Dapper Plus - Bulk Delete

Dapper Plus - Bulk Delete



DELETE entities using Bulk Operation.

  • Delete single
  • Delete many
  • Delete with relation (One to One)
  • Delete with relation (One to Many)


Example - Delete Single

DELETE a single entity with Bulk Operation.


using (var connection = new SqlConnection(FiddleHelper.GetConnectionStringSqlServerW3Schools()))
	connection.BulkDelete(connection.Query("Select * FROM CUSTOMERS WHERE CustomerID in (53,57) ").ToList());

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Example - Delete Many

DELETE many entities with Bulk Operation.


using (var connection = new SqlConnection(FiddleHelper.GetConnectionStringSqlServerW3Schools()))
	connection.BulkDelete(connection.Query("Select * FROM CUSTOMERS WHERE CustomerID in (53,57) ").ToList());

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Example - Delete with relation (One to One)

DELETE entities with a one to one relation with Bulk Operation.

DapperPlusManager.Entity().Table("Suppliers").Identity(x => x.SupplierID);
DapperPlusManager.Entity().Table("Products").Identity(x => x.ProductID);

using (var connection = new SqlConnection(FiddleHelper.GetConnectionStringSqlServerW3Schools()))
	connection.BulkDelete(suppliers.Select(x => x.Product)).BulkDelete(suppliers);

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Example - Delete with relation (One to Many)

DELETE entities with a one to many relation with Bulk Operation.

DapperPlusManager.Entity().Table("Suppliers").Identity(x => x.SupplierID);
DapperPlusManager.Entity().Table("Products").Identity(x => x.ProductID);

using (var connection = new SqlConnection(FiddleHelper.GetConnectionStringSqlServerW3Schools()))
	connection.BulkDelete(suppliers.SelectMany(x => x.Products)).BulkDelete(suppliers);

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