

①V-T If you reproach someone, you say or show that you are disappointed, upset, or angry because they have done something wrong. 责备; 指责

•  She is quick to reproach anyone who doesn't live up to her own high standards.


②N-VAR If you look at or speak to someone with reproach, you show or say that you are disappointed, upset, or angry because they have done something wrong. 责备; 指责

•  He looked at her with reproach.


③V-T If you reproach yourself, you think with regret about something you have done wrong. 责备 (自己)

•  You've no reason to reproach yourself, no reason to feel shame.



①ADJ A sensational result, event, or situation is so remarkable that it causes great excitement and interest. 戏剧性的; 轰动性的

•  The world champions suffered a sensational defeat.


②ADV 戏剧性地; 轰动性地

•  The rape trial was sensationally halted yesterday.


③ADJ You can describe stories or reports as sensational if you disapprove of them because they present facts in a way that is intended to cause feelings of shock, anger, or excitement. 耸人听闻的; 哗众取宠的

•  ...sensational tabloid newspaper reports.


④ADJ You can describe something as sensational when you think that it is extremely good. 极好的

•  Her voice is sensational.


⑤ADV 极好地

•  ...sensationally good food.



①V-T If you simulate an action or a feeling, you pretend that you are doing it or feeling it. 假装

•  They rolled about on the Gilligan Road, simulating a bloodthirsty fight.


②V-T If you simulate a set of conditions, you create them artificially, for example, in order to conduct an experiment. 模拟

•  The scientist developed one model to simulate a full year of the globe's climate.



ADJ A spacious room or other place is large in size or area, so that you can move around freely in it. 宽敞的

•  The house has a spacious kitchen and dining area.



①N-COUNT A subsidiary or a subsidiary company is a company which is part of a larger and more important company. 子公司

•  WM Financial Services is a subsidiary of Washington Mutual.


②ADJ If something is subsidiary, it is less important than something else with which it is connected. 辅助的

•  The marketing department has always played a subsidiary role to the sales department.



①V-T If one person or thing surpasses another, the first is better than, or has more of a particular quality than, the second. 优于; 超过

•  He was determined to surpass the achievements of his older brothers.


②V-T If something surpasses expectations, it is much better than it was expected to be. 远远超出 (预期)

•  Conrad Black gave an excellent party that surpassed expectations.



①V-T Something that tempts you attracts you and makes you want it, even though it may be wrong or harmful. 引诱; 吸引

•  Cars like that may tempt drivers to speed.


•  It is the fresh fruit that tempts me at this time of year.


②V-T If you tempt someone, you offer them something they want in order to encourage them to do what you want them to do. 诱使

•  ...a million dollar marketing campaign to tempt American tourists back to Britain.


•  Don't let credit tempt you to buy something you can't afford.



If one vehicle tows another, it pulls it along behind it. 拖

•  He had been using the vehicle to tow his work trailer..


•  They threatened to tow away my car.



①N-VAR Transition is the process in which something changes from one state to another. 转型

•  The transition from a dictatorship to a multi-party democracy is proving to be difficult.


②V-I If someone transitions from one state or activity to another, they move gradually from one to the other. (逐渐地) 转向

•  Most of the discussion was on what needed to be done now as we transitioned from the security issues to the challenging economic issues.



①ADJ The underlying features of an object, event, or situation are not obvious, and it may be difficult to discover or reveal them. 潜在的

•  To stop a problem you have to understand its underlying causes.


②ADJ You describe something as underlying when it is below the surface of something else. 在下面的

•  ...hills with the hard underlying rock poking through the turf.

