delta lake 包含Protocol、Metadata、FileAction(AddFile、RemoveFile)、CommitInfo和SetTransaction这几种元数据action。
//初始的commit log会包含protocol和metaData的信息
//之后的commit log会记录下当前操作的信息
{"commitInfo":{"timestamp":1576481270646,"operation":"DELETE","operationParameters":{"predicate":"[\"(`master_name` = 'mob_analyse')\"]"},"readVersion":0,"isBlindAppend":false}}
@volatile private var currentSnapshot: Snapshot = lastCheckpoint.map { c =>
val checkpointFiles = c.parts
.map(p => checkpointFileWithParts(logPath, c.version, p)) //目前版本没用到parts,疑似商业版功能
.getOrElse(Seq(checkpointFileSingular(logPath, c.version))) //返回最新checkpoint文件路径
val deltas = store.listFrom(deltaFile(logPath, c.version + 1)) //返回checkpoint之后版本的json文件
.filter(f => isDeltaFile(f.getPath))
val deltaVersions = deltas.map(f => deltaVersion(f.getPath))
verifyDeltaVersions(deltaVersions) //验证版本日志是否连续
val newVersion = deltaVersions.lastOption.getOrElse(c.version)
logInfo(s"Loading version $newVersion starting from checkpoint ${c.version}")
try {
val deltaIndex = DeltaLogFileIndex(DeltaLog.COMMIT_FILE_FORMAT, deltas)
val checkpointIndex = DeltaLogFileIndex(DeltaLog.CHECKPOINT_FILE_FORMAT, fs, checkpointFiles)
val snapshot = new Snapshot( //创建快照
checkpointIndex :: deltaIndex :: Nil,
// we don't want to make an additional RPC here to get commit timestamps when "deltas" is
// empty. The next "update" call will take care of that if there are delta files.
validateChecksum(snapshot) //通过crc文件校验版本,但是目前delta版本并没有生成crc文件,后续会更新或者又是商业版的坑?
lastUpdateTimestamp = clock.getTimeMillis()
} catch {
case e: FileNotFoundException
if Option(e.getMessage).exists(_.contains("parquet does not exist")) =>
recordDeltaEvent(this, "delta.checkpoint.error.partial")
throw DeltaErrors.missingPartFilesException(c, e)
case e: AnalysisException if Option(e.getMessage).exists(_.contains("Path does not exist")) =>
recordDeltaEvent(this, "delta.checkpoint.error.partial")
throw DeltaErrors.missingPartFilesException(c, e)
}.getOrElse {
new Snapshot(logPath, -1, None, Nil, minFileRetentionTimestamp, this, -1L) //没有checkpoint文件时,从头开始读delta log计算
// Reconstruct the state by applying deltas in order to the checkpoint.
// We partition by path as it is likely the bulk of the data is add/remove.
// Non-path based actions will be collocated to a single partition.
private val stateReconstruction = {
val implicits = spark.implicits
import implicits._
val numPartitions = spark.sessionState.conf.getConf(DeltaSQLConf.DELTA_SNAPSHOT_PARTITIONS)
val checkpointData = previousSnapshot.getOrElse(emptyActions)
val deltaData = load(files)
val allActions = checkpointData.union(deltaData)
val time = minFileRetentionTimestamp
val hadoopConf = new SerializableConfiguration(spark.sessionState.newHadoopConf())
val logPath = path.toUri // for serializability
.mapPartitions { actions =>
val hdpConf = hadoopConf.value
actions.flatMap {
_.unwrap match {
case add: AddFile => Some(add.copy(path = canonicalizePath(add.path, hdpConf)).wrap)
case rm: RemoveFile => Some(rm.copy(path = canonicalizePath(rm.path, hdpConf)).wrap)
case other if other == null => None
case other => Some(other.wrap)
.withColumn("file", assertLogBelongsToTable(logPath)(input_file_name()))
.repartition(numPartitions, coalesce($"add.path", $"remove.path"))
.mapPartitions { iter =>
val state = new InMemoryLogReplay(time)
state.append(0, iter.map(_.unwrap))
* Modifies the state of the log by adding a new commit that is based on a read at
* the given `lastVersion`. In the case of a conflict with a concurrent writer this
* method will throw an exception.
* @param actions Set of actions to commit
* @param op Details of operation that is performing this transactional commit
def commit(actions: Seq[Action], op: DeltaOperations.Operation): Long = recordDeltaOperation(
"delta.commit") {
val version = try {
// Try to commit at the next version.
var finalActions = prepareCommit(actions, op) //各种检查
// Find the isolation level to use for this commit
val noDataChanged = actions.collect { case f: FileAction => f.dataChange }.forall(_ == false)
val isolationLevelToUse = if (noDataChanged) { //0.5版本新特性,很简单的隔离等级判定,writeIsolation还没有使用,等后续更新吧
// If no data has changed (i.e. its is only being rearranged), then SnapshotIsolation
// provides Serializable guarantee. Hence, allow reduced conflict detection by using
// SnapshotIsolation of what the table isolation level is.
} else {
val isBlindAppend = { //判断是否不读取delta数据且所有的文件操作都是AddFile
val dependsOnFiles = readPredicates.nonEmpty || readFiles.nonEmpty
val onlyAddFiles =
finalActions.collect { case f: FileAction => f }.forall(_.isInstanceOf[AddFile])
onlyAddFiles && !dependsOnFiles
if (spark.sessionState.conf.getConf(DeltaSQLConf.DELTA_COMMIT_INFO_ENABLED)) { //默认会将commitInfo记录到commit log里
commitInfo = CommitInfo(
Some(readVersion).filter(_ >= 0),
finalActions = commitInfo +: finalActions
// Register post-commit hooks if any
lazy val hasFileActions = finalActions.collect { case f: FileAction => f }.nonEmpty
if (DeltaConfigs.SYMLINK_FORMAT_MANIFEST_ENABLED.fromMetaData(metadata) && hasFileActions) {
registerPostCommitHook(GenerateSymlinkManifest) //生成manifest支持Presto和Athena
val commitVersion = doCommit(snapshot.version + 1, finalActions, 0, isolationLevelToUse) //提交action日志
logInfo(s"Committed delta #$commitVersion to ${deltaLog.logPath}")
postCommit(commitVersion, finalActions) //检测是否合并checkpoint
} catch {
case e: DeltaConcurrentModificationException =>
recordDeltaEvent(deltaLog, "delta.commit.conflict." + e.conflictType)
throw e
case NonFatal(e) =>
deltaLog, "delta.commit.failure", data = Map("exception" -> Utils.exceptionString(e)))
throw e
runPostCommitHooks(version, actions) //0.5版本新特性,用来支持Presto和Amazon Athena
private def performDelete(
sparkSession: SparkSession, deltaLog: DeltaLog, txn: OptimisticTransaction) = {
import sparkSession.implicits._
var numTouchedFiles: Long = 0
var numRewrittenFiles: Long = 0
var scanTimeMs: Long = 0
var rewriteTimeMs: Long = 0
val startTime = System.nanoTime()
val numFilesTotal = deltaLog.snapshot.numOfFiles
val deleteActions: Seq[Action] = condition match {
case None => //没有限定条件,需删除整张表,此时遍历所有文件,然后删除就行
// Case 1: Delete the whole table if the condition is true
val allFiles = txn.filterFiles(Nil)
numTouchedFiles = allFiles.size
scanTimeMs = (System.nanoTime() - startTime) / 1000 / 1000
val operationTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis()
allFiles.map(_.removeWithTimestamp(operationTimestamp)) //逻辑删除数据文件
case Some(cond) => //有条件就需要区分不同情况了
val (metadataPredicates, otherPredicates) =
DeltaTableUtils.splitMetadataAndDataPredicates( //将条件解析成能用元数据定位的和其他
cond, txn.metadata.partitionColumns, sparkSession)
if (otherPredicates.isEmpty) { //第一种情况,只使用元数据就能定位所有数据
// Case 2: The condition can be evaluated using metadata only.
// Delete a set of files without the need of scanning any data files.
val operationTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis()
val candidateFiles = txn.filterFiles(metadataPredicates) //返回涉及到的文件
scanTimeMs = (System.nanoTime() - startTime) / 1000 / 1000
numTouchedFiles = candidateFiles.size
candidateFiles.map(_.removeWithTimestamp(operationTimestamp)) //删除
} else { //第二种情况,需要把文件中不需要删除的数据重写一份
// Case 3: Delete the rows based on the condition.
val candidateFiles = txn.filterFiles(metadataPredicates ++ otherPredicates)
numTouchedFiles = candidateFiles.size
val nameToAddFileMap = generateCandidateFileMap(deltaLog.dataPath, candidateFiles) //生成重写后的文件名和对应的AddFile action
val fileIndex = new TahoeBatchFileIndex(
sparkSession, "delete", candidateFiles, deltaLog, tahoeFileIndex.path, txn.snapshot)
// Keep everything from the resolved target except a new TahoeFileIndex
// that only involves the affected files instead of all files.
val newTarget = DeltaTableUtils.replaceFileIndex(target, fileIndex) //替换文件索引,更新LogicalPlan
val data = Dataset.ofRows(sparkSession, newTarget)
val filesToRewrite =
withStatusCode("DELTA", s"Finding files to rewrite for DELETE operation") {
if (numTouchedFiles == 0) {
} else {
data.filter(new Column(cond)).select(new Column(InputFileName())).distinct()
scanTimeMs = (System.nanoTime() - startTime) / 1000 / 1000
if (filesToRewrite.isEmpty) {
// Case 3.1: no row matches and no delete will be triggered
} else {
// Case 3.2: some files need an update to remove the deleted files
// Do the second pass and just read the affected files
val baseRelation = buildBaseRelation(
sparkSession, txn, "delete", tahoeFileIndex.path, filesToRewrite, nameToAddFileMap)
// Keep everything from the resolved target except a new TahoeFileIndex
// that only involves the affected files instead of all files.
val newTarget = DeltaTableUtils.replaceFileIndex(target, baseRelation.location)
val targetDF = Dataset.ofRows(sparkSession, newTarget)
val filterCond = Not(EqualNullSafe(cond, Literal(true, BooleanType)))
val updatedDF = targetDF.filter(new Column(filterCond))
val rewrittenFiles = withStatusCode(
"DELTA", s"Rewriting ${filesToRewrite.size} files for DELETE operation") {
txn.writeFiles(updatedDF) //写文件
numRewrittenFiles = rewrittenFiles.size
rewriteTimeMs = (System.nanoTime() - startTime) / 1000 / 1000 - scanTimeMs
val operationTimestamp = System.currentTimeMillis()
removeFilesFromPaths(deltaLog, nameToAddFileMap, filesToRewrite, operationTimestamp) ++ //删文件
rewrittenFiles //写文件
if (deleteActions.nonEmpty) {
txn.commit(deleteActions, DeltaOperations.Delete(condition.map(_.sql).toSeq)) //提交commit日志
recordDeltaEvent( //记录本次操作的详细信息
data = DeleteMetric(
condition = condition.map(_.sql).getOrElse("true"),
updateAll也是同样的流程,只是MergeIntoClause.toActions(Nil, Nil)参数为空(类似于update set * ),后续execute时resolveClause方法会予以解析。
private def addUpdateClause(set: Map[String, Column]): DeltaMergeBuilder = {
if (set.isEmpty && matchCondition.isEmpty) {
// Nothing to update = no need to add an update clause
} else {
val setActions = set.toSeq
val updateActions = MergeIntoClause.toActions( //转化为MergeAction
colNames = setActions.map(x => UnresolvedAttribute.quotedString(x._1)),
exprs = setActions.map(x => x._2.expr),
isEmptySeqEqualToStar = false)
val updateClause = MergeIntoUpdateClause(matchCondition.map(_.expr), updateActions) //和条件一起打包
mergeBuilder.withClause(updateClause) //加到mergeBuilder里
/** Delete a matched row from the table */
def delete(): DeltaMergeBuilder = {
val deleteClause = MergeIntoDeleteClause(matchCondition.map(_.expr))
private def addInsertClause(setValues: Map[String, Column]): DeltaMergeBuilder = {
val values = setValues.toSeq
val insertActions = MergeIntoClause.toActions(
colNames = values.map(x => UnresolvedAttribute.quotedString(x._1)),
exprs = values.map(x => x._2.expr),
isEmptySeqEqualToStar = false)
val insertClause = MergeIntoInsertClause(notMatchCondition.map(_.expr), insertActions)
def execute(): Unit = {
val sparkSession = targetTable.toDF.sparkSession
val resolvedMergeInto =
MergeInto.resolveReferences(mergePlan)(tryResolveReferences(sparkSession) _) //解析
if (!resolvedMergeInto.resolved) {
throw DeltaErrors.analysisException("Failed to resolve\n", plan = Some(resolvedMergeInto))
// Preprocess the actions and verify
val mergeIntoCommand = PreprocessTableMerge(sparkSession.sessionState.conf)(resolvedMergeInto) //封装
sparkSession.sessionState.analyzer.checkAnalysis(mergeIntoCommand) //检查LogicalPlan
mergeIntoCommand.run(sparkSession) //执行