



第一段:China is cracking down on imports of consumer goods by overseas personal shoppers and seeking to replace them with imports via ecommerce websites that can be taxed, providing opportunities for foreign brands in a fast-growing $23bn market. Chinese consumers have for years relied on compatriots travelling or living abroad to buy goods for them—from infant powdered milk to luxury handbags—due to a lack of availability at home, high tariffs and the perception that foreign goods are safer.


第一句:China is cracking down on imports of consumer goods by overseas personal shoppers and seeking to replace them with imports via ecommerce websites that can be taxed, providing opportunities for foreign brands in a fast-growing $23bn market. 


1. 句子结构分析:核心成分是China is cracking down on imports and seeking to replace them。China是主语,is cracking down on是谓语,imports of consumer goods是宾语,by overseas personal shoppers是宾语补足语,and连接的是并列结构,所以seeking to 与cracking down on是并列谓语,replace them with imports是seeking to的目的,via是介词,表示通过,that can be taxed是定语从句,修饰前面的ecommerce websites,providing引导的是伴随状语,表影响。

2. crack down on sth.意为“制裁,镇压”,在文中表示中国对海外代购这种行为的整顿。


The US and European Union have complained that Beijing is not doing enough to crack down on intellectual property theft. 


再比如,“中国严打贪腐”就可以这样说:The Chinese government is cracking down on corruption.

3. crack作动词时,意为“破裂,打开;(使…)开裂;说(笑话);开瓶”,其同义词有:break,crush,split。①break强调将某件东西扯、撕或击成碎片,可以针对具体的东西,也可以指抽象事物的整体或部分被破坏。例:If you break the cup, you'll have to pay for it. 如果你打碎那个茶杯,你得赔偿。②crack通常指某物出现裂纹或裂成碎片,尤指为得到或使用某物内部的东西而将其砸开。例:The little boy failed to crack the walnut. 小男孩没能砸开核桃。③crush指较大的外力将某物压坏、压碎、压扁等。例:The tree fell and crushed my car. 树倒了,把我的车压坏了。④split指(使)某物顺着直线方向裂开或撕裂。例:Her coat split along the seam. 她的外套顺着接缝裂开了。

4. tax做动词时,意为“使负重担;消耗精力;向…征税;责备,谴责”,作名词时,意为“税,税额;负担”,在原文中tax做动词。我们大家都知道2018快过去了,每个公司都会有年终奖,但年终奖也是需要交税的,此时我们可以这样表达Year-end bonuses are generally taxed. 年终奖金一般需要交税。

5. provide sth. for sb.为某人提供某物;也可以说provide sb. with sth.为某人提供某物。原文中的句子可以改为providing foreign brands with opportunities,但在外刊中一般常用的是provide sth. for sb.。

第二句:Chinese consumers have for years relied on compatriots travelling or living abroad to buy goods for them—from infant powdered milk to luxury handbags—due to a lack of availability at home, high tariffs and the perceptionthat foreign goods are safer.


1. 句子结构分析:核心成分是Chinese consumers have relied on compatriots to buy goods. Chinese consumers是主语,have relied on是谓语,for years是时间状语,compatriots是宾语,travelling or living abroad现在分词做后置定语,修饰前面的compatriots,from infant powdered milk to luxury handbags是对前面goods的补充解释,due to引导的是原因状语从句,at home地点状语,that引导的是同位语从句,解释说明perception,同位语从句里面foreign goods从句中的主语,are是系动词,safer是表语。

2. 破折号的作用是为了使句子结构更加清晰,也是为了对前文做一个补充说明的作用,如果去掉破折号会显得句子很冗长且不易理解。

3. a lack of意为“缺乏,缺少”。在原文中是指国内缺乏一些商品,但我们不能这么直译,需要灵活变通,既然缺乏,那么就表示这些商品不易买到,所以原句我们可以正译反说,肯定变为否定,翻译为“由于一些商品在国内不易买到”。

4. due to后面一般跟不好的词汇,比如原文中说的商品不易买到,关税高等都属于不太好的事情。所以我们可以学到这样一个句型,due to+不好的词汇(+that引导的同位语从句)。Due是高频词,可以表示原因。

如Most of the problems were due to human error.


第二段:A new law aimed at holding ecommerce platforms responsible for fraudulent goods sold by vendors on their sites, which is due to take effect in January, requires all daigou who advertise online to register with the government and pay full import taxes. In recent months, customs have stepped up airport checks, while Chinese courts have jailed several merchants for up to 10 years for tax evasion.


第一句:A new law aimed at holding ecommerce platforms responsible for fraudulent goods sold by vendors on their sites, which is due to take effect in January, requires all daigou who advertise online to register with the government and pay full import taxes.


1. 句子结构分析:核心成分是A new law requires daigou to register... and pay.... A new law是主语,aimed at holding ecommerce platforms是过去分词做后置定语,修饰前面的law,responsible形容词,修饰的是前面的ecommerce platforms,sold是过去分词做后置定语,修饰的是前面的goods,意为销售出去的产品,on their sites是地点状语,which引导的是非限制性定语从句,修饰的是主语A new law,这是远离的非限定,in January是时间状语,requires是谓语,all daigou是宾语,who advertise online定语从句修饰的是前面的先行词daigou,register和pay是并列成分。

2. due to意为“由于;因为;欠下债[账],应给予;应归于”。在原文中,是表示将要做什么的意思,上面刚遇到了这个due to,这个高频词有很多用法,

比如说什么时候开始上学,我们就可以说My daughter is due to start school in June. 我女儿六月份就要开始上学了。

还比如可以说到期,Payment is due on 1 October. 付款期限为10月1日。

还可以表示应得I'm still due 15 day's leave. 我还应有15天的休假。

She's due for promotion soon. 她很快该晋升了。

在名词的时候,可以表示应有的权利;应得到的东西,是不可数名词,如He received a large reward, which was no more than his due (= than what he deserved) .他得到重赏,这也是他应该得到的。

She's a slow worker, but to give her her due (= to be fair to her) , she does try very hard.


在做名词可数的时候dues表示应缴款(如俱乐部会费),如 to pay your dues交你的会费

还有习惯用法,比如in due course在适当的时候;到一定的时候 ,比如Your request will be dealt with in due course.你的要求将在适当的时候予以处理。

with all due respect(formal) (通常在表示强烈不同意之前说)恕我直言 ,如With all due respect, the figures simply do not support you on this. 恕我直言,这些数字根本不能支持你的观点。

3. daigou代购。我们现在在说代购时,指的是帮忙在国外买东西的人。既可以用汉语拼音daigou来表示,也可以说 overseas personal shopper。这样的写法已经收录在牛津词典里,比如:







4. require做动词,意为“要求,需要”。可以说require sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事,也可以说require sth,例:These pets require a lot of care and attention. 这些宠物需要悉心照顾。

第二句:In recent months, customs have stepped up airport checks, while Chinese courts have jailed several merchants for up to 10 years for tax evasion.


1. 句子结构分析:核心成分是customs have stepped up airport checks。In recent months是时间状语,customs做主语,have stepped up是谓语,airport checks是宾语,while引导的是时间状语从句,Chinese courts做从句的主语,have jailed做从句的谓语,several merchants是从句的宾语,for up to 10 years做从句的时间状语,for tax evasion是原因状语。

2. step up意为“走上;(使)增加;(使)加快速度;走上前去”,在原文中意为加强加大检查力度。在高斋CATTI和MTI汉译英课程里面就经常见到这个表达,比如中非双方不断加强协调和配合。China and Africa have stepped up coordination and collaboration

3. jail做名词时,意为“监狱;拘留所”,做动词时,意为“监禁;拘留”,在原文中,jail做的是动词意思。

4. jailed several merchants for up to 10 years for,我们可以在这里学到一个很好的句子表达,jail sb. for +时间+for 原因,表示某人因为什么而被判处多少年的徒刑。例:Chinese courts have jailed several officials for up to 20 years for corruption.多名贪官污吏因贪腐被中国法院判处长达20年徒刑。
