Exchange 2010 Install Error - There was an error while running 'ldifde.exe'

KB ID 0000442 Dtd 10/05/11


While trying to install Exchange 2010, the process fails with the following error.

Exchange 2010 Install Error - There was an error while running 'ldifde.exe'_第1张图片

Organization Preparation      Failed

     The following error was generated when "$error.Clear();
     install-ExchangeSchema -LdapFileName ($roleInstallPath + "Setup\Data\"+$RoleSchemaPrefix + "schema0.ldf")

" was run: "There was an error while running 'ldifde.exe' to import the schema file 'C:\Windows\Temp\ExchangeSetup\Setup\Data\PostWindows2003_schema0.ldf'. The error code is: 8224. More details can be found in the error file: 'C:\Users\administrator.{your-domain}\AppData\Local\Temp\2\ldif.err'".

There was an error while running 'ldifde.exe' to import the schema file 'C:\Windows\Temp\ExchangeSetup\Setup\Data\PostWindows2003_schema0.ldf'. The error code is: 8224. More details can be found in the error file: 'C:\Users\administrator.{your-domain}\AppData\Local\Temp\2\ldif.err'


1. The error is happening at the "Organization Preparation" stage, so let's go 'old school' and do that manually.

2. Locate the server on your network that is the schema master (Locate FSMO Servers).

3. Put the Exchange 2010 DVD in the schema master (Or share it over the network and connect to it from the schema master server).

4. Drop to command line and change to the DVD Drive/Directory with the Exchange 2010 setup files in it.

5. ONLY do this if you have Exchange 2003 already! Run the following command, (If no Exchange 2003 present, skip to the next step).

Setup /PrepareLegacyExchangePermissions

Exchange 2010 Install Error - There was an error while running 'ldifde.exe'_第2张图片

6. Run the following command:

Setup /PrepareSchema

Exchange 2010 Install Error - There was an error while running 'ldifde.exe'_第3张图片

7. Run the following command:

Setup /PrepareAD

Note: At this point it may fail, and say it requires an organization name, (it will do this if it finds no existing container in Active Directory).

     Exchange organization name is required for this mode.  To specify an organization name, use the /organizationName parameter. 

If that is the case, then run the following command:

Setup /PrepareAD /OrganizationName:"Your required org name"

Exchange 2010 Install Error - There was an error while running 'ldifde.exe'_第4张图片

8. Now try and install Exchange 2010, and it should progress without the original error.

Exchange 2010 Install Error - There was an error while running 'ldifde.exe'_第5张图片


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