什么是启发式算法(heuristic algorithm)?



1. relating to or using a method of teaching that encourages learners to discover solutions for themselves
2. using or arrived at by a process of trial and error rather than set rules
3. describes a computer program that modifies itself in response to the user, e.g. a spell checker
4. helpful procedure for arriving at a solution but not necessarily a proof

启发式算法(heuristic algorithm)是相对于最优化算法提出的。一个问题的最优算法求得该问题每个实例的最优解。启发式算法可以这样定义:一个基于直观或经验构造的算法,在可接受的花费(指计算时间和空间)下给出待解决组合优化问题每一个实例的一个可行解,该可行解与最优解的偏离程度一般不能被预计。现阶段,启发式算法以仿自然体算法为主,主要有蚁群算法、模拟退火法、神经网络等。




A heuristic is the art and science of discovery and invention. The word comes from the same Greek root as “eureka” meaning “to find”. A heuristic for a given problem is a way of directing your attention fruitfully to a solution. It is different from an algorithm in that a heuristic merely serves as a rule-of-thumb or guideline, as opposed to an invariant procedure. Heuristics may not always achieve the desired outcome, but can be extremely valuable to problem-solving processes. Good heuristics can dramatically reduce the time required to solve a problem by eliminating the need to consider unlikely possibilities or irrelevant states. As such, it is particularly useful to those in the process of discovery and the are constantly rethinking their strategies in the face of a stubborn unknown.

启发式方法(试探法)是一种帮你寻求答案的技术,但它给出的答案是具有偶然性的(subject to chance),因为启发式方法仅仅告诉你该如何去找,而没有告诉你要找什么。它并不告诉你该如何直接从A 点到达B 点,它甚至可能连A点和B点在哪里都不知道。实际上,启发式方法是穿着小丑儿外套的算法:它的结果不太好预测,也更有趣,但不会给你什么30 天无效退款的保证。

驾驶汽车到达某人的家,写成算法是这样的:沿167 号高速公路往南行至Puyallup;从South Hill Mall 出口出来后往山上开4.5 英里;在一个杂物店旁边的红绿灯路口右转,接着在第一个路口左转;从左边褐色大房子的车道进去,就是North Cedar 路714 号。


