[Python] 年终奖税后计算器




于是年终奖扣税 = 年终奖×对应税率 - 速算扣除数



 [Python] 年终奖税后计算器_第1张图片



比如13薪是10000,年终奖44000,总年终奖是54000,得出54000/12 = 1500, 查表得出用10%那档税率, 实际到手 = 54000 - (54000 × 10% - 105) = 48705

假如年终奖涨了1000,总年终奖变成55000,55000/12 = 4583, 查表得出用20% 那档税率, 实际到手 = 55000 - (55000 × 20% - 555) =44555


[Python] 年终奖税后计算器_第2张图片



def taxRate(bonus,thirteen_month_salary):

    total = bonus + thirteen_month_salary
    base = total/12

    if base < 0:
        bonus_tax = 0
    if base <= 1500:
        bonus_tax = total * 0.03
    elif base > 1500 and base <= 4500:
        bonus_tax = total * 0.1 - 105
    elif base > 4500 and base <= 9000:
        bonus_tax = total * 0.2 - 555
    elif base > 9000 and base <= 35000:
        bonus_tax = total * 0.25 - 1005
    elif base > 35000 and base <= 55000:
        bonus_tax = total * 0.3 - 2755
    elif base > 55000 and base <= 80000:
        bonus_tax = total * 0.35 - 5505
    elif base > 80000:
        bonus_tax = total * 0.45 - 13505

    print('Bonus tax payable is : %d' % bonus_tax)

    return bonus_tax

def BonusAfterTax(bonus, thirteen_month_salary):
    # 纳税额
    tax = taxRate(bonus,thirteen_month_salary)

    # 税后bonus
    bonus_after_tax = bonus + thirteen_month_salary - tax

    print('Bonus after tax is : %d' % bonus_after_tax)
    print('bonus_after_tax percentage is : %.2f %%' % float(bonus_after_tax * 100 / (bonus + thirteen_month_salary)))

    return bonus_after_tax

if __name__ == '__main__':
    bonus_before_tax = int(input('Please input your Bonus before tax:'))
    thirteen_month_salary = int(input('Please input your 13rd Salary before tax:'))
    BonusAfterTax(bonus_before_tax, thirteen_month_salary)







[Python] 年终奖税后计算器_第3张图片



def bonusTaxRate(bonus,thirteen_month_salary):

    total = bonus + thirteen_month_salary
    base = total/12

    if base < 0:
        bonus_tax = 0
    if base <= 1500:
        bonus_tax = total * 0.03
    elif base > 1500 and base <= 4500:
        bonus_tax = total * 0.1 - 105
    elif base > 4500 and base <= 9000:
        bonus_tax = total * 0.2 - 555
    elif base > 9000 and base <= 35000:
        bonus_tax = total * 0.25 - 1005
    elif base > 35000 and base <= 55000:
        bonus_tax = total * 0.3 - 2755
    elif base > 55000 and base <= 80000:
        bonus_tax = total * 0.35 - 5505
    elif base > 80000:
        bonus_tax = total * 0.45 - 13505

    print('Bonus tax payable is : %d' % bonus_tax)

    return bonus_tax

def bonusAfterTax(bonus, thirteen_month_salary):
    # 纳税额
    tax = bonusTaxRate(bonus,thirteen_month_salary)

    # 税后bonus
    bonus_after_tax = bonus + thirteen_month_salary - tax

    print('Bonus after tax is : %d' % bonus_after_tax)
    print('bonus_after_tax percentage is : %.2f %%' % float(bonus_after_tax * 100 / (bonus + thirteen_month_salary)))
    print('                 ')

    return bonus_after_tax

def newBonusTaxRate(bonus, thirteen_month_salary):

    total = bonus + thirteen_month_salary
    base = total / 12
    if base < 0:
        bonus_tax = 0
    if base <= 1500:
        bonus_tax = total * 0.03
    elif base > 1500 and base <= 4500:
        bonus_tax = total * 0.1 - 105 * 12
    elif base > 4500 and base <= 9000:
        bonus_tax = total * 0.2 - 555 * 12
    elif base > 9000 and base <= 35000:
        bonus_tax = total * 0.25 - 1005 * 12
    elif base > 35000 and base <= 55000:
        bonus_tax = total * 0.3 - 2755 * 12
    elif base > 55000 and base <= 80000:
        bonus_tax = total * 0.35 - 5505 * 12
    elif base > 80000:
        bonus_tax = total * 0.45 - 13505 * 12

    print('New bonus tax payable is : %d' % bonus_tax)

    return bonus_tax

def newBonusAfterTax(bonus, thirteen_month_salary):
    total = bonus + thirteen_month_salary

    # 纳税额
    new_bonus_tax = newBonusTaxRate(bonus,thirteen_month_salary)

    # 税后bonus
    bonus_after_tax = total - new_bonus_tax

    print('New Bonus after tax is : %d' % bonus_after_tax)
    print('New bonus_after_tax percentage is : %.2f %%' % float(bonus_after_tax * 100 / total))
    print('                ')

    return bonus_after_tax

if __name__ == '__main__':
    bonus_before_tax = int(input('Please input your Bonus before tax:'))
    thirteen_month_salary = int(input('Please input your 13rd Salary before tax:'))
    bonusAfterTax(bonus_before_tax, thirteen_month_salary)
    newBonusAfterTax(bonus_before_tax, thirteen_month_salary)



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