RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=1999, criterion='gini', n_jobs=-1, random_state=SEED),
RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=1999, criterion='entropy', n_jobs=-1, random_state=SEED),
ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=1999, criterion='gini', n_jobs=-1, random_state=SEED),
ExtraTreesClassifier(n_estimators=1999, criterion='entropy', n_jobs=-1, random_state=SEED),
GradientBoostingClassifier(learning_rate=0.1, n_estimators=101, subsample=0.6, max_depth=8, random_state=SEED)
2、上来不经过任何思考就开始使用各种复杂的模型,甚至连一个baseline都没有:对,我就是这样,因为第一次,确实缺乏经验;因为复杂的模型容易过拟合,所以你越比陷得越深;而且复杂模型一般花费时间比较多,真是浪费青春;这一点我是在快要没时间的时候才意识到的;另外,我的最终结果确实是通过一个非常简单的模型得到的。所以说,开始时先鲁一个简单的模型,以此为参照构建之后的模型。什么是简单的模型:原始数据集(或者稍微做了一点处理的数据集,比如去常数列、补缺失值、归一化等)、logistic regression或者简单的svm、xgBoost。
#!usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding:utf-8 -*-
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn import preprocessing, cross_validation, metrics
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier, ExtraTreesClassifier, GradientBoostingClassifier
from sklearn.cross_validation import StratifiedKFold
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.externals import joblib
def SaveFile(submitID, testSubmit, fileName="submit.csv"):
for i in range(submitID.shape[0]):
def CrossValidationScore(data, label, clf, nFold=5, scoreType="accuracy"):
if scoreType=="accuracy":
#print("mean accuracy: %0.4f (+/- %0.4f)" % (scores.mean(), scores.std() * 2))
return scores.mean()
elif scoreType=="auc":
kfcv=StratifiedKFold(y=label, n_folds=nFold, shuffle=True, random_state=SEED)
for j, (trainI, cvI) in enumerate(kfcv):
print "Fold ", j, "^"*20
aucScore=metrics.roc_auc_score(Ycv, probas[:,1])
#print "auc (fold %d/%d): %0.4f" % (i+1,nFold, aucScore)
#print "mean auc: %0.4f" % (meanAUC/nFold)
return meanAUC/nFold
def GreedyFeatureAdd(clf, data, label, scoreType="accuracy", goodFeatures=[], maxFeaNum=100, eps=0.00005):
while len(scoreHistorys)<=2 or scoreHistorys[-1]>scoreHistorys[-2]+eps:
if len(goodFeatures)==maxFeaNum:
for testFeaInd in range(data.shape[1]):
if testFeaInd not in goodFeatures:
score=CrossValidationScore(tempData, label, clf, nFold, scoreType)
print "feature: "+str(testFeaInd)+"==>mean "+scoreType+": %0.4f" % score
goodFeatures.append(sorted(scores)[-1][1]) #only add the feature which get "the biggest gain score"
scoreHistorys.append(sorted(scores)[-1][0]) #only add the biggest gain score
#print scoreHistorys
print "current features: %s" % sorted(goodFeatures)
if len(goodFeatures) trainAuc=%f" % (c, trainAuc)
C => trainProba
0.0001 => 0.126..
0.001 => 0.807188
0.01 => 0.815833
0.03 => 0.820674
0.04 => 0.821295
0.05 => 0.821439 ***
0.06 => 0.821129
0.07 => 0.820521
0.08 => 0.820067
0.1 => 0.819036
0.3 => 0.813210
1.0 => 0.809002
10.0 => 807334
model.C=sortedtrainAucList[-1][1] #0.05
print "train auc: %f" % metrics.roc_auc_score(trainY, trainProba) #0.821439
print "model.coef_: ", model.coef_
print "Predict and saving results..."
print df.describe()
SaveFile(submitID, submitProba, fileName="1submit.csv") #0.815536 [blending makes result < GBC 0.8199]
#!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Blending models ISN'T a good idea when one model OBVIOUSLY better than others...
count 75818.000000
mean 0.039187
std 0.033691
min 0.024876
25% 0.028400
50% 0.029650
75% 0.034284
max 0.806586
print "MinMaxScaler predictions to [0,1]..."
mms=preprocessing.MinMaxScaler(feature_range=(0, 1))
print df.describe()
SaveFile(submitID, submitProba, fileName="1submitScale.csv") #0.815536
count 75818.000000
mean 0.018307
std 0.043099
min 0.000000
25% 0.004509
50% 0.006107
75% 0.012035
max 1.000000
Some strategies we used to reduce overfitting are as follows: 1) use both local CV and public LB test to identify a couple of potentially good model candidates; 2) in our final solution, mainly use those model candidates which give "quite large" improvements and ignore those models that only provide small improvements, since those tiny improvements might be quite possible due to overfiting to the noise. For example, our best public LB score ensemble include >=60 individual models, and most of them only provide about <0.000050 tiny improvement. In our final ensemble which gave us #1 place on the private LB, I kicked out most of these models with tiny improvements, and the final ensemble only include about 5 models (here some of these 5 models are an average of running a model with many different random seeds); 3) for xgb models, run it with a couple of different seeds and slightly different parameters, and then take the average, this will also make its performance a bit more stable. 4) For those features like age<23 to identify 0 records, only used them very conservatively.
My question: How far should one tune the various parameters of xgboost? Here are my current limits:
As mentioned above, I find that tuning further may cause a lower score against a held out test set.
To understand tuning, it helps to understand how tree based ensemble algorithms work. See Prettenhofer and Louppe slides among many, many others. Then it becomes a question about fitting the parameters to the data without overfitting (i.e. tuning the algorithm so far that it finds too many features that are specific only to the currently known data). Each parameter offers it's own unique opportunity to mess things up. Specifically
It's how many levels deep a tree is allowed to go. Each level allows you to catch an interaction between the previous split and a new variable. If a value < 3 works really well, you probably want to look at the data again to see why there aren't useful interactions. On the other side, the larger this value, the more possible it is to overfit training data. A good place to start is between 4 and 6. For higher values think about using one of the other parameters to add robustness. (Robustness means that the algorithm doesn't get tripped up by outliers in the training set which won't generalize well.)
This is how big each group in the tree has to be. Larger values are more robust than smaller values (less likely to result in overfitting). Use the largest value you can that doesn't seem to hurt performance. Unfortunately, this value is also sensitive to the size of the training set. Namely min_child_weight/size_train is a lower bound on the probability of a type of event trees can hope to find. (In this case the ML estimate of this probability was .0396). If max_depth is not too high, you can start with 1, however the higher max_depth is, the higher this value should also be in order to avoid overfitting.
reg_alpha, reg_lambda: These only apply if you are using the linear model as the base model in boosting and not the default tree model.
(0,1] This is primarily to help prevent overfitting. Good values are more dependent on how much training data there is. One issue, especially using K-fold CV is that if you are below a certain threshold (very data dependent), then more data will improve performance more than anything else. So the best value from 2-fold CV may not be the best value for 5-fold CV or 10-fold CV or even all the training data... If you have enough data start between .5 and .9. If you are tired of waiting for a single run of xgboost to finish, crank this lower. If you don't have very much data, leave it between .9 and 1.
(0,1] This is also very data dependent, albeit more on the number and quality of features. Unlike random forest, gradient boosting is less sensitive to bad features, especially if this value is small. On the other hand it needs to have enough features for each tree to build a reasonable model. A reasonable place to start is 10 <= num_feats*colsample_bytree <=50. Alternately you could mimic the random forest heuristic which is a value that gives either sqrt(num_feats) or log2(num_feats) for each tree. Side note: For this data set the difference between .701 and .7 is at most one feature depending on rounding.
gamma: Never tried this one. No help here. Nada. Got nothink.
It's very suspicious if small changes in any of these parameters make large changes in CV. We should all have the robot that goes 'Danger! Danger Will Robinson' when that happens. Also good parameters should perform well regardless of the random seed used. The script only worked well with 1234. Now it was possible that 1234 could be magic on both the public and private sets....