您要求从远程 'origin' 拉取,但是未指定一个分支。因为这不是当前 分支默认的远程仓库,您必须在命令行中指定一个分支名。



i've been using github from a relatively short period, and I've always used the client to perform commits and pulls. I decided to try it from the git bash yesterday, and I successfully created a new repo and committed files.

today I did changes to the repository from another computer, I've committed the changes and now I'm back home and performed a git pull to update my local version and i get this:

There is no tracking information for the current branch.
    Please specify which branch you want to merge with.
    See git-pull(1) for details

    git pull  

If you wish to set tracking information for this branch you can do so with:

    git branch --set-upstream develop origin/

the only contributor to this repo is me and there are no branches (just a master). I'm on windows and I've performed the pull from git bash (http://prntscr.com/85picx)

git status:

$ git status
# On branch master
nothing to commit, working directory clean

git branch:

$ git branch
* master

what am i doing wrong?


(原文:Okay, how about a git remote -v? What does that say?)


You could specify what branch you want to pull:

git pull origin master

Or you could set it up so that your local master branch tracks github master branch as an upstream:

git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master
git pull

This branch tracking is set up for you automatically when you clone a repository (for the default branch only), but if you add a remote to an existing repository you have to set up the tracking yourself. Thankfully, the advice given by git makes that pretty easy to remember how to do.


(原文:perfect! it worked. so what happened is there was no "default branch" for a default "git pull"? that's why there was the error?)


(原文:--set-upstream is deprecated in git 1.9.x, apparently. Going forward you'd want to use something like git branch -u origin/master, assuming you've checked out master already. If not, git branch -u origin/master master will work.)


(原文:@BartRead updated it to use the new clearer --set-upstream-to= syntax. (which is the replacement for --set-upstream))


(原文:Thanks for that!)


(原文:this seems like a sorry state of affairs - do we really need to set this manually for every branch? Why can't we just set origin to be the default remote and then have every push/pull default to the branch on origin with the same name? is this so hard?)

你可能感兴趣的:(您要求从远程 'origin' 拉取,但是未指定一个分支。因为这不是当前 分支默认的远程仓库,您必须在命令行中指定一个分支名。)