Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering 5.475
Building and Environment 4.539
Energy and Buildings 4.457
Transportation Research Part B-Methodological 4.081
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 4.051
Automation in Construction 4.032
Journal of Hydrology 3.727
Structural Control & Health Monitoring 3.622
Steel and Composite Structures 3.594
Structural Safety 3.538
Construction and Building Materials 3.485
Transportation Research Part E-Logistics and Transportation Review 3.289
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 3.197
Transportation 3.151
Computers & Structures 2.887
Thin-Walled Structures 2.881
Earthquake Engineering & Structural Dynamics 2.807
Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering 2.763
Engineering Structures 2.755
Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 2.689
Coastal Engineering 2.674
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 2.668
Water Resources Management 2.644
Journal of Composites For Construction 2.592
Journal of Constructional Steel Research 2.509
Marine Structures 2.491
Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 2.418
International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials 2.360
International Journal of Pavement Engineering 2.322
Journal of Management in Engineering 2.282
Materials and Structures 2.271
Smart Structures and Systems 2.231
Ocean Engineering 2.214
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 2.201
Road Materials and Pavement Design 2.193
Structural Engineering and Mechanics 2.191
Journal of Hydro-Environment Research 2.087
International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics 2.082
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering 2.080
Earthquake Spectra 2.079
Journal of Hydraulic Research 2.076
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering 2.065
Water International 1.956
Cold Regions Science and Technology 1.925
Journal of Structural Engineering 1.903
Fire Safety Journal 1.888
Structure and Infrastructure Engineering 1.845
Geomechanics and Engineering 1.818
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 1.798
Journal of Hydroinformatics 1.797
Ingegneria Sismica 1.769
Journal of Earthquake Engineering 1.763
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 1.763
Journal of Surveying Engineering 1.709
Journal of Civil Engineering and Management 1.660
Computers and Concrete 1.637
Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering 1.616
Engineering Construction and Architectural Management 1.613
Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering 1.580
Journal of Hydrologic Engineering 1.576
Structural Design of Tall and Special Buildings 1.500
Journal of Waterway Port Coastal and Ocean Engineering 1.481
Journal of Bridge Engineering 1.454
Journal of Ship Research 1.441
Journal of Environmental Engineering 1.396
Structural Concrete 1.384
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 1.356
Journal of Energy Engineering 1.346
International Journal of Architectural Heritage 1.345
Earthquakes and Structures 1.309
Journal of Aerospace Engineering 1.296
European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering 1.290
Natural Hazards Review 1.278
Journal of Analytical Methods in Chemistry 1.262
Journal of Urban Planning and Development 1.252
Wind and Structures 1.247
Coastal Engineering Journal 1.246
Advances in Concrete Construction 1.237
ACI Structural Journal 1.197
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 1.197
Journal of Water Supply Research and Technology-Aqua 1.179
Survey Review 1.163
Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 1.134
Journal of Marine Science and Technology 1.119
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part F-Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit 1.103
Journal of Advanced Transportation 1.102
International Journal of Circumpolar Health 1.055
Journal of Transportation Engineering 0.983
Civil Engineering and Environmental Systems 0.977
Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice 0.971
Advances in Structural Engineering 0.968
KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering 0.940
Latin American Journal of Solids and Structures 94
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering 0.869
Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration 0.847
Advances in Civil Engineering 0.827
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Energy 0.771
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Maritime Engineering 0.765
Advanced Steel Construction 0.737
International Journal of Steel Structures 0.734
Beton- Und Stahlbetonbau 0.717
Transportation Research Record 0.695
Journal of Cold Regions Engineering 0.688
China Ocean Engineering 0.674
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Structures and Buildings 0.674
Periodica Polytechnica-Civil Engineering 0.636
Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering 0.622
Structural Engineering International 0.621
Journal American Water Works Association 0.599
Gradevinar 0.515
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology-Transactions of Civil Engineering 0.514
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Municipal Engineer 0.500
Bauingenieur 0.477
International Journal of Offshore and Polar Engineering 0.469
Revista De La Construccion 0.438
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Water Management 0.431
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Civil Engineering 0.409
Gefahrstoffe Reinhaltung Der Luft 0.333
Stahlbau 0.321
Bautechnik 0.291
Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Transport 0.239
Naval Engineers Journal 0.232
Journal of the South African Institution of Civil Engineering 0.222
Tecnologia Y Ciencias Del Agua 0.216
ITE Journal-Institute of Transportation Engineers 0.200
Engineering Journal-American Institute of Steel Construction 0.194
Teknik Dergi 0.184
Civil Engineering 0.182