#include "palabos3D.h"
#include "palabos3D.hh"
using namespace plb;
#define DESCRIPTOR descriptors::ForcedD3Q19Descriptor
typedef double T;
// Smagorinsky constant for LES model.
// const T cSmago = 0.14;
T lx;
T ly;
T lz;
const T rhoEmpty = T(1);
const T rho = T(1000);
plint writeImagesIter = 400;
plint getStatisticsIter = 20;
plint maxIter;
plint N;
plint nx, ny, nz;
T delta_t, delta_x;
Array<T,3> externalForce;
T nuPhys, nuLB, tau, omega, surfaceTensionPhys, surfaceTensionLB, contactAngle;
std::string fNameIn,fNameOut;
void readGeometry(std::string fNameIn, std::string fNameOut, MultiScalarField3D<int>& geometry)
const plint nx = geometry.getNx();
const plint ny = geometry.getNy();
const plint nz = geometry.getNz();
Box3D sliceBox(0,0, 0,ny-1, 0,nz-1);
std::auto_ptr<MultiScalarField3D<int> > slice = generateMultiScalarField<int>(geometry, sliceBox);
plb_ifstream geometryFile(fNameIn.c_str());
for (plint iX=0; iX<nx; ++iX) {
if (!geometryFile.is_open()) {
pcout << "Error: could not open geometry file " << fNameIn << std::endl;
geometryFile >> *slice;
copy(*slice, slice->getBoundingBox(), geometry, Box3D(iX,iX, 0,ny-1, 0,nz-1));
VtkImageOutput3D vtkOut("porousMediumOrigin", 1.0);
vtkOut.writeData(*copyConvert(geometry, geometry.getBoundingBox()), "tag", 1.0);
std::auto_ptr > floatTags = copyConvert(geometry, geometry.getBoundingBox());
std::vector isoLevels;
typedef TriangleSet::Triangle Triangle;
std::vector triangles;
Box3D domain = floatTags->getBoundingBox().enlarge(-1);
isoSurfaceMarchingCube(triangles, *floatTags, isoLevels, domain);
TriangleSet set(triangles);
std::string outDir = fNameOut + "/";
set.writeBinarySTL(outDir + "porousMedium.stl");
void setupParameters() {
delta_x = 0.001 / N;
lx = nx*delta_x;
ly = ny*delta_x;
lz = nz*delta_x;
// Gravity in lattice units.
T gLB = 9.8 * delta_t * delta_t/delta_x;
externalForce = Array<T,3>(0., 0., -gLB);
tau = (nuPhys*DESCRIPTOR<T>::invCs2*delta_t)/(delta_x*delta_x) + 0.5;
omega = 1./tau;
nuLB = (tau-0.5)*DESCRIPTOR<T>::cs2; // Viscosity in lattice units.
surfaceTensionLB = (rhoEmpty / rho) * (delta_t*delta_t) / (delta_x*delta_x*delta_x) * surfaceTensionPhys;
bool insideFluid(T x, T y, T z)
Array<T,3> pos(x, y, z);
Array<T,3> center(nx/2.0, ny/2.0, 0);
T r = norm(pos-center);
if (r <= nz/25) {
return true;
return false;
int initialFluidFlags(plint iX, plint iY, plint iZ) {
if (insideFluid(iX, iY, iZ)) {
return freeSurfaceFlag::fluid;
else {
return freeSurfaceFlag::empty;
void porousMediaSetup(FreeSurfaceFields3D<T,DESCRIPTOR>& fields,
MultiScalarField3D<int>& geometry)
//integrateProcessingFunctional(new ShortenBounceBack3D, fields.lattice.getBoundingBox(), fields.freeSurfaceArgs, 0);
// Set all outer-wall cells to "wall" (here, bulk-cells are also set to "wall", but it
// doesn't matter, because they are overwritten on the next line).
setToConstant(fields.flag, fields.flag.getBoundingBox(), (int)freeSurfaceFlag::wall);
setToFunction(fields.flag, fields.flag.getBoundingBox().enlarge(-1), initialFluidFlags);
setToConstant(fields.flag, geometry, 1,
fields.flag.getBoundingBox().enlarge(-1), (int)freeSurfaceFlag::wall);
/*setToConstant(fields.flag, Box3D(6*nx/13, 7*nx/13, 6*ny/13, 7*ny/13, 0, 0), (int)freeSurfaceFlag::fluid);
setToConstant(fields.flag, Box3D(5*nx/11, 6*nx/11, 5*ny/11, 6*ny/11, 1, nx/11), (int)freeSurfaceFlag::fluid);*/
setToConstant(fields.flag, Box3D(9*nx/19, 10*nx/19, 9*ny/19, 10*ny/19, 0, nz/38), (int)freeSurfaceFlag::fluid);
//pcout << "5" << std::endl;
/*VtkImageOutput3D vtkOut("porousMedium", 1.0);
vtkOut.writeData(*copyConvert(fields.flag, fields.flag.getBoundingBox()), "tag", 1.0);*/
void writeResults(MultiBlockLattice3D<T,DESCRIPTOR>& lattice, MultiScalarField3D<T>& volumeFraction, plint iT)
static const plint nx = lattice.getNx();
static const plint ny = lattice.getNy();
static const plint nz = lattice.getNz();
const plint imSize = 600;
Box3D slice(0, nx-1, ny/2, ny/2, 0, nz-1);
ImageWriter<T> imageWriter("leeloo");
imageWriter.writeScaledGif(createFileName("u", iT, 6),
*computeVelocityNorm(lattice, slice),
imSize, imSize);
imageWriter.writeScaledGif(createFileName("rho", iT, 6),
*computeDensity(lattice, slice),
imSize, imSize);
imageWriter.writeScaledGif(createFileName("volumeFraction", iT, 6), *extractSubDomain(volumeFraction, slice),
imSize, imSize);
// Use a marching-cube algorithm to reconstruct the free surface and write an STL file.
/*std::vector isoLevels;
isoLevels.push_back((T) 0.5);
typedef TriangleSet::Triangle Triangle;
std::vector triangles;
isoSurfaceMarchingCube(triangles, volumeFraction, isoLevels, volumeFraction.getBoundingBox());
TriangleSet(triangles).writeBinarySTL(createFileName(fNameOut+"/interface", iT, 6)+".stl");*/
VtkImageOutput3D<T> vtkOut(createFileName("volumeFraction", iT, 6), 1.);
vtkOut.writeData<float>(volumeFraction, "vf", 1.);
void writeStatistics(FreeSurfaceFields3D<T,DESCRIPTOR>& fields) {
pcout << " -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- " << std::endl;
T averageMass = freeSurfaceAverageMass<T,DESCRIPTOR>(fields.freeSurfaceArgs, fields.lattice.getBoundingBox());
pcout << "Average Mass: " << averageMass << std::endl;
T averageDensity = freeSurfaceAverageDensity<T,DESCRIPTOR>(fields.freeSurfaceArgs, fields.lattice.getBoundingBox());
pcout << "Average Density: " << std::setprecision(12) << averageDensity << std::endl;
T averageVolumeFraction = freeSurfaceAverageVolumeFraction<T,DESCRIPTOR>(fields.freeSurfaceArgs, fields.lattice.getBoundingBox());
pcout << "Average Volume-Fraction: " << std::setprecision(12) << averageVolumeFraction << std::endl;
pcout << " -*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*-*- " << std::endl;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
plbInit(&argc, &argv);
if (global::argc() != 12) {
pcout << "Error missing some input parameter\n";
try {
catch(PlbIOException& except) {
pcout << except.what() << std::endl;
pcout << "The parameters for this program are :\n";
pcout << "1. Output directory name.\n";
pcout << "2. kinematic viscosity in physical Units (m^2/s) .\n";
pcout << "3. Surface tension in physical units (N/m).\n";
pcout << "4. Contact angle (in degrees).\n";
pcout << "5. number of lattice nodes for lz .\n";
pcout << "6. delta_t .\n";
pcout << "7. maxIter .\n";
pcout << "Reasonable parameters on a parallel machine are: " << (std::string)global::argv(0) << "tmp 1.01e-6 0.0728 150.0 1000 1.e-8 80000 501 501 501 RawData.dat\n";
pcout << "Reading the geometry file." << std::endl;
MultiScalarField3D<int> geometry(nx,ny,nz);
readGeometry(fNameIn, fNameOut, geometry);
MultiScalarField3D<int> inputgeometry(nx,ny,nz/2+1);
copy(geometry, Box3D(0,nx-1,0,ny-1,0,nz/2), inputgeometry, inputgeometry.getBoundingBox());
pcout << "delta_t= " << delta_t << std::endl;
pcout << "delta_x= " << delta_x << std::endl;
pcout << "delta_t*delta_t/delta_x= " << delta_t*delta_t/delta_x << std::endl;
pcout << "externalForce= " << externalForce[2] << std::endl;
pcout << "surfaceTensionLB= " << surfaceTensionLB << std::endl;
pcout << "relaxation time= " << tau << std::endl;
pcout << "omega= " << omega << std::endl;
pcout << "kinematic viscosity physical units = " << nuPhys << std::endl;
pcout << "kinematic viscosity lattice units= " << nuLB << std::endl;
//pcout << "1" << std::endl;
SparseBlockStructure3D blockStructure(createRegularDistribution3D(nx, ny, nz/2+1));
//pcout << "2" << std::endl;
/*Dynamics* dynamics
= new SmagorinskyBGKdynamics(omega, cSmago);*/
Dynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR>* dynamics = new IncBGKdynamics<T,DESCRIPTOR>(omega);
FreeSurfaceFields3D<T,DESCRIPTOR> fields( blockStructure, dynamics->clone(), rhoEmpty,
surfaceTensionLB, contactAngle, externalForce );
porousMediaSetup(fields, inputgeometry);
std::vector<MultiBlock3D*> freeSurfaceArgs = aggregateFreeSurfaceParams(fields.lattice, fields.rhoBar, fields.j, fields.mass, fields.volumeFraction,
fields.flag, fields.normal, fields.helperLists, fields.curvature, fields.outsideDensity);
Array<T,3> injectionVelocity((T)0.,(T)0.,(T)0.1);
pcout << "Time spent for setting up lattices: "
<< global::timer("initialization").stop() << std::endl;
T lastIterationTime = T();
//pcout << "6" << std::endl;
for (plint iT = 0; iT <= maxIter; ++iT) {
T sum_of_mass_matrix = T();
T lost_mass = T();
if (iT % getStatisticsIter==0) {
pcout << std::endl;
pcout << "ITERATION = " << iT << std::endl;
pcout << "Time of last iteration is " << lastIterationTime << " seconds" << std::endl;
sum_of_mass_matrix = fields.lattice.getInternalStatistics().getSum(0);
pcout << "Sum of mass matrix: " << sum_of_mass_matrix << std::endl;
lost_mass = fields.lattice.getInternalStatistics().getSum(1);
pcout << "Lost mass: " << lost_mass << std::endl;
pcout << "Total mass: " << sum_of_mass_matrix + lost_mass << std::endl;
pcout << "Interface cells: " << fields.lattice.getInternalStatistics().getIntSum(0) << std::endl;
if (iT % writeImagesIter == 0) {
writeResults(fields.lattice, fields.volumeFraction, iT);
pcout << "Total time spent for writing images: "
<< global::timer("images").stop() << std::endl;
// This includes the collision-streaming cycle, plus all free-surface operations.
/*applyProcessingFunctional (
new PouringLiquid3D(dynamics->clone(), injectionVelocity),
Box3D(4*nx/9, 5*nx/9, 4*ny/9, 5*ny/9, 0, 0), freeSurfaceArgs );*/
applyProcessingFunctional (
new PouringLiquid3D<T,DESCRIPTOR>(dynamics->clone(), injectionVelocity),
Box3D(9*nx/19, 10*nx/19, 9*ny/19, 10*ny/19, 0, 0), freeSurfaceArgs );
lastIterationTime = global::timer("iteration").stop();