
1 计算时间差V2.0(4分)



typedef struct clock


    int hour;

    int minute;

    int second;


函数原型: CLOCK CalculateTime(CLOCK t1, CLOCK t2);


typedef struct clock
    int hour;
    int minute;
    int second;

CLOCK CalculateTime(CLOCK t1, CLOCK t2);

int main()
    CLOCK t1, t2, s;
    printf( "Input time one:(hour,minute):");
    scanf("%d,%d",&t1.hour, &t1.minute);
    printf( "Input time two: (hour,minute):");
    scanf("%d,%d",&t2.hour, &t2.minute);
    s = CalculateTime(t1, t2);
    printf("%dhour,%dminute\n", s.hour, s.minute);
    return 0;

CLOCK CalculateTime(CLOCK t1, CLOCK t2)
    CLOCK t3;
    int s = fabs((t1.hour * 60 + t1.minute) - (t2.hour * 60 + t2.minute));
    t3.hour = s / 60;
    t3.minute = s % 60;
    t3.second = 0;
    return t3;

2 奖学金发放(4分)



1) 院士奖学金:期末平均成绩高于80分(>80),并且在本学期内发表1篇或1篇以上论文的学生每人均可获得8000元;

2) 五四奖学金:期末平均成绩高于85分(>85),并且班级评议成绩高于80分(>80)的学生每人均可获得4000元;

3) 成绩优秀奖:期末平均成绩高于90分(>90)的学生每人均可获得2000元;

4) 西部奖学金:期末平均成绩高于85分(>85)的西部省份学生每人均可获得1000元;

5) 班级贡献奖:班级评议成绩高于80分(>80)的学生干部每人均可获得850元;




typedef struct winners


    char name[20];

    int finalScore;

    int classScore;

    char work;

    char west;

    int paper;

    int scholarship;

} WIN;

函数原型:void Addup(WIN stu[], int n);

函数原型:int FindMax(WIN student[], int n);

#define N 30

typedef struct winners
    char name[20];
    int finalScore;
    int classScore;
    char work;
    char west;
    int paper;
    int scholarship;
} WIN;

int FindMax(WIN student[], int n);

int main()
    WIN stu[N];
    int n, max, scholarship;
    printf("Input n:");
    scanf("%d", &n);
    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        scholarship = 0;
        printf("Input name:");
        scanf("%s", &stu[i].name);
        printf("Input final score:");
        scanf("%d", &stu[i].finalScore);
        printf("Input class score:");
        scanf("%d", &stu[i].classScore);
        printf("Class cadre or not?(Y/N):");
        scanf(" %c", &stu[i].work);
        printf("Students from the West or not?(Y/N):");
        scanf(" %c", &stu[i].west);
        printf("Input the number of published papers:");
        scanf("%d", &stu[i].paper);
        if(stu[i].finalScore > 80 && stu[i].paper >= 1)
            scholarship += 8000;
        if(stu[i].finalScore > 85 && stu[i].classScore > 80)
            scholarship += 4000;
        if(stu[i].finalScore > 90)
            scholarship += 2000;
        if(stu[i].finalScore > 85 && stu[i].west == 'Y')
            scholarship += 1000;
        if(stu[i].classScore > 80 && stu[i].work == 'Y')
            scholarship += 850;
        stu[i].scholarship = scholarship;
        printf("name:%s,scholarship:%d\n", stu[i].name, stu[i].scholarship);
    max = FindMax(stu, n);
    printf("%s get the highest scholarship %d\n", stu[max].name, stu[max].scholarship);
    return 0;

int FindMax(WIN student[], int n)
    int max = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
        if(student[max].scholarship < student[i].scholarship)
            max = i;
    return max;

3 评选最牛群主v1.0(4分)



typedef struct leader
    char name[10];
    int vote;

int main()
    LEADER leader[] = {{"tom",  0},
                       {"jack", 0},
                       {"rose", 0}};
    int n, max = 0;
    char name[10];
    printf("Input the number of electorates:");
    scanf("%d", &n);
    for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i)
        printf("Input vote %d:", i);
        scanf("%s", name);
        if (strcmp(name, leader[0].name) == 0)
            leader[0].vote += 1;
        else if (strcmp(name, leader[1].name) == 0)
            leader[1].vote += 1;
        else if (strcmp(name, leader[2].name) == 0)
            leader[2].vote += 1;
    printf("Election results:\n");
    for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)
        if (leader[max].vote < leader[j + 1].vote)
            max = j + 1;
        printf("%s:%d\n", leader[j].name, leader[j].vote);
    printf("%s wins\n", leader[max].name);
    return 0;

4 星期判断(4分)

题目内容:请输入星期几的第一个字母(不区分大小写)来判断一下是星期几,如果第一个字母一样,则继续判断第二个字母(小写),否则输出“data error”。

int main()
    char *weekDay[7] = {"sunday\n", "monday\n", "tuesday\n", "wednesday\n", "thursday\n", "friday\n", "saturday\n"};
    char c1, c2;
    int count = 0, pos = 0, flag = 0, index[7];
    printf("please input the first letter of someday:\n");
    scanf(" %c", &c1);
    if(c1 >= 'A' && c1 <= 'Z')
        c1 += 32;
    for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
        if(*weekDay[i] == c1)
            index[count] = i;
            pos = i;
    if(count == 0)
        printf("data error\n");
    else if(count > 1)
        printf("please input second letter:\n");
        scanf(" %c", &c2);
        for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
            if(c2 == *(*(weekDay + index[i]) + 1))
                pos = index[i];
                flag = 1;
            printf("%s", weekDay[pos]);
            printf("data error\n");
        printf("%s", weekDay[pos]);
    return 0;

