学习 Vulkan 足迹





1、  安装CMake, 然后

2、 学习 Vulkan 足迹_第1张图片

3、  找到安装路径,和新建的build路径。

4、  默认安装VulkanSDK-, 把glm- 和 gli-master 里边文件全部Copy到G:\AllOpenSource\VulkanTutorial\VlukanExample\Vulkan\external下的glm和gli文件夹里

5、 学习 Vulkan 足迹_第2张图片

6、 The LunarGVulkan SDK For Windows is a self-extracting installer. Run the downloaded .exe file to install the SDK. The default SDK install location is C:\VulkanSDK\version.

7、 Installingthe LunarG Vulkan SDK sets the system environment variable VULKAN_SDK to the directory in which the SDK is installed, which will looklike C:\VulkanSDK\, but withthe version number being the version that was installed. Installing the LunarGVulkan SDK also prepends %VULKAN_SDK%\Bin (%VULKAN_SDK%\Bin32 on 32-bit Windows) to the systemPATH environment variable. The system environment variable VK_SDK_PATH is set to the same value as VULKAN_SDK for compatibility with prior releases. Note that programs andcommand shells that were running during installation may not see the updatedenvironment variables until they are restarted.

8、 The Vulkanloader, vulkan-1.dll, isinstalled in C:\Windows\System32. This willbe a 32-bit DLL on 32-bit Windows targets and a 64-bit DLL on 64-bit Windowstargets. 64-bit targets will also have the 32-bit Vulkan loader (of the samename) installed in C:\Windows\SysWOW64. Vulkanapplications will find and use the appropriate library by default.

9、  在项目解决方案上右键属性

10、     学习 Vulkan 足迹_第3张图片        

11、             把lib 的附加库目录加入。

12、             自己电脑是64位在Cmake里一定选vs2017 64位,

13、             学习 Vulkan 足迹_第4张图片


15、             无法启动此程序,因为计算机中丢失assimp-vc140-mt.dll。尝试重新安装该程序以解决此问题

16、             学习 Vulkan 足迹_第5张图片

 学习 Vulkan 足迹_第6张图片


 学习 Vulkan 足迹_第7张图片


