In this article I hope to explain the essence of a program and its interpretation.
Programs are usually what we use for computation, but are they necessary? I think the answer is No. To understand this, first let us answer the question “What is computation?”
Simply put, computation is the many ways we simulate the world. This simulation could happen in the brain, in a crystal ball, in an electronic circuit, in a chemical reactor, or more. Originally, the purpose of this simulation is to predict the future (or at least the near future) for our advantages or survival. This goal is evident in the use of computation in meteorology, particle physics, biology etc. We want to know how the real world changes with given conditions and time, so we model the world with data structures in a computer, and run simulations on those “models”. To be practical, we have to ignore many apsects of the real word, so the models we have are only abstractions of it. The models must reflect accurately the aspects that we care about, without over-assumptions, that is, constraints or conditions that doesn’t really exist in the real world. Errors may be tolerable, but should be well-controlled. This is why computation is more and more important in sciences, because it lets us predict the future. In today’s sciences, it also lets us experiment with our “guesses” of how the universe was “built”. There are many other aspects of computation, for example as an information processing tool. Information is also part of the world, so we are actually using a computer for the same purpose: manipulating the world’s model.
Now let’s come back to our first question, do we need programs for computation? I said that it was not necessary. The reason is that a “computer” can be a special-purpose computer with only one specific goal, for example calculating the result of 2+3. Such simple circuit may be built using a few logic gates with fixed inputs on the pins. We will get the output as electric signals from the output pins.
So you see, a program is not really necessary for computation. We can build any kind of circuit we want, be it electrical, chemical or biological, as long as they reflect the real world, and then we can utilize the physical charateristics of the circuit to do our “computation”.
Why do most computers run programs then? This is because building circuits is time-consuming and usually very expensive, so we want to build a circuit once and use it for many purposes.
We call those circuits which can serve more than one purpose general-purpose computers. For example, in addition to calculating 2+3, they can also calculate 3+4, 2-15, 124*45, etc and can do more complicated things. So you see, those general-purpose computers have the functionalities of many, even a whole class of, special-purpose computers. In order to achieve this, a general-purpose computer simulates the special-purpose computers. That is, it “pretends” to be one of them at a given time. Now the question is, how does the general-purpose computer know which special-purpose computer to simulate? The answer is to use a data structure — a description of a special-purpose computer which the general-purpose computer can manipulate. This data structure is normally called a program. The general-purpose computer is usually called the interpreter of the program. Once the interpreter gets a program as input, it behaves like the program.
Since a special-purpose computer is a circuit, a program is then a description of a circuit. This is evident from the following example Scheme program which computes the factorial of the input number.
(define fact
(lambda (n)
[(= n 0) 1]
[else (* n (fact (- n 1)))])))
Here is the annotated components of the program:
As we can see, there is an input n, and the output is either 1 or “n * fact(n-1)”, depending on whether n is 0 or not. And notice that “fact” refers to the function itself. If we build a circuit for computing this function, it would look like:
This is normally called a “flowchart” of the program but in essence it is a circuit. It can be physically built using electronic devices. I haven’t drawn all the details, you must think of those four n’s as connected together by wires, thus they have the same value at any time. Notice that there is a “feedback loop”, feeding (n-1) back into the input pin. The triangular shape is a demultiplexer(demux), it tests whether n is equal to one, and then decides which output to activate.
This circuit is usually represented by interpreters and compilers as an AST (abstract syntax tree), but in essence it is not a tree, it is a directed graph. Because it is simpler to use a tree data structure, we break the feedback loops and put labels on them, so that we can represent a graph using a tree data structure.
So now you may wonder whether interpreters are circuit simulators. In fact they are. If you look at a simple interpreter, you will find that it is using some tricks to simulate the signal-flow in a circuit.
Usually the interpreters are recursive, they traverse the sub-components and in the meanwhile carrying signal values in what we call an environment or symbol table, so that they may know the values of each wire that may be used. Sometimes the wires in both a components and a sub-component can be labeled with the same name if the wires in the component don’t also go into the sub-component. This is called “shadowing”. But we should remember at all times, the wires that are labeled by the same name are in fact distinct wires in the circuit and have absolutely nothing to do with each other. We use the same names just for convenience. If we don’t reuse names, we may run out of unique names very soon in large circuits.
This also explains why the notion of lexical scoping (or static scoping) is more reasonable than dynamic scoping. This because when we write the definition of a function that is later used as a value, the free variables inside the function refer to the names in an outer scope. When we pass the function around as a value, those free variables (as electronic pins) should still be “connected” to their original wires at the function’s definition site (and NOT call site). If we use dynamic scoping, those wires may be reconnected to a local wire labeled with the same name at the call site. This is not right, because those two wires with the same name are NOT really the same wire and thus have completely different meanings. Our intention is probably to use the one at the definition site. This why programming languages should not use dynamic scoping.
This intuition of a program as a circuit is very useful. It can guide us to become aware of the most import aspects of programming languages and help us become better programmers. I will talk about compilers, parallel computing, type inference, logics and theorem provers in later posts using this general framework of thinking.