public SingleOutputStreamOperator<T> sum(int positionToSum) {
return aggregate(new SumAggregator<>(positionToSum, getType(), getExecutionConfig()));
public <R> SingleOutputStreamOperator<R> flatMap(FlatMapFunction<T, R> flatMapper) {
TypeInformation<R> outType = TypeExtractor.getFlatMapReturnTypes(clean(flatMapper),
getType(), Utils.getCallLocationName(), true);
return transform("Flat Map", outType, new StreamFlatMap<>(clean(flatMapper)));
public abstract class MemorySegment {
* The unsafe handle for transparent memory copied (heap / off-heap).
protected static final sun.misc.Unsafe UNSAFE = MemoryUtils.UNSAFE;
* The beginning of the byte array contents, relative to the byte array object.
protected static final long BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET = UNSAFE.arrayBaseOffset(byte[].class);
* Constant that flags the byte order. Because this is a boolean constant, the JIT compiler can
* use this well to aggressively eliminate the non-applicable code paths.
private static final boolean LITTLE_ENDIAN = (ByteOrder.nativeOrder() == ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN);
protected final byte[] heapMemory;
* The address to the data, relative to the heap memory byte array. If the heap memory byte
* array is null, this becomes an absolute memory address outside the heap.
protected long address;
* The address one byte after the last addressable byte, i.e. address + size while the
* segment is not disposed.
protected final long addressLimit;
* The size in bytes of the memory segment.
protected final int size;
* Optional owner of the memory segment.
private final Object owner;
MemorySegment(byte[] buffer, Object owner) {
if (buffer == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("buffer");
this.heapMemory = buffer;
this.address = BYTE_ARRAY_BASE_OFFSET;
this.size = buffer.length;
this.addressLimit = this.address + this.size;
this.owner = owner;
MemorySegment(long offHeapAddress, int size, Object owner) {
if (offHeapAddress <= 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("negative pointer or size");
if (offHeapAddress >= Long.MAX_VALUE - Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
// this is necessary to make sure the collapsed checks are safe against numeric overflows
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Segment initialized with too large address: " + offHeapAddress
+ " ; Max allowed address is " + (Long.MAX_VALUE - Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1));
this.heapMemory = null;
this.address = offHeapAddress;
this.addressLimit = this.address + size;
this.size = size;
this.owner = owner;
public int size() {
return size;
public boolean isFreed() {
return address > addressLimit;
public void free() {
// this ensures we can place no more data and trigger
// the checks for the freed segment
address = addressLimit + 1;
public boolean isOffHeap() {
return heapMemory == null;
public byte[] getArray() {
if (heapMemory != null) {
return heapMemory;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Memory segment does not represent heap memory");
public long getAddress() {
if (heapMemory == null) {
return address;
} else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Memory segment does not represent off heap memory");
public abstract ByteBuffer wrap(int offset, int length);
public final class HeapMemorySegment extends MemorySegment {
private byte[] memory;
HeapMemorySegment(byte[] memory) {
this(memory, null);
HeapMemorySegment(byte[] memory, Object owner) {
super(Objects.requireNonNull(memory), owner);
this.memory = memory;
public void free() {
this.memory = null;
public ByteBuffer wrap(int offset, int length) {
try {
return ByteBuffer.wrap(this.memory, offset, length);
catch (NullPointerException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException("segment has been freed");
public final class HybridMemorySegment extends MemorySegment {
private final ByteBuffer offHeapBuffer;
HybridMemorySegment(ByteBuffer buffer) {
this(buffer, null);
public abstract class Buffer {
Spliterator.SIZED | Spliterator.SUBSIZED | Spliterator.ORDERED;
// Invariants: mark <= position <= limit <= capacity
private int mark = -1;
private int position = 0;
private int limit;
private int capacity;
// Used only by direct buffers
// NOTE: hoisted here for speed in JNI GetDirectBufferAddress
long address;
// Creates a new buffer with the given mark, position, limit, and capacity,
// after checking invariants.
Buffer(int mark, int pos, int lim, int cap) { // package-private
if (cap < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative capacity: " + cap);
this.capacity = cap;
if (mark >= 0) {
if (mark > pos)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("mark > position: ("
+ mark + " > " + pos + ")");
this.mark = mark;
public abstract class ByteBuffer
extends Buffer
implements Comparable<ByteBuffer>
final byte[] hb; // Non-null only for heap buffers
final int offset;
boolean isReadOnly; // Valid only for heap buffers
// Creates a new buffer with the given mark, position, limit, capacity,
// backing array, and array offset
ByteBuffer(int mark, int pos, int lim, int cap, // package-private
byte[] hb, int offset)
super(mark, pos, lim, cap);
this.hb = hb;
this.offset = offset;
// Creates a new buffer with the given mark, position, limit, and capacity
ByteBuffer(int mark, int pos, int lim, int cap) { // package-private
this(mark, pos, lim, cap, null, 0);
public static ByteBuffer allocateDirect(int capacity) {
return new DirectByteBuffer(capacity);
public interface Buffer {
boolean isBuffer();
void tagAsEvent();
MemorySegment getMemorySegment();
int getMemorySegmentOffset();
BufferRecycler getRecycler();
void recycleBuffer();
boolean isRecycled();
Buffer retainBuffer();
Buffer readOnlySlice();
Buffer readOnlySlice(int index, int length);
int getMaxCapacity();
int getReaderIndex();
void setReaderIndex(int readerIndex) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;
int getSizeUnsafe();
int getSize();
void setSize(int writerIndex);
int readableBytes();
ByteBuffer getNioBufferReadable();
ByteBuffer getNioBuffer(int index, int length) throws IndexOutOfBoundsException;
void setAllocator(ByteBufAllocator allocator);
ByteBuf asByteBuf();
public interface BufferPoolFactory {
BufferPool createBufferPool(int numRequiredBuffers, int maxUsedBuffers) throws IOException;
BufferPool createBufferPool(int numRequiredBuffers, int maxUsedBuffers, Optional<BufferPoolOwner> owner) throws IOException;
* Destroy callback for updating factory book keeping.
void destroyBufferPool(BufferPool bufferPool) throws IOException;
public class NetworkBuffer extends AbstractReferenceCountedByteBuf implements Buffer {
/** The backing {@link MemorySegment} instance. */
private final MemorySegment memorySegment;
/** The recycler for the backing {@link MemorySegment}. */
private final BufferRecycler recycler;
/** Whether this buffer represents a buffer or an event. */
private boolean isBuffer;
/** Allocator for further byte buffers (needed by netty). */
private ByteBufAllocator allocator;
* The current size of the buffer in the range from 0 (inclusive) to the
* size of the backing {@link MemorySegment} (inclusive).
private int currentSize;
* Creates a new buffer instance backed by the given memorySegment with 0 for
* the readerIndex and writerIndex.
* @param memorySegment
* backing memory segment (defines {@link #maxCapacity})
* @param recycler
* will be called to recycle this buffer once the reference count is 0
public NetworkBuffer(MemorySegment memorySegment, BufferRecycler recycler) {
this(memorySegment, recycler, true);
public class NetworkBufferPool implements BufferPoolFactory {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(NetworkBufferPool.class);
private final int totalNumberOfMemorySegments;
private final int memorySegmentSize;
private final ArrayBlockingQueue<MemorySegment> availableMemorySegments;
private volatile boolean isDestroyed;
// ---- Managed buffer pools ----------------------------------------------
private final Object factoryLock = new Object();
private final Set<LocalBufferPool> allBufferPools = new HashSet<>();
private int numTotalRequiredBuffers;
看到AbstractReferenceCountedByteBuf没,这个里面有一个引用计数器,用来处理内存的GC的。NetworkBufferPool用来生产LocalBufferPool实现内存的池的管理 。
public interface RecordSerializer<T extends IOReadableWritable> {
* Status of the serialization result.
enum SerializationResult {
FULL_RECORD(true, false);
private final boolean isFullRecord;
private final boolean isFullBuffer;
SerializationResult(boolean isFullRecord, boolean isFullBuffer) {
this.isFullRecord = isFullRecord;
this.isFullBuffer = isFullBuffer;
* Whether the full record was serialized and completely written to
* a target buffer.
* @return true if the complete record was written
public boolean isFullRecord() {
return this.isFullRecord;
* Whether the target buffer is full after the serialization process.
* @return true if the target buffer is full
public boolean isFullBuffer() {
return this.isFullBuffer;
* Starts serializing the given record to an intermediate data buffer.
* @param record the record to serialize
void serializeRecord(T record) throws IOException;
* Copies the intermediate data serialization buffer to the given target buffer.
* @param bufferBuilder the new target buffer to use
* @return how much information was written to the target buffer and
* whether this buffer is full
SerializationResult copyToBufferBuilder(BufferBuilder bufferBuilder);
* Clears the buffer and checks to decrease the size of intermediate data serialization buffer
* after finishing the whole serialization process including
* {@link #serializeRecord(IOReadableWritable)} and {@link #copyToBufferBuilder(BufferBuilder)}.
void prune();
* Supports copying an intermediate data serialization buffer to multiple target buffers
* by resetting its initial position before each copying.
void reset();
* @return true if has some serialized data pending copying to the result {@link BufferBuilder}.
boolean hasSerializedData();
public interface RecordDeserializer<T extends IOReadableWritable> {
* Status of the deserialization result.
enum DeserializationResult {
PARTIAL_RECORD(false, true),
private final boolean isFullRecord;
private final boolean isBufferConsumed;
private DeserializationResult(boolean isFullRecord, boolean isBufferConsumed) {
this.isFullRecord = isFullRecord;
this.isBufferConsumed = isBufferConsumed;
public boolean isFullRecord () {
return this.isFullRecord;
public boolean isBufferConsumed() {
return this.isBufferConsumed;
DeserializationResult getNextRecord(T target) throws IOException;
void setNextBuffer(Buffer buffer) throws IOException;
Buffer getCurrentBuffer();
void clear();
boolean hasUnfinishedData();
public class EventSerializer {
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Constants
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
private static final int END_OF_PARTITION_EVENT = 0;
private static final int CHECKPOINT_BARRIER_EVENT = 1;
private static final int END_OF_SUPERSTEP_EVENT = 2;
private static final int OTHER_EVENT = 3;
private static final int CANCEL_CHECKPOINT_MARKER_EVENT = 4;
private static final int CHECKPOINT_TYPE_CHECKPOINT = 0;
private static final int CHECKPOINT_TYPE_SAVEPOINT = 1;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Serialization Logic
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public static ByteBuffer toSerializedEvent(AbstractEvent event) throws IOException {
final Class<?> eventClass = event.getClass();
if (eventClass == EndOfPartitionEvent.class) {
return ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, END_OF_PARTITION_EVENT });
else if (eventClass == CheckpointBarrier.class) {
return serializeCheckpointBarrier((CheckpointBarrier) event);
else if (eventClass == EndOfSuperstepEvent.class) {
return ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, END_OF_SUPERSTEP_EVENT });
else if (eventClass == CancelCheckpointMarker.class) {
CancelCheckpointMarker marker = (CancelCheckpointMarker) event;
ByteBuffer buf = ByteBuffer.allocate(12);
buf.putLong(4, marker.getCheckpointId());
return buf;
else {
try {
final DataOutputSerializer serializer = new DataOutputSerializer(128);
return serializer.wrapAsByteBuffer();
catch (IOException e) {
throw new IOException("Error while serializing event.", e);
public abstract class AbstractReader implements ReaderBase {
/** The input gate to read from. */
protected final InputGate inputGate;
/** The task event handler to manage task event subscriptions. */
private final TaskEventHandler taskEventHandler = new TaskEventHandler();
/** Flag indicating whether this reader allows iteration events. */
private boolean isIterative;
* The current number of end of superstep events (reset for each superstep). A superstep is
* finished after an end of superstep event has been received for each input channel.
private int currentNumberOfEndOfSuperstepEvents;
protected AbstractReader(InputGate inputGate) {
this.inputGate = inputGate;
public boolean isFinished() {
return inputGate.isFinished();
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Events
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public void registerTaskEventListener(EventListener<TaskEvent> listener, Class<? extends TaskEvent> eventType) {
taskEventHandler.subscribe(listener, eventType);
public void sendTaskEvent(TaskEvent event) throws IOException {
* Handles the event and returns whether the reader reached an end-of-stream event (either the
* end of the whole stream or the end of an superstep).
protected boolean handleEvent(AbstractEvent event) throws IOException {
final Class<?> eventType = event.getClass();
try {
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Runtime events
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// This event is also checked at the (single) input gate to release the respective
// channel, at which it was received.
if (eventType == EndOfPartitionEvent.class) {
return true;
else if (eventType == EndOfSuperstepEvent.class) {
return incrementEndOfSuperstepEventAndCheck();
// ------------------------------------------------------------
// Task events (user)
// ------------------------------------------------------------
else if (event instanceof TaskEvent) {
taskEventHandler.publish((TaskEvent) event);
return false;
else {
throw new IllegalStateException("Received unexpected event of type " + eventType + " at reader.");
catch (Throwable t) {
throw new IOException("Error while handling event of type " + eventType + ": " + t.getMessage(), t);
public void publish(TaskEvent event){
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Iterations
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------
public void setIterativeReader() {
isIterative = true;
public void startNextSuperstep() {
checkState(isIterative, "Tried to start next superstep in a non-iterative reader.");
checkState(currentNumberOfEndOfSuperstepEvents == inputGate.getNumberOfInputChannels(), "Tried to start next superstep before reaching end of previous superstep.");
currentNumberOfEndOfSuperstepEvents = 0;
public boolean hasReachedEndOfSuperstep() {
return isIterative && currentNumberOfEndOfSuperstepEvents == inputGate.getNumberOfInputChannels();
private boolean incrementEndOfSuperstepEventAndCheck() {
checkState(isIterative, "Tried to increment superstep count in a non-iterative reader.");
checkState(currentNumberOfEndOfSuperstepEvents + 1 <= inputGate.getNumberOfInputChannels(), "Received too many (" + currentNumberOfEndOfSuperstepEvents + ") end of superstep events.");
return ++currentNumberOfEndOfSuperstepEvents == inputGate.getNumberOfInputChannels();
public class RecordReader<T extends IOReadableWritable> extends AbstractRecordReader<T> implements Reader<T> {
private final Class<T> recordType;
private T currentRecord;
* Creates a new RecordReader that de-serializes records from the given input gate and
* can spill partial records to disk, if they grow large.
* @param inputGate The input gate to read from.
* @param tmpDirectories The temp directories. USed for spilling if the reader concurrently
* reconstructs multiple large records.
public RecordReader(InputGate inputGate, Class<T> recordType, String[] tmpDirectories) {
super(inputGate, tmpDirectories);
this.recordType = recordType;
public boolean hasNext() throws IOException, InterruptedException {
if (currentRecord != null) {
return true;
else {
T record = instantiateRecordType();
if (getNextRecord(record)) {
currentRecord = record;
return true;
else {
return false;
public class MutableRecordReader<T extends IOReadableWritable> extends AbstractRecordReader<T> implements MutableReader<T> {
* Creates a new MutableRecordReader that de-serializes records from the given input gate and
* can spill partial records to disk, if they grow large.
* @param inputGate The input gate to read from.
* @param tmpDirectories The temp directories. USed for spilling if the reader concurrently
* reconstructs multiple large records.
public MutableRecordReader(InputGate inputGate, String[] tmpDirectories) {
super(inputGate, tmpDirectories);
public boolean next(final T target) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
return getNextRecord(target);
public void clearBuffers() {
public class RecordWriter<T extends IOReadableWritable> {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RecordWriter.class);
private final ResultPartitionWriter targetPartition;
private final ChannelSelector<T> channelSelector;
private final int numberOfChannels;
private final int[] broadcastChannels;
private final RecordSerializer<T> serializer;
private final Optional<BufferBuilder>[] bufferBuilders;
private final Random rng = new XORShiftRandom();
private Counter numBytesOut = new SimpleCounter();
private Counter numBuffersOut = new SimpleCounter();
private final boolean flushAlways;
/** Default name for teh output flush thread, if no name with a task reference is given. */
private static final String DEFAULT_OUTPUT_FLUSH_THREAD_NAME = "OutputFlusher";
/** The thread that periodically flushes the output, to give an upper latency bound. */
private final Optional<OutputFlusher> outputFlusher;
/** To avoid synchronization overhead on the critical path, best-effort error tracking is enough here.*/
private Throwable flusherException;
public RecordWriter(ResultPartitionWriter writer) {
this(writer, new RoundRobinChannelSelector<T>(), -1, null);
public RecordWriter(
ResultPartitionWriter writer,
ChannelSelector<T> channelSelector,
long timeout,
String taskName) {
this.targetPartition = writer;
this.channelSelector = channelSelector;
this.numberOfChannels = writer.getNumberOfSubpartitions();
this.serializer = new SpanningRecordSerializer<T>();
this.bufferBuilders = new Optional[numberOfChannels];
this.broadcastChannels = new int[numberOfChannels];
for (int i = 0; i < numberOfChannels; i++) {
broadcastChannels[i] = i;
bufferBuilders[i] = Optional.empty();
checkArgument(timeout >= -1);
this.flushAlways = (timeout == 0);
if (timeout == -1 || timeout == 0) {
outputFlusher = Optional.empty();
} else {
String threadName = taskName == null ?
outputFlusher = Optional.of(new OutputFlusher(threadName, timeout));
public void emit(T record) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
emit(record, channelSelector.selectChannel(record));
* This is used to broadcast Streaming Watermarks in-band with records. This ignores
* the {@link ChannelSelector}.
public void broadcastEmit(T record) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
boolean pruneAfterCopying = false;
for (int channel : broadcastChannels) {
if (copyFromSerializerToTargetChannel(channel)) {
pruneAfterCopying = true;
// Make sure we don't hold onto the large intermediate serialization buffer for too long
if (pruneAfterCopying) {
public interface ResultPartitionWriter {
BufferProvider getBufferProvider();
ResultPartitionID getPartitionId();
int getNumberOfSubpartitions();
int getNumTargetKeyGroups();
void addBufferConsumer(BufferConsumer bufferConsumer, int subpartitionIndex) throws IOException;
* Manually trigger consumption from enqueued {@link BufferConsumer BufferConsumers} in all subpartitions.
void flushAll();
* Manually trigger consumption from enqueued {@link BufferConsumer BufferConsumers} in one specified subpartition.
void flush(int subpartitionIndex);
public abstract class AbstractCollectingResultPartitionWriter implements ResultPartitionWriter {
private final BufferProvider bufferProvider;
private final ArrayDeque<BufferConsumer> bufferConsumers = new ArrayDeque<>();
public AbstractCollectingResultPartitionWriter(BufferProvider bufferProvider) {
this.bufferProvider = checkNotNull(bufferProvider);
public BufferProvider getBufferProvider() {
return bufferProvider;
public ResultPartitionID getPartitionId() {
return new ResultPartitionID();
public int getNumberOfSubpartitions() {
return 1;
public int getNumTargetKeyGroups() {
return 1;
public synchronized void addBufferConsumer(BufferConsumer bufferConsumer, int targetChannel) throws IOException {
checkState(targetChannel < getNumberOfSubpartitions());
private void processBufferConsumers() throws IOException {
while (!bufferConsumers.isEmpty()) {
BufferConsumer bufferConsumer = bufferConsumers.peek();
Buffer buffer = bufferConsumer.build();
try {
if (!bufferConsumer.isFinished()) {
finally {
public synchronized void flushAll() {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
public void flush(int subpartitionIndex) {
protected abstract void deserializeBuffer(Buffer buffer) throws IOException;