

1 字典学习(dictionary learning)

旨在从原始数据中找到一组特殊的稀疏信号,在机器视觉中称为视觉单词(visual words),这一组稀疏元素能够足够线性表示所有的原始信号。字典学习来源于压缩感知,后来广泛用于图像去噪、去雾、聚类、分类等方面。


1)  直接学习区分性的字典directly forcing the dictionary discriminativeTrack I

2)稀疏化系数,使得到的子弟那具有可区分性making the sparse coefficients discriminative (usuallythrough simultaneously learning a classifier) to promote the discrimination ofthe dictionary.Track II


2 字典学习的原理



(1)      Track I: Directly Making theDictionary Discriminative

The methods from Track I use the reconstruction error for the finalclassification, thus the learned dictionary ought to be as discriminative aspossible.

1)Meta-face learning

注:SRC(Sparse Representation-Based Classification)最开始用于鲁棒性人脸识别,C代表不同人脸个数,为原始训练样本,是类的子集样本。SRC将原始数据当作完备字典,学习规则表达式如下:



但是SRC将原始人脸图像作为完备字典,这种预定的字典会带有很多原始图像中的噪声等污染,而且字典冗余,当训练图像位数增加时,计算速度和事件遇到瓶颈问题。为此,提出了Meta-Face Learning方法。学习规则如下:


但是这样还是会遗漏子类的结构信息,如同类之间有共性,不同类间有差异性,为了使字典的可区分性更强,结构性更明显,可以再字典约束中加入规则项,极速那类间的关联度和相似度,体现结构特性。为此提出了Dictionary Learning with StructuredIncoherence方法。

3)Dictionary Learning with Structured Incoherence

Ramirez et al. note that the learned sub-dictionaries may share some common bases, i.e. some visual words from differentsub-dictionaries can be very coherent [8]. Undoubtedly, the coherence of the atomscan be used for reconstructing the query image interchangeably, and thereconstruction error based classifier will fail in identifying some queries. Tocircumvent this problem, they add an incoherence term term to drive thedictionaries associated to different classes as independent as possible.


(2) Track II: Making the CoefficientsDiscriminative

Track II is different from Track I in the way of discrimination. Contraryto Track I, it forces the sparse coefficients to be discriminative, andindirectly propagates the discrimination power to the overall dictionary. TrackII only need to learn an overall dictionary, instead of class-specificdictionaries.

1)Supervised Dictionary Learning


2) Discriminative K-SVD forDictionary Learning

discriminative K-SVD (D-KSVD) tosimultaneously achieve a desired dictionary which has good representation powerwhile supporting optimal discrimination of the classes. D-KSVD adds a simple linearregression as a penalty term to the conventional DL framework:


前两项可以合并一起,最后一项可以省略(原理见K-SVD,detailsin [13]).)

3) Label Consistent K-SVD

Jiang et al. propose alabel consistent K-SVD (LC-KSVD) method to learn a discriminative dictionaryfor sparse coding [5]. They introduce a label consistent constraint called“discriminative sparse-code error”, and combine it with the reconstructionerror and the classification error to form a unified objective function asbelow:



4) Fisher DiscriminantDictionary Learning

Yang et al. propose Fisher discrimination dictionary learning (Fisher DL) method based on the Fisher criterion to learn a structured dictionary [11], whose atomhas correspondence to the class label. The structured dictionaryis denoted as D = [D1, . . . ,DC], where Dc isthe class-specific sub-dictionary associated with the cth class.Denote the data set X = [X1, . . . ,XC], where Xc is the sub-set of the trainingsamplesfrom the cth class. Then they solve the following formulation overthe dictionary and the coefficients to derive the desired discriminativedictionary:





3 总结





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