服飾進銷存~操作說明《客戶訂貨》. finger-POS ~ Customer orders.

Instructions for 《 Customer orders 》of the finger-POS(for clothings sales).

1. 如何操作客戶的訂貨
How to operate customer orders

服飾進銷存~操作說明《客戶訂貨》. finger-POS ~ Customer orders._第1张图片

2. 如何《修改》或《移除》一筆客戶訂貨
How to 《modify》 or 《remove》 a customer order

服飾進銷存~操作說明《客戶訂貨》. finger-POS ~ Customer orders._第2张图片

3. 編輯客戶訂貨時, 一個輸入框用來備註《商品的顏色尺碼件數》, 一個輸入框用來作為《到貨備註》
When editing customer orders, an input box for 《recording the number of colors and sizes of the product》, an input box is used as a note for the 《arrival of the goods》

服飾進銷存~操作說明《客戶訂貨》. finger-POS ~ Customer orders._第3张图片

4. 編輯客戶訂貨時, 可以選客戶, 也可以不選
When editing customer orders, customers can be selected or not

服飾進銷存~操作說明《客戶訂貨》. finger-POS ~ Customer orders._第4张图片

5. 選擇要訂哪個商品, 必選!
Select which product you want to order. Required!

服飾進銷存~操作說明《客戶訂貨》. finger-POS ~ Customer orders._第5张图片

6. 客戶訂貨資料, 方便在進貨時, 核對需要進貨的商品
Customer order, it is convenient to check the goods that need to be purchased at the time of purchase

服飾進銷存~操作說明《客戶訂貨》. finger-POS ~ Customer orders._第6张图片

7. 已完成的客戶訂貨, 可以移除
Completed customer orders can be removed

服飾進銷存~操作說明《客戶訂貨》. finger-POS ~ Customer orders._第7张图片

你可能感兴趣的:(服飾進銷存~操作說明《客戶訂貨》. finger-POS ~ Customer orders.)