undo and the Control and View Layers" sections to "Using Undo in AppKit-Based Applications." Corrected typos.Guides Data Management Foundation 2011-06-03Minor Change 二进制数据编程指南Binary Data Programming GuideExplains how to create and use Cocoa data objects, object-oriented wrappers for byte buffers.Last change: Added links to Cocoa Core Competencies.Guides Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2009-08-06Minor Change 集合编程主题Collections Programming TopicsExplains how to group objects in arrays, sets, or dictionaries in Cocoa.Last change: Added information about index sets, index paths, hash tables, and map tables.Guides Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2010-09-01Content Update 属性列表编程指南Property List Programming GuideExplains how to use structured, textual representations of data in Cocoa.Last change: Update example code to new initializer pattern.Guides Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2010-03-24Minor Change Property List Programming Topics for Core FoundationExplains how to use structured, textual representations of data in Core Foundation.Last change: Consolidated articles about using numbers. Changed title from "Property Lists Programming Topics."Guides Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2006-02-07Minor Change 日期和时间编程指南Date and Time Programming GuideExplains how to manage Cocoa dates and times.Last change: Expanded Calendrical Calculations section. Added Historical Dates Section and Week-Based Year Section.Guides Data Management Dates, Times, & NumbersFoundation 2011-06-06Content Update 区域设置编程指南Locales Programming GuideExplains how to use locales to retrieve, interpret, and display localized information in Core Foundation.Last change: Corrected link to example of ISO 3166-1 country codes.Guides Data Management Dates, Times, & NumbersFoundation 2008-10-15Minor Change 数字和值编程主题Number and Value Programming TopicsExplains how to use Cocoa object wrappers for primitive C data types.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.5.Guides Data Management Dates, Times, & NumbersFoundation 2008-02-08Minor Change 异常编程主题Exception Programming TopicsExplains how to raise and handle exceptions in Cocoa applications.Last change: Removed misleading sentence from "Exceptions and the Cocoa Frameworks."Guides Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2010-02-24Minor Change 键值编码编程指南Key-Value Coding Programming GuideConceptual information about how to access a Cocoa object's values using keys.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.8 to include new Objective-C features.Guides Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2012-07-17Minor Change Key-Value Observing Programming GuideExplains the Cocoa key-value observing protocol.Last change: Updated to use new Objective-C features.Guides Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2012-07-17Minor Change 通知编程主题Notification Programming TopicsExplains how to send and receive information about events in Cocoa programs.Last change: Added links to key Cocoa definitions.Guides Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2009-08-18Minor Change 定时器编程主题Timer Programming TopicsExplains how to use timers for scheduling automatic, repeating message invocations in Cocoa.Last change: Corrected minor typographical errors.Guides Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2009-07-14Minor Change 归档和序列化编程指南Archives and Serializations Programming GuideExplains how to put Cocoa objects into and remove them from a representation suitable for archiving.Last change: Removed legacy information about non-keyed archiving.Guides Data Management File ManagementFoundation 2012-07-17Minor Change 包编程指南Bundle Programming GuideExplains how to use bundle objects to organize resources.Last change: Changed references of iOS to iOS.Guides Data Management File ManagementFoundation 2010-07-08Minor Change 资源编程指南Resource Programming GuideExplains how to work with nib and bundle resources in apps.Last change: Modified discussion of high-resolution image resources to include all Retina displays.Guides Data Management File ManagementFoundation 2012-06-11Minor Change 首选项和设置编程指南Preferences and Settings Programming GuideExplains how to use the Cocoa defaults system to create and save user preferences.Last change: Updated the document to reflect new limits for key and value sizes.Guides Data Management Preference SettingsFoundation 2012-03-01Minor Change 数据格式化指南Data Formatting GuideExplains how to use Cocoa formatters to create and validate text in text fields and other cells.Last change: Updated links to TR35 for recent OS releases.Guides Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsFoundation 2012-09-19Minor Change Sort Descriptor Programming TopicsExplains how to use sort descriptors to specify the sorting of collections.Last change: Updated to use modern Objective-C features.Guides Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsFoundation 2012-07-17Minor Change 字符串编程指南String Programming GuideExplains how to create, search, concatenate, and draw strings in Cocoa.Last change: Updated code snippets to adopt new Objective-C features.Guides Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsFoundation 2012-07-17Minor Change NSFileSecurity Class ReferenceDescribes the NSFileSecurity class, an Objective-C stub class transparently bridged to CFFileSecurity that provides security information about a file.Last change: New document.Reference Security Foundation 2011-05-13First Version NSURLConnectionDataDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes a protocol for handling incoming data from and providing body data to an NSURLConnection request.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.8.Reference Networking & Internet Foundation 2012-07-17Content Update NSURLConnectionDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the protocol adopted by the NSURLConnection delegate.Last change: Migrated some missing delegate methods from the NSURLConnection class and added links to the performDefaultHandlingForAuthenticationChallenge: and rejectProtectionSpaceAndContinueWithChallenge: methods.Reference Networking & Internet Foundation 2012-05-14Minor Change NSURLConnectionDownloadDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes a protocol for receiving downloaded assets.Last change: New document.Reference Networking & Internet Foundation 2011-10-12First Version NSCachedURLResponse Class ReferenceDescribes a cached response to a URL load request.Last change: Updated to reflect availability of on-disk caching in iOS 5.0.Reference Networking & Internet Protocol StreamsFoundation 2012-05-14Minor Change NSHTTPCookie Class ReferenceDescribes an opaque set of data that represents state or configuration.Last change: Updated the discussions of the cookiesWithResponseHeaderFiles:forURL method, the NSHTTPCookieSecure key, and the NSHTTPCookiePath key.Reference Networking & Internet Protocol StreamsFoundation 2009-10-15Minor Change NSHTTPCookieStorage Class ReferenceDescribes a collection of cookies shared across all applications.Last change: Clarified sharing behavior of session cookies.Reference Networking & Internet Protocol StreamsFoundation 2012-09-19Minor Change NSHTTPURLResponse Class ReferenceDescribes a response to an HTTP request.Last change: First publication of this content as a separate document.Reference Networking & Internet Protocol StreamsFoundation 2006-05-23Minor Change NSMutableURLRequest Class ReferenceDescribes a mutable request for a resource identified by a URL.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.8.Reference Networking & Internet Protocol StreamsFoundation 2012-07-17Content Update NSStream Class ReferenceDescribes an interface for reading and writing data.Last change: Added network service type constants available in OS X v10.7 and later.Reference Networking & Internet Protocol StreamsFoundation 2010-12-17Minor Change NSStreamDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the protocol that defines the methods for delegates of NSStream objects.Last change: Made minor corrections to document metadata.Reference Networking & Internet Protocol StreamsFoundation 2012-03-14Minor Change NSURLAuthenticationChallenge Class ReferenceDescribes a challenge from a server requiring authentication from the client.Last change: Clarified the proposed credential for an authentication challenge.Reference Networking & Internet Protocol StreamsFoundation 2010-04-06Minor Change NSURLAuthenticationChallengeSender Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for receiving authentication challenges.Last change: Added the performDefaultHandlingForAuthenticationChallenge: and rejectProtectionSpaceAndContinueWithChallenge: methods.Reference Networking & Internet Protocol StreamsFoundation 2012-05-14Minor Change NSURLCache Class ReferenceDescribes a collection of cached responses and data.Last change: Added cache location information specific to iOS.Reference Networking & Internet Protocol StreamsFoundation 2010-05-11Minor Change NSURLConnection Class ReferenceDescribes a connection used to retrieve data.Last change: Updated for iOS v5.0.Reference Networking & Internet Protocol StreamsFoundation 2012-09-19Content Update NSURLCredential Class ReferenceDescribes a credential used to authenticate a URL load request.Last change: Added API information for additional authentication methods.Reference Networking & Internet Protocol StreamsFoundation 2009-08-12Minor Change NSURLCredentialStorage Class ReferenceDescribes a mapping of credentials to their corresponding protection spaces.Last change: Expanded description of defaultCredentialForProtectionSpace:.Reference Networking & Internet Protocol StreamsFoundation 2006-05-23Minor Change NSURLProtectionSpace Class ReferenceDescribes an area on a server that requires authentication of URL load requests.Last change: Added a missing authentication scheme constant.Reference Networking & Internet Protocol StreamsFoundation 2011-05-03Minor Change NSURLProtocol Class ReferenceDescribes the interface for protocol-specific loading of URL data.Last change: Clarified explanations throughout.Reference Networking & Internet Protocol StreamsFoundation 2011-05-04Minor Change NSURLProtocolClient Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface used by protocol objects to communicate with the URL loading system.Last change: Clarified wording.Reference Networking & Internet Protocol StreamsFoundation 2011-06-06Minor Change NSURLRequest Class ReferenceDescribes a request for a resource identified by a URL.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.8.Reference Networking & Internet Protocol StreamsFoundation 2012-07-17Content Update NSURLResponse Class ReferenceDescribes the metadata returned by a server for a load request.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.8. Added new method.Reference Networking & Internet Protocol StreamsFoundation 2012-09-19Minor Change NSNetService Class ReferenceDescribes a network service that an application publishes or uses as a client.Last change: Noted that a timeout value of 0.0 means to attempt resolution indefinitely.Reference Networking & Internet Services & DiscoveryFoundation 2011-01-04Minor Change NSNetServiceBrowser Class ReferenceDescribes a query for published network services.Last change: Updated for iOS 4.0. Delegate methods moved to NSNetServiceBrowserDelegate Protocol Reference.Reference Networking & Internet Services & DiscoveryFoundation 2010-04-06Content Update NSNetServiceBrowserDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the protocol that defines the methods for delegates of NSNetServiceBrowser objects.Last change: New document that describes the protocol that defines the methods for delegates of NSNetServiceBrowser objects.Reference Networking & Internet Services & DiscoveryFoundation 2010-03-22Content Update NSNetServiceDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the protocol that defines the methods for delegates of NSNetService objects.Last change: New document that describes the protocol that defines the methods for delegates of NSNetService objects.Reference Networking & Internet Services & DiscoveryFoundation 2010-03-22Content Update NSInputStream Class ReferenceDescribes a read-only data stream.Last change: Corrected description of return value from read:maxLength:.Reference Networking & Internet Sockets & TCPFoundation 2010-07-12Minor Change NSMachPortDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the protocol that defines the methods for delegates of NSMachPort objects.Last change: Updated for iOS 4.0.Reference Networking & Internet Sockets & TCPFoundation 2010-04-23Content Update NSOutputStream Class ReferenceDescribes a write-only data stream.Last change: Updated for OS X v 10.6. Added initWithURL:append: and outputStreamWithURL:append: methods.Reference Networking & Internet Sockets & TCPFoundation 2009-09-01Minor Change NSPortDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the protocol that defines the methods for delegates of NSPort objects.Last change: Updated for iOS 4.0.Reference Networking & Internet Sockets & TCPFoundation 2010-04-23Content Update Objective-C 运行时参考手册Objective-C Runtime ReferenceDescribes the data structures and functions of the Objective-C runtime support library.Last change: Removed obsolete functions marg-related API (such as marg_setValue).Reference Languages & Utilities Objective-CFoundation 2010-06-17Minor Change NSComparisonPredicate Class ReferenceDescribes a predicate used to compare the results of two expressions.Last change: Updated typedefs.Reference Data Management Foundation 2011-05-14Content Update NSCompoundPredicate Class ReferenceDescribes a representation of logical gate and comparison operations.Last change: Noted change in behavior in initialization (copies rather than retains predicates array).Reference Data Management Foundation 2009-10-14Minor Change NSExpression Class ReferenceDescribes a predicate expression.Last change: Added additional initializers.Reference Data Management Foundation 2012-05-14Minor Change NSFileVersion Class ReferenceDescribes a document revision.Last change: New document.Reference Data Management Foundation 2011-10-12First Version NSJSONSerialization Class ReferenceDescribes a class for converting JSON to Foundation objects and converting Foundation objects to JSON.Last change: First version for iOS v5.0.Reference Data Management Foundation 2011-10-12Content Update NSLinguisticTagger Class ReferenceDescribes and tags natural speech as nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.Last change: New document that describes and tags natural speech as nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.Reference Data Management Foundation 2011-10-12Content Update NSPredicate Class ReferenceDescribes a representation of logical conditions.Last change: Noted limitations of the predicateFormat method.Reference Data Management Foundation 2009-10-09Minor Change NSSecureCoding Protocol ReferenceDescribes the NSSecureCoding protocol, which is adopted by classes that can securely encode and decode themselves.Last change: New document.Reference Data Management Foundation 2012-07-23First Version NSURL Class ReferenceDescribes a string that uniquely identifies a resource.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.8.Reference Data Management Foundation 2012-09-19Minor Change NSUbiquitousKeyValueStore Class ReferenceDescribes the setting of key/value data in the cloud.Last change: Added a description for the NSUbiquitousKeyValueStoreAccountChange store-change-reason key.Reference Data Management Foundation 2012-07-20Minor Change NSUndoManager Class ReferenceDescribes a general-purpose recorder of undo and redo operations.Last change: Added NSUndoManagerGroupIsDiscardableKey constant.Reference Data Management Foundation 2012-06-11Minor Change NSValueTransformer Class ReferenceDescribes a Cocoa-bindings compatible interface for transforming value representations.Last change: Updated for iOS 3.0.Reference Data Management Foundation 2009-03-05Content Update NSXMLParser Class ReferenceDescribes an object for finding and extracting data in XML documents.Last change: Added initWithStream: method.Reference Data Management Foundation 2011-06-06Content Update NSXMLParserDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the protocol that defines the methods for delegates of NSXMLParser objects.Last change: Updated for iOS 4.0.Reference Data Management Foundation 2010-04-23Content Update NSArray Class ReferenceDescribes an immutable ordered collection.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.8.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2012-07-17Content Update NSCountedSet Class ReferenceDescribes an unordered collection of possibly identical elements.Last change: Updated the introduction and made minor corrections throughout.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2010-08-16Minor Change NSData Class ReferenceDescribes an immutable byte buffer.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.8.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2012-07-17Content Update NSDictionary Class ReferenceDescribes an immutable collection of key-value pairs.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.8.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2012-07-17Content Update NSEnumerator Class ReferenceDescribes a facility for sequentially returning the elements of a collection.Last change: Revised task heading.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2007-02-23Minor Change NSHashTable Class ReferenceDescribes a mutable unordered collection of distinct elements that may use weak references.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.8.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2012-09-19Minor Change NSIndexPath Class ReferenceDescribes a path to a node in a tree.Last change: Added warning to indexAtPosition: method about accessing past the end of the collection.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2011-03-08Minor Change NSIndexSet Class ReferenceDescribes an immutable collection of unique unsigned integers.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.8.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2012-07-17Content Update NSLocale Class ReferenceDescribes a locale.Last change: Updated for OS X v 10.6. Added new calendar identifiers. Added methods to determine character and line direction by ISO language code.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2009-08-28Minor Change NSMapTable Class ReferenceDescribes a collection of key-value pairs that supports weak references.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.8.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2012-09-19Minor Change NSMethodSignature Class ReferenceDescribes the types of a method's parameters and return value.Last change: Added declaration of signatureWithObjCTypes:.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2008-10-15Minor Change NSMutableArray Class ReferenceDescribes a mutable ordered collection.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.8.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2012-07-17Content Update NSMutableData Class ReferenceDescribes a mutable byte buffer.Last change: Corrected minor typographical errors.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2007-03-26Minor Change NSMutableDictionary Class ReferenceDescribes a changeable collection of values that are identified by keys.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.8.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2012-07-17Content Update NSMutableIndexSet Class ReferenceDescribes a mutable collection of unique unsigned integers.Last change: Clarified the description of shiftIndexesStartingAtIndex:by:.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2012-06-11Minor Change NSMutableOrderedSet Class ReferenceDescribes a mutable ordered set of distinct objects.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.8.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2012-09-19Minor Change NSMutableSet Class ReferenceDescribes a mutable unordered collection of distinct elements.Last change: Updated the introduction and made minor changes throughout.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2010-08-17Minor Change NSNull Class ReferenceDescribes an object that represents null.Last change: First publication of this content as a separate document.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2006-05-23Minor Change NSObject Class ReferenceDescribes the Cocoa root class.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.8.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2012-09-19Minor Change NSObject Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface used to define basic object behavior.Last change: Added debugDescription.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2012-09-19Minor Change NSOrderedSet Class ReferenceDescribes an ordered set of distinct objects.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.8.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2012-07-17Content Update NSPointerArray Class ReferenceDescribes an ordered collection of pointers.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.8.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2012-07-23Content Update NSPointerFunctions Class ReferenceDescribes callout functions for managing a pointer reference held somewhere else.Last change: Updated NSPointerFunctionsOptions definitions.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2012-09-19Minor Change NSPropertyListSerialization Class ReferenceDescribes an object that converts property list objects to and from serialized representations.Last change: Corrected discussion of the options parameter in propertyListWithData:options:format:error:.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2010-09-08Minor Change NSSet Class ReferenceDescribes an immutable unordered collection of distinct elements.Last change: Added description of removeObserver:forKeyPath:context: method.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2011-07-08Content Update NSSortDescriptor Class ReferenceDescribes the rules for a sorting operation.Last change: Updated for Mac OX S v 10.6. Added methods for creating sort descriptors. Added methods supporting NSComparator.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2009-08-28Minor Change NSUUID Class ReferenceDocument that describes the class for creating UUIDs.Last change: New document.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2012-07-17First Version NSValue Class ReferenceDescribes a container for a single C or Objective-C data item.Last change: Corrected typographical errors.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsFoundation 2007-10-31Minor Change NSCalendar Class ReferenceDescribes a calendar.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.7. Added new methods and constants.Reference Data Management Dates, Times, & NumbersFoundation 2011-06-06Content Update NSDate Class ReferenceDescribes a single point in time.Last change: Updated description of description method.Reference Data Management Dates, Times, & NumbersFoundation 2011-04-05Minor Change NSDateComponents Class ReferenceDescribes the components of a date.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.8. Added leapMonth methods.Reference Data Management Dates, Times, & NumbersFoundation 2012-07-17Content Update NSDecimalNumber Class ReferenceDescribes a decimal number.Last change: Updated the description of the compare: method.Reference Data Management Dates, Times, & NumbersFoundation 2007-10-31Minor Change NSDecimalNumberBehaviors Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for controlling the behavior of NSDecimalNumber objects.Last change: Updated optional status of protocol methods.Reference Data Management Dates, Times, & NumbersFoundation 2009-11-12Minor Change NSDecimalNumberHandler Class ReferenceDescribes an object that specifies decimal number rounding and error handling.Last change: Corrected "Conforms to" section to include NSCoding.Reference Data Management Dates, Times, & NumbersFoundation 2007-04-30Minor Change NSNumber Class ReferenceDescribes a number.Last change: Clarified the restricted return values that the (NSValue) objCType method returns.Reference Data Management Dates, Times, & NumbersFoundation 2008-02-08Minor Change NSTimeZone Class ReferenceDescribes a time zone.Last change: Added missing constants NSTimeZoneNameStyleGeneric and NSTimeZoneNameStyleShortGeneric.Reference Data Management Dates, Times, & NumbersFoundation 2012-09-19Minor Change NSProcessInfo Class ReferenceDescribes the current process.Last change: Added note that NSProcessInfo is thread-safe in OS X v10.7 and later.Reference Data Management Device InformationFoundation 2012-05-14Minor Change NSBlockOperation Class ReferenceDescribes a task comprised of one or more blocks.Last change: Updated for iOS 4.0.Reference Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2010-04-13Content Update NSCondition Class ReferenceDescribes a pthread-style condition variable and associated mutex lock.Last change: Corrected availability information.Reference Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2008-09-09Minor Change NSConditionLock Class ReferenceDescribes an integer-based condition for use in thread locking.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.5.Reference Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2007-01-15Minor Change NSInvocation Class ReferenceDescribes an Objective-C message for use in store-and-forward operations.Last change: Removed obsolete NSObjCValueType.Reference Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2009-07-04Minor Change NSInvocationOperation Class ReferenceDescribes a nonconcurrent operation for executing a single encapsulated task.Last change: Added information about the return type of the selector used for the operation.Reference Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2009-08-19Minor Change NSKeyValueObserving Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for receiving notifications of changes to object properties.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.7. Added new removeObserver:forKeyPath:context: method.Reference Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2011-06-06Content Update NSLock Class ReferenceDescribes a mutex-based lock.Last change: Added a warning describing what happens when you unlock a lock that is not currently locked.Reference Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2008-02-08Minor Change NSLocking Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for supporting mutex and condition locks.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.5.Reference Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2007-01-22Minor Change NSMachPort Class ReferenceDescribes a port object that wraps an OS X local communication port.Last change: Updated for iOS 4.0.Reference Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2010-04-13Content Update NSMessagePort Class ReferenceDescribes an endpoint for distributed object connections or interprocess messaging.Last change: Added important note that this class is scheduled for future deprecation. Use NSMachPort or NSSocketPort instead.Reference Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2009-08-20Minor Change NSNotification Class ReferenceDescribes information to be broadcast to other objects through a notification center.Last change: Made editorial improvements.Reference Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2007-04-02Minor Change NSNotificationCenter Class ReferenceDescribes an object that synchronously broadcasts notifications.Last change: Clarified discussion of addObserverForName:object:queue:usingBlock:.Reference Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2010-08-03Minor Change NSNotificationQueue Class ReferenceDescribes an object that asynchronously broadcasts notifications.Last change: Update for OS X v10.5.Reference Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2007-04-02Minor Change NSOperation Class ReferenceDescribes an encapsulated, single-shot task.Last change: Updated the information about completion blocks to reflect that they should not be used to queue additional work related to your operation object's task.Reference Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2012-01-09Minor Change NSOperationQueue Class ReferenceDescribes an object that manages a set of prioritized operations.Last change: Corrected the explanation of how objects can be executed serially in an operation queue.Reference Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2012-01-09Minor Change NSPort Class ReferenceDescribes the interface for implementing communication ports.Last change: Updated for iOS 4.0.Reference Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2010-04-13Content Update NSRecursiveLock Class ReferenceDescribes a lock that can be acquired multiple times by one thread without causing a deadlock.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.5.Reference Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2007-04-30Minor Change NSRunLoop Class ReferenceDescribes the object that manages events on a thread.Last change: Corrected overview explanation of creating NSRunloop instances.Reference Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2009-12-05Minor Change NSThread Class ReferenceDescribes a thread of execution.Last change: Added unit to setStackSize: and stackSize: methods (bytes).Reference Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2010-02-18Minor Change NSTimer Class ReferenceDescribes a timer.Last change: States that you cannot subclass NSTimer.Reference Data Management Event HandlingFoundation 2011-01-07Minor Change NSBundle Class ReferenceDescribes a collection of resources used in a program.Last change: Added nil-parameter behavior information to pathForResource:ofType:. Removed references to releasing objects.Reference Data Management File ManagementFoundation 2012-09-19Minor Change NSCoder Class ReferenceDescribes the abstract class that provides the basis for archiving.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.8.Reference Data Management File ManagementFoundation 2012-07-17Content Update NSCoding Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for archiving.Last change: Corrected optional implementation status for encodeWithCoder:.Reference Data Management File ManagementFoundation 2009-11-17Minor Change NSDirectoryEnumerator Class ReferenceDescribes the facility for enumerating the contents of a directory.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.6.Reference Data Management File ManagementFoundation 2009-05-28Minor Change NSFileCoordinator Class ReferenceDescribes an object for coordinating file access.Last change: Added a description for the itemAtURL:willMoveToURL: method. Corrected the description of the addFilePresenter: class method.Reference Data Management File ManagementFoundation 2012-07-17Minor Change NSFileHandle Class ReferenceDescribes an object for accessing files or communication channels.Last change: Added descriptions for the readabilityHandler and writeabilityHandler properties.Reference Data Management File ManagementFoundation 2011-07-26Minor Change NSFileManager Class ReferenceDescribes an object that performs file-system operations.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.8 by adding descriptions of new iCloud APIs.Reference Data Management File ManagementFoundation 2012-07-17Minor Change NSFileManagerDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the delegate methods for NSFileManager.Last change: First version of the document for iOS.Reference Data Management File ManagementFoundation 2011-10-12Minor Change NSFilePresenter Protocol ReferenceDescribes the methods for managing the presentation of files.Last change: Added a description for the primaryPresentedItemURL property.Reference Data Management File ManagementFoundation 2012-07-17Content Update NSFileWrapper Class ReferenceDescribes a representation of a file-system node.Last change: Added class to Foundation framework in iOS 4.0.Reference Data Management File ManagementFoundation 2010-05-11Content Update NSKeyedArchiver Class ReferenceDescribes the facility for encoding objects and scalar values identified by keys.Last change: Updated for iOS 4.0.Reference Data Management File ManagementFoundation 2010-04-13Content Update NSKeyedArchiverDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the protocol that defines the methods for delegates of NSKeyedArchiver objects.Last change: Updated for iOS 4.0.Reference Data Management File ManagementFoundation 2010-04-23Content Update NSKeyedUnarchiver Class ReferenceDescribes an object that extracts the contents of an archive created by the NSKeyedArchiver class.Last change: Updated for iOS 4.0.Reference Data Management File ManagementFoundation 2010-04-13Content Update NSKeyedUnarchiverDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the protocol that defines the methods for delegates of NSKeyedUnarchiver objects.Last change: Updated for iOS 4.0. Corrected unarchiver:didDecodeObject: return value information.Reference Data Management File ManagementFoundation 2010-05-30Content Update NSMetadataItem Class ReferenceDescribes the metadata of a file.Last change: Metadata items are now supported in iOS 5.0.Reference Data Management File ManagementFoundation 2011-10-12Minor Change NSMetadataQuery Class ReferenceDescribes a Spotlight query for file metadata.Last change: Metadata queries are now supported in iOS 5.0.Reference Data Management File ManagementFoundation 2011-10-12Minor Change NSMetadataQueryAttributeValueTuple Class ReferenceDescribes metadata query results.Last change: Metadata attributes are now supported in iOS 5.0.Reference Data Management File ManagementFoundation 2011-10-12Minor Change NSMetadataQueryDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the protocol that defines the methods for delegates of NSMetadataQuery objects.Last change: This protocol is now supported in iOS 5.0.Reference Data Management File ManagementFoundation 2011-10-12Minor Change NSMetadataQueryResultGroup Class ReferenceDescribes a group of metadata query result objects.Last change: Metadata results are now supported in iOS 5.0.Reference Data Management File ManagementFoundation 2011-10-12Minor Change NSPipe Class ReferenceDescribes a communications channel between processes.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.5.Reference Data Management File ManagementFoundation 2007-01-26Minor Change NSUserDefaults Class ReferenceDescribes an object for managing preference information.Last change: Updated with App Sandbox tweaks.Reference Data Management Preference SettingsFoundation 2012-01-09Minor Change NSAttributedString Class ReferenceDescribes a character string with attributes.Last change: Updated to reflect enhanced support for attributed strings in iOS 6.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsFoundation 2012-09-19Content Update NSByteCountFormatter Class ReferenceDocument that defines a formatter for file and memory size.Last change: New document.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsFoundation 2012-07-23First Version NSCharacterSet Class ReferenceDescribes a set of Unicode characters used in scanning and searching operations.Last change: Corrected typographical error.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsFoundation 2008-10-15Minor Change NSDataDetector Class ReferenceMatches strings defined by data detectors.Last change: New document for matching strings defined by data detectors.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsFoundation 2010-05-20Minor Change NSDateFormatter Class ReferenceDescribes a date formatter.Last change: Added guidance that NSDateFormatter is not thread safe.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsFoundation 2012-09-19Minor Change NSFormatter Class ReferenceDescribes the interface for formatter objects.Last change: Updated for Mac OS v10.6.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsFoundation 2009-08-06Minor Change NSMutableAttributedString Class ReferenceDescribes a mutable character string with attributes.Last change: Added this class to the Foundation framework in iOS 3.2.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsFoundation 2010-02-25Content Update NSMutableCharacterSet Class ReferenceDescribes a mutable set of characters.Last change: First publication of this content as a separate document.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsFoundation 2006-05-23Minor Change NSMutableString Class ReferenceDescribes a mutable character string.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.5.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsFoundation 2007-03-06Minor Change NSNumberFormatter Class ReferenceDescribes a number formatter.Last change: Added guidance that NSNumberFormatter is not thread safe.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsFoundation 2012-09-19Minor Change NSOrthography Class ReferenceDescribes the linguistic content of a piece of text, especially for the purposes of spelling and grammar.Last change: Updated for iOS 4.0.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsFoundation 2010-04-13Content Update NSRegularExpression Class ReferenceDescribes the regular expression class for string matching.Last change: New document describing the regular expression class for string matching.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsFoundation 2010-05-20Minor Change NSScanner Class ReferenceDescribes an object that scans values from a string.Last change: Corrected description of scanHexLongLong:.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsFoundation 2011-01-21Minor Change NSString Class ReferenceDescribes an immutable character string.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.8.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsFoundation 2012-07-17Content Update NSTextCheckingResult Class ReferenceDescribes items located by text checking.Last change: Corrected typos.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsFoundation 2012-06-11Minor Change NSKeyValueCoding Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for accessing object properties indirectly by key name or key path.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.7.Reference General Foundation 2011-06-06Content Update Foundation Constants ReferenceDescribes constants in the Foundation framework.Last change: Added NSFeatureUnsupportedError error as well as the XPC suite of errors.Reference Foundation 2012-09-19Minor Change Foundation Data Types ReferenceDescribes the common data types in the Foundation framework.Last change: Updated for OS X v 10.8.Reference Foundation 2012-07-17Minor Change Foundation Framework ReferenceDescribes the API used to define basic object types and behavior and ensure their consistency within a program.Last change: Updated for OS X v10.8.Reference Foundation 2012-07-17Content Update Foundation Functions ReferenceDescribes Foundation framework functions.Last change: Added the Core Foundation bridging functions for ARC.Reference Foundation 2012-09-19Minor Change NSAssertionHandler Class ReferenceDescribes the facility for handling false assertions.Last change: Updated for OS X v 10.6. Added NSAssertHandlerKey string.Reference Foundation 2009-08-28Minor Change NSAutoreleasePool Class ReferenceDescribes the interface to the deferred-release mechanism in Cocoa's reference-counted memory management system.Last change: Updated for iOS 5 and ARC.Reference Foundation 2011-10-12Content Update NSCache Class ReferenceDescribes an interface for caching objects.Last change: Noted that NSCache does not copy its keys.Reference Foundation 2010-11-15Minor Change NSCacheDelegate Protocol ReferenceFirst version of a document describing the NSCacheDelegate protocol.Last change: Updated for iOS 4.0.Reference Foundation 2010-04-13Content Update NSCopying Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for providing immutable duplicates of objects.Last change: First publication of this content as a separate document.Reference Foundation 2006-05-23Minor Change NSDiscardableContent Protocol ReferenceFirst version of a document describing the NSDiscardableContent protocol.Last change: Updated for iOS 4.0.Reference Foundation 2010-04-13Content Update NSError Class ReferenceDescribes a representation of a runtime error.Last change: Added deprecation information and new errors.Reference Foundation 2009-09-01Minor Change NSErrorRecoveryAttempting Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for attempting recovery from runtime errors.Last change: Updated optional status of protocol methods.Reference Foundation 2009-11-12Minor Change NSException Class ReferenceDescribes an exceptional condition.Last change: Updated for OS X v 10.6. Added callStackSymbols method.Reference Foundation 2009-08-28Minor Change NSFastEnumeration Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for supporting the Objective-C 2.0 fast-enumeration feature.Last change: New document.Reference Foundation 2007-06-27First Version NSMutableCopying Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for providing mutable duplicates of objects.Last change: First publication of this content as a separate document.Reference Foundation 2006-05-23Minor Change NSProxy Class ReferenceDescribes the interface for object surrogates used in distributed messages and lazy instantiation.Last change: Added debugDescription method.Reference Foundation 2012-09-19Minor Change NSPurgeableData Class ReferenceFirst version of a document describing the interface for creating and storing a type of specialized data.Last change: Updated for iOS 4.0.Reference Foundation 2010-04-13Content Update Foundation Release NotesDescribes new features, notes, and known issues for the Foundation framework in OS X v10.6.Last change: Updated to reflect support for iOS 4.0.Release Notes Foundation 2010-06-02Minor Change Foundation Release Notes for iOSDescribes new features, notes, and known issues for the Foundation framework in iOS5.Last change: New document.Release Notes Foundation 2012-02-16First Version XMLPerformancePerformance and parsing XML, focusing on speed, memory footprint, and user experience.Last change: Updated for iOS 4.0Sample Code Performance Foundation 2010-07-08Minor Change AdvancedURLConnectionsDemonstrates various advanced networking techniques with NSURLConnection.Last change: A small update to add NTLM authentication support and to fix various minor issues.Sample Code Networking & Internet Protocol StreamsFoundation 2011-01-26Content Update SimpleFTPSampleDemonstrates simple FTP operations using the NSURLConnection and CFFTPStream APIs.Last change: Updated to adopt the latest tools and techniques (most notably, ARC).Sample Code Networking & Internet Protocol StreamsFoundation 2012-08-19Content Update SimpleURLConnectionsDemonstrates simple networking using the NSURLConnection API.Last change: Adopted the latest tools and techniques (most notably, ARC). Disabled the bound pair workaround that was necessary prior to iOS 5.Sample Code Networking & Internet Protocol StreamsFoundation 2012-04-11Content Update BonjourWebShows how to find network services that are advertised by Bonjour.Last change: Updated to work with iOS SDK 4.0.Sample Code Networking & Internet Services & DiscoveryFoundation 2010-06-16Minor Change WiTapThe WiTap sample application demonstrates how to achieve network communication between applications.Last change: Updated for iOS 4.1, added IPv6 support, fixed problem causing delayed writesSample Code Networking & Internet Services & DiscoveryFoundation 2010-10-22Content Update ListAdderDemonstrates the technique of thread confinement using NSOperation.Last change: New document.Sample Code Data Management Foundation 2010-08-27First Version FastEnumerationSampleDemonstrates how to implement the NSFastEnumeration protocol.Last change: New document.Sample Code Foundation 2009-12-07First Version HTTPS Server Trust EvaluationTN2232: Describes how you can resolve HTTPS server trust evaluation, for example, to work with a server with a missing intermediate certificate.Last change: New document.Technical Notes Networking & Internet Foundation 2012-10-10First Version Simple and Reliable Threading with NSOperationTN2109: Describes how Cocoa application developers can use NSOperation to solve many of the problems inherent in threaded code.Last change: New document.Technical Notes Data Management Foundation 2010-08-27First Version Bonjour over Bluetooth on iOS 5.0QA1753: Describes how Bonjour over Bluetooth has changed in iOS 5.0.Last change: Updated to reference the new DNSSDObjects sample code.Technical Q&As Networking & Internet Foundation 2012-01-05Minor Change Concurrent NSOperations Failing On iOS 4QA1712: Describes a common problem with concurrent, run loop based, NSOperations (such as those using NSURLConnection) on iOS 4.Last change: New document.Technical Q&As Networking & Internet Foundation 2010-08-23First Version NSNetService and Automatic Reference Counting (ARC)QA1546: describes an issue with NSNetService that can cause connections never to complete.Last change: New document.Technical Q&As Networking & Internet Foundation 2011-10-28First Version Resumable DownloadsQA1761: Explains how to resume HTTP downloads.Last change: New document.Technical Q&As Networking & Internet Foundation 2012-02-13First Version TLS Session CacheQA1727: describes how the TLS session cache affects HTTPS connections that need different TLS parameters.Last change: New document.Technical Q&As Networking & Internet Foundation 2011-02-10First Version Using NSStreams For A TCP Connection Without NSHostQA1652: Describes how to create TCP NSStreams without NSHost (which is not supported on iOS).Last change: Fixed a typo (r. 11064426).Technical Q&As Networking & Internet Sockets & TCPFoundation 2012-03-27Minor Change NSDateFormatter and Internet DatesQA1480: Explains how to use NSDateFormatter with fixed-format dates, like those in various Internet protocols.Last change: RFC 3339 dates are always in UTC, so set the time zone on the RFC 3339 date formatter to UTC.Technical Q&As Data Management Dates, Times, & NumbersFoundation 2010-04-29Minor Change Why can't I save data to my application's bundle when running on the device?QA1662: Describes why you can't save data to your application's bundle when running on the device.Last change: New document.Technical Q&As Data Management Preference SettingsFoundation 2009-08-25First Version Converting to Precomposed UnicodeQA1235: Describes how to convert a string to precomposed Unicode.Last change: Rewritten to focus on modern techniques.Technical Q&As Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsFoundation 2011-09-14Content Update WWDC 2012: Networking Best PracticesBest practices to tune for performance and power from a TCP connection to using NSURLConnection.Last change: New document.Video Networking & Internet Foundation 2012-09-19First Version WWDC 2012: Simplify Networking with BonjourNetwork apps and services can use Bonjour to simplify your user experience.Last change: New document.Video Networking & Internet Foundation 2012-09-19First Version WWDC 2012: Advanced iCloud Document StorageWrite iCloud apps that don't use AppKit and UIKit's document classes.Last change: New document.Video Data Management Foundation 2012-09-19First Version WWDC 2012: iCloud Storage OverviewDevelopment and debugging for iCloud and the Key-Value Store.Last change: New document.Video Data Management Foundation 2012-09-19First Version
用户界面开发包 (UIKit):共277篇
使用 UIKit 框架构建和管理应用程序的用户界面。这个 Objective-C 框架提供了一个应用程序对象、事件驱动支持、绘图支持以及专为多点触控界面设计的窗口、视图和控件。
Construct and manage your application's user interface with the UIKit framework. This Objective-C framework provides an application object, event handling support, drawing support, windows, views, and controls designed specifically for the Multi-Touch interface.
Title Resource Type Topic Framework Date Cocoa 自动布局指南Cocoa Auto Layout GuideDescribes the constraint-based system for laying out user interface elements.Last change: Added to iOS Library. Added links to WWDC videos.Guides User Experience UIKit 2012-09-19Content Update iOS 易用性编程指南Accessibility Programming Guide for iOSDescribes how to make an iPhone application accessible to users with disabilities.Last change: Added missing return statement to code listing.Guides User Experience UIKit 2012-02-16Minor Change iOS 表视图编程指南Table View Programming Guide for iOSDescribes how to create and manage table views for applications running iOS.Last change: Added new information for iOS 5.Guides User Experience TablesUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update iOS 视图编程指南View Programming Guide for iOSDescribes the creation and management of visual interface elements.Last change: Reorganized and expanded the content of the document.Guides User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2011-03-08Minor Change iOS 视图控制器编程指南(遗留)View Controller Programming Guide for iOS (Legacy)This is an archived version for developers who need to support iOS 4.3 and earlier.Last change: New document.Guides User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2011-01-07First Version iOS 视图控制器编程指南View Controller Programming Guide for iOSExplains how to use view controllers to implement radio, navigation, and modal interfaces.Last change: Added design guidelines for custom container view controllers and accessibility in the view controller. Updated the discussions of view rotation, view layout, and resource management for iOS 6.Guides User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update iOS 视图控制器编录View Controller Catalog for iOSDescribes the container view controllers available in UIKit, and how to use them.Last change: Editorial corrections throughout.Guides User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2012-02-16Minor Change Scroll View Programming Guide for iOSExplains how to use scroll views to implement scrollable and zoomable user interfaces.Last change: Corrected the content size in Listing 1-2.Guides User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2011-06-06Minor Change iOS 多显示屏编程指南Multiple Display Programming Guide for iOSDescribes how to use window and screen objects in an iOS app.Last change: New document.Guides User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2012-09-19First Version iOS 集合视图编程指南Collection View Programming Guide for iOSDescribes the use of collection views in iOS apps.Last change: New document.Guides User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2012-09-19First Version 本地和推送通知编程指南Local and Push Notification Programming GuideDescribes how explains how applications can send and receive push notifications locally and remotely.Last change: Added information about implementing push notifications on an OS X desktop client. Unified the guide for iOS and OS X.Guides Networking & Internet UIKit 2011-08-09Minor Change iOS 绘图和打印指南Drawing and Printing Guide for iOSDescribes the APIs and techniques for drawing and printing on iOS.Last change: Revised wording throughout, fixed a number of technical errors, and updated the printing chapter for iOS 6.Guides Graphics & Animation 2D DrawingUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update iOS 基于文档的应用编程指南Document-Based App Programming Guide for iOSDescribes how to create an iOS application whose documents are integrated with iCloud storage.Last change: Updated the document's iCloud-related information.Guides Data Management UIKit 2012-09-19Content Update iOS 事件处理指南Event Handling Guide for iOSDescribes how applications can handle multitouch, motion, and other events.Last change: Made some minor corrections.Guides Data Management Event HandlingUIKit 2011-03-10Minor Change 错误处理编程指南Error Handling Programming GuideDescribes NSError objects, related Application Kit support for error handling, and how to use these features in your code.Last change: Added advice about not modifying the error parameter if a method does not directly return NO to indicate an error (Creating and Returning NSError Objects).Guides Data Management Event HandlingUIKit 2011-01-07Minor Change iOS 文档交互编程主题Document Interaction Programming Topics for iOSExplains how to provide item previews and how to register to open specific file typesLast change: New document.Guides Data Management File ManagementUIKit 2010-11-15First Version iOS 文本、网页以及编辑编程指南Text, Web, and Editing Programming Guide for iOSDescribes the technologies and techniques for displaying and managing text and web content in iOS.Last change: Updated information on pasteboard persistence and keyboard adjustment. Also made many small corrections.Guides Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsUIKit 2011-03-07Minor Change iOS 像机编程主题Camera Programming Topics for iOSExplains how to perform still image and video capture, and how to pick items from the photo library.Last change: Corrected the information about presenting a media browser interface on iPad.Guides Audio & Video UIKit 2012-07-17Minor Change UIViewControllerRestoration Protocol ReferenceDescribes methods for restoring view controllers.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience UIKit 2012-09-19First Version UISplitViewControllerDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes methods for responding to split view controller changes.Last change: Added the splitViewController:shouldHideViewController:inOrientation: delegate method.Reference User Experience UIKit 2011-10-12Content Update UIKit Framework ReferenceDescribes the primary API for implementing the user interface in an iOS app.Last change: Added new classes introduced in iOS 6.Reference User Experience UIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UIDataSourceModelAssociation Protocol ReferenceDescribes methods for finding objects in collection views.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience UIKit 2012-09-19First Version UIActivityViewController Class ReferenceDescribes a view controller that presents the available app services to the user.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience UIKit 2012-09-19First Version UIActivityItemSource Protocol ReferenceDescribes the source of data provider objects for activities.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience UIKit 2012-09-19First Version UIActivityItemProvider Class ReferenceDescribes an object that provides app data for activities.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience UIKit 2012-09-19First Version UIActivity Class ReferenceDescribes a custom application service.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience UIKit 2012-09-19First Version UIToolbar Class ReferenceDescribes the class that implements a control for selecting one of many buttons, called toolbar items.Last change: Added symbols for iOS 6.0Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UITextFieldDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for receiving editing-related delegate messages in UITextField objects.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2008-06-16First Version UITextField Class ReferenceDescribes a control for displaying and editing a single line of text.Last change: Added a new interfaces related to styled-text support in iOS 6.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UITableViewDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for dynamically altering the behavior and appearance of a table view.Last change: Added methods for managing header/footer views.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UITableViewDataSource Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for providing a table view with items to display.Last change: Corrected typo.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2010-05-24Minor Change UITableViewController Class ReferenceDescribes an object that manages a table view.Last change: Added a new property for accessing a refresh control.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UITableViewCell Class ReferenceDescribes a view that represents an item in a table view.Last change: Describes the multipleSelectionBackgroundView property added in iOS 5.0.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2011-10-12Minor Change UITableView Class ReferenceDescribes a view for displaying and editing lists of items.Last change: Added state preservation information and added new methods.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UITabBarItem Class ReferenceDescribes the class implementing items on tab bars, which allow one item to be selected at a time.Last change: Updated for iOS v5.0.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2011-10-12Content Update UITabBarDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the protocol for customizing a tab bar.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2008-05-16First Version UITabBarControllerDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the protocol for augmenting the behavior of a customized tab bar.Last change: Removed a sentence fragment in the tabBarController:didSelectViewController: method discussion.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2009-07-17Minor Change UITabBarController Class ReferenceDescribes the class that implements a controller managing all aspects of a radio interface in a tab bar.Last change: Added information about what state is saved during state preservation.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UITabBar Class ReferenceDescribes the class that implements a control for selecting one of many buttons, called items.Last change: Added symbols for iOS 6.0Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UISwitch Class ReferenceDescribes a control that acts as an On/Off button.Last change: Added new methods introduced in iOS 6.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UIStepper Class ReferenceDescribes a control for incrementing or decrementing a value.Last change: Added new methods introduced in iOS 6.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UISlider Class ReferenceDescribes a control for selecting a value from a continuous range of values.Last change: Updated for iOS 5.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2011-10-12Content Update UISegmentedControl Class ReferenceDescribes a horizontal button divided into multiple segmentsLast change: Updated for iOS v5.0.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2011-10-12Content Update UISearchDisplayDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the delegate methods for UISearchDisplayController objects.Last change: Removed incorrect notices that methods are required.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2009-12-03Minor Change UISearchDisplayController Class ReferenceDescribes a controller that manages display of a search interface.Last change: Updated for iOS v5.0.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2011-10-12Content Update UIPickerViewDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for receiving requests for managing and configuring a picker view.Last change: Added a new method that supports returning styled text for picker items.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UIPickerViewDataSource Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for receiving data requests from a picker view.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2009-11-24Minor Change UIPickerView Class ReferenceDescribes a view for selecting values by rotating wheels.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2009-08-25Minor Change UIPageControl Class ReferenceDescribes a control that allows users to move to the next or previous page.Last change: Added symbols for iOS 6.0Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UINavigationItem Class ReferenceDescribes an item on a navigation bar.Last change: Added new methods and properties for setting and getting multiple left and right bar item objects.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2011-10-12Content Update UINavigationControllerDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the protocol used to implement a navigation controller delegate.Last change: Tagged the methods of this protocol as optional.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2009-05-22Minor Change UINavigationController Class ReferenceDescribes a view controller for navigating a hierarchy of views.Last change: Added information about what state is saved during state preservation.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UINavigationBarDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the protocol defining optional methods that a UINavigationBar delegate implements to update its views.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2008-03-12First Version UINavigationBar Class ReferenceDescribes the class used to implement a control for navigating hierarchical content.Last change: Added symbols for iOS 6.0Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UIImagePickerControllerDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for receiving images and movies picked by the user.Last change: Added descriptions for the UIImagePickerControllerReferenceURL and UIImagePickerControllerMediaMetadata constants.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2010-08-19Minor Change UIImagePickerController Class ReferenceDescribes a system object for choosing and taking pictures and movies.Last change: Additional improvements to the description of using an image picker on iPad.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2012-07-17Minor Change UIDatePicker Class ReferenceDescribes a control for selecting dates and times.Last change: Corrected the description for the calendar property.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2010-11-29Minor Change UIControl Class ReferenceDescribes the interface for views that respond to touches by sending action messages.Last change: Improved the description for the actionsForTarget:forControlEvent: instance method.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2011-09-28Minor Change UIButton Class ReferenceDescribes a control that responds to taps.Last change: Added a new interfaces related to styled-text support in iOS 6.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UIBarItem Class ReferenceDescribes the abstract superclass for items in a tab bar or navigation bar.Last change: Updated for iOS v5.0.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2011-10-12Content Update UIBarButtonItem Class ReferenceDescribes a button in a toolbar or navigation bar.Last change: Added new methods introduced in iOS 6.Reference User Experience ControlsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UITableViewHeaderFooterView Class ReferenceDescribes a header/footer view for a table view.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience TablesUIKit 2012-09-19First Version UIRefreshControl Class ReferenceDescribes a control for refreshing a table.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience TablesUIKit 2012-09-19First Version UICollectionViewUpdateItem Class ReferenceDescribes the items to update during a collection view refresh.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience TablesUIKit 2012-09-19First Version UICollectionViewLayoutAttributes Class ReferenceDescribes metrics used to lay out views in a collection view.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience TablesUIKit 2012-09-19First Version UICollectionViewLayout Class ReferenceDescribes a class for specifying custom collection view layouts.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience TablesUIKit 2012-09-19First Version UICollectionViewFlowLayout Class ReferenceDescribes a flow-based layout manager for a collection view.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience TablesUIKit 2012-09-19First Version UICollectionViewDelegateFlowLayout Protocol ReferenceDescribes the methods a delegate must implement to manage a flow-based layout in a collection view.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience TablesUIKit 2012-09-19First Version UICollectionViewDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes a collection view delegate.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience TablesUIKit 2012-09-19First Version UICollectionViewDataSource Protocol ReferenceDescribes a collection view data source.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience TablesUIKit 2012-09-19First Version UICollectionViewController Class ReferenceDescribes a view controller for managing a collection view.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience TablesUIKit 2012-09-19First Version UICollectionViewCell Class ReferenceDescribes a view that provides custom content for a collection view.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience TablesUIKit 2012-09-19First Version UICollectionView Class ReferenceDescribes a collection of views that displays content in a grid.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience TablesUIKit 2012-09-19First Version UICollectionReusableView Class ReferenceDescribes a view that can be used to present content in a collection view.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience TablesUIKit 2012-09-19First Version UIWindow Class ReferenceDescribes the view that manages a window.Last change: Changed the companion guide to Multiple Display Programming Guide for iOS and clarified introductory content.Reference User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2012-09-19Minor Change UIWebViewDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for managing changes in a view displaying web content.Last change: Web view delegate methods may be called once per frame in the source document, not once per page.Reference User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2011-05-26Minor Change UIWebView Class ReferenceDescribes a view for displaying web content.Last change: Added new methods introduced in iOS 6.Reference User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UIViewController Class ReferenceDescribes a responder that manages views.Last change: Added properties and methods related to state preservation and restoration. Added method to determine whether a segue should be executed.Reference User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UIView Class ReferenceDescribes the interface for interactive rectangular areas on the screen.Last change: Added methods and properties related to state preservation and restoration. Added methods related to autolayout. Fixed typo.Reference User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UITextViewDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for receiving editing-related delegate messages in UITextView objects.Last change: Updated the textViewDidChange: method description to indicate when it is called.Reference User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2010-08-03Minor Change UITextView Class ReferenceDescribes a view for displaying and editing multiple lines of text.Last change: Added a new interfaces related to styled-text support in iOS 6.Reference User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UIStoryboardSegue Class ReferenceDescribes a storyboard transition.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2011-10-12First Version UIStoryboardPopoverSegue Class ReferenceDescribes a popover-based transition.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2011-10-12First Version UIStoryboard Class ReferenceDescribes a storyboard resource file.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2011-10-12First Version UISplitViewController Class ReferenceDescribes a view controller that presents distinct left and right panes.Last change: Added information about what state is saved during state preservation.Reference User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UISearchBarDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the protocol for making a search bar control functional.Last change: Corrected minor formatting error.Reference User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2010-04-28Minor Change UISearchBar Class ReferenceDescribes the class implementing a text field control for text-based searches.Last change: Added symbols for iOS 6.0Reference User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UIScrollViewDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for receiving scroll and zoom messages.Last change: Updated for iOS 5.Reference User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2011-10-12Content Update UIScrollView Class ReferenceDescribes a view for displaying content larger than its bounds.Last change: Added state preservation information for this class.Reference User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UIProgressView Class ReferenceDescribes a view that displays the progress of a task over time.Last change: Updated for iOS 5.Reference User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2011-10-12Content Update UIPageViewController Class ReferenceDescribes a class for paging through view controllers.Last change: Added new scrolling transition style.Reference User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2012-09-19Minor Change UILabel Class ReferenceDescribes a control for displaying static text.Last change: Added a new interfaces related to styled-text support in iOS 6.Reference User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UIImageView Class ReferenceDescribes a control for displaying or animating images.Last change: Added state preservation information to the class.Reference User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UIAlertViewDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the UIAlertViewDelegate protocol.Last change: Updated for iOS 5.Reference User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2011-10-12Content Update UIAlertView Class ReferenceDescribes a view for presenting an alert message.Last change: Updated for iOS 5.Reference User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2011-10-12Content Update UIActivityIndicatorView Class ReferenceDescribes a view that displays indeterminate progress for a task.Last change: Added a property description for color, allowing you to set the color of the activity indicator.Reference User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2011-10-12Content Update UIActionSheetDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the UIActionSheetDelegate protocol.Last change: New document.Reference User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2008-05-29First Version UIActionSheet Class ReferenceDescribes the class used to present a sheet to the user.Last change: Added guidance on what to do when an application displaying an action sheet moves to the background.Reference User Experience Windows & ViewsUIKit 2010-05-14Minor Change CIImage UIKit Additions ReferenceDescribes additions for manipulating Cocoa Touch images.Last change: New document.Reference Graphics & Animation UIKit 2011-10-12First Version CIColor UIKit Additions ReferenceDescribes additions to support UIKit color information.Last change: New document.Reference Graphics & Animation UIKit 2011-10-12First Version UIViewPrintFormatter Class ReferenceDescribes the class for formatting printing pages based on displayed view content.Last change: New document.Reference Graphics & Animation 2D DrawingUIKit 2010-10-12First Version UISimpleTextPrintFormatter Class ReferenceDescribes the class for formatting simple text in printed pages.Last change: New document.Reference Graphics & Animation 2D DrawingUIKit 2010-10-12First Version UIMarkupTextPrintFormatter Class ReferenceDescribes the class for formatting markup text such as HTML when printing pages.Last change: New document.Reference Graphics & Animation 2D DrawingUIKit 2010-10-12First Version UIImage Class ReferenceDescribes an immutable representation of an image for display.Last change: Added symbols introduced in iOS 6.Reference Graphics & Animation 2D DrawingUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UIColor Class ReferenceDescribes a representation of color and opacity (alpha value).Last change: Updated for iOS 5.Reference Graphics & Animation 2D DrawingUIKit 2011-10-12Content Update UIBezierPath Class ReferenceDescribes a vector-based path consisting of line and curve segments.Last change: Added the bezierPathByReversingPath method.Reference Graphics & Animation 2D DrawingUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update NSValue UIKit Additions ReferenceDescribes additions to support geometry conversions in UIKit.Last change: Updated for iOS v5.0.Reference Graphics & Animation 2D DrawingUIKit 2011-10-12Content Update NSString UIKit Additions ReferenceDescribes additions to support character string drawing in UIKit.Last change: Updated the constants to reflect changes in iOS 6.0.Reference Graphics & Animation 2D DrawingUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update NSShadow Class ReferenceDescribes a drop shadow for a drawing operation.Last change: This class is now supported in iOS.Reference Graphics & Animation 2D DrawingUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update NSCoder UIKit Additions ReferenceDescribes additions for archiving data types used in UIKit.Last change: Updated for iOS v5.0.Reference Graphics & Animation 2D DrawingUIKit 2011-10-12Content Update UIPasteboard Class ReferenceDescribes the class or transferring data within and between applications.Last change: Clarified description of pasteboard persistence and made other corrections.Reference Data Management UIKit 2010-08-03Minor Change UIManagedDocument Class ReferenceDescribes a concrete subclass of UIDocument that integrates with Core Data.Last change: Noted that UIManagedDocument does not support additional content on iCloud.Reference Data Management UIKit 2012-07-17Minor Change UILocalizedIndexedCollation Class ReferenceDescribes the class that helps to organize data for table views with section indexes.Last change: Revised the description of currentCollation.Reference Data Management UIKit 2011-01-05Minor Change UIDocument Class ReferenceDescribes the base class for documents in Cocoa Touch.Last change: New document.Reference Data Management UIKit 2011-10-12First Version NSIndexPath UIKit AdditionsDescribes the additions to the NSIndexPath class in the UIKit framework.Last change: Added methods to support collection views.Reference Data Management Data Types & CollectionsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UIScreenMode Class ReferenceDescribes the attributes of a screen.Last change: New document.Reference Data Management Device InformationUIKit 2010-02-25First Version UIScreen Class ReferenceDescribes the recommended frame rectangles for an application's window.Last change: Updated for iOS 5.Reference Data Management Device InformationUIKit 2011-10-12Content Update UIDevice Class ReferenceDescribes a representation of a device.Last change: Updated with replacement properties for the uniqueIdentifier property.Reference Data Management Device InformationUIKit 2012-09-19Minor Change UIAccelerometerDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for receiving acceleration-related data from the system.Last change: New document.Reference Data Management Device InformationUIKit 2008-05-27First Version UIAccelerometer Class ReferenceDescribes the system object that provides acceleration data.Last change: New document.Reference Data Management Device InformationUIKit 2008-05-27First Version UIAcceleration Class ReferenceDescribes a device acceleration event.Last change: Minor changes.Reference Data Management Device InformationUIKit 2010-04-16Minor Change UITouch Class ReferenceDescribes a representation of a touch in the Multi-Touch event model.Last change: Updated link to conceptual documentation.Reference Data Management Event HandlingUIKit 2010-09-17Minor Change UITextInputTraits Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for traits associated with keyboard input.Last change: Added a new constant for specifying a Twitter-specific keyboard.Reference Data Management Event HandlingUIKit 2011-10-12Content Update UITapGestureRecognizer Class ReferenceDescribes the UIGestureRecognizer subclass that recognizes tap gestures.Last change: Revised the description of tap gestures as sending an action message for each state of the gesture recognizer.Reference Data Management Event HandlingUIKit 2011-01-05Minor Change UISwipeGestureRecognizer Class ReferenceDescribes the UIGestureRecognizer subclass that recognizes swiping gestures.Last change: Corrected description direction property.Reference Data Management Event HandlingUIKit 2010-11-15Minor Change UIRotationGestureRecognizer ClassDescribes the UIGestureRecognizer subclass that recognizes rotation gestures.Last change: Updated the description for the rotation property.Reference Data Management Event HandlingUIKit 2012-09-19Minor Change UIResponderStandardEditActions Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for handling editing commands.Last change: Added editing methods for styled text.Reference Data Management Event HandlingUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UIResponder Class ReferenceDescribes the interface for handling events.Last change: Added caveats about calling super for the touch-handling methods and for resignFirstResponder.Reference Data Management Event HandlingUIKit 2011-03-07Minor Change UIPinchGestureRecognizer Class ReferenceDescribes the UIGestureRecognizer subclass that recognizes pinching gestures.Last change: Updated the description of the scale property.Reference Data Management Event HandlingUIKit 2012-09-19Minor Change UIPanGestureRecognizer Class ReferenceDescribes the UIGestureRecognizer subclass that recognizes pan gestures.Last change: Added information about continuous gesture recognizer properties such as scale, rotation angle, and translation value.Reference Data Management Event HandlingUIKit 2012-09-19Minor Change UIMenuController Class ReferenceDescribes the class used to present the menu interface.Last change: Describes the menuItems property and UIMenuControllerArrowDirection constants added in iOS 3.2.Reference Data Management Event HandlingUIKit 2010-02-25Content Update UILongPressGestureRecognizer Class ReferenceDescribes the subclass of UIGestureRecognizer that recognizes long presses.Last change: Corrected the default value of the numberOfTapsRequired property.Reference Data Management Event HandlingUIKit 2010-12-03Minor Change UILocalNotification Class ReferenceDescribes the class for sending local notifications on a device.Last change: New document.Reference Data Management Event HandlingUIKit 2010-05-24First Version UIGestureRecognizerDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the protocol adopted by the delegate of a gesture recognizer class.Last change: Corrected formatting error.Reference Data Management Event HandlingUIKit 2010-09-15Minor Change UIGestureRecognizer Class ReferenceDescribes the abstract base class for gesture recognizers.Last change: Updated the addTarget:action: method description.Reference Data Management Event HandlingUIKit 2012-09-19Minor Change UIEvent Class ReferenceDescribes the class whose instances represent multitouch, motion, and remote-control events.Last change: Augmented description of timestamp property.Reference Data Management Event HandlingUIKit 2010-08-03Minor Change UIApplicationDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for receiving app life-cycle messages.Last change: Added methods related to state preservation and restoration.Reference Data Management Event HandlingUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UIApplication Class ReferenceDescribes the object representing an app.Last change: Added methods related to state preservation and restoration.Reference Data Management Event HandlingUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UINib Class ReferenceDescribes an object for unarchiving and instantiating a nib file.Last change: New document.Reference Data Management File ManagementUIKit 2010-05-26First Version UIDocumentInteractionControllerDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the methods for working with a document interaction controller.Last change: Updated to describe printing capability in iOS 4.2.Reference Data Management File ManagementUIKit 2010-11-15Content Update UIDocumentInteractionController Class ReferenceDescribes a system object for interacting with file types not directly supported by your app.Last change: Corrected the description of the dismissMenuAnimated: instance method.Reference Data Management File ManagementUIKit 2011-03-08Minor Change NSBundle UIKit Additions ReferenceDescribes additions for loading nib files in iPhone applications.Last change: Minor clarifications.Reference Data Management File ManagementUIKit 2010-03-26Minor Change UITextSelectionRect Class ReferenceDescribes an annotated selection rectangle.Last change: New document.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsUIKit 2012-09-19First Version UITextRange Class ReferenceDescribes the base class used for objects that represent ranges in a text document.Last change: New document.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsUIKit 2010-02-25First Version UITextPosition Class ReferenceDescribes the base class for objects that represent locations in a text document.Last change: New document.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsUIKit 2010-02-25First Version UITextInputTokenizer Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface to the text input system for evaluating units of text of varying granularity.Last change: New document.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsUIKit 2010-02-25First Version UITextInputStringTokenizer Class ReferenceDescribes the class that provides a default implementation of the UITextInputTokenizer protocol.Last change: New document.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsUIKit 2010-02-25First Version UITextInputMode Class ReferenceDescribes the class whose instances represent the current input mode.Last change: Added description of the activeInputModes class method.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsUIKit 2011-06-06Minor Change UITextInputDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for notifying the text system of changes in text and selection.Last change: New document.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsUIKit 2010-02-25First Version UITextInput Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for text-displaying objects that enables integration with the text input system.Last change: Added methods introduced in iOS 6.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UITextChecker Class ReferenceDescribes the class used for spell-checking documents and proposing word completions.Last change: Made a minor correction.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsUIKit 2011-01-05Minor Change UIKeyInput Protocol ReferenceDescribes the protocol adopted by classes to enable simple text entry.Last change: New document.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsUIKit 2010-02-25First Version UIFont Class ReferenceDescribes a representation of a font and the font system.Last change: Updated to include symbols introduced in iOS 4.0.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsUIKit 2010-05-11Content Update NSStringDrawingContext Class ReferenceDescribes metrics used during string drawing.Last change: New document.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsUIKit 2012-09-19First Version NSParagraphStyle Class ReferenceDescribes an immutable paragraph style.Last change: The NSParagraphStyle class is now included in iOS 6.0.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update NSMutableParagraphStyle Class ReferenceDescribes a mutable paragraph style.Last change: The NSMutableParagraphStyle class is now included in iOS 6.0.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsUIKit 2012-09-19Content Update NSAttributedString UIKit Additions ReferenceDescribes additions for drawing attributed strings.Last change: New document.Reference Data Management Strings, Text, & FontsUIKit 2012-09-19First Version UIInputViewAudioFeedback Protocol ReferenceLast change: New document.Reference Audio & Video AudioUIKit 2010-10-27First Version UIVideoEditorControllerDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for receiving the path to a movie edited by the user.Last change: New document.Reference Audio & Video VideoUIKit 2009-07-07First Version UIVideoEditorController Class ReferenceDescribes a controller that presents and manages a simple movie editor.Last change: New document.Reference Audio & Video VideoUIKit 2009-08-02First Version UIScrollViewAccessibilityDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the protocol for getting accessibility information from a scroll view.Last change: New document.Reference UIKit 2012-09-19First Version UIReferenceLibraryViewController Class ReferenceView controller that provides definitions for terms.Last change: Clarified usage requirements.Reference UIKit 2012-01-10Minor Change UIPrintPaper Class ReferenceDescribes the class for specifying paper size for printing.Last change: New document.Reference UIKit 2010-10-12First Version UIPrintPageRenderer Class ReferenceDescribes the base class for objects that draw pages of printable content.Last change: New document.Reference UIKit 2010-10-12First Version UIPrintInteractionControllerDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the protocol implemented by the delegate to return paper size.Last change: New document.Reference UIKit 2010-11-15First Version UIPrintInteractionController Class ReferenceDescribes the class used to manage the printing user interface.Last change: New document.Reference UIKit 2010-10-12First Version UIPrintInfo Class ReferenceDescribes the class for capturing information about a print job—for example, output type and orientation.Last change: New document.Reference UIKit 2010-10-12First Version UIPrintFormatter Class ReferenceDescribes the base class for objects that format the pages of a print job.Last change: New document.Reference UIKit 2010-10-12First Version UIPopoverControllerDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the methods for interacting with popovers.Last change: Provided a name for the task group.Reference UIKit 2011-08-10Minor Change UIPopoverController Class ReferenceDescribes the interface for managing popovers.Last change: Added properties relating to setting a custom popover background view.Reference UIKit 2011-10-12Minor Change UIPopoverBackgroundView Class ReferenceDescribes the customization view for a popover.Last change: Added new symbols for iOS 6.0Reference UIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UIPickerViewAccessibilityDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the protocol for getting accessibility information for individual components in a picker view.Last change: New document.Reference UIKit 2010-05-18First Version UIPageViewControllerDelegate Protocol ReferenceDescribes the protocol used to respond to page view controller events.Last change: Added a new method.Reference UIKit 2012-09-19Minor Change UIPageViewControllerDataSource Protocol ReferenceDescribes the protocol used to supply data to a page view controller.Last change: Added new methods to support scrolling transition style.Reference UIKit 2012-09-19Minor Change UIMenuItem Class ReferenceDescribes the class for creating and configuring items of the editing menu.Last change: New document.Reference UIKit 2010-02-25First Version UIKit Function ReferenceDescribes the functions of the UIKit framework.Last change: Added two text-related functions and two accessibility-related functions, introduced in iOS 6.Reference UIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UIKit Data Types ReferenceDescribes the data types of the UIKit framework.Last change: Updated for iOS v5.0.Reference UIKit 2011-10-12Content Update UIKit Constants ReferenceDescribes the constants of the UIKit framework.Last change: Updated for iOS v5.0.Reference UIKit 2011-10-12Content Update UIDictationPhrase Class ReferenceDescribes the returned text, and alternative text interpretations, resulting from user dictation.Last change: New document.Reference UIKit 2012-03-01First Version UIAppearanceContainer Protocol ReferenceDescribes the protocol a class must adopt to support appearance customization.Last change: New document.Reference UIKit 2011-10-12First Version UIAppearance Protocol ReferenceDescribes the protocol used to retrieve class appearance proxy objects.Last change: New document.Reference UIKit 2011-10-12First Version UIAccessibilityReadingContent Protocol ReferenceDescribes a UIAccessibility protocol that allows applications to enable a continuous reading experience for VoiceOver users.Last change: Add missing colons to method names in headings.Reference UIKit 2012-07-17Minor Change UIAccessibilityIdentification Protocol ReferenceDescribes the accessibility protocol views can implement to allow them to be queried via automation interfaces.Last change: New document.Reference UIKit 2011-10-12First Version UIAccessibilityFocus Protocol ReferenceDescribes a way to discern when an assistive technology, such as VoiceOver, has virtual focus on an element.Last change: New document.Reference UIKit 2010-05-18First Version UIAccessibilityElement Class ReferenceDescribes the class that represents accessible user interface elements in an iPhone application.Last change: Made minor corrections.Reference UIKit 2010-05-18Minor Change UIAccessibilityContainer Protocol ReferenceDescribes a way for container views to supply accessibility information to assistive applications.Last change: Made minor corrections.Reference UIKit 2010-05-18Minor Change UIAccessibilityAction Protocol ReferenceDescribes a way for certain views, such as sliders, to make their adjustments accessible.Last change: Added the accessibilityPerformMagicTap method.Reference UIKit 2012-09-19Content Update UIAccessibility Protocol ReferenceDescribes the interface for providing accessibility information about accessible user interface elements in an iPhone application.Last change: Updated for iOS 6 with new properties, notifications, and traits.Reference UIKit 2012-09-19Content Update NSObject UIKit Additions ReferenceDescribes additions for supporting nib files in UIKit.Last change: New document.Reference UIKit 2008-03-26First Version Converting to Storyboards Release NotesLast change: New document.Release Notes UIKit 2011-10-12First Version UICatalogThis sample is a catalog exhibiting many of the UI elements found in the iOS UIKit framework.Last change: Upgraded to support 5.0 SDK, UIStepper control added, tinting/background image support added where possible, added secure text entry for UIAlertView.Sample Code User Experience UIKit 2011-10-12Content Update TransWebDemonstrates how to implement UIWebView with a transparent background.Last change: Updated iTunesArtwork.Sample Code User Experience UIKit 2010-06-25Minor Change TopPaidThis sample demonstrates how to build a universal application capable of running on both the iPhone and iPad.Last change: Upgraded to support iOS 4.2 SDK.Sample Code User Experience UIKit 2011-01-13Content Update PhotoScrollerDemonstrates the use of embedded UIScrollViews and CATiledLayer to create a rich user experience for displaying and paginating photos.Last change: Updated to support Automatic Reference Counting (ARC), Storyboards; now using UIPageViewController for managing the photo pages.Sample Code User Experience UIKit 2012-08-01Content Update PhotoPickerDemonstrates choosing images from the photo library, take a picture with the camera, and how to customize the camera.Last change: Upgraded to iOS 5.0 SDK, removed some compiler warnings.Sample Code User Experience UIKit 2012-08-17Content Update PageControlDemonstrates how to display pages of data differently between the iPhone and iPad.Last change: Updated as a universal application for iPhone and iPad.Sample Code User Experience UIKit 2010-10-18Content Update KeyboardAccessoryShows how to use a keyboard accessory view.Last change: viewDidUnload now releases IBOutlets, added localization support.Sample Code User Experience UIKit 2010-04-19Content Update HelloWorldDemonstrates how to edit text with a keyboard and how to display the text in a label.Last change: Upgraded project to build with the iOS 4.0 SDK.Sample Code User Experience UIKit 2010-06-24Content Update