
(1) ADT
typedef int ElemType
typedef struct Node{
ElemType data;
struct Node * next;

typedef struct Node* linkList;

(2) int initList(linkList *L)

int initList(linkList *L)
     (*L) = (linkList)malloc(sizeof(Node));  
     (*L)->next = NULL;
     printf("create initial  successfully\n");
     return 1; 

(3) int createListHead(linkList *L,int n)

int createListHead(linkList *L,int n){
     linkList p;
     int i=0;
      for( i = 0;i < n;i++)
       p = (linkList malloc   sizeof(Node);
       p ->data = rand() %100;
       p->next = (*L)->next;
       (*L)->next = p;            
      printf("linklist(headinsert)  create successfully.\n");
      return 1;
int createListTail(linkList *L,int n){
   linkList p,temp;
   temp = (*L);
   int i;
    for( i = 0; i < n;i++){
     p = (linkList)malloc(sizeof(Node));    
     p->data = rand() % 100;    
     p->next = NULL;
     temp->next = p;
     temp = p;
  printf("linklist(tail)create successfully);
   return 1;

(4)int getlength(linkList *L)

int getlength(linkList *L){
  linkList p;
  int length = 0;
  p = (*L)->next;
     p = p->next;
    return length;

(5) int printList(linkList *L)

int printList(linklist *L){
   linkList p;
    int i = 0;
    p = (*L) ->next;
   if(p == NULL){    
    printf("----------print the whole linklist----------\n");
  printf("the %d node 's data is =%d\n",i,p->data);
   return 1;

(6) int getElem(linkList *L,int i,ElemType *getdata)

int getElem(linkList *L,int i,ElemType *getdata){
linkList p;
p = (*L)->next;
    printf("the linklist is empty,please create a linklist\n");
    *getdata = -1;
     return 0;

if( i < 1)
     *getdata = -1;
       return 0;
 int j =1; 
    p = p->next;

if(p == NULL)
    printf("the node you have queried %d has beyonded the length of array\n",i);
    *getdata = p->data;
    printf("search successfully!\n",i);        
    return 1;

(7) Insert node
Insert node are classfied by two ways.
The first one is Insert node within the length of the linklist.
The second one is append a node at the end of the linklist.
We assume the length of the linklist is 10,the first one can insert nodes between 1 and 10.
For example, we insert nodes at the 10th place,then the 10th node change into 11.But the second is all the nodes can not change.We append a new node at the place of 11.

int insertList(linkList *L,int i,Elemtype data)
linklist p;
linklist insNode;
p = (*L);
int j=0;
// the linklist is empty,we insert a new node at the first place.
if(p->next == NULL){
printf(“the linklist is empty,we insert a new node at the first place.\n”);
insNode = (linkList)malloc(sizeif(Node));
insNode->data = data;
insNode->next = p->next;
p->next = insNode;
printf(“the node insert successfully.\n”);
return 1;
//at the situation of linklist is not empty.if beyand the length of the linkist,it will prompt error.
while(p&&j {
p = p-> next;
if(p->next == NULL){
printf(“the place you want to insert into has beyand the length of the linklist %d,please operate again!\n”,j);
return 0;
insNode = (linkList)malloc(sizeof(Node));
insNode->data = data;
insNode->next = p->next;
p->next = insNode;
printf(“the node has been inserted successfully\n”);
return 1;

Append node.
int insertListTail(linkList *L,ElemType data)
linkList temp;
linkList p=(*L);
temp = p;
p = p->next;
p = (linkList)malloc(sizeof(Node));
p->data = data;
p->next = NULL;
temp->next = p;
printf(“the node has been inserted successfully\n”);
return 1;

(8) Delete nodes.
int deleteList(linkList *L,int i,ElemType *data)
linkList p,pnext;
int j = 0;
p = (*L);
if(p->next == NULL){
printf(“the linklist is empty,can not delete the node.\n”);
*data = -1;
return 0;
while(p->next && j j++;
p = p->next;
//printf(“j=%d\t p->data = %d\n”,j,p->data);
if( p -> next ==NULL) {
printf(“The node which you want to delete has beyond the length of linklist %d, please try again! \n”,j);
*data = -1;
return 0;
pnext = p->next;
p->next = pnext->next;
*data = pnext->data;
printf(“the node has been deleted successfully\n”);
return 1;

(9) Delete this linkList.
int clearList(linkList *L){
linkList p,temp;
p = (*L)->next;
temp = p;
p = p->next;

   (*L)->next = NULL;
   printf("the whole linklist has been cleared.\n");
   return 1;
