

1. off the top of my head 直接从脑袋瓜子里蹦出来

     △ That rhyme just came right off the top of my head.我脑子随便一转就想出来这么押韵的句子。

     △ I can't recall anything off the top of my head. 我一时还真想不起来。

     △ You can start a speech with either a joke or a lie. Since I can't think of any jokes off the top of my head. I would just say you guys are awesome. (其实还是个玩笑嘛哈哈哈)

2. discolored 变色了的(用在牙上面是颜色变深,其他地方也可能是褪色了)

     △ The paintwork on the body of the cars has become discolored.

dis- 否定前缀(想起昨天的send,unsend,together,untogehter)

※ 联想 disabled,disorganized杂乱无章的,dispirited 垂头丧气的,disillusioned大失所望的

3. get to the bottom of it 弄个水落石出

     △ It's time we stop goofing around and get to the bottom of it.

4.  out-of-pocket expense 自费部分

5. due for=it's time for...

    △ You're due for a checkup.

    △ He is not due for release until 2020.

6. give sth a once over 

① 匆匆看一眼 He gave the paper a once-over before he turned it in.

② 匆匆打扫  She gave the room a quick once-over before the guests arrived. 

7. figment of my imagination 我的幻想

     △ Was that girl wearing no blouse or was it a figment of my imagination

8. act up 

     ① 犯毛病,运转不正常  How long has your ankle been acting up? 

     ② 孩子捣蛋耍脾气 I could hear my daughter acting up downstairs. 

9. My stomach is killing me. It must have been the spicy 螺蛳粉!我胃疼得要命,肯定是因为吃了超辣的螺蛳粉!(句子很简单,不需要把eat翻译出来)

10. break out 出疹子,发痘痘

      △ Emily was horrified when her face broke out just before the prom.

11. any number of things 啥都有可能

       △ That back room can be used for any number of things.

12. for starters= first of all

13. hit the nail on the head 正中要害 (※联想 nail it)

14. 问药剂师觉得是什么病 What do you think it could be?

15. 问药剂师应该吃什么药 What do you recommend he take for it? 注意吃药绝对不是eat!

16. on 服用药物 Is he on anything now?

17. better safe than sorry 多加小心好过事后后悔,小心驶得万年船 

※联想  prevention is better than cure(美式an ounce of prevention is better than a pound of ˈcure)预防优于补救;防患于未然是上策

              better late than never

              one is still better than none

              better the devil you know(than you don't)熟悉的魔鬼比不熟悉的魔鬼好;不要嫌熟悉的环境不好,换个不熟悉的环境可能更糟

              half a loaf is better than no bread聊胜于无

              two heads are better than ˈone两人智慧胜一人

18. nip sth in the bud 扼杀在摇篮里


      good training course will pre-empt many problems.

19 over-the-counter OTC非处方药, 与prescribed对应

20 worrywart 爱发愁的人

21.anti-反对... pro-赞成

anti Facebook,anti-gun,anti-gay

Are you an anti or a pro?

22. be allergic to 可以幽默得表示不喜欢做什么事

      I'm allergic to housework.


1. checkup layoff 重音在前,如果是phrasal verbs则重音在后

2. ˈonce-over 重音在前

3. anti-  /æni/ /ænt aɪ/

4. probably可以drop一个b


1. pharmacy不只是买药的地方,还有公交卡哦
