愉快的学习就从翻译开始吧_Multi-step Time Series Forecasting_5_Persistence Model_Make Forecasts

Make Forecasts/进行预测

The next step is to make persistence forecasts.


We can implement the persistence forecast easily in a function named persistence() that takes the last observation and the number of forecast steps to persist. This function returns an array containing the forecast.


We can then call this function for each time step in the test dataset from December in year 2 to September in year 3.


Below is a function make_forecasts() that does this and takes the train, test, and configuration for the dataset as arguments and returns a list of forecasts.

下面是一个函数 make_forecasts(),它来执行此操作,并且它接受train,test,和 configuration for the dataset 作为参数,并且返回一个预测列表

We can call this function as follows:


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