(1) 针对全局阈值选择初始估计值T。
(2) 用T 分割图像。这会产生两组像素:G1 由所有灰度值大于T 的像素组成,G2 由所有灰度值小于等于T 的像素组成。
(3) 分别计算G1、G2 区域内的平均灰度值m1 和m2。
(4) 计算出新的阈值:
(5) 重复步骤(2)~(4),直到在连续的重复中,T 的差异比预先设定的参数△T 小为止。
(6) 使用函数im2bw 分割图像:
g = im2bw(f, T/den)
其中,den 是整数(例如一幅8 比特图像的255),是T/den 比率为1 的数值范围内的最大值,正如函数im2bw 要求的那样。
%计算全局阈值 clc; clear all; close all; f=imread('0.tif'); figure;imshow(f);title('原图像'); %显示原图像 %% %全局阈值分割 count=0; T=mean2(f); done=false; while ~done count=count+1; g=f>T; Tnext=0.5*(mean(f(g))+mean(f(~g))); done=abs(T-Tnext)<0.5; T=Tnext; end disp('count的值为:'); disp(['count=',num2str(count)]) %打印输出count的值 disp('T的值为:'); disp(['T=',num2str(T)]) %打印输出T的值 g=im2bw(f,T/255); figure;subplot(2,2,1);imshow(f);title('原图像'); subplot(2,2,2);imhist(f);title('f直方图'); subplot(2,2,3);imshow(g);title('阈值后图像');
(1) 用任何方法计算来自f (x,y)的边缘图像。边缘图像可以是梯度或拉普拉斯的绝对值。
(2) 指定阈值T。
(3) 用来自步骤(2)的阈值对来自步骤(1)的图像进行阈值处理,产生一副二值图像gT(x,y)。这幅图像在步骤(4)中选择来自f (x,y)的对应于强边缘的像素并作为标记图像使用。
(4) 仅用f (x,y)中的像素计算直方图,对应gT(x,y)中1 值像素的位置。
(5) 用来自步骤(4)中的直方图,通过全局阈值方法(如Otsu's 方法)来分割f (x,y)。
通常,通过指定T 值(T 值与某个百分比对应)来典型地设置高值(例如90%),因此,在阈值计算中使用图像的边缘上没有多少像素。自定义函数percentile2i可用于这个目的。该函数计算灰度值I,I 对应指定的百分比。语法是:
I = percentile2i(h, P)
其中,h 是图像的直方图,p 是在[0, 1]范围内的百分比值。输出I 是灰度级(也在[0, 1]范围内),对应第p 个百分点。
%计算全局阈值 clc; clear all; close all; src=imread('a.tif'); figure;imshow(src);title('原图像');%显示原图像 %% %计算梯度 f = tofloat(src); sx = fspecial('sobel'); sy = sx'; gx = imfilter(f,sx,'replicate'); gy = imfilter(f,sy,'replicate'); grad = sqrt(gx.*gx + gy.*gy); grad = grad/max(grad(:)); %% %得到grad 的直方图,并使用高的百分比(99.9%)估计梯度的阈值 h = imhist(grad); Q = percentile2i(h, 0.999); %% %用Q 对梯度做阈值处理,形成标记图像,并且从f 中提取梯度值比Q大的点,得到结果的直方图: markerImage = grad > Q; figure, imshow(markerImage) % Fig. 10.16(c). fp = f.*markerImage; figure, imshow(fp) % Fig. 10.16(d). hp = imhist(fp); %% %用结果的直方图得到Otsu 阈值 hp(1) = 0; bar(hp, 0) % Fig. 10.16(e). T = otsuthresh(hp); T*(numel(hp) - 1) g = im2bw(f, T); figure, imshow(g)
function I=percentile2i(h,P) %PERCENTILE2I Computes an intensity value given a percentile. % I=PERCENTILE2I(H,P) Given a percentile ,p,and a histogram, % H, this function computes an intensity ,I representing % the Pth percentile and returns the value in I. P must be in the % range [0,1] and I is returned as a value in the range [0,1] also. % Example: % I=percentile2i(h,0.5) % Check value of P if P<0 || P>1 error('The percentile must be in the range [0,1].'); end % Normalized the histogram to unit area.if it is already normalized % the following computation has no effect. h=h/sum(h); % Camulative distribution C=cumsum(h); % Calculations. idx=find(C >= P,1,'first'); % Subtract 1 from idx because indexing starts at 1,but intensities % start at 0. Also ,normalize to the range [0,1]. I=(idx-1)/(numel(h)-1);
function [T, SM] = otsuthresh(h) %OTSUTHRESH Otsu's optimum threshold given a histogram. % [T, SM] = OTSUTHRESH(H) computes an optimum threshold, T, in the % range [0 1] using Otsu's method for a given a histogram, H. % Normalize the histogram to unit area. If h is already normalized, % the following operation has no effect. h = h/sum(h); h = h(:); % h must be a column vector for processing below. % All the possible intensities represented in the histogram (256 for % 8 bits). (i must be a column vector for processing below.) i = (1:numel(h))'; % Values of P1 for all values of k. P1 = cumsum(h); % Values of the mean for all values of k. m = cumsum(i.*h); % The image mean. mG = m(end); % The between-class variance. sigSquared = ((mG*P1 - m).^2)./(P1.*(1 - P1) + eps); % Find the maximum of sigSquared. The index where the max occurs is % the optimum threshold. There may be several contiguous max values. % Average them to obtain the final threshold. maxSigsq = max(sigSquared); T = mean(find(sigSquared == maxSigsq)); % Normalized to range [0 1]. 1 is subtracted because MATLAB indexing % starts at 1, but image intensities start at 0. T = (T - 1)/(numel(h) - 1); % Separability measure. SM = maxSigsq / (sum(((i - mG).^2) .* h) + eps);
clear all;
close all;
f = tofloat(src);
imhist(f) % 图像直方图
hf = imhist(f);
[Tf SMf] = graythresh(f);
gf = im2bw(f, Tf);
figure, imshow(gf) % 显示阈值图像.
w = [-1 -1 -1; -1 8 -1; -1 -1 -1];
lap = abs(imfilter(f, w, 'replicate'));
lap = lap/max(lap(:));
h = imhist(lap);
Q = percentile2i(h, 0.995);
markerImage = lap > Q;
fp = f.*markerImage;
figure, imshow(fp) %
hp = imhist(fp);
hp(1) = 0;
figure, bar(hp, 0) %
T = otsuthresh(hp);
g = im2bw(f, T);
figure, imshow(g) %