1. 简介
函数 | 作用 | 文档 |
remove(beg,end,val) |
删除[beg ,end )内所有等于val 的元素。注意,该函数不是真正删除函数。 |
remove() |
remove_if(beg,end,pred) |
删除[beg ,end )内pred 结果为true 的元素。 |
remove_if() |
remove_copy(beg,end,res,val) |
将所有不等于val 元素复制到res ,返回OutputIterator 指向被拷贝的末元素的下一个位置。 |
remove_copy() |
remove_copy_if(beg,end,res,pred) |
将所有使pred 结果为true 的元素拷贝到res 。 |
remove_copy_if() |
2. 示例代码
- remove
// remove algorithm example
#include // std::cout
#include // std::remove
int main () {
int myints[] = {10,20,30,30,20,10,10,20}; // 10 20 30 30 20 10 10 20
// bounds of range:
int* pbegin = myints; // ^
int* pend = myints+sizeof(myints)/sizeof(int); // ^ ^
pend = std::remove (pbegin, pend, 20); // 10 30 30 10 10 ? ? ?
// ^ ^
std::cout << "range contains:";
for (int* p=pbegin; p!=pend; ++p)
std::cout << ' ' << *p;
std::cout << '\n';
return 0;
- remove_if
// remove_if example
#include // std::cout
#include // std::remove_if
bool IsOdd (int i) { return ((i%2)==1); }
int main () {
int myints[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9}; // 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
// bounds of range:
int* pbegin = myints; // ^
int* pend = myints+sizeof(myints)/sizeof(int); // ^ ^
pend = std::remove_if (pbegin, pend, IsOdd); // 2 4 6 8 ? ? ? ? ?
// ^ ^
std::cout << "the range contains:";
for (int* p=pbegin; p!=pend; ++p)
std::cout << ' ' << *p;
std::cout << '\n';
return 0;
- remove_copy
// remove_copy example
#include // std::cout
#include // std::remove_copy
#include // std::vector
int main () {
int myints[] = {10,20,30,30,20,10,10,20}; // 10 20 30 30 20 10 10 20
std::vector myvector (8);
std::remove_copy (myints,myints+8,myvector.begin(),20); // 10 30 30 10 10 0 0 0
std::cout << "myvector contains:";
for (std::vector::iterator it=myvector.begin(); it!=myvector.end(); ++it)
std::cout << ' ' << *it;
std::cout << '\n';
return 0;
- remove_copy_if
// remove_copy_if example
#include // std::cout
#include // std::remove_copy_if
#include // std::vector
bool IsOdd (int i) { return ((i%2)==1); }
int main () {
int myints[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
std::vector myvector (9);
std::remove_copy_if (myints,myints+9,myvector.begin(),IsOdd);
std::cout << "myvector contains:";
for (std::vector::iterator it=myvector.begin(); it!=myvector.end(); ++it)
std::cout << ' ' << *it;
std::cout << '\n';
return 0;