class X
返回类型 operator运算符(形参表);
返回类型 X::operator运算符(形参表)
class Complex
Complex( ) {real=0,imag=0;}
Complex(double r,double i) {real=r; imag=i;}
Complex operator + (Complex &c2);
void display( );
double real;
double imag;
Complex Complex:: operator + (Complex &c2) {return Complex(real+c2.real, imag+c2.imag);}
void Complex::display( ){cout<<"("<
class Time
Time( ){minute=0;sec=0;}
Time(int m,int s):minute(m),sec(s){ }
Time operator++( ); //声明前置自增运算符“++”重载函数
Time operator++(int); //声明后置自增运算符“++”重载函数
int minute;
int sec;
Time Time∷operator++( ) //定义前置自增运算符“++”重载函数
sec-=60; //满60秒进1分钟
return *this; //返回当前对象值
Time Time∷operator++(int) //定义后置自增运算符“++”重载函数
Time temp(*this);
return temp; //返回的是自加前的对象
using namespace std;
class Complex
{ public:
Complex( double r =0, double i =0 ) { Real = r ; Image = i ; }
Complex(int a) { Real = a ; Image = 0 ; }
void print() const ;
friend Complex operator+ ( const Complex & c1, const Complex & c2 ) ;
friend Complex operator- ( const Complex & c1, const Complex & c2 ) ;
friend Complex operator- ( const Complex & c ) ;
double Real, Image ;
Complex operator + ( const Complex & c1, const Complex & c2 )
{ double r = c1.Real + c2.Real ; double i = c1.Image+c2.Image ;
return Complex ( r, i ) ;
Complex operator - ( const Complex & c1, const Complex & c2 )
{ double r = c1.Real - c2.Real ; double i = c1.Image - c2.Image ;
return Complex ( r, i ) ;
Complex operator- ( const Complex & c )
{ return Complex ( -c.Real, - c.Image ) ; }
void Complex :: print() const
{ cout << '(' << Real << " , " << Image << ')' << endl ; }
成员运算符函数与友元运算符函数的比较 :
using namespace std;
class Name
{ public :
Name ( char *pN ) ;
Name( const Name & ) ; //复制构造函数
Name& operator=( const Name& ) ; // 重载赋值运算符
~Name() ;
protected :
char *pName ;
int size ;
} ;
int main()
{ Name Obj1( "ZhangSan" ) ;
Name Obj2 = Obj1 ; // 调用复制构造函数
Name Obj3( "NoName" ) ;
Obj3 = Obj2 = Obj1 ; // 调用重载赋值运算符函数
Name::Name ( char *pN )
{ cout <<" Constructing " << pN << endl ;
pName = new char[ strlen( pN ) + 1 ] ;
if( pName != 0 ) strcpy( pName,pN ) ;
size = strlen( pN ) ;
Name::Name( const Name & Obj ) //复制构造函数
{ cout << " Copying " << Obj.pName << " into its own block\n";
pName = new char[strlen( Obj.pName ) + 1 ] ;
if ( pName != 0 ) strcpy( pName, Obj.pName ) ;
size = Obj.size;
Name & Name::operator= ( const Name & Obj ) // 重载赋值运算符
{ delete []pName ;
pName = new char[ strlen( Obj.pName ) + 1 ] ;
if ( pName != 0 ) strcpy( pName , Obj.pName ) ;
size = Obj.size ;
return *this ;
Name::~ Name()
{ cout << " Destructing " << pName << endl ;
delete []pName ;
size = 0;
using namespace std;
class vector
{ public :
vector ( int n ) { v = new int [ n ] ; size = n ; }
~ vector ( ) { delete [ ] v ; size = 0 ; }
int & operator [ ] ( int i ) { return v [ i ] ; }
private :
int * v ; int size ;
int main ( )
{ vector a ( 5 ) ;
a [ 2 ] = 12 ;
cout << a [ 2 ] << endl ;
using namespace std ;
class F
{ public :
double operator ( ) ( double x , double y ) ;
} ;
double F :: operator ( ) ( double x , double y )
{ return x * x + y * y ; }
int main ( )
{ F f ;
cout << f ( 5.2 , 2.5 ) << endl ;
using namespace std;
class vector
{ public :
vector( int size =1 ) ; ~vector() ;
int & operator[] ( int i ) ;
friend ostream & operator << ( ostream & output , vector & ) ;
friend istream & operator >> ( istream & input, vector & ) ;
private :
int * v ; int len ;
int main(){
int k ; cout << "Input the length of vector A :\n" ; cin >> k ;
vector A( k ) ; cout << "Input the elements of vector A :\n" ;
cin >> A ; cout << "Output the elements of vector A :\n" ;
cout << A ;
vector::vector( int size )
{ if (size <= 0 || size > 100 )
{ cout << "The size of " << size << " is null !\n" ; exit( 0 ) ; }
v = new int[ size ] ; len = size ;
vector :: ~vector() { delete[] v ; len = 0 ; }
int & vector :: operator [] ( int i )
{ if( i >=0 && i < len ) return v[ i ] ;
cout << "The subscript " << i << " is outside !\n" ; exit( 0 ) ;
ostream & operator << ( ostream & output, vector & ary )
{ for(int i = 0 ; i < ary.len ; i ++ ) output << ary[ i ] << " " ;
output << endl ;
return output ;
istream & operator >> ( istream & input, vector & ary )
{ for( int i = 0 ; i < ary.len ; i ++ ) input >> ary[ i ] ;
return input ;
1) 2.1 3.7 4.2 9.5
2) 9.5 not inserted
using namespace std;
main() {
typedef set > double_set;
const int SIZE = 5;
double a[SIZE] = {2.1,4.2,9.5,2.1,3.7 };
double_set doubleSet(a,a+SIZE);
ostream_iterator output(cout," ");
cout << "1) ";
cout << endl;
pair p;
p = doubleSet.insert(9.5);
if( p.second )
cout << "2) " << * (p.first) << " inserted" << endl;
cout << "2) " << * (p.first) << " not inserted" << endl;
}//insert函数返回值是一个pair对象, 其first是被插入元素的迭代器,second代表是否成功插入了
STL这个工具非常实用,可以说是前辈们为什么留下的神器,它可以把我们原来需要好几行才能完成的功能用一个函数功能就能代替,例如,循环的语句。这样就可以是我们自己写的程序更加的简明、简洁。但是在实际的使用中,我发现自己定式思维第一时间还是再用原来的方法,没有想到用它的功能,过了半天才想起来,原来这个地方可以用这个函数功能!实际就是自己的 熟练程度还没有达到,还没有将它烂熟于心,希望在今后的学习中,每一个程序都用这么简洁的语言。