基因本体论The learning notes of the biostar handbook(3)

gene ontology


How is the GO designed?

The GO project has developed three structured, independent sub-ontologies that describe gene products in a species-independent manner. The sub-ontologies are as follows:

  • Cellular component (CC). Where does the product exhibit its effect? This ontology relates the gene product to a component of a cell, that is, part of a larger object, for example: cell, nucleus, Golgi membrane, SAGA complex
  • Molecular function (MF). How does it work? Which biochemical mechanism characterizes the product? These terms describe activities that occur at the molecular level: lactase activity, actin binding
  • Biological process (BP). What is the purpose of the gene product? The general rule to assist in distinguishing between a biological process and a molecular function is that a process must have more than one distinct step: cholesterol efflux, transport, mitotic prophase

gene ontology structrue


基因本体论The learning notes of the biostar handbook(3)_第1张图片


  • 不同物种很多基因高度保守
  • 不同物种的同一基因叫法不一
  • 以上两点导致全基因组注释困难,同源基因对不上
    因此,建立了一套hierarchical common controlled vocabulary,就是GO

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