
实验 1
基于 SequoiaDB 的 Flink 应

Flink API 抽象级别:
从上图中可以看到,Flink 的 Core(也称之为 Runtime )可运行在常见的资源环境中,如本地 JVM,集群和云平台中。其基础 API 可以看到分为用于流场景的 DataStream 与批场景的 DataSet,基于这两种 API,Flink 又抽象出 Table API 与 CEP 和 ML 等高级接口,本次课程只演示 DataStream API 和 Table API 的使用。
一个 Flink 程序由 Source,Transformation,Sink 三部分组成。首先需要获取到 Flink 的流作业的执行环境。

// Get the execution environment
env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.getExecutionEnvironment();


// Generate some random data rows through RandomSource
dataSource = env.addSource(new RandomSource());


// Conversion the operator
SingleOutputStreamOperator<String> flatMapData = lineData.flatMap(new FlatMapFunction<String, String>() {
    public void flatMap(String line, Collector<String> collector) throws Exception {
        for (String word : line.split(" ")) {
// Filter the operator 
SingleOutputStreamOperator<String> filterData = flatMapData.filter(s -> !s.equals("java"));
// Conversion the operator
SingleOutputStreamOperator<Tuple2<String, Integer>> mapData = filterData.map(new MapFunction<String, Tuple2<String, Integer>>() {
    public Tuple2<String, Integer> map(String s) throws Exception {
        return Tuple2.of(s, 1);
// Group aggregation the operator
sumData = mapData.keyBy(0).sum(1);




// The parameter is the name of the current work
env.execute("flink intro demo");

实验 2
Flink 流作业的 Java 实现

flatmap 算子的使用
flatmap 算子中需要传递一个对象,该对象有两个泛型,分别为输入数据的类型及输出数据的类型,其有一个抽象方法 flatmap,用于实现转换的具体逻辑。

flatMapData = dataStream.flatMap(new FlatMapFunction<String, String>() {
   * Execute once on each data row and it can output multiple data
   * @param s Raw data
   * @param collector Output result collector, which can send multiple data out through this object
   * @throws Exception
  public void flatMap(String s, Collector<String> collector) throws Exception {
      // Divide raw data into multiple words by spaces
      String[] strings = s.split(" ");
      for (int i = 0; i < strings.length; i++) {
          // Send each word as a new data row

filter 算子的作用
filter 算子是 Transformation 的其中一种。该算子在每个数据行上被调用一次,可以帮助去除掉某些数据行,该内部实现返回一个布尔类型,当其值为 false 时当前数据行被丢弃。
filter 的使用
由于单词 “java” 与其他单词不属于同一类型,现想把数据行中 “java” 单词去掉则可以使用该算子。
将过滤掉流中值为 “java” 的数据行。

// Filter the word "java"
filterData = dataStream.filter(new FilterFunction<String>() {
     * Execute on each data row
     * @param s Data row
     * @return Return false, and the current data row is discarded
     * @throws Exception
    public boolean filter(String s) throws Exception {
        return !s.equals("java");

本步骤为可选,由于在 filter 算子中,输入的数据类型与输出的数据类型一致,则该算子中可以使用函数式的写法。如果有兴趣,可将 filter 函数中修改为下列代码块后重新执行当前程序。

filterData = dataStream.filter(i -> !i.equals("java"));

map 算子的作用
map 算子也是 Transformation 的其中一种。map 算子同样在每个数据行上被调用一次。值得注意的是与flatmap 算子不同,map 算子在一个数据行上的调用中仅能输出一个新的数据行,而 flatmap 可以输出多行(包含零)。

map 算子的使用
本实验中使用了一个在 Flink 中的新的数据类型,Tuple (元组)可以理解为能保存不同数据类型的列表。同时在map 算子的输出结果中添加了一个整数1,表示当前记录的单词数。
将每个数据行上的数据转换为一个 Tuple2 ,其包含一个字符串类型的单词和整数型的值,表示当前行上的单词数量

mapData = dataStream.map(new MapFunction<String, Tuple2<String, Integer>>() {
     * Be called on each data row
     * @param s Original data
     * @return Converted data
     * @throws Exception
    public Tuple2<String, Integer> map(String s) throws Exception {
        return Tuple2.of(s, 1);

keyBy 算子的作用
keyBy 算子可以通过指定 key 对数据进行分组,类似于 SQL 中的 “group by” 。值得注意的是,使用 keyBy 算子之后我们将得到一个 KeyedStream 对象,表示将无法在 keyBy 之后再次使用 keyBy。

sum 算子接收一个 KeyedStream,可以对指定的字段进行求和操作,类似 SQL中的 “sum()”函数。
在 DataStream 的泛型为 Tuple 时,可以通过下标索引进行 keyBy 与 sum,当前实验使用第一个字段进行分组,对第二个字段进行求和。

// When the generic type of DataStream is Tuple, users can directly sum keyBy through the subscript index.
sumData = tupleData.keyBy(0).sum(1);

reduce 算子的作用
reduce 算子定义任意两个数据行合并为一个的数据行的逻辑。其内部实现 reduce 方法,该方法有两个参数,代表当前数据组内的任意两条数据,在该方法中需要定义内部每两条数据的聚合逻辑。

reduce 算子的使用
上述示例中使用了 sum 进行求和,但是如果有较为复杂的需求(如求平均值等)则必须使用 reduce 算子,此处同样使用 reduce 算子实现求和逻辑。
定义了分组之后每个数据组内,Tuple2 的第二个值相加,第一个值取其中一条数据的原始值(在相同数据组内 Tuple2.f0 实际是相同的)。

// The following code is only for demonstration. It has the same effect as the sum operator, and implementing one is fine.
sumData = keyedData.reduce(new ReduceFunction<Tuple2<String, Integer>>() {
    public Tuple2<String, Integer> reduce(Tuple2<String, Integer> t1, 
                                          Tuple2<String, Integer> t2) throws Exception {
        return Tuple2.of(t1.f0, t1.f1 + t2.f1);

实验 3
Flink 流作业 的 Scala 实现

flatmap 算子中需传入一个函数或 FlatmapFunction 对象,简单的操作一般传入函数。在该函数中完成数据的压扁操作,即将一个包含多个单词的数据行转换为包含一个单词的多个数据行。

// "_" means each data row
flatmapData = dataStream.flatMap(_.split(" "))


// Remove the word "java"
filterData = dataStream.filter(!_.equals("java"))

本实验中使用了 Scala 中的元组类型,用一对小括号表示,可以理解为能保存不同数据类型的列表。同时在 map 算子的输出结果中添加了一个整数1,表示当前记录的单词数。

// Convert data into tuples. 1 means there is a word in the current data row.
mapData = dataStream.map((_, 1))

在 DataStream 的泛型为元组时,可以通过下标索引进行 keyBy 与 sum,当前实验使用第一个字段进行分组,对第二个字段进行求和。

// Users can group by the first field (words) in the tuple, and sum the second field (number of words).
sumData = dataStream.keyBy(0).sum(1)

reduce 算子的使用
上述示例中使用了 sum 进行求和,但是如果有较为复杂的需求(如求平均值等)则必须使用 reduce 算子,此处同样使用 reduce 算子实现求和逻辑。

// x and y respectively represent two pieces of data. The output is the words in x, and the number is the sum of the words in x and y.
sumData = keyedData.reduce((x, y) => (x._1, x._2 + y._2))

实验 4
Flink Window API 的 Java 实现

Tumbling Count Window 的实现
SequoiadbSource 的使用
SequoiadbSource 可以非常容易地从 SequoiaDB 中读取一个流。

 // Build the connection Option
 SequoiadbOption option = SequoiadbOption.bulider()
 // Add a data source to the current environment (SequoiadbSource needs to build a stream through the time field "create_time")
 sourceData = env.addSource(new SequoiadbSource(option, "create_time"));

map 算子的使用
使用 map 算子对流上的数据类型进行转换,该方法中接收一个 DataStrem,返回一个DataStream>。

resultData = dataStream.map(new MapFunction<BSONObject, 
                            Tuple2<Double, Integer>>() {
     * Call once on each event
     * @param object Original event
     * @return Converted event
     * @throws Exception
    public Tuple2<Double, Integer> map(BSONObject object) throws Exception {
        // The money field in the event is extracted here. 1 means that the current event contains 1 transaction.
        return Tuple2.of(((BSONDecimal) object.get("money"))
                         .toBigDecimal().doubleValue(), 1);

Window 划分
使用 windowAll 算子对流上数据进行分桶,此处使用翻滚计数窗口,窗口长度为100条,该算子返回一个 AllWindowedStream, GlobalWindow> 对象,泛型表示 Window 中的数据类型以及 Window 的引用,在 CountWindow 中引用是一个全局的 Window 对象。

resultData = dataStream.countWindowAll(100);

使用 reduce 对数据进行聚合求和,此处将的聚合结果为 Tuple2,分别表示总金额和总交易量。

resultData = dataStream.reduce(new ReduceFunction<Tuple2<Double,
                               Integer>>() {
     * Aggregation operation
     * @param t1 One of the events on the stream
     * @param t2 Another event on the stream
     * @return Merged event
     * @throws Exception
    public Tuple2<Double, Integer> reduce(Tuple2<Double, Integer> t1, 
                 Tuple2<Double, Integer> t2) throws Exception {
        // The total transaction amount and total transaction volume will be counted here
        return Tuple2.of(t1.f0 + t2.f0, t1.f1 + t2.f1);

Tumbling Time Window 的实现
SequoiadbSource 的使用
通过 SequoiadbSource 完成 soucre 函数。

// Build the connection Option
SequoiadbOption option = SequoiadbOption.bulider()
// Add a data source to the current environment (SequoiadbSource needs to build a stream through the time field "create_time")
sourceData = env.addSource(new SequoiadbSource(option, "create_time"));

通过 map 算子获取到交易名,交易金额,将 BSONObject 转换为 Tuple2。

resultData = dataStream.map(new MapFunction<BSONObject, 
                            Tuple3<String, Double, Integer>>() {
     * Execute on every event
     * @param object Original event
     * @return
     * @throws Exception
    public Tuple3<String, Double, Integer> map(BSONObject object) 
        throws Exception {
        // Extract the required fields
        return Tuple3.of(object.get("trans_name").toString(),                                  ((BSONDecimal) object.get("money")).toBigDecimal().doubleValue(), 1);

keyBy 算子通过“trans_name”进行分组,keyBy 返回一个 KeyedStream, String> 对象,泛型中包含数据行和一个分组字段值。

resultData = dataStream.keyBy(new KeySelector<Tuple3<String, 
                              Double, Integer>, String>() {
     * Grouping function. Use KeySelector to display the type of the grouped field
     * @param t Data set before grouping
     * @return Group field value
     * @throws Exception
    public String getKey(Tuple3<String, Double, Integer> t) throws Exception {
        return t.f0;

在 keyedStream 上使用 Window

resultData = keyedData.timeWindow(Time.seconds(5));

通过聚合算子求出每个时间窗口中的交易名称,总交易额,总交易量,以及每个 Window 的结束时间。

resultData = windowData.apply(new WindowFunction<Tuple3<String, Double, Integer>,
        Tuple4<String, Double, Integer, java.sql.Time>, String, TimeWindow>() {
     * Execute once in each window
     * @param key Group field value
     * @param timeWindow Current window object
     * @param iterable All events in the current window
     * @param collector Returned result collector
     * @throws Exception
     public void apply(String key, TimeWindow timeWindow, 
                       Iterable<Tuple3<String, Double, Integer>> iterable,
                       Collector<Tuple4<String, Double, Integer, 
                       java.sql.Time>> collector) throws Exception {
         double sum = 0;
         int count = 0;
         Iterator<Tuple3<String, Double, Integer>> iterator = 
         // Traverse all events in the current window
         while (iterator.hasNext()) {
             Tuple3<String, Double, Integer> next = iterator.next();
             sum += next.f1;
             count += next.f2;
         // Add the end event of the Window where the event is to each event
         collector.collect(Tuple4.of(key, sum, count, 
                  new java.sql.Time(timeWindow.getEnd())));

Sliding Count Window 的实现
SequoiadbSource 的使用
通过 SequoiadbSource 完成 soucre 函数。

// Build the connection Option
SequoiadbOption option = SequoiadbOption.bulider()
// Add a data source to the current environment (SequoiadbSource needs to build a stream through the time field "create_time")
dataSource = env.addSource(new SequoiadbSource(option, "create_time"));

通过 map 算子获取到交易名,交易金额。

resultData = transData.map(new MapFunction<BSONObject, 
                           Tuple3<String, Double, Integer>>() {
    public Tuple3<String, Double, Integer> map(BSONObject object) 
        throws Exception {
      return Tuple3.of(object.get("trans_name").toString(),
         ((BSONDecimal) object.get("money")).toBigDecimal().doubleValue(), 1);

keyBy 算子通过“trans_name”进行分组,keyBy 返回一个 KeyedStream, Tuple> 对象,泛型中包含数据行和一个 Tuple 类型的分组字段值。

resultData = moneyData.keyBy(0);

在 keyedStream 上使用 Window
案例中使用 Sliding Count Window,窗口大小100,滑动步长50。

resultData = keyedData.countWindow(100, 50);

使用 reduce 对数据进行聚合求和,此处将的聚合结果为 Tuple3,分别表示交易名称,总金额和总交易量。

resultData = countWindow.apply(new WindowFunction<Tuple3<String, Double, Integer>, Tuple2<String, Double>, Tuple, GlobalWindow>() {
      * Execute when the window meets the conditions, which similar to the flatMap operator
      * @param tuple Group field value. Since the subscript was used for grouping, the specific data type cannot be obtained, so the Tuple abstract representation is used here.
      * @param globalWindow Global window reference
      * @param iterable References to all data sets in the current window
      * @param collector Result collector
      * @throws Exception
    public void apply(Tuple tuple, GlobalWindow globalWindow, Iterable<Tuple3<String, Double, Integer>> iterable,
                      Collector<Tuple2<String, Double>> collector) throws Exception {
        double sum = 0;
        Iterator<Tuple3<String, Double, Integer>> iterator = iterable.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            sum += iterator.next().f1;
        collector.collect(Tuple2.of(tuple.getField(0), sum));

将元组转换为 BSONObject

bsonData = dataStream.map(new MapFunction<Tuple2<String, Double>, BSONObject>() {
    public BSONObject map(Tuple2<String, Double> value) throws Exception {
        BasicBSONObject obj = new BasicBSONObject();
        obj.append("trans_name", value.f0);
        obj.append("total_sum", value.f1);
        return obj;

通过 SequoiadbSink 完成 sink 函数

// Build the connection Option
SequoiadbOption option = SequoiadbOption.bulider()
streamSink = dataStream.addSink(new SequoiadbSink(option));

Watermark 和 SlidingTimeWindow 的使用
本案例使用 Sliding Time Window 统计一个交易流水中每5秒中,每种交易的总交易额,总交易量。本例使用EventTime,且使用 Watermark 解决数据延迟问题。
SequoiadbSource 的使用

// Build the connection Option
SequoiadbOption option = SequoiadbOption.bulider()
// Add a data source to the current environment (SequoiadbSource needs to build a stream through the time field "create_time")
dataSource = env.addSource(new SequoiadbSource(option, "create_time"));

向流中添加 Watermark。

resultData = transData.assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(
    new AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks<BSONObject>() {
    // Delay time (ms)
    private final static int maxOutOfOrderness = 3000;
    private long maxTimestamp = 0L;
     * Get rowtime in current data
     * @param object Current data row
     * @param timestamp Timestamp of the previous data
     * @return Current timestamp
    public long extractTimestamp(BSONObject object, long timestamp) {
        int currentTimestamp = ((BSONTimestamp) object.get("create_time")).getTime();
        if (maxTimestamp < currentTimestamp) maxTimestamp = currentTimestamp;
        return currentTimestamp;
     * Get watermark
     * @return watermark object
    public Watermark getCurrentWatermark() {
        return new Watermark(maxTimestamp - maxOutOfOrderness);

通过 map 算子获取到交易名,交易金额。

resultData = transData.map(new MapFunction<BSONObject, Tuple3<String, Double, Integer>>() {
    public Tuple3<String, Double, Integer> map(BSONObject object) throws Exception {
      return Tuple3.of(object.get("trans_name").toString(),((BSONDecimal) object.get("money")).toBigDecimal().doubleValue(), 1);

keyBy 算子通过“trans_name”进行分组,keyBy 返回一个 KeyedStream, Tuple> 对象,泛型中包含数据行和一个 Tuple 类型的分组字段值。

resultData = dataStream.keyBy(new KeySelector<Tuple3<String, Double, Integer>, 
                              String>() {
    public String getKey(Tuple3<String, Double, Integer> t) throws Exception {
        return t.f0;

在 keyedStream 上使用 Window
此处使用了 SlidingEventTimeWindow,窗口大小为5秒,滑动步长为2秒。

resultData = keyedStream.window(SlidingEventTimeWindows.of(Time.seconds(5), Time.seconds(2)));

本例在聚合时使用了 process 算子,该算子与 apply 作用一致,区别在于 process 中可以获取到上下文对象。

resultData = windowedStream.process(new ProcessWindowFunction<Tuple3<String, Double, Integer>, Result, String, TimeWindow>() {
      * @param s key
      * @param context Context objects,the essence of this operator
      * @param iterable Event reference in current window
      * @param collector Event collector
      * @throws Exception
    public void process(String s, Context context, Iterable<Tuple3<String, Double, Integer>> iterable, Collector<Result> collector) throws Exception {
        double sum = 0;
        int count = 0;
        Iterator<Tuple3<String, Double, Integer>> iterator = iterable.iterator();
        while (iterator.hasNext()) {
            Tuple3<String, Double, Integer> next = iterator.next();
            count += next.f2;
            sum += next.f1;
        collector.collect(new Result(s, sum, count, new java.sql.Time(context.window().getEnd())));

将POJO转换为 BSONObject

resultData = dataStream.map(new MapFunction<Result, BSONObject>() {
     public BSONObject map(Result result) throws Exception {
         BasicBSONObject object = new BasicBSONObject();
         object.append("count", result.getCount());
         object.append("total_sum", result.getTotalSum());
         object.append("trans_name", result.getTransName());
         object.append("win_time", result.getWindowTime());
         return object;

通过 SequoiadbSink 完成 sink 函数

SequoiadbOption option = SequoiadbOption.bulider()
streamSink = dataStream.addSink(new SequoiadbSink(option));

实验 5
Flink Window API 的 Scala 实现

Tumbling Count Window 的实现
本案例通过 Tumbling Count Window 统计一个交易流水中每 100次交易中的总交易额。
SequoiadbSource 的使用
SequoiadbSource 可以非常容易地从 SequoiaDB 中读取一个流。

// Build the connection Option
val option: SequoiadbOption = SequoiadbOption.bulider
// Add a data source to the current environment (SequoiadbSource needs to build a stream through the time field "create_time")
resultData = env.addSource(new SequoiadbSource(option, "create_time"));

以上示例为 SequoiadbSource 的使用,需要构建一个 Option,包含巨杉数据库的连接信息。而且由于数据库中录入数据无法像消息队列做到时间态的有序,其还需要一个时间字段名用于构建流,该字段值必须是时间戳类型。
使用map算子对流上的数据类型进行转换,该方法中接收一个 DataStrem[BSONObject],返回一个 DataStream[(String, Double, Int)]。

resultData = transData.map(obj => (obj.get("money"), 1))

使用windowAll对流上数据进行分桶,此处使用翻滚计数窗口,窗口长度为100条,该算子返回一个AllWindowedStream[(Double, Integer), GlobalWindow] 对象,表示 Window 中的数据类型,以及 Window 的引用,在 CountWindow 中引用是一个全局的 Window 对象。

resultData = moneyData.countWindowAll(100)

使用reduce对数据进行聚合求和,此处将的聚合结果为 Tuple2,分别表示总金额和总交易量。

resultData = windowData.reduce((x, y) => (x._1 + y._1, x._2 + y._2))

Tumbling Time Window的实现
本案例通过 Tumbling Time Window 统计一个交易流水中每 5 秒中,每种交易的总交易额,总交易量。
通过 SequoiadbSource 完成 source 函数。

val option: SequoiadbOption = SequoiadbOption.bulider
// Add a data source to the current environment (SequoiadbSource needs to build a stream through the time field "create_time")
resultData = env.addSource(new SequoiadbSource(option, "create_time"))

通过 map 算子获取到交易名,交易金额。

resultData = transData.map(obj => (obj.get("trans_name"), obj.get("money"), 1))

keyBy算子通过元组的第一个字段(交易名 “trans_name”)进行分组,keyBy 返回一个 KeyedStream[(String, Double, Integer), String] 对象,泛型中包含数据行和一个分组字段值。

resultData = moneyData.keyBy(_._1)

在keyedStream上使用 Window
本案例使用时间进行划分窗口,窗口大小为 5 秒。

resultData = keyedData.timeWindow(Time.seconds(5))

通过聚合算子求出每个时间窗口中的交易名称,总交易额,总交易量,以及每个 Window 的结束时间。

resultData = value.apply(new WindowFunction[(String, Double, Int),
        (String, Double, Int, java.sql.Time), String, TimeWindow] {
     * Execute once in each window
     * @param key    Group field value
     * @param window Current window object
     * @param input  Iterator of all data in the current window
     * @param out    Returned result collector
    override def apply(key: String, window: TimeWindow, 
            input: Iterable[(String, Double, Int)],
            out: Collector[(String, Double, Int, sql.Time)]): Unit = {
        var sum: Double = 0
        var count: Int = 0
        input.foreach(item => {
           sum += item._2
           count += item._3
        out.collect((key, sum, count, new java.sql.Time(window.getEnd)))

Sliding Count Window 的实现
本案例使用 Sliding Count Window 统计一个交易流水中每种交易类型中 100 次交易的总交易额。
SequoiadbSource 的使用
通过 SequoiadbSource 完成 soucre 函数。

val option: SequoiadbOption = SequoiadbOption.bulider
// Add a data source to the current environment (SequoiadbSource needs to build a stream through the time field "create_time")
resultData = env.addSource(new SequoiadbSource(option, "create_time"))

通过 map 算子获取到交易名,交易金额。

resultData = value.map(obj => Trans(obj.get("trans_name"), obj.get("money"), 1))

keyBy 算子通过“trans_name”进行分组,keyBy 返回一个 KeyedStream, Tuple> 对象,泛型中包含数据行和一个 Tuple 类型的分组字段值。

resultData = value.keyBy("name")

在keyedStream上使用 Window
案例中使用 Sliding Count Window,窗口大小 100,滑动步长 50。

resultData = value.countWindow(100, 50)

使用 reduce 对数据进行聚合求和,此处将的聚合结果为 Tuple3,分别表示交易名称,总金额和总交易量。

resultData = value.apply(new WindowFunction[Trans, (String, Double), 
                                            Tuple, GlobalWindow] {
     * Execute when the window meets the conditions
     * @param key Group field
     * @param window Global window reference
     * @param input References to all data sets in the current window
     * @param out Result collector
    override def apply(key: Tuple, window: GlobalWindow, input: Iterable[Trans],
                       out: Collector[(String, Double)]): Unit = {
        var sum: Double = 0
            input.foreach(sum += _.money)
            out.collect((key.getField[String](0), sum))

将元组转换为 BSONObject

resultData = value.map(item => {
    val nObject = new BasicBSONObject
    nObject.append("trans_name", item._1)
    nObject.append("total_sum", item._2)

通过 SequoiadbSink 完成 sink 函数

// Build the connection Option
val option = SequoiadbOption.bulider
streamSink = value.addSink(new SequoiadbSink(option))

Watermark 和 SlidingTimeWindow 的使用
equoiadbSource 的使用
通过 SequoiadbSource 完成 soucre 函数。

val option: SequoiadbOption = SequoiadbOption.bulider
// Add a data source to the current environment (SequoiadbSource needs to build a stream through the time field "create_time")
resultData = env.addSource(new SequoiadbSource(option, "create_time"))

添加 Watermark
向流中添加 Watermark。

resultData = value.assignTimestampsAndWatermarks(new AssignerWithPeriodicWatermarks[BSONObject] {
    // Maximum out-of-order time
    private val maxOutOfOrderness: Long = 5000
    private var maxTimestamp: Long = 0

     * Return a watermark
     * @return
     override def getCurrentWatermark: Watermark = {
         new Watermark(maxTimestamp - maxOutOfOrderness)

     * Extract the timestamp of the current data
     * @param t Current data
     * @param l Timestamp of the previous data
     * @return Timestamp of the current data
    override def extractTimestamp(t: BSONObject, l: Long): Long = {
        val currentTimestamp: Long = t.get("create_time")
        maxTimestamp = if (maxTimestamp > currentTimestamp) maxTimestamp 
            else currentTimestamp

通过 map 算子获取到交易名,交易金额。

 resultData = value.map(obj => (obj.get("trans_name"), obj.get("money"), 1))

keyBy 算子通过“trans_name”进行分组,keyBy 返回一个 KeyedStream[(String, Double, Int), String] 对象,泛型中包含数据行和一个 Tuple 类型的分组字段值。

resultData = value.keyBy(_._1)

在 keyedStream 上使用Window

resultData = value.window(SlidingEventTimeWindows.of(Time.seconds(5), Time.seconds(2)))


resultData = value.process(new ProcessWindowFunction[(String, Double, Int), 
                                                     BSONObject, String, TimeWindow] {
     * window Aggregation method, call once per window
     * @param key Group field value
     * @param context Context objects, the essence of this operator
     * @param elements Event reference in current window
     * @param out Event collector
    override def process(key: String, context: Context, 
                         elements: Iterable[(String, Double, Int)],
                         out: Collector[BSONObject]): Unit = {
        var sum: Double = 0
        var count: Int = 0
        elements.foreach(i => {
            sum += i._2
            count += i._3
        // Construct a BsonObject object
        val nObject = new BasicBSONObject
        nObject.append("trans_name", key)
        nObject.append("total_sum", sum)
        nObject.append("count", count)

通过 SequoiadbSink 完成 sink 函数

val option = SequoiadbOption.bulider
value.addSink(new SequoiadbSink(option))

实验 6
Flink Table API 与 SQL

DataStream 与表的转换
本例使用 Flink Table 实现 word count。演示从 DataStream转换 Table,经中间转换过程后将在 Table 转换为DataStream,最后输出结果到控制台。
从已有的 DataStream 中创建 Table
本案例中已存在一个 DataStream>,格式为(‘单词’, 1)。tbEnv.fromDataStream 函数接收两个参数,分别为 DataStream 与一个字符串,表示字段名,多个字段用逗号分隔。

table = tbEnv.fromDataStream(wordData, "name, num");

SQL 算子的使用
SQL 算子的用途与标准sql中关键字一致。

 * Equivalent to sql
 * select word, sum(num)
 * from 
 *  ( select name as word, num 
 *   from "current table" )
 * where word != 'java'
 * group by word 
resultTable = initTable.as("word, num")         // Rename field
    .where("word != 'java'")                    // where operator filtering
    .groupBy("word")                            // Aggregate by groupby
    .select("word, sum(num)");                  // Sum


dataStream = tbEnv.toRetractStream(table, TypeInformation.of(
    new TypeHint<Tuple2<String, Integer>>() {}));

通过描述器创建一个 Source 表

  new Sdb()
    .version("3.4")                                       // Version of sdb
    .hosts("localhost:11810")                          // Connection address of sdb
    .username("sdbadmin")                              // Username
    .password("sdbadmin")                              // Password
    .collectionSpace("VIRTUAL_BANK")                   // CollectionSpace
    .collection("TRANSACTION_FLOW")                    // Collection
    .timestampField("create_time")                     // Stream Timestamp field
  new Bson()                                           // Use Bson data format
    .deriveSchema()                                    //  Map data fields with the same name automatically
    .failOnMissingField()                              // When a field value cannot be obtained, the task fails
  new Schema()                                         // Define the structure of the table
    .field("account", Types.STRING)                       // Account
    .field("trans_name", Types.STRING)                   // Transaction name
    .field("money", Types.BIG_DEC)                       // Transaction amount
    .field("create_time", Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP)           // Transaction hour
.registerTableSource("TRANSACTION_FLOW");              // Register as a data source table

通过描述器创建一个 Sink 表

  new Sdb() 
    .version("3.4")                                       // Version of sdb
    .hosts("localhost:11810")                          // Connection address of sdb
    .username("sdbadmin")                              // Username
    .password("sdbadmin")                              // Password
    .collectionSpace("VIRTUAL_BANK")                   // CollectionSpace
    .collection("LESSON_6_CONNECT")                    // Collection
  new Bson()                                           // Use Bson data format
    .deriveSchema()                                    //  Map data fields with the same name automatically
    .failOnMissingField()                              // When a field value cannot be obtained, the task fails
  new Schema()                                         // Define the structure of the table
    .field("total_sum", Types.BIG_DEC)
    .field("trans_name", Types.STRING)
    .registerTableSink("LESSON_6_CONNECT");             // Register as a data source table

编写统计 SQL
编写 sql 统计结果并将结果输出到巨杉数据库,统计每种交易的交易总额。

    "SELECT " +
        "SUM(money) AS `total_sum`, " +
        "trans_name " +
    "GROUP BY " +

通过 DDL 创建表
创建 Source 表
通过 DDL 创建 Flink Source 表。

    "  account STRING, " +                                 // Account number
    "  trans_name STRING, " +                              // Name of transaction
    "  money DECIMAL(10, 2), " +                           // Transaction amount
    "  create_time TIMESTAMP(3)" +                         // Transaction time
    ") WITH (" +
    "  'connector.type' = 'sequoiadb', " +                 // Connection media type
    "  'connector.version' = '3.4', " +                       // Version of SequoiaDB
    "  'connector.hosts' = 'localhost:11810', " +          // Connection address
    "  'connector.username' = 'sdbadmin', " +              // Username
    "  'connector.password' = 'sdbadmin', " +              // Password
    "  'connector.collection-space' = 'VIRTUAL_BANK', " +  // CollectionSpace
    "  'connector.collection' = 'TRANSACTION_FLOW', " +    // CollectionName
    "  'connector.timestamp-field' = 'create_time', " +    // Stream Timestamp field
    "  'format.type' = 'bson', " +                         // Data type bson
    "  'format.derive-schema' = 'true', " +                //  Map data fields with the same name automatically
    "  'format.fail-on-missing-field' = 'true', " +   // When a field cannot be obtained, the task fails
    "  'update-mode' = 'append'" +                    // append mode

创建 Sink 表

    "  trans_name STRING, " +                           // Transaction name
    "  `total_sum` DECIMAL(10, 2)" +                    // Transaction sum
    ") WITH (" +
    "  'connector.type' = 'sequoiadb', " +
    "  'connector.version' = '3.4', " +                    // Version of SequoiaDB
    "  'connector.hosts' = 'localhost:11810', " +
    "  'connector.username' = 'sdbadmin', " +
    "  'connector.password' = 'sdbadmin', " +
    "  'connector.collection-space' = 'VIRTUAL_BANK', " +
    "  'connector.collection' = 'LESSON_6_DDL', " +
    "  'format.type' = 'bson', " +
    "  'format.derive-schema' = 'true', " +
    "  'format.fail-on-missing-field' = 'true', " +
    "  'update-mode' = 'upsert'" +                      // upsert mode, which can execute aggregate statements

编写查询 SQL

     "SELECT " +
         "trans_name, " +
         "SUM(money) AS `total_sum` " +
     "GROUP BY " +

Table API 中 Watermark 与 Window 的使用
使用描述器中定义一个使用 EventTime 和 Watermark

// Connection table via descriptor
   new Sdb()
    .version("3.4")                                            // Version of sdb
    .hosts("localhost:11810")                               // Connection address of sdb
    .username("sdbadmin")                                   // Username
    .password("sdbadmin")                                   // Password
    .collectionSpace("VIRTUAL_BANK")                        // CollectionSpace
    .collection("TRANSACTION_FLOW")                         // Collection
    .timestampField("create_time")                          // Stream Timestamp field
   new Bson()                           // Use Bson data format, when using rowtime, users must display the specified format
    .bsonSchema(                        // Bson serializer allows BsonFormat to be represented using a json string
        "{" +
            "account: 'string', " +
            "trans_name: 'string', " +
            "money: 'decimal', " +
            "create_time: 'timestamp'" +
    .failOnMissingField()                       // Exception thrown when a field value cannot be obtained
   new Schema()                                 // Define the structure of the table
    .field("account", Types.STRING)             // Account
    .field("trans_name", Types.STRING)          // Transaction name, for example: interest settlement, withdrawal, and etc.
    .field("money", Types.BIG_DEC)              // Transaction amount
    .field("create_time", Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP)  // Transaction time
    .field("rowtime", Types.SQL_TIMESTAMP)      // EventTime field
       new Rowtime()
        .timestampsFromField("create_time")     // Extract timestamp from field
        .watermarksPeriodicAscending()          // Set watermark generation rules

编写 SQL

// Execute sql data statistics
    "SELECT " +
        "trans_name, " +
        "SUM(money) AS total_sum, " +
        "TUMBLE_END(`rowtime`, INTERVAL '5' SECOND) as `timestamp`, " +
        "DATA_FORMAT(TUMBLE_END(`rowtime`, INTERVAL '5' SECOND), " +
                    "'HH:mm:ss') AS win_time " +
    "GROUP BY " +
        "TUMBLE(`rowtime`, INTERVAL '5' SECOND), " +
        "trans_name )"

实验 7

在实验环境中,流水表名为 TRANSACTION_FLOW,需求一的结果需要写入到集合 COUNT。

    "SELECT " +
        "SUM(money) AS sum_money, " +
        "COUNT(1) AS num_trans, " +
        "COUNT(DISTINCT SPLIT_INDEX(client_no, '_', 0)) AS num_active_area, " +
        "DIVISION( COUNT(1), (MAX(EXTRACT_TIME(rowtime)) - MIN(EXTRACT_TIME(rowtime))) / 60) AS frequency_trans " +

在实验环境中,流水表名为 TRANSACTION_FLOW,需求二的结果需要写入到集合 MAP。

    "INSERT INTO `MAP` " +
        "SELECT " +
        "COUNT(1) AS num_trans, " +
        "SPLIT_INDEX(client_no, '_', 0) AS area_name " +
    "GROUP BY " +
            "SPLIT_INDEX(client_no, '_', 0)");


    "INSERT INTO `PIE` " +
    "SELECT " +
        "COUNT(1) AS num_trans, " +
        "channel " +
    "GROUP BY " +


    "SELECT " +
        "SUM(money) as sum_money, " +
        "COUNT(1) AS num_trans, " +
        "TUMBLE_END(`rowtime`, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE) AS `timestamp`, " +
        "DATA_FORMAT(TUMBLE_END(`rowtime`, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE), " + 
                        "'HH:mm:ss') AS format_time " +
    "GROUP BY " +
    "TUMBLE(rowtime, INTERVAL '1' MINUTE)");
