Resolve : tf transform wrong , for me , change /scan to /robot1/scan to resolve
navigation 调试 -1- 解决导航过程中边前进边转圈问题
"其整一个逻辑顺序就是computeVelocityCommands->findBestTrajectory –> createTrajectories –> generateTrajectory"
1、如果使用的是base local planner,里面有两个参数pdist_scale 和gdist_scale ,要理解这两个参数,设想一下两个极端情况,pdist_scale很大,gdist_scale很小,这时候小车会不动,因为所有规划出的局部路径都将导致离开全局路径,小车还不如停在原地不动,得分高;如果pdist_scale很小,gdist_scale很大,这时候小车将朝着局部目标点(如果全局目标点在局部规划范围外,局部目标点就是全局路径在局部规划范围外的第一个点)或者全局目标点跑,完全不照全局路径走;这时候有个不好的影响是,狭窄通道或者避障转不过弯,因为局部路径规划给出的路径全部都是朝着目标走,而朝着目标走的局部路径都被障碍物挡住了,因此全部被否决,小车原地转圈。因此实际中还是应当将pdist_scale取得大一点,gdist_scale取得小一点。
2、amcl粒子云在小车持续转弯后迅速发散问题,或者迟迟不收敛。这时候你需要调试你的里程计,确保有一定的准度。如果你觉得里程计还是挺准的,记得要将amcl参数配置的关于里程计的参数odom_alpha1-5 这几个参数调节小一点,因为它是设定里程计方差的,如果你设置过大,那就意味着要amcl不相信你的里程计,全部靠amcl来估计,因此粒子云会表现得不太稳定
3、如果你发现在rviz中小车完全没有按照局部规划路径跑,那就是你的里程计给出的twist信息错误了。好好调试一下。” (调参注意事项)
Recovery ISSUES:
I'm working with P3-DX and ROS navigation stack. I have encoutered these two circumstances in which the nav stack aborts.
The robot is too close to the obstacles, it can't even rotate. These two error messages came out and the robot stopped.
[ERROR] [1472631068.711487006]: Rotate recovery can't rotate in place because there is a potential collision. Cost: -1.00
[ERROR] [1472631068.811355441]: Aborting because a valid plan could not be found. Even after executing all recovery behaviors
There are many obstacles arround the robot, but it can rotate. Then it rotated several times but still could't find a way out. Finally, it aborted. And this error message came out.
[ERROR] [1472633546.394854371]: Aborting because a valid plan could not be found. Even after executing all recovery behaviors
thanks. however, exactly this is a problem: planning is successful -> local planner fails to execute -> again planning is successful -> again local planner fails to execute. and it loops indefinitely. thoughts on that, how to avoid that loop?
thanks for the ideas. but I guess it is not the case: my update_frequency is 5.0, yet the same behavior happens. I currently don't have a real robot to work on, only a simulation, but what makes you think that on the real robot there would be a difference?