Turtle Graphics

Turtle graphics is an interesting and easy way to learn basic programming concepts. The Python turtle graphics system simulates a “turtle” that obeys commands to draw simple graphics.

import the turtle module(导入包)

>>> import turtle

display the turtle in its window(showturtle())

>>> import turtle
>>> turtle.showturtle()

Turtle Graphics_第1张图片

Drawing Lines(直线)

>>> import turtle
>>> turtle.forward(200)

Turtle Graphics_第2张图片

turning the degree (改变乌龟方向)

>>> import turtle
>>> turtle.forward(200)
>>> turtle.right(90)
>>> turtle.forward(200)
>>> turtle.right(90)
>>> turtle.forward(200)
>>> turtle.right(90)
>>> turtle.forward(200)

Turtle Graphics_第3张图片

Setting the Turtle’s Heading to a Specific Angle(设置方向)

>>> import turtle
>>> turtle.forward(100)
>>> turtle.setheading(30)
>>> turtle.forward(50)
>>> turtle.setheading(180)
>>> turtle.forward(100)
>>> turtle.setheading(210)
>>> turtle.forward(50)

Turtle Graphics_第4张图片

  • 乌龟方向初始方向为水平向右
  • 每次调用setheading()函数,乌龟方向都以初始方向为基准,逆时针旋转指定的角度

Getting the Turtle’s Current Heading(获取当前乌龟的方向角度)

>>> import turtle
>>> turtle.heading()
>>> turtle.setheading(145)
>>> turtle.heading()

Moving the Pen Up and Down(提笔、落笔)

>>> import turtle
>>> turtle.forward(100)
>>> turtle.penup()
>>> turtle.forward(50)
>>> turtle.pendown()
>>> turtle.forward(100)

Turtle Graphics_第5张图片

Drawing Circles(画圆)

>>> import turtle
>>> turtle.circle(100)

Turtle Graphics_第6张图片

  • 有乌龟移动的动画过程
  • 参数为设置圆的半径

Drawing Dots

>>> import turtle
>>> turtle.forward(100)
>>> turtle.dot()
>>> turtle.forward(100)

Turtle Graphics_第7张图片

Changing the Pen Size(调整画笔粗细)

>>> import turtle
>>> turtle.forward(100)
>>> turtle.dot()
>>> turtle.pensize(10)
>>> turtle.forward(100)

Turtle Graphics_第8张图片

  • 默认为1px

Changing the Drawing Color(改变画笔颜色)

>>> import turtle
>>> turtle.forward(100)
>>> turtle.pencolor('red')
>>> turtle.forward(100)

Turtle Graphics_第9张图片

Changing the Drawing Color(改变画板背景)

>>> import turtle
>>> turtle.bgcolor('black')
>>> turtle.pencolor('white')
>>> turtle.forward(100)

Turtle Graphics_第10张图片

Resetting the Screen(重置画板)

command all drawings drawing color to black the turtle to its original position background color to white
turtle.reset() ×
turtle.clear() × × ×

Specifying the Size of the Graphics Window(指定画板大小)

>>> turtle.setup(400, 400)

Moving the Turtle to a Specific Location(将乌龟移动到指定位置)

>>> turtle.goto(0, 100)
>>> turtle.goto(100, 0)
>>> turtle.goto(0, 0)

Turtle Graphics_第11张图片

Getting the Turtle’s Current Position(获取当前坐标)

>>> turtle.goto(150, 150)
>>> turtle.pos()
>>> turtle.xcor()
>>> turtle.ycor()

Controlling the Turtle’s Animation Speed (控制绘图速度)

>>> turtle.speed(0)
>>> turtle.circle(50)
>>> turtle.speed(5)
>>> turtle.circle(100)


get the current animation speed(获取当前绘图速度)

>>> turtle.speed()

Hiding the Turtle(隐藏、显示乌龟)

>>> turtle.hideturtle()
>>> turtle.showturtle()

Displaying Text in the Graphics Window(绘制文本)

>>> turtle.write('Hello World!')

Turtle Graphics_第12张图片

Filling Shapes(涂色)

>>> turtle.fillcolor('blue')
>>> turtle.begin_fill()
>>> turtle.circle(100)
>>> turtle.end_fill()
>>> turtle.hideturtle()

Turtle Graphics_第13张图片

Predefined Named Colors(预设颜色参考)

‘snow’ ‘ghost white’ ‘white smoke’
‘gainsboro’ ‘floral white’ ‘old lace’
‘linen’ ‘antique white’ ‘papaya whip’
‘blanched almond’ ‘bisque’ ‘peach puff’
‘navajo white’ ‘lemon chiffon’ ‘mint cream’
‘azure’ ‘alice blue’ ‘lavender’
‘lavender blush’ ‘misty rose’ ‘dark slate gray’
‘dim gray’ ‘slate gray’ ‘light slate gray’
‘gray’ ‘light grey’ ‘midnight blue’
‘navy’ ‘cornflower blue’ ‘dark slate blue’
‘slate blue’ ‘medium slate blue’ ‘light slate blue’
‘medium blue’ ‘royal blue’ ‘blue’
‘dodger blue’ ‘deep sky blue’ ‘sky blue’
‘light sky blue’ ‘steel blue’ ‘light steel blue’
‘light blue’ ‘powder blue’ ‘pale turquoise’
‘dark turquoise’ ‘medium turquoise’ ‘turquoise’
‘cyan’ ‘light cyan’ ‘cadet blue’
‘medium aquamarine’ ‘aquamarine’ ‘dark green’
‘dark olive green’ ‘dark sea green’ ‘sea green’
‘medium sea green’ ‘light sea green’ ‘pale green’
‘spring green’ ‘lawn green’ ‘medium spring green’‘green yellow’ ‘lime green’ ‘yellow green’
‘forest green’ ‘olive drab’ ‘dark khaki’
‘khaki’ ‘pale goldenrod’ ‘light goldenrod yellow’
‘light yellow’ ‘yellow’ ‘gold’
‘light goldenrod’ ‘goldenrod’ ‘dark goldenrod’
‘rosy brown’ ‘indian red’ ‘saddle brown’
‘sandy brown’ ‘dark salmon’ ‘salmon’
‘light salmon’ ‘orange’ ‘dark orange’
‘coral’ ‘light coral’ ‘tomato’
‘orange red’ ‘red’ ‘hot pink’
‘deep pink’ ‘pink’ ‘light pink’
‘pale violet red’ ‘maroon’ ‘medium violet red’
‘violet red’ ‘medium orchid’ ‘dark orchid’
‘dark violet’ ‘blue violet’ ‘purple’
‘medium purple’ ‘thistle’ ‘snow2’
‘snow3’ ‘snow4’ ‘seashell2’
‘seashell3’ ‘seashell4’ ‘AntiqueWhite1’
‘AntiqueWhite2’ ‘AntiqueWhite3’ ‘AntiqueWhite4’
‘bisque2’ ‘bisque3’ ‘bisque4’
‘PeachPuff2’ ‘PeachPuff3’ ‘PeachPuff4’
‘NavajoWhite2’ ‘NavajoWhite3’ ‘NavajoWhite4’
‘LemonChiffon2’ ‘LemonChiffon3’ ‘LemonChiffon4’
‘cornsilk2’ ‘cornsilk3’ ‘cornsilk4’
‘ivory2’ ‘ivory3’ ‘ivory4’
‘honeydew2’ ‘honeydew3’ ‘honeydew4’
‘LavenderBlush2’ ‘LavenderBlush3’ ‘LavenderBlush4’
‘MistyRose2’ ‘MistyRose3’ ‘MistyRose4’
‘azure2’ ‘azure3’ ‘azure4’
‘SlateBlue1’ ‘SlateBlue2’ ‘SlateBlue3’
‘SlateBlue4’ ‘RoyalBlue1’ ‘RoyalBlue2’
‘RoyalBlue3’ ‘RoyalBlue4’ ‘blue2’
‘blue4’ ‘DodgerBlue2’ ‘DodgerBlue3’
‘DodgerBlue4’ ‘SteelBlue1’ ‘SteelBlue2’
‘SteelBlue3’ ‘SteelBlue4’ ‘DeepSkyBlue2’
‘DeepSkyBlue3’ ‘DeepSkyBlue4’ ‘SkyBlue1’
‘SkyBlue2’ ‘SkyBlue3’ ‘SkyBlue4’‘LightSkyBlue1’ ‘LightSkyBlue2’ ‘LightSkyBlue3’
‘LightSkyBlue4’ ‘SlateGray1’ ‘SlateGray2’
‘SlateGray3’ ‘SlateGray4’ ‘LightSteelBlue1’
‘LightSteelBlue2’ ‘LightSteelBlue3’ ‘LightSteelBlue4’
‘LightBlue1’ ‘LightBlue2’ ‘LightBlue3’
‘LightBlue4’ ‘LightCyan2’ ‘LightCyan3’
‘LightCyan4’ ‘PaleTurquoise1’ ‘PaleTurquoise2’
‘PaleTurquoise3’ ‘PaleTurquoise4’ ‘CadetBlue1’
‘CadetBlue2’ ‘CadetBlue3’ ‘CadetBlue4’
‘turquoise1’ ‘turquoise2’ ‘turquoise3’
‘turquoise4’ ‘cyan2’ ‘cyan3’
‘cyan4’ ‘DarkSlateGray1’ ‘DarkSlateGray2’
‘DarkSlateGray3’ ‘DarkSlateGray4’ ‘aquamarine2’
‘aquamarine4’ ‘DarkSeaGreen1’ ‘DarkSeaGreen2’
‘DarkSeaGreen3’ ‘DarkSeaGreen4’ ‘SeaGreen1’
‘SeaGreen2’ ‘SeaGreen3’ ‘PaleGreen1’
‘PaleGreen2’ ‘PaleGreen3’ ‘PaleGreen4’
‘SpringGreen2’ ‘SpringGreen3’ ‘SpringGreen4’
‘green2’ ‘green3’ ‘green4’
‘chartreuse2’ ‘chartreuse3’ ‘chartreuse4’
‘OliveDrab1’ ‘OliveDrab2’ ‘OliveDrab4’
‘DarkOliveGreen1’ ‘DarkOliveGreen2’ ‘DarkOliveGreen3’
‘DarkOliveGreen4’ ‘khaki1’ ‘khaki2’
‘khaki3’ ‘khaki4’ ‘LightGoldenrod1’
‘LightGoldenrod2’ ‘LightGoldenrod3’ ‘LightGoldenrod4’
‘LightYellow2’ ‘LightYellow3’ ‘LightYellow4’
‘yellow2’ ‘yellow3’ ‘yellow4’
‘gold2’ ‘gold3’ ‘gold4’
‘goldenrod1’ ‘goldenrod2’ ‘goldenrod3’
‘goldenrod4’ ‘DarkGoldenrod1’ ‘DarkGoldenrod2’
‘DarkGoldenrod3’ ‘DarkGoldenrod4’ ‘RosyBrown1’
‘RosyBrown2’ ‘RosyBrown3’ ‘RosyBrown4’
‘IndianRed1’ ‘IndianRed2’ ‘IndianRed3’
‘IndianRed4’ ‘sienna1’ ‘sienna2’
‘sienna3’ ‘sienna4’ ‘burlywood1’‘burlywood2’ ‘burlywood3’ ‘burlywood4’
‘wheat1’ ‘wheat2’ ‘wheat3’
‘wheat4’ ‘tan1’ ‘tan2’
‘tan4’ ‘chocolate1’ ‘chocolate2’
‘chocolate3’ ‘firebrick1’ ‘firebrick2’
‘firebrick3’ ‘firebrick4’ ‘brown1’
‘brown2’ ‘brown3’ ‘brown4’
‘salmon1’ ‘salmon2’ ‘salmon3’
‘salmon4’ ‘LightSalmon2’ ‘LightSalmon3’
‘LightSalmon4’ ‘orange2’ ‘orange3’
‘orange4’ ‘DarkOrange1’ ‘DarkOrange2’
‘DarkOrange3’ ‘DarkOrange4’ ‘coral1’
‘coral2’ ‘coral3’ ‘coral4’
‘tomato2’ ‘tomato3’ ‘tomato4’
‘OrangeRed2’ ‘OrangeRed3’ ‘OrangeRed4’
‘red2’ ‘red3’ ‘red4’
‘DeepPink2’ ‘DeepPink3’ ‘DeepPink4’
‘HotPink1’ ‘HotPink2’ ‘HotPink3’
‘HotPink4’ ‘pink1’ ‘pink2’
‘pink3’ ‘pink4’ ‘LightPink1’
‘LightPink2’ ‘LightPink3’ ‘LightPink4’
‘PaleVioletRed1’ ‘PaleVioletRed2’ ‘PaleVioletRed3’
‘PaleVioletRed4’ ‘maroon1’ ‘maroon2’
‘maroon3’ ‘maroon4’ ‘VioletRed1’
‘VioletRed2’ ‘VioletRed3’ ‘VioletRed4’
‘magenta2’ ‘magenta3’ ‘magenta4’
‘orchid1’ ‘orchid2’ ‘orchid3’
‘orchid4’ ‘plum1’ ‘plum2’
‘plum3’ ‘plum4’ ‘MediumOrchid1’
‘MediumOrchid2’ ‘MediumOrchid3’ ‘MediumOrchid4’
‘DarkOrchid1’ ‘DarkOrchid2’ ‘DarkOrchid3’
‘DarkOrchid4’ ‘purple1’ ‘purple2’
‘purple3’ ‘purple4’ ‘MediumPurple1’
‘MediumPurple2’ ‘MediumPurple3’ ‘MediumPurple4’
‘thistle1’ ‘thistle2’ ‘thistle3’
‘thistle4’ ‘gray1’ ‘gray2’‘gray3’ ‘gray4’ ‘gray5’
‘gray6’ ‘gray7’ ‘gray8’
‘gray9’ ‘gray10’ ‘gray11’
‘gray12’ ‘gray13’ ‘gray14’
‘gray15’ ‘gray16’ ‘gray17’
‘gray18’ ‘gray19’ ‘gray20’
‘gray21’ ‘gray22’ ‘gray23’
‘gray24’ ‘gray25’ ‘gray26’
‘gray27’ ‘gray28’ ‘gray29’
‘gray30’ ‘gray31’ ‘gray32’
‘gray33’ ‘gray34’ ‘gray35’
‘gray36’ ‘gray37’ ‘gray38’
‘gray39’ ‘gray40’ ‘gray42’
‘gray43’ ‘gray44’ ‘gray45’
‘gray46’ ‘gray47’ ‘gray48’
‘gray49’ ‘gray50’ ‘gray51’
‘gray52’ ‘gray53’ ‘gray54’
‘gray55’ ‘gray56’ ‘gray57’
‘gray58’ ‘gray59’ ‘gray60’
‘gray61’ ‘gray62’ ‘gray63’
‘gray64’ ‘gray65’ ‘gray66’
‘gray67’ ‘gray68’ ‘gray69’
‘gray70’ ‘gray71’ ‘gray72’
‘gray73’ ‘gray74’ ‘gray75’
‘gray76’ ‘gray77’ ‘gray78’
‘gray79’ ‘gray80’ ‘gray81’
‘gray82’ ‘gray83’ ‘gray84’
‘gray85’ ‘gray86’ ‘gray87’
‘gray88’ ‘gray89’ ‘gray90’
‘gray91’ ‘gray92’ ‘gray93’
‘gray94’ ‘gray95’ ‘gray97’
‘gray98’ ‘gray99’

[1] Tony Gaddis,Starting Out with Python[M],United Kingdom: Pearson,2019
