Day6, Page60-70

Part 1 字词

1、I did my best to keep up with what was going on on the screen,...

keep up with 紧跟,齐头并进

be going on 进展,发生 eg: What's going on?发生什么了?怎么了?

例句:She was skipping to keep up with him.

造句:I had to keep up with him, because I don't know the way.

2、...and I have to admit, I'm a little jealous.

jealous 嫉妒的,羡慕的

例句:She was jealous of his wealth.

造句:I was jealous when he kissed her.

3、I still haven't figure out what I'm gonna go as tomorrow night,...


gotta的原型是have got to,表示“必须”、“要”等意思。

eg: I gotta run = I have got to run 我要走了。 

gonna的原型是going to,表示“将要”的意思。

如I am gonna leave = I am going to leave 我要离开了。 

wanna的原型是want to,表示“想要做某事”的意思。

如I wanna go shopping = I want to go shopping 我想去逛街。

例句:Your mama and I are gonna miss you at Christmas.

造句:I am gonna play some chess now.

4、Dad tried to squirm out of it, but once Mom makes up her mind, there's no way you can chang it.

squirm out 逃脱  squirm 局促不安的,扭动,蠕动

例句:Now you promised to help me with my housework? Don't try to squirm out of it.

造句:Don't try to squirm out of your father's preaching.

5、...all our candy would have gotten soaked.

(get)soaked 被浸泡

例句:My goodness, you're soaked through. Where's your car?

造句:My tent got soaked last night in the storm.

Part 2 仿写

1、...but once Mom makes up her mind, there's no way you can chang it.

结构:once...make up mind, way ... 一旦下定决心,甭想...

造句:Once you make up your minds, you must go forward and no way to go back.

2、I yelled out something that I regretted about two second later.

句式:I regretted about two second later 两秒后我就后悔了

造句:I yelled at my Dad and told him leave my along, but I regretted about two second later.

Part 3 日记

Today, I saw Eric published a picture, this picture shows play-by-play that, how many people punch in every day. I'm disappointed that the nummber not half all sign up. It's touched off my thinking, Someone said that if you put your hand to do it, you will be success one half. This data proves it. I'll do my best to keep up with the team utill the end.

you can kind of tell because some people was busy with their work, yes, I admit I am often at leisure, but I think those people first do one thing be good, not everything.

问题:①“不及报名人数的一半”不知道表达是否正确。②“我(工作)很清闲”不知道写的对否,觉得i'm free不合适吧?③“先做好一件事”想强调这个'好'时,不知道如何表达。以上都查过词典及谷歌,都没有准确的解释这些细节问题,谢谢老师帮忙指点!

Part 4 生词及其他知识点

1、play-by-play 详细报道

2、flamethrower 火焰喷射器

3、full effect 充分发挥作用

4、costume 指戏剧服装,万圣节、化妆舞会服装,也指某一历史时期的服装。

【区分】suit 偏重指套装,职业装 ; clothes 指一般常穿的衣服(泛指)

5、and plus 再加上

6、spooky decoration 幽灵般的装饰

7、pajamas [pə'dʒɑ:məz] n. 睡衣裤

8、roaring down 呼啸

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