@time: 20180505
@author: [email protected]
// For building the encrypted string:
// Take every 2nd char from the string, then the other chars, that are not every 2nd char, and concat them as new String.
// Do this n times!
// Examples:
// "This is a test!", 1 -> "hsi etTi sats!"
// "This is a test!", 2 -> "hsi etTi sats!" -> "s eT ashi tist!"
// Write two methods:
// function encrypt(text, n)
// function decrypt(encryptedText, n)
// For both methods:
// If the input-string is null or empty return exactly this value!
// If n is <= 0 then return the input text.
function encrypt(text, n) {
var firstChars = '';
var secondChars = '';
var encryptedStr = text;
if(n <= 0 || text === null) {
return encryptedStr;
} else {
for(var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
if(i % 2) {
secondChars += text[i];
} else {
firstChars += text[i];
encryptedStr = secondChars + firstChars;
return encrypt(encryptedStr, n - 1);
encrypt(null, 2);
function decrypt(encryptedText, n) {
var decryptedStr = encryptedText;
if(n <= 0 || encryptedText === null) {
return decryptedStr;
} else {
var midPoint = Math.floor(encryptedText.length / 2);
var secondChars = encryptedText.slice(0, midPoint);
var firstChars = encryptedText.slice(midPoint);
decryptedStr = '';
var stopLoop = firstChars.length;
for(var i = 0; i < stopLoop; i++) {
if(secondChars[i] === undefined) {
decryptedStr += firstChars[i];
} else {
decryptedStr += firstChars[i] + secondChars[i];
return decrypt(decryptedStr, n - 1);
decrypt("el!hlo", 1);
describe("Solution", function(){
it("EncryptExampleTests", function(){
Test.assertEquals(encrypt("This is a test!", 0), "This is a test!");
Test.assertEquals(encrypt("This is a test!", 1), "hsi etTi sats!");
Test.assertEquals(encrypt("This is a test!", 2), "s eT ashi tist!");
Test.assertEquals(encrypt("This is a test!", 3), " Tah itse sits!");
Test.assertEquals(encrypt("This is a test!", 4), "This is a test!");
Test.assertEquals(encrypt("This is a test!", -1), "This is a test!");
Test.assertEquals(encrypt("This kata is very interesting!", 1), "hskt svr neetn!Ti aai eyitrsig");
describe("Solution", function(){
it("DecryptExampleTests", function(){
Test.assertEquals(decrypt("This is a test!", 0), "This is a test!");
Test.assertEquals(decrypt("hsi etTi sats!", 1), "This is a test!");
Test.assertEquals(decrypt("s eT ashi tist!", 2), "This is a test!");
Test.assertEquals(decrypt(" Tah itse sits!", 3), "This is a test!");
Test.assertEquals(decrypt("This is a test!", 4), "This is a test!");
Test.assertEquals(decrypt("This is a test!", -1), "This is a test!");
Test.assertEquals(decrypt("hskt svr neetn!Ti aai eyitrsig", 1), "This kata is very interesting!");
describe("Solution", function(){
it("Null or Empty", function(){
Test.assertEquals(encrypt("", 0), "");
Test.assertEquals(decrypt("", 0), "");
Test.assertEquals(encrypt(null, 0), null);
Test.assertEquals(decrypt(null, 0), null);