
Aegilops tauschii draft genome sequence reveals a gene repertoire for wheat adaptation,2015,narure


  1. 在气候寒冷的时候,冬小麦会调整适应低温状态下的新陈代谢,保护关键组织免受低温的侵害.像VRN1(耐寒和开花相关的基因),早熟禾亚科特有的耐寒基因:DREB2

A synteny-based draft genome sequence of the forage grass Lolium perenne,2015, the plant journal


  1. particular importance 特别重要
  2. agricultural value lies in 农业价值在于
  3. little more than 100 years old 只有超过100来年的历史
  4. considerable opportunity 很大机会,很大空间


  1. 黑麦草和羊茅是温带地区以牧草为主要原料的肉类和乳产品的基础。黑麦草属共9个种,与黑麦草属和羊茅属部分可以杂交。Lolium perenne黑麦草为多年生植物,二倍体(2n=14)。
  2. 与粮食作物种子产量的遗传增益相比,牧草产量所取得的遗传增益是适度的。

Towards a whole-genome sequence for rye (Secale cereale L.), 2016, the plant journal


  1. closely related to wheat and barley
  2. provide insights in the reticulate evolution of rye
  3. 10 rye inbred lines and one accession of the wild relative S. vavilovii
  4. an exceptional frost tolerance 超常的耐寒能力
  5. outyield 动词。高产,超产
  6. many wheat varieties grown worldwide 世界广泛种植的许多小麦品种
  7. underlying adj. 潜在的;根本的;在下面的;优先的 v. 放在…的下面;为…的基础;优先于(underlie的ing形式)
  8. demonstrate vt. 证明;展示;论证
  9. We demonstrate their utility for comparative genomics, for investigating the genomic diversity in rye breeding pools and genetic resources (GR), and for detection of selection signals. These genomic resources will facilitate map-based cloning and functional characterization of genes underlying agronomic traits and fill a gap in current Triticeae genomics.
    10.We validated the genome assembly using the ‘Benchmarking Universal Single- Copy Orthologs’ (BUSCO; Sim~ao et al., 2015) gene set.
    vt. 证实,验证;确认;使生效
  10. unless stated otherwise 除非另有说明


  1. 黑麦为二倍体,属于小麦族,与小麦、大麦有很近的亲缘关系。是中欧、东欧重要的食物和饲料来源。
  2. 黑麦基因组约有7.9Gbp,是人造物种黑小麦cereal triticale (×Triticosecale)的亲本之一。
