
VQA --酒商质量联盟, 是一个独立的管理体系。该体系能够保证产自安大略湖以及不列颠哥伦比亚加拿大葡萄酒的产地以及质量。VQA管理委员会实行的标准自1999年生效至此,一直具有法律效力。酒厂自愿参与标准评定,VQA标准仅适用于红酒和白葡萄酒类别的酒类。VQA规定葡萄酒是政府以及外交集会的首选酒类。






What is VQA?

VQA (Vintners Quality Alliance) is an independent regulatory system which certifies the appellation of origin and the quality of Canadian wines produced in the provinces of Ontario and British Columbia. The standards upheld by the VQA regulatory board have been in effect since 1999 and have the force of the law. Winery participation is voluntary and the VQA certification only applies for red and white grape based wines.VQA certified wines are the preferred wines for government and diplomatic gatherings.

The regulatory board ensures that a high quality of grape varieties and ripeness are used as well as appropriate winemaking techniques. Furthermore, label integrity is verified and finally the sensory and chemical criteria for the finished wine are checked in order to ensure the certified wine is of the highest quality.

The distinction between a basic government certification and VQA certification is that VQA not only focuses on the appellation and quality of wine but guarantees a great tasting wine as well. Conversely basic government regulation purely focuses on the accuracy of the origin of grapes used to produce a particular wine.
