Day 3-A Thousand Splendid Suns (CH9-12)

Part 1 Vocabulary 

1. growl : to make a low, rough sound, usually in anger


Her stomach rarely growled for food.

Eg: The dog growled at her and snapped at her ankles.

( growl 例句的意思是肚子饿了发出的声音,用的很巧妙。)

2. ratchet up: to increase something over a period of time 逐步增加

It was with the sun's westward crawl that Mariam's anxiety really ratcheted up.

Eg:The debate should ratchet up awareness of the problem among members of the general public.

3. rack (by / with): to cause physical or mental pain, or trouble, to someone or something 使肉体或精神上受巨大痛苦;折磨

She lay in bed, wracked with nerves, as he ate alone downstairs.

Eg: He was racked by/with guilt.

4. dab : to touch something with quick light touches, or to put a substance on something with quick light touches 轻触,轻碰;(轻轻地)擦,涂抹

With a corner of herhijab,she dabbed at the moisture above her upper lip and tried to gather her nerves.

Eg: She dabbed a little perfume behind her ears.

5. fast: a period of time when you eat no food 禁食期;斋戒期  (熟词生意)

Part 2 Summary 

Arriving at Rasheed's home, Mariam began her new life as a wife. At first, Mariam stayed in her room for most of days, longing for her happy past days with Nana. Sitting in her doorway every evening, Rasheed told Mariam about his day and passed on to her things he had heard on the street.  A week later, Mariam was asked to behave like a wife. Mariam  started to do housework and cooked dinner for her husband. Rasheed required Mariam to wrap her face with burqa as he thought a wife's face was only her husband's business.   Being shown around the city, Kabul, Mariam was pretty mystified by these modern females in rich communities, as they did not wear burqa to cover their faces. She thought these females must have university degrees and deal with important business. Rasheed gradually showed his bad temper and impatience. For example, When Mariam was a few minutes late with dinner, Rasheed was angry, saying nothing to Mariam. Mariam went in to Rasheed's room by chance and found some items in his drawers, like the photos of his late son and wife. inside Mariam was sympathy. To some extent, Mariam believed that  she could rely on Rasheed, her husband and would make good companions.

Part 3 随感

1.Rasheed 暴躁,敏感和传统的性格慢慢浮出水面,不准Mariam抛头露面,客人来了也必须躲起来。晚饭晚了一点,就十分愤怒。看到这些细节描写,真的很为Mariam的命运感到担忧。单纯善良的Mariam还心存希望,依靠这个“丈夫”,满怀希望的以为他们能成为彼此好的伴侣。心里为她感到担忧。

2. 今日看书笔记时间大概花了2个半小时,比昨天节约了差不多30分钟。看书时,强迫自己没看手机。今天看书前,复习了昨天自己的笔记,主要是词汇和整理的句型。

3. kindle最近好卡,重启了一次。还是纸质的书靠谱啊。

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